The Shroomery Mushroom Glossary

This glossary is to serve as a reference for both beginners and the advanced. Please e-mail us if you have any definitions that you feel should be added here.

You are also invited to pay a visit to The Shroomery Mycology Glossary.

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FC Fruiting Chamber
Fermentation In mushroom cultivation the process of composting. Easily accessible nutrients will be degraded by micro organisms which makes the Substrate more selective. Unwanted fermentation may occur if the Compost is still very 'active' or if thick layers or large bags are used. In that case the temperature inside the Substrate will rise too high for the desired Mycelium
Field capacity Content of water, on a mass or volume basis, remaining in a soil after being saturated with water and after free drainage is negligible.
Flow Hood A fan powered and HEPA filtered device that produces a laminar flow of contam free air. The air moves across the workspace allowing for open sterile work without the hassle and inconvience of a Glovebox
Flush The sudden development of many Fruiting bodies at the same time. Usually there is a resting period between flushes
Fractional sterilization A Sterilization method used to destroy Bacteria and Spores in preparation of grain spawn(rye, wheat, birdseed...) which requires no Pressure cooker. In this case, the jars fitted with a filter or a Polyfil lid filter are boiled or steamed 212°F (100°C) for 30 min in a covered pot, three days in a row. Between the boiling steps the jars are best kept warm, around 30°C, to allow the remaining Spores to germinate. The basic principle behind this method is that any resistant Spores should germinate after the first heating and therefore be susceptible to killing during the second and third heating.
Fruiting The Mycelium will form mushrooms in its reproductive stage. This is called fruiting as the mushrooms are actually the fruiting bodies of the Mycelium
Fruiting Body A mushroom. The part of the mushroom that grows above ground.
Fruiting chamber A enclosed space with high humidity and air exchange where mushrooms fruit under proper conditions.
See druiting chambers.
Fungicide A class of pesticides used to kill fungi, primarily those which cause diseases of plants.
Fungus A group of organisms that includes mushrooms and molds. These organisms decompose organic material, returning nutrients to the soil.

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