
Registered: 10/06/08
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LOL I avoid these threads most days.
But Harris is bad for the US citizens period. She brings more illegals and a shity econ. She's that guy in the PJs smiling and laughing in your face while picking your pocket and robbing you blind.
funny how she wants to debate. When she still hasn't done the sit down interview she promised to do by the end of this month. Butx we'll see she has what four or five days left.

Registered: 10/06/08
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Re: The political discussion slush fund [Re: GenesisCorrupted] 1
#868483 - 08/26/24 04:53 PM (6 months, 8 days ago) |
Dude all she has truly at the bolder i's oper the doors and giving free money and food stamps to boot. That's What she's famous for. And when Texas started putting fencing to slow the flow what did the deas do sent troops in to remove it.
I'll admit I only support Trump because of the econ and we got to stop the flow of illegals coming into this country.
Yall have a nice day, God bless the USA. I'm gang fishing.

Registered: 10/06/08
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Loc: No where ville, USA
LOL Funny how she has to have notes. LOL Also funny how she now sounds like Trump. Let's build a border wall and no taxes on tips. LOL She could end up running this nation and isn't able to think on her feet or for herself. Scary shit bro.
Her flip flopping is just like the fish on the floor of my boat.
Caught some crappie and a few strippers yesterday.A few catfish today.

Registered: 10/06/08
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Loc: No where ville, USA
Oh no lies in polics. What's the world coming too. LOL
About as funny as "Tramp fucked the econ by goring the rich tax breaks" News flash every president in my life time has given the rich breaks. Taxes etc ...
Them demS lie too. Just saying. Harris herself says Biden manics is working. The rich are paying their 1% in taxes. LOL Wish I was rich because I pay for more in taxes. From the day Biden took office the cost at the grocery store doubled four years later no change. But, Biden monics is working.
Earlier you asked other than capping some drug cost what did Trump do. Well the lowest interest rates in 40 years as well as the lovest inflation. And jobs. This helps the working class to be able to afford to live.
Fact the only truth Harris has said is that people can't afford food, housing, and clothes for their kids. But Biden monics is working. And the rich are doing well. LOL
Politics is 99.9 % like and if we the people are lucky 0.1% truth. Doesn't matter who's side you are for. would love to see that change. But doubt it's, happen in my life time.

Registered: 10/06/08
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Loc: No where ville, USA
I don't mind weird hell I myself am a bit weird.
Did you see your gurl's interview? No eye contact, only look, at notes, or looks off into space. Had no solid answers. And while her camp. says she now has Tramp values, she Openly admits her values haven't changed. That clearly means her whole camp. is being run an lies. Can't wait until the debate.
Hows she going to defend now supporting a wall, that she considers a racist move. Interesting

Registered: 10/06/08
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Loc: No where ville, USA
Dude you're missing the point. I'm stating what she has said her whole (greer. Not what others said. she i's for open borders and g" vns then healthcare and food stumps. She I's for gov. pricing control which has never worked here or anywhere else, The Dem. camp. is hiding her hoping to sudo. in votes. The Den camp. is drowins her as someone else not who she really sees herself as. She couldn't even look the interviewer in the eyes while doing h taped and edited interview speaks volumes.
Looking forward to the debate .

Registered: 10/06/08
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Loc: No where ville, USA
LOL OK dude. I'm using the words she spoke but that isn't Who She is. Guess you know her better than she does.
you ever seen the show Letfiles Losing It on sky newS?
Entertaining stuff there.
Lacking forward to the debate.
will she be the dem the dem party wants her to be. Or will the REAL Harris stand up?

Registered: 10/06/08
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GenesisCorrupted said: I really want federal legalization. There’s still states where you can get sent to jail for a joint how ridiculous is that?
But yet you support a woman who is known for putting over 1500 people in prison for mj in Ca. Interesting

Registered: 10/06/08
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Loc: No where ville, USA
Good point. I side with the one who can bring an good ecom, and stop illegals entering our nation.
Not the one who wants to refer to illegals as undocumented. And plans on trying to give then citizenship and fund then and give then housing at tax payers cost.

Registered: 10/06/08
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Yes soft on crime if you're illegal or gang banger or cartel. Hard on mj and black men fact. Even with held evidence to put and keep a inocent man in prison until the court forced her to provide it. Freeing the poor guy.
For 3.5 years she did nothing at the bolder. The bill you speak of would have allawed millions to cross unchecked and would have spent millions on wars we most likely shouldn't be funding.I love it when people only read one part of a bill.
Those fellonies wouldn't have been fe llonies it his name wasn't D. J. Trump. In fact first time in history those charges weren't nistermeaners.
I learned long ago the media isn't a great source for into because even they take sides.Harris's book is all telling on her and who she sees herself as. Tried to tell you I'm not listening to others opinions of her. Only hers. Her career is easy to view. The dem party is selling her as an entirely different person. One of the things that made me laugh 4 years ago was her being named Biden's VP after she called him a racist in n live debate after Tulsi Gabbard de stroyed her by using her record against her. Was funny shit. What really sucks is we only got T and H to choose from.I really vish both parties had choosen different people. Because If It wins things will continue going down hill. If T wins it will be another 4 year drang fest. But with . re covering ecom and a locked bolder. But a drama fest non the less.

Registered: 10/06/08
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Loc: No where ville, USA
What Is laughable is that you think only one race crossed the border. Puts a smile on my face.
Now you sound like Harris of old. But now she's stealing Trumps agendaS saying build the wall and no tax on tips. Good evening fella. And no one has done prison time for any of those 34 fellonies ever. In fact other than Trump all those charged before him were reduced to Mis doe's.

Registered: 10/06/08
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Loc: No where ville, USA
[mass deportations. Which is just outright racist. If people really demand that an entire race of people be removed from this country ]
you didn't say that???
keep believing your left wins media. It's your right too. If half of what you said is true Trump don't even need to win. He's already running things right.
Funny how all forget in 2016 when Trump won. Dem supporters ripped DC apart burning cars in the streets, busting up stores, and businesses. Then later in his rain dem told rioters to burn their cities.
Trump asked for a peaceful protest. Some didn't listen so hes a bad guy and then dem are what heros?
And surprise I hope you're right and interest intes drop. But that In no why makes the past 3.5 years of Biden nomics better than Trump's econ. Sorry bud but you're just grasping at strawS now.
Like saying she was doing her job when she knowingly withheld evidence to keep an innocent man in prison. In my opinion she should have got prison time for that.
I'm done with this topic until after the debate.

Registered: 10/06/08
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Loc: No where ville, USA
Humm look at the smart gy asking a real question. And thank you.
I Honestly 1/4 at best. Because much of it will require support from both house and senate. I doubt he'll got much house support with out a lot of give and take something Trump isn't known for, at least by going off the first 4 years. I do agree that FDA needs reworked doubt it'll happen tho. But the past shows he'll hit the ground running. At least with him We know where he intends to go.
If Harris wins what is gonna do? Has she even posted an agenda yet? I Haven't checked her site in a day or two.

Registered: 10/06/08
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Loc: No where ville, USA
 No one won that shit show of a so called debate. US voters lost big time. It was a one sided three on one witch hunt at best. She was aloud to lie not once fact checked, the mods lied and held her hand the whole way. Trump ended the right way pointing out how she should have done something in the past 3.5 years. And all she's done is let illegals in and give them tax payers dollars and jobs US citizens needed.
And on a side note Data The Herriage Foundation's Project 2025 is not Trump's plan. It was written in 2027 when even repubicans could've have known that Trump would be on the ticket. Also I would not support a pure Christian nation.

Registered: 10/06/08
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Loc: No where ville, USA
You just like Harris because she wants to decimalize crack and fethol. Hand out sex changes to illegals and convicts. And let's not forget the manitory gun buy backs.

Registered: 10/06/08
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Loc: No where ville, USA
Re: The political discussion slush fund [Re: wontootreefor]
#868858 - 09/12/24 03:51 PM (5 months, 23 days ago) |
LOL spell check and my eye sight on smart phone equals headache and waste of time.
Will have to check out newsmax.
I'll only ever admit to frequenting growery and Otd.
Will can't to Data when I'm off the boat.

Registered: 10/06/08
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Loc: No where ville, USA
Re: The political discussion slush fund [Re: Data]
#870009 - 12/22/24 12:12 AM (2 months, 15 days ago) |
Data said:
Solid Log said: Raising Prices Breaking new ceilings.
My nuts cost 25% more than they did 2 months ago.
Is that because they are imported into the US, or because they are highly processed and have been pushed to the black market due to an RFK Jr. ban?
Or maybe a different reason altogether...
My bet is he had to raise the cost to cover Hunter's crack and whore addiction.