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airborne robot
Registered: 12/11/08
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ok, Three of my favorites!!!
#380736 - 03/09/10 02:07 PM (15 years, 2 days ago) |
Here ya guys and gals go. Have fun and please don't be a butt with dosage or instruction feedback. These are tried tested and true and more here for the novice to get a firm know how of oil, milk and butter.. Your dosage may vary, so vary the prep as necessary.
Butter from hell.
1. Go to your local store and get unsalted butter. Sticks and try and get the best quality ( local organic or such) Remember better parts of the process will make a better whole product. Also pick up some cheesecloth ( easy to find in the bakery section) or coffee filters or a clean cotton t-shirt will work ( but seriously get the cheesecloth)I also like to pick up a pair of disposable dish gloves ( doing so will yield a much better product)
2. A good rule of thumb is use a 1/8th per stick for WTF butter and 2 grams for damn good butter. For this we are taking a full 3.5g (1/8th) Grind up plant matter as fine as you can. Coffee grinder works, but herb grinder is perfectly ok. Set aside once ground up. ( this is of good Nugs, not reggie)
3. Start a pot of water on a boil. Once water is bubbling turn heat down to where bubbles are hardly coming up. Drop in your stick of butter and let it melt.
4. Take ground up herb and drop into the pot. Stir gently and make sure to not let the water boil and just keep the heat on low to med low. Stir the pot every few mins and do so for about a hour. {side note}Try and keep the heat under 350-400 degrees in baking and the water under a boil when making butter.
5. After this has sat for a hour or more ( once again the higher the heat the less time it will take , but the more you will have to stir the pot) Kill the heat and set the pot off the burner.
6. Take a plastic bowl that will hold a good amount of liquid and set a colander inside this with the cheese cloth draped over the colander. Pour the liquid from the pot into the colander, and the cheesecloth will filter out all the plant matter. Wrap up the edges and squeeze the hell out of it ( this is where the gloves come in handy.) Set this bowl with the liquid ( water and melted butter) aside and start another pot of water boiling. Once water is nice and hot drop the cheese cloth back into the fresh pot. try and get as much plant matter out of the cloth and back into the water as you can. Pick up the cloth and squeeze it a few times.
7. Repeat the first part of step 6. Now you should have a bowl of nothing but greenish water and no plant matter in it at all. Throw away the herb in your cheesecloth now. It is completely inert and is as potent as grass clippings now. Set this bowl in your fridge overnight, and cover it with plastic wrap. The fat ( butter) is lighter than water and will collect on the top of the water when cooled. In the morning you will be able to take this layer off and throw away the water ( or save it and use it for pasta water, it will not be very potent at all but why throw something away when you can use it to flavor your pasta) This butter will have lost maybe 8-10% of its volume so it wont be a true stick, but pretty darn close. Use it just like normal butter!!
So a stick is what a normal box of brownies calls for and I like to make my brownies in a cupcake pan (12 medium muffin sized brownies) Breaks down into just shy of .3 grams per serving. And .3 grams of killer pure genetic herb is more than enough to feel "floaty and happy" I recommend half a brownie 30 mins prior to working out.
Mothers Milk is a little harder but ohhhhh so worth it. Once again you will need a colander, cheese cloth and a mug/bowl for the milk to chill in.
1. Set up a double boiler on your stove. ( pot of water near boiling with a metal bown or pot sitting on top of it. Just google search for double boiler if you still are not sure)
2. Take about 2 cups of milk ( fattier the better!!!! vitamin D milk is BEST) and pour into the top pan.
3. You do not need much herb for this at all!!!!!! Be warned and dont say I didnt tell you I say go with 1/2 to a gram gram per cup of milk. I made the mistake of using 6 grams of trim leaves one time and made 2 cups of milk. I fell asleep on my couch for 6 hours and was buzzing HARD for almost two days. And I drank a 1/3 of the final milk.
4. Dump your herb into the milk and using a wisk or a spoon stir the milk. Do not let the heat get high enough to make the milk get that skin on the top for very long. Stirring is your friend here.
5. After about a hour of stirring every 5 mins pour the milk into your cheesecloth lined colander. Squeeze the excess out and throw away the waste. Let the milk cool off in the fridge covered with plastic wrap for a while.
Be careful again with this It is hard to sit down and eat a stick of butter but DAMN easy to drink 2 cups of milk. So be smart with your dosage, or dont and have the most laid back weekend of your life from 3 grams of kill 
Make herb oil
1. using 1 cup of oil ( not peanut or olive!!!)pour oil into a medium saucepan over medium heat. Oil shuldd NOT smoke or become dark. Hot but not burning.
2. Take 3.5 grams of kill or 1/2 oz to a oz of reggie weed or a 1/4 of middies. Grind it up ( no seeds if using mid/reg!) and dump herb into the oil
3. stir mix over medium-low heat and watch to make sure heat is low enough that bubbles are not rising or herb and oil is not turning black. Leave for about 4 hours. Stirring constantly is not needed. Just every 30 mins or hour. I like to leave oil going for about 6 hours.
4. Strain oil through cheesecloth and squeeze bundle in a colander again and pour collected oil into a old olive oil bottle or whatever air tight container you want.
5. Poof potent and magic oil!!Keep out of sunlight and heat.
Now lets say you have your butter made, and you made some milk. You have used give or take 4-5 grams of weed and now have enough milk/butter to make some of the most amazing treats in your life. My favorite??? Cinnamon rolls!!! OMFG, Cinnamon rolls as they are know around here 
This requires a very little baking know how, but wow..... you have to try this. ( and if you made the amount that I suggested in the butter and milk how-to double the recipe)
You will need:
2 c. flour
3 tsp. baking powder
3/4 c. milk ( use mothers milk!)
1/4 c. shortening ( you can use the exact same amount of butter, or half a stick) { and you will need a BIT more on the side for some additional steps, but total butter used for a double batch will be a full stick and a bit)
1 tsp. salt
Sift dry ingredients together; cut in shortening or butter.
Stir in milk.
Knead, roll out dough into rectangle.
Sprinkle generously with cinnamon, dot with butter *( additional butter, or use normal butter. These things will be insane anyways so just how high you wanna get??)
Roll long edge jelly roll style; seal edge by pinching. Slice 1/2 inc thick, place in 12 x 8 x 2 inch baking pan. Pour in enough milk( normal or mothers, your call again!) to cover rolls. Bake about 45 minutes at 350 degrees. Check to see if they are slightly golden brown and you are good!
If you made the choice to use additional milk and butter during the steps this will be about .4 to .5 grams per serving.
Pasta del diablo perezoso!!
Take a pot of water and bring to a boil, drop in about 2 tablespoons of your fresh oil, Salt crushed red pepper flakes and a pinch of cumin.
Add pasta ( and for a real treat make your own pasta and use herb butter!!!) let sit in heat and cook till pasta is done.
Strain off water using a colander and pour pasta back into pot. Reduce heat to Low and add about a tablespoon of oil, a tablespoon of butter and 1/3 cup mothers milk. ( trifecta of awesomeness!)Stir, as soon as butter melts the sauce will start to thicken a bit.
Add in 1/2 cup of shredded pepper jack cheese ( I like to add in some crumbled feta here too) and a pinch of cayenne pepper.
And how about breakfast??? By far the most complex, but have some friend over and amaze them.
Biscuits and gravy.
2 cups all purpose flour 2 1/4 teaspoons baking powder 1/4 teaspoon baking soda 1 teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons sugar 6 tablespoons cold butter ( just use a stick ) 1/2 cup buttermilk ( make the same way as mothers milk) 1/4 cup light cream ( once again, mothers milk way)
Preheat oven to 425°F.
In a bowl, whisk together baking powder, baking soda and salt until well combined.
Stir in flour and sugar; mix thoroughly.
Slice cold butter into chunks and work into flour mixture using a pastry blender, a large tined fork or two knives. The butter may be worked in with your fingers (using a guitar strumming motion) but do not allow the butter to melt. A good trick is to soak your fingers in ice water for a minute before beginning.
To achieve tender, flaky biscuits, the object is to rub the butter into the flour in order to coat it with flour while not allowing the butter to mix in or become greasy. So, keep things cold. It also helps to freeze the cut up butter for 20 minutes before starting. This is known as the biscuit method of mixing; it is the same method used for making flaky pie crusts and scones.
In a measuring cup, stir together the buttermilk and cream.
After the butter has been worked into the flour (there should still be chunks of butter the size of large peas), quickly stir in the cold buttermilk and cream mixture.
Stir together using a wooden spoon, until the batter forms a mass. Turn out onto a clean work surface which has been dusted lightly with flour to keep from sticking. It helps to have a large spatula or dough scraper to pick up the batter and turn it; dust with a little more flour on top and turn several times, being careful not to use too much flour.
To avoid toughening the biscuits, do not over knead. Knead (mix) by turning over the batter 10 times and folding it onto itself. Pat or roll into 1/2-3/4 inch thickness, then cut with a biscuit cutter which has been dusted with flour, or slice into pie wedge shapes or squares.
Place the biscuits on a buttered baking sheet and brush with cream or milk. ( you know what to use)
Turn oven down and bake at 400°F for about 15 minutes or until lightly golden.
Set aside and lets get started on the gravy!
Make a pan of bacon, lets say 6 strips. After bacon is done pour out 95% of the grease in the pan and do not scrape the bottom ( yet)
Set pan back on stove and turn burner down to med-low again. Let pan cool to the med-low temp and slowly pour in 1 cup of mothers milk. Let sit on the heat for a few mins and then scrape the bottom of the pan with a wooden/non-metal cooking spoon. Start to stir and get milk warmed through and through. Add in a 1/8th cup of flour and stir until it thickens.
Add milk or flour according to what is needed. Just never ever to much at once! The milk will reduce and the flour will make it thicker as this happens. Just take your time and dont let mix boil. Bubbles should be coming up, but very slowly and not exploding on the surface.
Set gravy in a bowl/boat. Serve warm buttery biscuits and gravy together for a great way to start your day!
Take care and have a blast, ~The robot
Any thing you make with butter, oil or milk you can use herb for!!!
P.S. If you are wanting a warm body buzz that you can function with I would Highly suggest going with a sativa strain ( Jock Horror is by far my favorite for cooking with a sativa)
And if you are wanting a relaxing stone that you can use for recovery or a lazy day I suggest a indica strain ( Aurora Indica is my favorite culinary indica)

Registered: 04/24/08
Posts: 2,757
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Amazing, thank you for this! 
Coachella '13 KKOTY

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Re: ok, Three of my favorites!!! [Re: elcharrosays]
#380739 - 03/09/10 02:21 PM (15 years, 2 days ago) |
There are already butter and olive oil recipes on the main site, but you should post the milk, oil, and other recipes on there. If you want to check out some other cool ones I posted three of my favorites under "3 Gourmet Canna-friendly recipes" be warned though, a couple of them make your "labor intensive" dishes look like grilled cheese sandwiches.
-------------------- "So it goes."
-Kurt Vonnegut
BlueBerry_Swisher said:I want French fries. No, I want a penis French. Thank you. I'm so excited. I can not contain myself. Now I eat chocolate. It is so good. I'm trying to rub it all over myself. And then lick. Now I need a hot shower. The end.

Registered: 04/20/08
Posts: 11,753
Loc: Nepal
Re: ok, Three of my favovrites!!! [Re: airborne robot]
#380750 - 03/09/10 03:25 PM (15 years, 2 days ago) |
VERY nice post!
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