The Shroomery Mycology Glossary

This glossary is to serve as a reference for both beginners and the advanced. Please e-mail us if you have any definitions that you feel should be added here.

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saccate of the volva cup or bag-shaped
saprophyte obtaining organic nutrients from dead material
scabrous rough with short projections in the form of granules or scales
sclerotium a (often spherical) aggregate of hyphae often with a hard dark-coloured rind, generally thought to be a resting stage with better capacity for survival than mycelium . It can germinate to produce hyphae, or fruit bodies.
septate divided by cross walls
serrate saw-toothed,used to describe the margin of gills
serrulate finely toothed
sessile without a stalk
sinuate notched used to describe gills which have a notch before attaching to the stem
sphaerocysts globose cells in the flesh of Russulaceae, Hypholoma and Stropharia
spore reproductive structure often of a single rounded cell with a thickened wall that disseminates the fungus
sporophore fungal fruiting body
squamose covered with scales
squamulose covered with minute scales
squamulose covered with very small scales
stellate star-shaped
stem stipe
sterigma the stem at the top of the basidium which bears each spore
stipe stem usually of a toadstool
stipitate with a stem
striate with fine radiating lines or furrows around the cap margin
stroma a hard conglomerate of hyphae , found in some Ascomycetes
subdecurrent where gills run down the stem for only a short distance
subglobose almost spherical
subhymenium differentiated tissue that gives rise to the hymenium
subovoid not quite round
substrate the material on whioch a fungus grows e.g. on wood
subtormentose more or less woolly
sulcate grooved
superior where the ring is attached above the middle of the stem

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