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Silence is key...
#284468 - 09/22/09 12:41 AM (15 years, 5 months ago) |
Other then keeping my mouth shut... what about quieting up fans? I want to start a stealth grow in my room; the best spot is taken up by mushrooms and im not moving em. I was going to do like a dresser set up; but need REAL quiet fans... ideas?
Dr. Penguin

Registered: 05/19/08
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Re: Silence is key... [Re: Kine]
#284541 - 09/22/09 07:14 AM (15 years, 5 months ago) |
If you don't need a carbon scrubber you can get away with some of the quieter bathroom fans. Otherwise, I hear the Solar and palau mixed vent fans are pretty damn quiet.

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Re: Silence is key... [Re: Dr. Penguin]
#284655 - 09/22/09 11:57 AM (15 years, 5 months ago) |
Yea, totally need scrubber. This shit's hard when you dont have a closet in closet to dampen sounds . But its only a 150 build; so wont need anything like a damn 265...

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Re: Silence is key... [Re: Kine]
#284690 - 09/22/09 12:50 PM (15 years, 5 months ago) |
Afterthought... what about ozones? Do they make noise? Would eliminate the scrubber; but arent those bad to have near/in living spaces?

Registered: 09/26/08
Posts: 434
Re: Silence is key... [Re: Kine]
#284803 - 09/22/09 05:30 PM (15 years, 5 months ago) |
O3 is poisonous to humans and cannabis. Ozone generator must be in separate compartment, which air cycles through after exhausting grow room. Would be wise to vent outside, not into your living space, which is difficult with a stealth dresser. Aside from poisonous, O3 has a distinctive smell that screams "cannabis grow" nearly as much as the smell of cannabis! Vent as high up as possible, will dissipate better.

Registered: 09/26/08
Posts: 434
Re: Silence is key... [Re: God]
#284805 - 09/22/09 05:40 PM (15 years, 5 months ago) |
I suggest carbon filter and duct muffler.

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Re: Silence is key... [Re: God]
#284874 - 09/22/09 08:11 PM (15 years, 5 months ago) |
I cant vent anywhere but in the room. And a duct muffler wont do any good quieting up a fan... that just does duct movement. I also need to silence the fan.
If only i had a good excuse for "Why is your dresser making noise?"
But really what's the major biggy with 03? I've read its bad; and i've read its not bad. I found a REALLY cheap REALLY easy DIY for a ozone. I just get so many different responces to if its bad or not im not sure...

Registered: 04/20/08
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Re: Silence is key... [Re: Kine]
#285021 - 09/22/09 11:42 PM (15 years, 5 months ago) |
This is gonna get a bit technical, but I'll try to do it in english
Each Oxygen molecule has two "open" spots in their valence shell (the outer cloud of electrons basically), but they're allowed to share electrons between atoms, so oxygen always ends up bonding with another element to lend it that missing electron or two. Usually it's O2 (you'll almost NEVER hear about O1), but you can also make a triangle where each Oxygen has two electrons being shared, and that's O3. Unfortunately though, O3 is rather unstable, and so when it makes contact with living tissue, it basically just rips electrons out of your atoms and causes extreme irreparable damage. It's not so much poisonous as carcinogenic since oxidation and reduction of bodily tissues causes a breakdown in mitotic inhibition where cells basically reproduce uncontrollably and metastasize into cancer.
Man, I had a fucking hard time simplifying all that so that everyone could understand it without it all sounding like greek..... I hope that still made sense...

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You did a damn good job simplifying it. I understood the basics of it working; but never understood why its bad. The way you just explained it throws that idea FAR out the window! Fuck that shit!
Damn... there went my free de-stinkifyer...

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Re: Silence is key... [Re: Kine]
#285039 - 09/22/09 11:57 PM (15 years, 5 months ago) |
that's why chlorofluorocarbons are so bad for the Ozone layer too. High UV levels in the upper atmosphere break the Cl atom from the molecule, which then is free to bond with Oxygen atoms from O3, then UV rips them apart and the cycle continues. It's been speculated that a single chlorine molecule can destroy around 100,000 ozone molecules before becoming permanently sequestered

Registered: 09/26/08
Posts: 434
Harry, thanks for the great explanation!
As fat as silencing the fan goes, you can do basically the same thing as that link I posted, but instead of a tube full of holes surrounded by insulation in a box, it's a tube comprised of ducting, with the fan in the middle of the box. You could use rubber bands or something to suspend the weight of the fan-duct apparatus inside of a box (cardboard is fine), then loosely pack in batting or insulation around it.
Hope that makes sense.

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Re: Silence is key... [Re: God]
#285068 - 09/23/09 12:33 AM (15 years, 5 months ago) |
ahhhhhh... i see. That just might work... i think i'd have to use a heat shield as well; and someone get the heat out of that box. Wouldnt want to burn it up> but i see what you're saying...
The Feminizer

Registered: 04/21/08
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Re: Silence is key... [Re: Kine]
#285224 - 09/23/09 03:17 PM (15 years, 5 months ago) |
Tent. Place to hang light, fans, any filters needed. I don't know how big your growspace is but these tents go all the way down to the size of a small office safe.
Keeps in the light and the heat. Just a idea.
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Re: Silence is key... [Re: Magash]
#285228 - 09/23/09 03:47 PM (15 years, 5 months ago) |
No stealth to it. I just need a quiet fan. I've seen all the grow rooms ect ect. Now it might be a good idea to throw that in my space; but still not needed. I need silence. Its going to be sitting in my room; hidden. Doing a 150w pushing threw a carbon. the thing is; i have a SMALL fan (Like the ones used for micro grow cabs) for air movement and its pretty quiet; but i can hear it threw the doors in my closet (Ventilation for shrooms). This isnt my first set up; but when i had the 265 it was easy to keep quiet because A) No one went in my room B) It was IN the grow room; so it had that wall; and the wall in my closet; and the door to go threw before making any noticeable noise. You could hear it; but not over anything else going on. My new room is super quiet; and the fan would be DAMN near sitting in the open; stealth dresser grow. But im thinking if i just make a HUGE fan room; with tons of insulation i can dampen it enough to work...
When i was talking about heat; if i make a 'silencer' of sorts for the fan; its going to trap all that heat from the fan around it; greatly degrading the life of the motor. But i think i may be able to pull it off; it'll just take lots of trial and error...

Registered: 09/26/08
Posts: 434
Re: Silence is key... [Re: Kine]
#285233 - 09/23/09 04:17 PM (15 years, 5 months ago) |
Won't the heat dissipate with the air being pulled through the fan? At least enough to not be a fire hazard, it seems. If not, perhaps look into good insulation. Attics in the south get over 110F, don't tend to spontaneously combust, so you could use that sort of material.

Registered: 04/20/08
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Loc: Nepal
Re: Silence is key... [Re: God]
#285300 - 09/23/09 06:40 PM (15 years, 5 months ago) |
yeah, I think that just the air moving through the center of the fan should do a good enough job cooling the fan motor that you shouldn't have to worry about insulating the outside of the fan. If not, you bought a very poorly engineered fan.
the easiest way to save noise on fans is to hang them from something with a little give instead of hard mounting them so that the vibrations aren't transmitted into the walls, which will basically just act as enormous sounding boards. Closed cell foam insulation is your best bet for sound insulation, and then carpet right after it. The fiberglass insulation is good for heat retention, but fiberglass vibrates and conducts pretty easily.

Registered: 11/25/08
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... i think thats the sweet spot. Do a box that kinda just fits around the fan; packed with memory foam, outside carpeted (just to be safe). Then suspend the box by way of rubber bungies with rubber eyelets so no metal contact; and theres dampening in the hanging.
Woot; i think i got it. Thanks guys...