The Shroomery Mycology Glossary

This glossary is to serve as a reference for both beginners and the advanced. Please e-mail us if you have any definitions that you feel should be added here.

You are also invited to pay a visit to The Shroomery Mushroom Glossary.

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abruptly bulbous (shape of stipe, i.e. stem, base) a bulbous stipe base with a distinct margin and an upper surface either attached at a right angle to the stipe or sloping upward to the stipe; the upper surface is not shaped like the edge of a saucer as in a marginate-depressed bulb (when the upper surface is attached at a right angle, abruptly bulbous marginate bulb)
acanthocytes needle-like crystalline deposits on the mycelium of certain muchrooms
acrid intensely sharp and burning (peppery)
aculeate having narrow spines; spores of Laccaria which are round and have narrow spines on the outer wall
acute sharp or pointed
adnate used to describe gills attached to the stem for their total width
adnexed gills tapering toward the stem so that their attachment is narrow
aequi-hymeniiferous hymenium having basidia which mature evenly all over the surface of each lamella (from Ainsworth and Bisby, "Dictionary of the Fungi"); in opposition to inaequi-hymeniiferous
Agaric a member of the Agaricaceae (sensu lato); often considered a synonym of the mushroom
alveolate surface of spore or cap (pileus) with broad pits
amyloid blue black when stained with Meltzers iodine
anastomosing gills connected by cross-veins
annulus ring of tissue on the stem left from a torn partial veil; collar
apical pore in certain Gastromycetes, the mouth at the top of the spore case through which the spores are released; in spores, a germ pore
apiculus the projection on a spore by which it is attached to the sterigma (spore stalk)
apothecium open saucer-shaped fruit body in a group of Ascomycetes called Discomycetes
appendiculate used to describe the cap margin when hung with veil fragments
appressed flattened down on a surface
areolate cap surface cracked into plaques or blocks (like dried mud)
ascocarp fruiting body of Ascomycetes
Ascomycete name of fungal group that all bear spores in sac-like cells called asci (see ascus )
ascus the cylindrical or club-shaped spore-producing cell that characterises the Ascomycetes. Contains (usually 8) ascospores
aspect the overall shape of a fruiting body as determined by the portions of its parts
autodigestion self digesting or liquefying. Characteristic of the genus Coprinus

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