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    #286715 - 09/26/09 12:55 PM (15 years, 5 months ago)

Yes I voted for him so I am slightly bias but I cant see how anyone can argue that this guy isnt trying and that he isnt already doing exponentially better than Bush

Obama became the first American to ever head a UN security council meeting and also got a unanimous vote in confronting nuclear disarmament in Iran and N. Korea 

He isnt perfect and problems wont be solved overnight, but I hes doing a good job so far given the huge number of problems he had to deal with

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Re: Obama [Re: Picklez]
    #286722 - 09/26/09 01:14 PM (15 years, 5 months ago)




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Re: Obama [Re: FarBeyondDriven]
    #286723 - 09/26/09 01:16 PM (15 years, 5 months ago)

You agree, disagree, dont give a fuck?

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Happy Planting
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Re: Obama [Re: Picklez]
    #286724 - 09/26/09 01:19 PM (15 years, 5 months ago)


KillerPicklez said:
Yes I voted for him so I am slightly bias but I cant see how anyone can argue that this guy isnt trying and that he isnt already doing exponentially better than Bush

Obama became the first American to ever head a UN security council meeting and also got a unanimous vote in confronting nuclear disarmament in Iran and N. Korea 

He isnt perfect and problems wont be solved overnight, but I hes doing a good job so far given the huge number of problems he had to deal with

tell me, what exactly has he done so far?

"Prohibition will work great injury to the cause of temperance. It is a species of intemperance within itself, for it goes beyond the bounds of reason in that it attempts to control a man's appetite by legislation, and makes a crime out of things that are not crimes. A Prohibition law strikes a blow at the very principles upon which our government was founded." - Abraham Lincoln

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Re: Obama [Re: Yrat]
    #286727 - 09/26/09 01:21 PM (15 years, 5 months ago)

Here's a short list

# Signed executive orders to close the U.S. military prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, within a year, ban torture and end the CIA’s secret overseas prisons and define treatment of Detainees.
# Reversed restrictions on stem cell research.
# Signed the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act. Reducing discrimination based on gender, age, religion, or race.
# Signed an executive order reversing the ban that prohibits funding to international family planning groups that provide abortions. Gag rule revoked (Mexico City policy).
# Creates the White House Council on Women and Girls "to provide a coordinated federal response to the challenges confronted by women and girls and to ensure that all Cabinet and Cabinet-level agencies consider how their policies and programs impact women and families."
# Signed a Presidental Memorandum extending federal benefits to same-sex partners of federal workers and announced support for the Domestic Partners Benefits and Obligations Act of 2009.
# Reverses U.S. position on LGBT Issues at the UN: At the "Durban Review Conference," U.S. supports language condemning “all forms of discrimination and all other human rights violations based on sexual orientation.”
# Signed executive order requiring federal contractors to offer jobs to current workers when contracts change.
# Reversed a Bush order requiring federal contractors to post notice that workers can limit financial support of unions serving as their exclusive bargaining representatives.
# Signed executive order preventing federal contractors from being reimbursed for expenses meant to influence workers deciding whether to form a union and engage in collective bargaining.
# Created a foreclosure prevention fund for homeowners.
# Expanded eligibility for the refinancing portion of the Making Home Affordable plan to help Americans struggling with distressed mortgages refinance at lower interest rates, even if they owe up to 25 percent more than their homes are now worth.
# Established a credit card "bill of rights".
# Expanded loan programs for small businesses.
# Extended and index the 2007 Alternative Minimum Tax patch.
# Expanded eligibility for State Children's Health Insurance Fund (SCHIP).
# Expanded funding to train primary care providers and public health practitioners.
# Created a new White House task force on the problems of middle-class Americans, and installed Vice President Joe Biden as its chairman.
# Appoints Vice President Joe Biden to Oversee Stimulus Plan Payouts.
# Granted a reprieve to Liberian immigrants facing imminent expulsion.
# Directed military leaders to end war in Iraq.
# Allowing Caskets to be photographed when the return from Iraq with family approval.
# Released nine previously secret internal Justice Department memos and opinions defining the legal limits of government power in combating terrorism.
# On Arab TV Network, Obama Urges Dialogue.
# Gave a speech in Cairo engaging the Muslim and Arab world.
# Bars independent contractors from conducting interrogations of terror suspects.
# Granted Americans unrestricted rights to visit family and send money to Cuba.
# Ordered the release of nearly a quarter of a million pages of records from the Reagan White House that were kept from the public during a lengthy review by President George W. Bush.
# Restored funding for the Byrne Justice Assistance Grant (Byrne/JAG) program.
# Released presidential records.
# Required new hires to sign a form affirming their hiring was not due to political affiliation or contributions.
# Pushed for enactment of Matthew Shepard Act, which expands hate crime law to include sexual orientation and other factors.
# Invites gay families to the Easter Egg Roll as part of the Obama administration's outreach to diverse communities.
# Created a White House Office on Urban Policy.
# Increased funding for the NEA.
# Appointed an assistant to the president for science and technology policy.
# Funded a major expansion of AmeriCorps.
# Banned lobbyist gifts to executive employees.
# Investment in all types of alternative energy.
# Enacted tax credit for consumers for plug-in hybrid cars.
# Support for high-speed rail.
# Provided grants to encourage energy-efficient building codes.
# Extended unemployment insurance benefits and temporarily suspend taxes on these benefits.
# Created the White House Council on Automotive Communities and Workers to help auto industry workers transition to new manufacturing opportunities, including jobs in alternative energy.
# Stopped raids on medical marijuana dispensers.
# Nominated Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court of the United States. If confirmed, Sotomayor would be the first Hispanic to ever serve on the Supreme Court.
# Appointed more than 60 openly LGBT persons to positions in the executive branch.
# Issues Presidential Proclamation for Pride, proclaiming June 2009 as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Pride Month.
# Signed a mercury reduction pact with 140 other nations.
# Signed the Weapons System Acquisition Reform Act to curb wasteful spending by the Pentagon. Intended to price contracts and budgets lower; may potentially save billions of dollars in defense.
# Signed the Omnibus Public Lands Management Act of 2009, which serves to protect two million acres of land and creates a new system of land conservation for the Bureau of Land Management.
# Phase out government payments to crop producers making more than $500,000 a year and eliminates subsidies for cotton storage to help trim the U.S. budget deficit.
# Cut funding for a proposed U.S. nuclear storage facility at Yucca Mountain.
# Restored Endangered Species Act Provision requiring U.S. agencies consult with independent federal experts to determine if their actions might harm threatened and endangered species.
# Orders The Chesapeake Bay Protection and Restoration "to protect and restore the health, heritage, natural resources, and social and economic value of the Nation's largest estuarine ecosystem and the natural sustainability of its watershed."
# Signed the 2009 Omnibus Public Land Management Act designating two million additional acres of public wilderness areas the highest level of government protection from logging and other forms of commercial use and development.
# Signed the Christopher and Dana Reeve Paralysis Act which will expedite the search for cures and treatments for millions of Americans living with paralysis caused by spinal cord injury, stroke, MS, Parkinson's and many other diseases and disorders.
# Established The Joint Virtual Lifetime Electronic Record, a new system for updating medical records of servicemen and women both during and after their military careers.
# Established the White House Office of Health Reform
# Created new and stronger safety standards to safeguard the country's food supply.

And I think his recent accomplishments at the G20 summit are pretty important. Finally getting support from Russia and China is HUGE.

Put a little more cognitive effort into your next reply plz :smirk:

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Re: Obama [Re: Picklez]
    #286728 - 09/26/09 01:22 PM (15 years, 5 months ago)

I disagree, we have no need to fuck with Iran, hell we're not even done in Iraq yet.

He should focus on home problems before starting more over seas ones really.

Just my opinion.

But on another note our economy can't handle another war and/or conflict right now either.


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Re: Obama [Re: Stoneth]
    #286732 - 09/26/09 01:26 PM (15 years, 5 months ago)

We arent fucking with Iran. We are merely making them comply with IAEA standards regarding their nuclear activities so they will quit trying to scare their neighbors and so they dont force Israel to attack them. Everyone knows that if the G20 doesnt step in, Israel will launch a war on Iran. No way would Israel ever let Iran get close to having nuclear weapons

All of the G20 countries agreed with Obama on dealing with Iran. No one wants a rogue regime to have access to nuclear weapons. Hell even China and Russia agree with us on this

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Re: Obama [Re: Yrat]
    #286734 - 09/26/09 01:28 PM (15 years, 5 months ago)


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Re: Obama [Re: Cannaboid]
    #286738 - 09/26/09 01:30 PM (15 years, 5 months ago)


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Re: Obama [Re: Picklez]
    #286741 - 09/26/09 01:35 PM (15 years, 5 months ago)

On a world level yeah maybe your right like I said just an opinion.

But I believe for once the US should sit back instead of running to the front of the line.

We have big issues here, that aren't being took seriously such as this health care plan, as it stands now if passed the cost of living would increase 40% per house hold, can you afford that is that even affordable really.


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Re: Obama [Re: Stoneth]
    #286744 - 09/26/09 01:38 PM (15 years, 5 months ago)

Where are you reading these facts at Fox news? There is ridiculous amount of false information going around regarding the details of the health care plan.

I would agree but we sort of have obligations to be a world leader since we are members of the UN.

I doubt we would go to war with Iran, the point isnt to go to war. It's to pretty much bribe them to give up their nuclear program. And if they dont want to comply we impose economic sanctions on them

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Re: Obama [Re: Stoneth]
    #286747 - 09/26/09 01:42 PM (15 years, 5 months ago)


stoney.69 said:
On a world level yeah maybe your right like I said just an opinion.

But I believe for once the US should sit back instead of running to the front of the line.

We have big issues here, that aren't being took seriously such as this health care plan, as it stands now if passed the cost of living would increase 40% per house hold, can you afford that is that even affordable really.

" increase 40% per house hold"
reasoning behind this statement ?

not that im disagreeing with either person, I just dont know whats goin on :cactuarrun:

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Re: Obama [Re: NobodyImportant]
    #286749 - 09/26/09 01:49 PM (15 years, 5 months ago)

we need to worry about ourselves before other countries. the united states has this whole...were gonna run the world thing and we need to worry about our shit and stuck the fuck outta half the shit we get into. and finish wars we started first before getting into new shit


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Happy Planting
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Re: Obama [Re: NobodyImportant]
    #286751 - 09/26/09 01:52 PM (15 years, 5 months ago)

our government now controls our economy's housing sector, auto sector, financial sector, and is looking to take over the health sector now too.  would you like to look up the word fascism for me?

there are startling violations of the constitution occurring all around us.  meet the new boss, same as the old boss.  you think things are getting better because now the president has a (D) next to his name?  your tax dollars just got handed to the country's biggest banks on a silver platter.  the FED is monetizing the federal debt, vastly devaluing what paper money we might be able to hold onto. 

things are getting much, much worse.  remember, left vs. right = divide and conquer. 

this video is disturbing.  blatant violation of our first amendment rights.

"Prohibition will work great injury to the cause of temperance. It is a species of intemperance within itself, for it goes beyond the bounds of reason in that it attempts to control a man's appetite by legislation, and makes a crime out of things that are not crimes. A Prohibition law strikes a blow at the very principles upon which our government was founded." - Abraham Lincoln

"There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil
to one who is striking at the root"
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Re: Obama [Re: Picklez]
    #286753 - 09/26/09 01:52 PM (15 years, 5 months ago)


KillerPicklez said:
Where are you reading these facts at Fox news? There is ridiculous amount of false information going around regarding the details of the health care plan.

I would agree but we sort of have obligations to be a world leader since we are members of the UN.

I doubt we would go to war with Iran, the point isnt to go to war. It's to pretty much bribe them to give up their nuclear program. And if they dont want to comply we impose economic sanctions on them

The percentage thing came from a live meeting between the pres and sent heads trying to come to and understanding it was tues. or wed. this week on either C-span or one of the CNNs can't remember which one tho.

I don't watch fox news dude.

And as I said on  the world issue I could be wrong I don't know much about it really, but I myself has always been a take care of your own kind of person, and WE THE PEOPLE are in need of some now.


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Re: Obama [Re: FarBeyondDriven]
    #286757 - 09/26/09 01:56 PM (15 years, 5 months ago)

This isnt 1920, we dont have the option of not being involved. And we arent going to war with Iran, just imposing a way to get them to disarm peacefully

We have about finished in Iraq. Afghanistan is another question but our numbers in Iraq are greatly reduced from what they were

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Re: Obama [Re: Stoneth]
    #286759 - 09/26/09 01:58 PM (15 years, 5 months ago)


stoney.69 said:

KillerPicklez said:
Where are you reading these facts at Fox news? There is ridiculous amount of false information going around regarding the details of the health care plan.

I would agree but we sort of have obligations to be a world leader since we are members of the UN.

I doubt we would go to war with Iran, the point isnt to go to war. It's to pretty much bribe them to give up their nuclear program. And if they dont want to comply we impose economic sanctions on them

The percentage thing came from a live meeting between the pres and sent heads trying to come to and understanding it was tues. or wed. this week on either C-span or one of the CNNs can't remember which one tho.

I don't watch fox news dude.

And as I said on  the world issue I could be wrong I don't know much about it really, but I myself has always been a take care of your own kind of person, and WE THE PEOPLE are in need of some now.

Ah that is weaksauce

You can't post a stat based on "i heard it on tv this week."

come on, you know better. links or its false, because there is NO WAY that is true. :crazy2:

Edited by KillerPicklez (09/26/09 02:05 PM)

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Re: Obama [Re: Picklez]
    #286766 - 09/26/09 02:06 PM (15 years, 5 months ago)

Believe what you like man, I'll see if it made youtube other wise I could care less what you wish to believe.

It is one of many reason that it isn't paying as well.


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Re: Obama [Re: Stoneth]
    #286771 - 09/26/09 02:15 PM (15 years, 5 months ago)

You just dont realize how ridiculous what you said was. That means if a family is currently spending 50,000 a year to survive that they would now be required to spend 70,000. A 40% increase in COL would cripple just about everyone. That would be pretty illogical.

The details of the plan include that incomes under 100,000 a year would not be affected.

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Re: Obama [Re: Picklez]
    #286789 - 09/26/09 02:33 PM (15 years, 5 months ago)

Now I think you watching FOX, he's trying to remove the public option all together.

That is why he's losing Democrat support on this.


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