The Shroomery Mycology Glossary

This glossary is to serve as a reference for both beginners and the advanced. Please e-mail us if you have any definitions that you feel should be added here.

You are also invited to pay a visit to The Shroomery Mushroom Glossary.

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caespitose crowded together in a cluster but not attached to each other
campanulate bell shaped
cap top part of a mushroom which bears the fertile tissue
capillitium modified hyphae mixed with spores in the Gasteromycetes
carpophore name given to the stem, cap and gills (fruiting body as a whole)
cartilaginous used to describe consistency of stem tissue; does not bend but breaks with a snap
caulocystidium a cystidium on the stem
cellular where the outermost layer of the cap (cuticle) is made up of spherical cells
cheilocystidium a cystidium on the edge of a gill
chryocystidium a cystidium that stains yellow in KOH or ammonia
cinereous ash grey in colour
clamp connections semi-circular side branches that grow around the septa in many basidiomycetes
clavate club-shaped
concolourous of the same colour
context the flesh of the fungus
convergent used to describe the central tissue of the gill when it curves towards the mid-line
convex used to describe a cap that is regularly rounded or broadly obtuse
coprophilous inhabiting dung
coriaceous leathery
cortina a cob-web like partial veil of silky fibres
crenate scalloped
cuticle the surface layer of the cap or stem, usually distinct from the flesh
cystidium special large sterile cells amongst the basidia on the gills of many fungi – often of distinctive shape and used in classification. Also found on surfaces of cap and stem.

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