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Re: This is fucking disgusting. [Re: RasJeph]
#595213 - 11/02/11 07:37 AM (13 years, 4 months ago) |
bitch got what she had coming to her. I would have jizzed on her face too

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Re: This is fucking disgusting. [Re: RasJeph]
#595215 - 11/02/11 07:45 AM (13 years, 4 months ago) |
yes her dome, and then flip her over and dshsb

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Re: This is fucking disgusting. [Re: King Koopa]
#595315 - 11/02/11 07:42 PM (13 years, 4 months ago) |
King Koopa said: Ive seen a lot worse in public from wic recipients

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Re: This is fucking disgusting. [Re: RasJeph]
#595364 - 11/03/11 02:06 AM (13 years, 4 months ago) |
I responded that way was because I just read about it on the shroomery probably 30 minutes before you posted it
I grew up where I used to get the belt the same way. If i tried to block it or didnt cooperate then I got it more

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Re: This is fucking disgusting. [Re: DungenessDank]
#595458 - 11/03/11 08:48 AM (13 years, 4 months ago) |
Well now everyone is outraged, I just saw it headlining on CNN 
stupid kid has no idea how she is about to impact her families well-being

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Re: This is fucking disgusting. [Re: Shr0000ooooms]
#595597 - 11/04/11 04:26 AM (13 years, 4 months ago) |
That girl sounds like a little cunt in all honesty.
She only released it now, 7 years after it happened, to get back at her dad for taking away her Mercedes and reducing how much money he was going to give her. It didnt say this, but I think she probably tried to blackmail him with it

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Re: This is fucking disgusting. [Re: still beLIEve]
#595611 - 11/04/11 09:00 AM (13 years, 4 months ago) |
still beLIEve said: that pig fuck deserves it in my opinion

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Re: This is fucking disgusting. [Re: still beLIEve]
#595613 - 11/04/11 09:35 AM (13 years, 4 months ago) |
so a 23 year old woman, blackmailing her father because he cut off her money isnt just as bad, if not worse?
she's completely driving a wedge between her family and she also has a younger sister who still lives at home who is now exposed to all the media and publicity of the case.
if she had released it even a couple years after it happened, I would be more pissed. But the fact she uses having a medical disorder to try and gain sympathy while releasing the tape 7 years later when daddy finally cuts her off.... I mean come on. It's so bad that even after her parents divorced, she chose to live with her dad, and that's after this "savage" beatings.

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Re: This is fucking disgusting. [Re: still beLIEve]
#595616 - 11/04/11 10:03 AM (13 years, 4 months ago) |
i doubt it
sounds like a spoiled rich girl who was a little bitch at 16 and is still a little bitch at 23
funny how people watch a 7 minute clip and think they understand something.

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Re: This is fucking disgusting. [Re: KaptKid]
#595620 - 11/04/11 10:17 AM (13 years, 4 months ago) |
exactly my thought. it sounds like he had probably warned her over and over that if she behaved a certain way(apparently theft from what ive read numerous places) that she would be spanked. So she set up a camera knowing her dad was in the public spotlight and figured she'd record a beating and save it for a rainy day
I got my ass beat like that a couple of times while I was even younger than her

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Re: This is fucking disgusting. [Re: still beLIEve]
#595623 - 11/04/11 10:41 AM (13 years, 4 months ago) |
Seems like an over reaction to us but you got to understand that he's a judge. It looks especially worse for him when he has a daughter breaking the law. We would never get our asses beat over that but we wouldnt bring our family media attention and disgrace if we got caught downloading. we'd go to court, be judged, and move on

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Re: This is fucking disgusting. [Re: DungenessDank]
#595625 - 11/04/11 10:52 AM (13 years, 4 months ago) |
I was the only one who got belted like this as a kid?

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Re: This is fucking disgusting. [Re: DungenessDank]
#595632 - 11/04/11 11:08 AM (13 years, 4 months ago) |
Well I dont think it's wrong to belt your children when they fuck up just because society tells us it's "child abuse"
Plus she was 16, hardly a kid any more.
I got bare ass spanked too. None of that fully clothed, "turn over" shit
It certainly made me change the way I behaved in school. I went from getting suspended and in fights all the time to being very quiet and respectful.

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Re: This is fucking disgusting. [Re: King Koopa]
#595633 - 11/04/11 11:09 AM (13 years, 4 months ago) |
King Koopa said: Why is the fact that she's 23 not imporant in this stupid debate. The only way a person could get a ass whooping from their parents at that age is if they're retarded or have CP.
She was 16 when she got belted. She's been holding onto the video for the past 7 years.. only released it when her dad decided to cut off financial support when she decided to drop out of college

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Re: This is fucking disgusting. [Re: King Koopa]
#595635 - 11/04/11 11:12 AM (13 years, 4 months ago) |
Not quickly enough apparently

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Re: This is fucking disgusting. [Re: still beLIEve]
#595659 - 11/04/11 02:47 PM (13 years, 4 months ago) |
I dont think a normal parent would belt their kid for torrenting. But when you are a public official who probably told their kid over and over to stop doing something illegal, then you deserve the punishment. She knew what punishment was coming, hints why she had a camera setup in her room. I believe she knew exactly what she was doing and knew that tape would come in handy someday to get money out of her parents to keep her mouth shut.
You say it isnt right because she is a girl but that's stupid. She's also 16, more than old enough to get beat.

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Re: This is fucking disgusting. [Re: DungenessDank]
#595679 - 11/04/11 04:49 PM (13 years, 4 months ago) |
That grown man can if he is your DAD and your DAD is a judge and you just got caught violating federal law after repeatedly being warned what would happen if you continued to not listen

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If I have a kid and he/ she runs her mouth then she is getting popped in the mouth. It's how my parents were raised, it's how I was raised, and it's how I would raise any kids I would have. I come from Italian roots where they believe in firm discipline

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Re: This is fucking disgusting. [Re: DungenessDank]
#595684 - 11/04/11 05:18 PM (13 years, 4 months ago) |
because your opinion is right and mine is wrong, right?