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Registered: 09/04/13
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Experimental outdoor winter soil grow - White Rhino bag seed - Australia
    #731979 - 05/18/14 06:21 AM (10 years, 1 month ago)

Hello hello.

I am based in Melbourne, Australia, and will be undertaking a simple soil grow in pots outdoor over winter of White Rhino bag seed. This will be my second grow after a fairly sub-standard first attempt over summer just gone.

I know most people will say it won't work, but I have a friend (you know who you are) who reckons it is definitely possible, even if it is a much smaller yield, and that he has done it successfully several times.

So, my reasons for this grow are two-fold:

1 - to get in some practise before I attack the next 'real' grow when next summer rolls around

2 - to have a go at a grow journal so I can learn more now and make less mistakes when I take on my summer grow

So, here are my three babies today (unfeminised), germed about two weeks ago and about 10cm/4 inches tall and just starting their third node excluding the cotyledons:

I potted them up today into larger pots (2 x 13 litre and 1 x 9 litre). Once they're well established (if they get that far over winter) I can pot them up from there.

The soil recipe I used is the following (numbers approximate):

- one third potting mix
- one third mushroom compost
- one sixth perlite
- one sixth sheep manure

I'm trying to keep it reasonably cheap. The mix looks pretty good, nice and dark. Have a gander - I'd love to know if the mix sounds ok. I tried plain potting mix in summer and the results were pretty average so I'm trying to step it up a notch.

I potted the boys/girls in the mix, chucked a few bamboo stakes around them and surrounded them with chicken wire to keep any inquisitive possums or whatever out of there while they get a bit stronger. Here's one:

And that's it. They will stay outside over winter now. With the warmer weather of late I'm hoping they can get up and going, building a decent root system before the weather drops into the single digits (celsius that is - I guess 40s in fahrenheit). When things do get very cold I will think about putting them in a greenhouse, or covering them with mulch to retain heat. It's all experimental at the moment so doesn't matter too much. I'm not trying to pull a pound a plant here!

So, any tips or thoughts from you guys would be awesome. I'll keep this updated along the journey. Hope some of you guys follow along and enjoy it.

Cheers :smile:

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Re: Experimental outdoor winter soil grow - White Rhino bag seed - Australia [Re: jimmy_james]
    #732902 - 05/25/14 05:27 AM (10 years, 1 month ago)

OK guys, here is my first update.

We've had a very mild start to winter so far (warmest in a billion years or something), but the last few days have had a little rain so I think my little 'uns have gotten a bit of water. There has also been a bit of a breeze which pushed them down a bit here and there.

I have numbered them for now, and 1 and 2 are looking a little worse for wear. Here are some pics:

Any ideas what might be wrong with them? Is it just maybe a case of being a bit beaten round by the weather?

Here is number 3, who despite a bizarre lean (looks like it's LSTing itself) is looking pretty healthy:

I haven't given them any nutes at this point. Once they hit a few more nodes I will give them a little Seasol and maybe some general fertilizer, and will look at a dose of nitrogen down the track when they are a little bigger and stronger.

Any input or encouragement will be very welcome.

Cheers all, and happy growing.

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Re: Experimental outdoor winter soil grow - White Rhino bag seed - Australia [Re: jimmy_james]
    #732903 - 05/25/14 06:02 AM (10 years, 1 month ago)

:thumbup: mate

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Re: Experimental outdoor winter soil grow - White Rhino bag seed - Australia [Re: scrapske]
    #733120 - 05/27/14 01:45 AM (10 years, 1 month ago)

Update time.

1 and 2 are looking even worse - more shrivelled - and 3 is a little worse for wear but not too bad. With the rain they have all gotten pretty soaked and the soil is drenched - can't be good for the little tackers.

I have moved the three of them into a greenhouse so they can dry out and avoid the upcoming forecast rain. At this point I would have to say I think 1 and 2 ain't gonna make it. 3 should be ok.

Maybe I will leave them in the greenhouse for a few weeks to recover and put on a little size before returning them to the outdoors. I might even chuck in a few more bagseeds to make up for the poor buggers that are in Struggle Town.

Anyone out there grow outdoors in rainy environments? How do you avoid overwatering for your plants? I've got perlite in the mix already but any other suggestions might be useful.

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Re: Experimental outdoor winter soil grow - White Rhino bag seed - Australia [Re: jimmy_james]
    #733141 - 05/27/14 10:20 AM (10 years, 1 month ago)

I would say keep them covered like you're already doing, and perhaps go straight into the soil, I have little outdoor experience but have killed plants in pots when they got rained on where as my plants in the ground survived because they didn't get water logged. I'll be following, good luck with the rains.

No one is free when others are oppressed

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Re: Experimental outdoor winter soil grow - White Rhino bag seed - Australia [Re: Doc]
    #734080 - 06/01/14 05:16 AM (10 years, 1 month ago)

Thanks Doc, I think keeping them out of the weather is the best bet. I can't put them into the ground unfortunately, so I will keep them in a greenhouse.

At this point, numbers 1 and 2 are still looking pretty bad. Here is 1:

I would be very surprised if these two make it.

On the other hand is 3:

3 has picked up and is chugging along nicely.

They have all been in the greenhouse for the last week, out of the rain and avoiding the colder Melbourne temps. I will leave them here until they reach about a foot tall (or until 1 and 2 die) and then relocate them outside. Then the challenge will be getting them through the worst of a wet winter. But if it works and I get a female, I can reveg that puppy and pull a bundle off her next autumn :smile:

Does anyone have any tips for getting 1 and 2 back on track now they are looking so sick? I can write them off but if anyone has tips for resuscitating the little things I am all ears.

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OfflineNorthern Lights
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Re: Experimental outdoor winter soil grow - White Rhino bag seed - Australia [Re: jimmy_james]
    #734423 - 06/03/14 01:14 PM (10 years, 1 month ago)

Hmm number 3 does look like a nice candidate.

No strain name I take it ? just bag seed?


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Re: Experimental outdoor winter soil grow - White Rhino bag seed - Australia [Re: Northern Lights]
    #734584 - 06/04/14 08:00 AM (10 years, 1 month ago)

It's bagseed from some really nice White Rhino I smoked last year. If it packs the same punch as its mum did I will be pretty happy!

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Re: Experimental outdoor winter soil grow - White Rhino bag seed - Australia [Re: jimmy_james]
    #734675 - 06/04/14 06:51 PM (10 years, 1 month ago)

yeah i noticed bagseed germ rates can be pretty dodgy all dependin on seed quality i suppose

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Re: Experimental outdoor winter soil grow - White Rhino bag seed - Australia [Re: scrapske]
    #735442 - 06/08/14 10:18 PM (10 years, 28 days ago)

OK, another update.

1 and 2 are dead as a dog's dinner.

Here is 3:

I have started germing some extras to replace the two that have died. I've noticed germing seems to go a lot slower in winter, even though it's inside, just because the base temperature of the house is a few degrees lower.

3 is looking quite pretty, looking healthy with nice little leaves. I think there a quite a few nutes in the soil mix I put together so I won't be fertilising him/her for a good while yet. Maybe once 3 and my new ones get to about a foot tall I will move them outside and surround them with clear plastic to keep humidity and temps up. If one of these is a girl I will then look to reveg her in summer if everything goes to plan.

Oh yeah, I smoked a little of my grow from these seeds in summer, and two small puffs from the pipe had me nicely buzzed. I'm willing to bet if she's grown well this will produce a very good quality smoke :vaped:

Also, thanks to scrapske, Doc and Northern Lights for dropping in :cheers:

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Re: Experimental outdoor winter soil grow - White Rhino bag seed - Australia [Re: jimmy_james]
    #735447 - 06/08/14 11:07 PM (10 years, 28 days ago)

yea had a feelin #3 would pull through

goodluck with the short light hours here in oz

hope ya got yaself a female there:cool:

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Re: Experimental outdoor winter soil grow - White Rhino bag seed - Australia [Re: scrapske]
    #737214 - 06/22/14 01:06 AM (10 years, 15 days ago)

Alright, here's the latest on my winter grow attempt.

3 is still going very strong. He/she is getting ok sun in the greenhouse and seems to be thriving, even if growth is a little slower than I might expect in summer.

I have two more to replace 1 and 2 who died a few weeks ago. These were germed indoors from the same batch of seeds and have now been planted in 9 litre (I think) pots with the same soil mix as 3. They are named Waxy and Lean.

At this point I am finding the experiment ok. We have had a mild winter here which has no doubt helped to keep temps up in the greenhouse, and at this stage it looks like at least the veg stage is possible throughout winter. As for flowering I can only guess what will happen from here.

Thanks to the guys who are following, I will keep you posted with my progress. Cheers :peace:

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Re: Experimental outdoor winter soil grow - White Rhino bag seed - Australia [Re: jimmy_james]
    #737284 - 06/22/14 09:03 PM (10 years, 14 days ago)

yeah id be interested to see how long they vege or if they will try quick flowering all depending on growth and genetics i suppose

goodluck man :thumbup::smile::growingweed:

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Re: Experimental outdoor winter soil grow - White Rhino bag seed - Australia [Re: scrapske]
    #737317 - 06/23/14 01:39 AM (10 years, 14 days ago)

That's what I'm curious about. If they veg all the way through I'm gonna have monsters by April! :trees:

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Re: Experimental outdoor winter soil grow - White Rhino bag seed - Australia [Re: jimmy_james]
    #738132 - 06/28/14 09:12 PM (10 years, 8 days ago)

OK kiddos, something exciting to report at last. First with the boring news - Lean and Waxy are doing fine, growing slowly in the greenhouse.

Here's Lean:

And here's Waxy:

And onto a bit of a development ...

3 is chugging along very well as you can see here:

But if you look very closely I thiiiiink you can see that she's a girl, and that she's started to bud, right where the main top cola should grow from:

Can anyone confirm for me that that's what's happening here? If it is the start of a bud, I guess we start counting the days :tongue2:

The winter solstice was about nine days ago now so daylight hours are slowly increasing - very curious to see if she will flower on through or revert to veg as the light hours crawl up from 9/15 to 11/13.

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Re: Experimental outdoor winter soil grow - White Rhino bag seed - Australia [Re: jimmy_james]
    #738134 - 06/28/14 09:21 PM (10 years, 8 days ago)

its gotta grow to determine sex first i think

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Re: Experimental outdoor winter soil grow - White Rhino bag seed - Australia [Re: scrapske]
    #738135 - 06/28/14 09:22 PM (10 years, 8 days ago)

look closely and see if theres hairs or balls:thumbup:

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Re: Experimental outdoor winter soil grow - White Rhino bag seed - Australia [Re: scrapske]
    #738137 - 06/28/14 09:24 PM (10 years, 8 days ago)

I think there are hairs if you look closely at the bottom pic. They look exactly like the start of bud sites i.e. female. Maybe the image is not clear enough?

Can anyone out there confirm?

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Re: Experimental outdoor winter soil grow - White Rhino bag seed - Australia [Re: jimmy_james]
    #739085 - 07/06/14 01:31 AM (10 years, 1 day ago)

OK, well here's another update.

Lean and Waxy are going along ok - no major growth in the last week, but it's been cold out there and we're at one of the darker points in the year (light hours just starting to increase again). I have a feeling it will be too late for them to start flowering, so my guess is they willl veg into summer at this point.

As for 3, well, here it is:

Still looking quite healthy which is good. I think it's going along better than my plants last year, so that's a good sign as I am using this grow mainly as a prep for the summer season.

Back to my recent question though - does anyone think it is looking like a lady? These are looking like pistils to me:

Maybe I am still jumping the gun, but I don't recall seeing anything like this on my males last year.

Help  :um:

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Re: Experimental outdoor winter soil grow - White Rhino bag seed - Australia [Re: jimmy_james]
    #739767 - 07/13/14 06:57 AM (9 years, 11 months ago)

New update here ... I have had confirmation on no. 3 that she is indeed a lady - WOO HOO!

Here are some pics of the sexy little miss:

Given that I first noticed flowering two weeks ago, if she keeps on flowering all the way through I could be expecting a harvest around the very end of August (they took about 60 days to flower last time). I will keep you posted :smile:

In other news, the other two are going very slow but doing ok, and look what I noticed pop up in a random pot (I must have chucked a seed in there and forgotten about it):

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Re: Experimental outdoor winter soil grow - White Rhino bag seed - Australia [Re: jimmy_james]
    #740646 - 07/18/14 06:48 PM (9 years, 11 months ago)

Oh wow, so this plant is already 2 weeks into flowering?  I will be interested to see the yield that comes off of this plant.  Keep us posted.

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Re: Experimental outdoor winter soil grow - White Rhino bag seed - Australia [Re: ShroomingChaos]
    #740681 - 07/19/14 12:33 AM (9 years, 11 months ago)

That's right. I'm expecting a pretty low yield (maybe only a quarter ounce dry to be honest) as she's still small and has been vegging through winter so not ideal conditions. Still, I will keep all y'all posted.

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Re: Experimental outdoor winter soil grow - White Rhino bag seed - Australia [Re: jimmy_james]
    #740685 - 07/19/14 03:32 AM (9 years, 11 months ago)

are you sure shes flowering not just showing sex?

i mean i woudnt be surprised seeing as how here in oz its the time of year they should flower, but im pretty sure they need to show sex before they jump into that

could revege back if it doesnt grow quick enough and the light hours get longer again?

goodluck either way dude, dont hear enough about aussie winter grows!

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Re: Experimental outdoor winter soil grow - White Rhino bag seed - Australia [Re: scrapske]
    #740686 - 07/19/14 03:52 AM (9 years, 11 months ago)

I'm guessing it's flowering if I can see the white pistils, right? But you are right about the possibility of revegging. It's all an experiment so whatever happens, we can add it to our knowledge banks. And it might help out a fellow winter grower some day.

But yeah, the light hours are getting longer again now, so if she's not far enough into flower I reckon she will reveg. In that case, I've got a nice early start for summer :wink:

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Re: Experimental outdoor winter soil grow - White Rhino bag seed - Australia [Re: jimmy_james]
    #740847 - 07/21/14 02:29 PM (9 years, 11 months ago)

If there are large white pistils then yes it has began flowering already.  If it goes into reveg then you will end up with a nice size plant but either way for a winter grow in Australia, I'm assuming this is a decent size plant?

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Re: Experimental outdoor winter soil grow - White Rhino bag seed - Australia [Re: ShroomingChaos]
    #740894 - 07/22/14 01:46 AM (9 years, 11 months ago)

She's only about 6 inches tall at this point so she is little - if she flowers all the way through though I will keep it in mind and start the grow a little earlier next time around to get another few inches on her before flowering.

Hoping to have a closer look at her this week so I will report back in the next few days if she is still flowering or reverting to veg.

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Re: Experimental outdoor winter soil grow - White Rhino bag seed - Australia [Re: jimmy_james]
    #741039 - 07/23/14 12:05 PM (9 years, 11 months ago)

Yea I would start a couple weeks sooner if you can because the longer the plants gets to veg, the bigger yield you will have in the end if the plants in ideal conditions and is never stressed of course. I will keep checking for your response. Best of luck!

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Re: Experimental outdoor winter soil grow - White Rhino bag seed - Australia [Re: ShroomingChaos]
    #741547 - 07/27/14 04:56 AM (9 years, 11 months ago)

OK, here we go. My first update in two weeks.

The lady is chugging along very well. Looking very healthy despite no nutes since her transplant into the bigger pot, so I think that soil mix from my first post is a winner. I'm gonna use it for the summer grow for sure now.

The leaves are a beautiful healthy green colour, and forming very nicely, although still no five-leafers.

The bud sites are certainly still forming so I think we can confidently say she is still flowering. Can I get some confirmation based on this pic?

Looks like more and more bud sites are popping up on her too - I'll probably get a bit of popcorn off this one if flowering goes all the way through.

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Re: Experimental outdoor winter soil grow - White Rhino bag seed - Australia [Re: jimmy_james]
    #742692 - 08/03/14 06:34 AM (9 years, 10 months ago)

This girl is still flowering along nicely. She's about a month in now, and I think the calyxes are starting to form and I can even see some trichs on her. Still looking healthy and nice.

Here's some pics.

If the 60-day flowering period is accurate, she's got less than 30 days to go, but I reckon if she does go all the way through she will need longer than that - I can't imagine harvesting these buds in four weeks.

Any thoughts or comments from anyone?

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Re: Experimental outdoor winter soil grow - White Rhino bag seed - Australia [Re: jimmy_james]
    #746672 - 09/07/14 05:12 AM (9 years, 9 months ago)

OK, finally here is an update. I've got a few questions here and would love some input.

Firstly, here is the main girl. I think she is still in flowering as there are new pistils popping out and plenty of trichs on her, but we are definitely heading into a spring/summer light schedule now and I can't really see buds per se forming. Maybe she is flowering super slowly in preparation for revegging.

Any ideas peeps?

And interestingly the little random one that popped up in a pot is actually growing amazingly well! Maybe 6 inches tall with really big fan leaves compared to the other one. I've repotted her from crap potting mix into the mix I used for the others (see first post, but basically potting mix, perlite, shroom compost and cow and sheep shit I think), and have had my first go at LSTing. Oh, and I swear I've seen pistils shooting out so she's probably a girl too :smile:

Does this look like I have done the right thing to start the LST?

Any help much appreciated chaps and ladies!

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Re: Experimental outdoor winter soil grow - White Rhino bag seed - Australia [Re: jimmy_james]
    #746690 - 09/07/14 07:34 AM (9 years, 9 months ago)

Flowering a plant outdoors and then revegging it only to flower again is dangerous game if you live in a humid climate. Watch out for bud rot. Other than that, I don't have much to input. Good luck :thumbup:

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Re: Experimental outdoor winter soil grow - White Rhino bag seed - Australia [Re: webster10]
    #747066 - 09/09/14 05:23 AM (9 years, 9 months ago)

Thanks Webster. If it's revegging it won't revert to flower for at least another four months.

Can anyone let me know if the LST looks ok, and if that other plant looks like it is still flowering? I'm a bit confused ...

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Re: Experimental outdoor winter soil grow - White Rhino bag seed - Australia [Re: jimmy_james]
    #747069 - 09/09/14 06:06 AM (9 years, 9 months ago)

Your LSTing looks ok .Little young but what ever:wellidunno:

Just try to keep the top lower than the rest. Shit I made one of my plants go around the bucket lol. OOOOOoo and be easy. Dont force it . It will break if you dont watch. Good luck.

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Re: Experimental outdoor winter soil grow - White Rhino bag seed - Australia [Re: budgrowerwannabe]
    #747074 - 09/09/14 07:14 AM (9 years, 9 months ago)

Thanks Bud. I'll keep that in mind. Interested to see how it recovers after a few days of LST. I'll keep you guys posted with another update in a few days :smile:

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Re: Experimental outdoor winter soil grow - White Rhino bag seed - Australia [Re: jimmy_james]
    #747076 - 09/09/14 07:38 AM (9 years, 9 months ago)

Here is one i was playing around with.

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Re: Experimental outdoor winter soil grow - White Rhino bag seed - Australia [Re: budgrowerwannabe]
    #747275 - 09/10/14 01:42 AM (9 years, 9 months ago)

Nice! Did you LST that puppy? What sort of technique did you use - just working it in a circle around the pot?

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Re: Experimental outdoor winter soil grow - White Rhino bag seed - Australia [Re: jimmy_james]
    #747362 - 09/10/14 04:07 PM (9 years, 9 months ago)

nice try outside. you did not mention a temp. plus, with light increasing, your plant will become confused. supplement light with a small LED to extend veg time. or start covering to maintain same 12/12.

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Re: Experimental outdoor winter soil grow - White Rhino bag seed - Australia [Re: magic420]
    #747835 - 09/13/14 01:12 AM (9 years, 9 months ago)

I'm just going to let her keep going through summer and see what happens. Was hoping to get a little bud but I think that's probably unlikely now.

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Re: Experimental outdoor winter soil grow - White Rhino bag seed - Australia [Re: jimmy_james]
    #747977 - 09/14/14 01:18 AM (9 years, 9 months ago)

OK, so no. 3, the oldest one, still appears to be throwing out pistils but it isn't really forming buds - see below.

Anyone know if this is normal when a lady starts to reveg etc?

And here's the other one I LSTed. It seemed to take the LST well and is looking pretty damn good. Throwing out a few pistils too but hopefully the increasing light hours will kick her back into veg.

Anywho, I top dressed them with a little sheep shit and gave them their first nutes after over three months - a light to medium dose of Charlie Carp.

Keep y'all posted. Love to hear any comments re: the first lady revegging if anyone has any clues what's going on there?

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Eagle Eyes

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Re: Experimental outdoor winter soil grow - White Rhino bag seed - Australia [Re: jimmy_james]
    #748309 - 09/16/14 03:20 AM (9 years, 9 months ago)

Hey jimmy James, I think it's a bit early for plants to reveg just yet. We've only just started spring and there's only just gone over 12 hrs light very recently, they like to flick back to veg more towards the 13.5 hr mark, in the tail end of spring.
I reveged a couple last year and have done others in the past,
Early stage of reveg.

Same two in the closest pot in pic.

There's a few things you can do in about a months time to help the plant reveg. I like to up the up the pot size to at least 30 liters, plenty of room for the roots, this helps a lot in getting it back into growth, when I repot I like to give the plant a slightly different soil mix, I'll add a good buffer of Nitrogen (blood meal powder, you can find it in Bunnings, it's marked 14-0-0 npk) to my usual balanced mix, it seems to really gets the new shoots pushing out. I also prune the plant back a bit and usually get a few little buds in the process, I'll cut the main stem down so theres only the 2 bottom heathy nodes left ( bottom 4 branches) and there fan/shade leaves,extremely important not to take the fan/shade leaves off, then I'll take the little bits of bud/tip along those 4 branches, but I leave a tiny bit of bud/tip behind as I do this with every bit I take. It's more like a FIM process as it's all small bits and I'm more so just plucking it back with my fingers. Doing this pruning forces it back to reveg as the root system is so large in ratio with the size of the plant it has no choice but to start pushing out new shoots, usually 2 to 4 new shoots, every place you plucked, fimmed along those bottom branches as long as left a tiny bit behind.

Any how this process has worked for me for years to get them back In growth and was shown to me along time from a good experienced outdoor grower, I hope it helps and hope your season is bountiful.:cool:


Edited by COOKED101 (09/16/14 03:25 AM)

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Re: Experimental outdoor winter soil grow - White Rhino bag seed - Australia [Re: COOKED101]
    #748744 - 09/18/14 04:46 AM (9 years, 9 months ago)

Thanks Cooked, some great tips in there. So you reckon there will be harvestable buds off this in a month, or will they just be airy and pointless to harvest? She's been flowering for three months now and doesn't look like she is 'finishing' if that makes sense.

Great tip about pruning back for reveg. I will definitely look to pot her up in November. She's still in a greenhouse at the mo and not getting full sun, so once I get her outside properly I think she might explode too - weather is still a little inconsistent at the moment.


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Eagle Eyes

Registered: 06/14/13
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Re: Experimental outdoor winter soil grow - White Rhino bag seed - Australia [Re: jimmy_james]
    #748745 - 09/18/14 05:48 AM (9 years, 9 months ago)

It's hard to tell from the last two pics posted of her, I can't really see the whole plant, spring buds are generally always on the airy side though. If you get her out of the greenhouse and into a sunny spot your definitely going get a better result and now is the time to get everything out in the sun, I know we've been blasted with some bad weather of late but we've  got some great perfect warm, consistent, almost hot weather on for the next week at least. :sun:


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Re: Experimental outdoor winter soil grow - White Rhino bag seed - Australia [Re: COOKED101]
    #748953 - 09/20/14 03:16 AM (9 years, 9 months ago)

Well, here's update time.

Can I just say that LST-ING IS DA BOMB FOR TOUGHENING UP YOUR STEMS? Check out how much stronger this stem is after two weeks of LST:

She's throwing out heaps of pistils too and growing much quicker now she's dealing with the LST.

As such I've decided to LST this lady too:

We'll see how it goes. She is throwing out crazy pistils too and stinking it up:


Here are the two ladies side by side:

OK, me out! Would love to hear any thoughts or questions y'all have.


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Re: Experimental outdoor winter soil grow - White Rhino bag seed - Australia [Re: jimmy_james]
    #750698 - 10/02/14 01:59 AM (9 years, 8 months ago)

OK, another update.

The younger lady is taking the LST very well so far - I'm really glad I gave it a go.

She's looking very healthy and throwing out heaps of pistils.

The older lady is still throwing out pistils and some of them are turning red. I forgot my loupe so I couldn't check the trichs, but she really doesn't look like she is forming proper colas/buds, even if she is certainly in the flowering stage.

I might just have to trim back the 'sort-of' flowers and get ready to reveg in the next month or so because I really can't see there being much smokeable bud on these girls anytime soon.

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Re: Experimental outdoor winter soil grow - White Rhino bag seed - Australia [Re: jimmy_james]
    #750936 - 10/03/14 07:50 PM (9 years, 8 months ago)


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Re: Experimental outdoor winter soil grow - White Rhino bag seed - Australia [Re: P-O]
    #752247 - 10/11/14 08:13 PM (9 years, 8 months ago)

Here are the ladies. The younger girl is still looking fantastic, throwing out loads of pistils but not really budding up properly.

I am just going to keep her going over the next month and then repot and reveg her over summer.

Here is the older lady.

Still putting out new pistils, and some of the pistils are going brown.

I can't work out if she has also started revegging as there is some weird small leaf growth within the bud sites.

Can anyone confirm, or ever seen this kind of growth before?

Cheers :smile:

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Re: Experimental outdoor winter soil grow - White Rhino bag seed - Australia [Re: jimmy_james]
    #752321 - 10/12/14 11:40 AM (9 years, 8 months ago)

Yeah it looks like the tiny normal leaves that form out of bud sites.

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Re: Experimental outdoor winter soil grow - White Rhino bag seed - Australia [Re: webster10]
    #753559 - 10/17/14 03:06 AM (9 years, 8 months ago)

Looks like a fun little grow! Best of luck!

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Re: Experimental outdoor winter soil grow - White Rhino bag seed - Australia [Re: delta9hippie]
    #774246 - 03/29/15 02:29 AM (9 years, 3 months ago)

Long time no see! Sorry to leave you guys hanging for so long there - life got hectic ...

Anywho, the strong beautiful girl kept going through the Aussie winter and revegged without too many problems (it took a long time to get back into veg though).

Here she is now - flowering nicely and hopefully ready to harvest in a few weeks!

I potted her up into a 50l pot before flower to give her room and she has loved it. LSTed the fuck out of her too to get heaps of bud sites and keep her as low as possible.

Very curious about the yield and quality of smoke - it has been a journey! Will keep you posted at harvest.

Cheers :smile:

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I like little kids

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Re: Experimental outdoor winter soil grow - White Rhino bag seed - Australia [Re: jimmy_james]
    #774319 - 03/29/15 07:21 PM (9 years, 3 months ago)

Can you post pics of the old one please? The purple one.

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Re: Experimental outdoor winter soil grow - White Rhino bag seed - Australia [Re: cgsjames]
    #774329 - 03/29/15 08:12 PM (9 years, 3 months ago)

The purple one died unfortunately as there was a point I couldn't look after her and it was very hot and dry :frown:

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Re: Experimental outdoor winter soil grow - White Rhino bag seed - Australia [Re: jimmy_james]
    #776134 - 04/16/15 02:48 AM (9 years, 2 months ago)

Here is the lady still people ...

Should I harvest her yet? She looks like a sativa dom pheno to me and has been flowering outdoors for over two months now. Could really do with some advice on this one chaps.

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Re: Experimental outdoor winter soil grow - White Rhino bag seed - Australia [Re: jimmy_james]
    #777487 - 05/01/15 07:42 AM (9 years, 2 months ago)

Finally part-harvested today. Took 150g wet. Still barely has any amber trichs and it's three months into flowering. Smoke report in a couple of weeks. Obviously seems a very sativa pheno for WR ...

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That Guy

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Re: Experimental outdoor winter soil grow - White Rhino bag seed - Australia [Re: jimmy_james]
    #777509 - 05/01/15 01:48 PM (9 years, 2 months ago)

Congrats on the harvest.  Hopefully she has you flying high!

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