Wakan Tanka

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Re: Deadkenndy420 & HumblebDick [Re: IISkuNkII] 1
#801226 - 12/13/15 08:04 PM (9 years, 2 months ago) |
Glad to see a familiar face bro!
Wakan Tanka

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Re: Deadkenndy420 & HumblebDick [Re: IISkuNkII] 1
#801237 - 12/13/15 09:19 PM (9 years, 2 months ago) |
snook = treant ?
Wakan Tanka

Registered: 12/13/15
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Re: Deadkenndy420 & HumblebDick [Re: Snook G] 2
#801241 - 12/13/15 09:24 PM (9 years, 2 months ago) |
Goddamn treant... You have such a hard on for me that you get me perma-banned and then follow me here?
Just know your karma isn't look good friend.
Wakan Tanka

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Re: Deadkenndy420 & HumblebDick [Re: Snook G] 2
#801254 - 12/13/15 09:37 PM (9 years, 2 months ago) |
Whatever bro. You're a great snitch. Congratulations. I hope you're happy. But I know you're not; only a supremely depressed and hateful person acts the way you do.
Like I said, your karma isn't looking great bro. But I think you know that already. Just know, the more you try to entertain yourself at the expense of others the worse off you'll be in the end.
Wakan Tanka

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Re: Deadkenndy420 & HumblebDick [Re: Snook G]
#801256 - 12/13/15 09:42 PM (9 years, 2 months ago) |
Maybe so. But all that negativity is bound to fuck you up on the inside; karma or no.
Wakan Tanka

Registered: 12/13/15
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Re: Deadkenndy420 & HumblebDick [Re: Snook G] 1
#801262 - 12/13/15 09:50 PM (9 years, 2 months ago) |
 Omfg, treants reaction to your semi-threat to leak his personal info. I totally pictured him in real life as I read it.
Fucking priceless.
Wakan Tanka

Registered: 12/13/15
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Re: Deadkenndy420 & HumblebDick [Re: Snook G] 2
#801264 - 12/13/15 09:54 PM (9 years, 2 months ago) |
You know I was feeling sorry for myself for getting banned; but now I just feel sorry for you treant...
Your life must suck pretty fucking bad.
Wakan Tanka

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Re: Deadkenndy420 & HumblebDick [Re: Snook G] 1
#801271 - 12/13/15 10:04 PM (9 years, 2 months ago) |

Wakan Tanka

Registered: 12/13/15
Posts: 164
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Re: Deadkenndy420 & HumblebDick [Re: IISkuNkII]
#801284 - 12/13/15 10:33 PM (9 years, 2 months ago) |
treant never ceases to amaze me.
But yo skunk for trying to get back into the romp; that just gives that fuck a power trip; stick to your guns and stay LFL.
Wakan Tanka

Registered: 12/13/15
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Re: Deadkenndy420 & HumblebDick [Re: Stoneth]
#801292 - 12/13/15 10:50 PM (9 years, 2 months ago) |
Snook G said: Quit talking about it and be about it, pussy.
IISkuNkII said: Life Advice treant: If you need to steal from your neice's piggybank to support your weed "addiction" then you really shouldnt be smoking weed in the first place.
Did he legit do that??
IISkuNkII said: Public Service Announcement: Treant may "melt" here shortly.
Too late for that...  What I've learned in my short time knowing treant is that he is always melting; he only pretends he's not and flames/trolls others into melting in order to feel better about himself.
Stoneth said: You ladies are boring me. All this gay love you got going is making me sleepy.

 Night bro! May Morpheus guide you in your dreams.
Wakan Tanka

Registered: 12/13/15
Posts: 164
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Re: Deadkenndy420 & HumblebDick [Re: IISkuNkII] 1
#801294 - 12/13/15 10:52 PM (9 years, 2 months ago) |
Correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't treant wish he had a pussy? Kind of strange for him to be trying to insult others in such a way.
Wakan Tanka

Registered: 12/13/15
Posts: 164
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Re: Deadkenndy420 & HumblebDick [Re: IISkuNkII] 2
#801302 - 12/13/15 11:07 PM (9 years, 2 months ago) |
Yo so did treant seriously steal from his neice's piggybank in order to buy weed? Srsly?
Oh and Skunk i'm 99% sure treant has such a hard on for us because he's gay and wants to get dp'd by the two of us.
Wakan Tanka

Registered: 12/13/15
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Re: Deadkenndy420 & HumblebDick [Re: IISkuNkII] 1
#801306 - 12/13/15 11:20 PM (9 years, 2 months ago) |
I've done some fucked things in my time but goddamn.
Wakan Tanka

Registered: 12/13/15
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Re: Deadkenndy420 & HumblebDick [Re: Snook G] 1
#801311 - 12/13/15 11:31 PM (9 years, 2 months ago) |
treant... why are you so butthurt?
I mean really... por que mi amigo?
Wakan Tanka

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Re: Deadkenndy420 & HumblebDick [Re: IISkuNkII]
#801314 - 12/13/15 11:35 PM (9 years, 2 months ago) |
y'all niggas just needa fuck already; problem solved.
Wakan Tanka

Registered: 12/13/15
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Re: Deadkenndy420 & HumblebDick [Re: IISkuNkII] 1
#801318 - 12/13/15 11:41 PM (9 years, 2 months ago) |
Know whats funny; y'all have been fighting for the past 4 pages and I'm literally the only person witnessing it. It's kind of weird. 
It's kind of like watching a couple fight when it's just the three of you...
Skunk I'm pretty sure treant's anus hasn't been satisfied recently; you might need to take care of it for him; I think that's why he's so cranky.
Wakan Tanka

Registered: 12/13/15
Posts: 164
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Re: Deadkenndy420 & HumblebDick [Re: IISkuNkII] 1
#801322 - 12/13/15 11:46 PM (9 years, 2 months ago) |
You know I'm on your side though Skunk.
Treant's being a whiny bitch and obviously needs to get smacked around a bit; not to mention a rough fucking.
Wakan Tanka

Registered: 12/13/15
Posts: 164
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Re: Deadkenndy420 & HumblebDick [Re: IISkuNkII] 1
#801324 - 12/13/15 11:56 PM (9 years, 2 months ago) |
I'm almost positive his problem is that he wants the D. Most likely from both of us given his obsession with us.
I'd be flattered if he wasn't such a snitch ass bitch about it.
I mean dudes a straight narc.
Wakan Tanka

Registered: 12/13/15
Posts: 164
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Re: Deadkenndy420 & HumblebDick [Re: Stoneth]
#801358 - 12/14/15 11:06 AM (9 years, 2 months ago) |
Stoneth said: So let them fuck, fight it out, what ever you want to call it.
Wakan Tanka

Registered: 12/13/15
Posts: 164
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Re: Deadkenndy420 & HumblebDick [Re: IISkuNkII]
#801366 - 12/14/15 11:46 AM (9 years, 2 months ago) |
Bro fuck treant and his shitty subforum; that place sucks anyways. You gotta learn to let it go homie. You have your own UC; fuck his.