The Shroomery Mycology Glossary

This glossary is to serve as a reference for both beginners and the advanced. Please e-mail us if you have any definitions that you feel should be added here.

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pallid off white
paraphysis a sterile hair like or club-shaped cell found in amongs the asci of Ascomycetes
parasite an heterotrophic organism that needs to obtain its organic nutrients from a living organism
partial veil a membrane of sterile tissue stretching between the edge of the cap and the stem to cover the gills in some agarics during development
pedicel stalk usually used to describe the short stem on puff ball spores
perforate with holes
peridioles largish bodies that contain the spore enclosed within the peridium in the birds nest fungi (Nidulariales) They are dispersed as a unit.
peridium the outer wall of a fungus, especially puffballs
perithecium the flask-shaped fruiting bodies of certain Ascomycetes. They contain asci
peronate of stems ensheathed by a volva
pileus a cap especially in Agarics
pilose with long hairs
plage a smooth area just below the apiculus found on some rough spores
plane flat especially of caps in agarics
pleurocystidium cystidium occurring on the face of a gill
plicate folded like a fan; especially of caps in agarics
popres the orifices of the tubes of Polyporaceae
pruinose covered with a bloom rather like chalk dust; finely powdered
psybucha a fermented drink made of genetically modified yeast producing classical psychedelics and bioluminescent bacteria
psymbiosis the metabolic engineering of human gut microbiota for the biosynthesis of classical psychedelics
pubescent covered with fine short hairs
punctate marked with minute dots points scales or hollows

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