The Shroomery Mushroom Glossary

This glossary is to serve as a reference for both beginners and the advanced. Please e-mail us if you have any definitions that you feel should be added here.

You are also invited to pay a visit to The Shroomery Mycology Glossary.

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H2O2 Hydrogen peroxide. A clear aqueous solution usualy available in concentrations from 3% to 30%. Used in a novel mushroom growing approach by Rush Wayne.
Hay Grass that has been cut, left to dry in the field and then baled. It is fed to livestock through the winter when fresh grass is not available. The color of hay is greenish-grey.
HEPA High Efficiency Particulate Air filter. A high efficiency filer used in Flow Hood
Hygrometer An instrument for measuring relative humidity ( rh )
Hypha(e) Filamentous structure which exhibits apical growth and which is the developmental unit of a Mycelium.

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