The Shroomery Mycology Glossary

This glossary is to serve as a reference for both beginners and the advanced. Please e-mail us if you have any definitions that you feel should be added here.

You are also invited to pay a visit to The Shroomery Mushroom Glossary.

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decurrent gills running down the stem (like chanterelles)
depressed used to describe a cap where the central portion lower than the margin
dextrinoid staining brick red with Meltzers iodine
diaphragm a thin membrane that separates the gleba from the stem in a puffball
dichotomous equally forking into two (used for gills)
dimitic when two types of hyphae are present in tissues of members of Polyporaceae
distant of gills that are widely spaced
divergent used to describe the central flesh of gills where hyphae turn outwards from the mid-line

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