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Wakan Tanka

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Re: Whatcha Watching? [Re: Bumble_Dick]
    #801513 - 12/15/15 07:52 PM (9 years, 3 months ago)

Doug Stanhope


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Wakan Tanka

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Re: Whatcha Watching? [Re: poor boy]
    #801810 - 12/18/15 11:36 PM (9 years, 2 months ago)

Just finished Inglorious Bastards now I'm watching Reservoir Dogs.

Quentin Tarantino is the fucking shit.


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Wakan Tanka

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Re: Whatcha Watching? [Re: Mycophile]
    #801848 - 12/19/15 04:47 PM (9 years, 2 months ago)

Both the Hateful 8 and Revenant look like they're going to be baddass as fuck.
Too bad I'm going to have to wait 2-4 months extra before I can watch/pirate them. :lol:


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Wakan Tanka

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Re: Whatcha Watching? [Re: Amanita86]
    #802082 - 12/23/15 03:17 PM (9 years, 2 months ago)

About to watch some Ancient Aliens.



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Wakan Tanka

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Re: Whatcha Watching? [Re: poor boy]
    #802273 - 12/27/15 07:42 PM (9 years, 2 months ago)

Would that happen to be the chick in your avatar?

As for myself... Well I've been watching Naruto... :lol:


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Wakan Tanka

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Re: Whatcha Watching? [Re: poor boy]
    #802298 - 12/28/15 03:19 PM (9 years, 2 months ago)

Hell yeah; that chick has ass for dayyyz.


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Wakan Tanka

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Re: Whatcha Watching? [Re: Stoneth]
    #802523 - 01/01/16 10:10 PM (9 years, 2 months ago)

Don't know about yall but I've been watching Naruto nonstop for daaayyyyz :lol:


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Wakan Tanka

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Re: Whatcha Watching? [Re: poor boy]
    #802541 - 01/02/16 11:01 AM (9 years, 2 months ago)

Nah I just like anime and I've watched most of the good shit on Netflix so I'm reverting back to old good shit...

Plus I'm 22, and I no longer smoke weed... Cuz military. :sad:


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Wakan Tanka

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Re: Whatcha Watching? [Re: Stoneth]
    #806225 - 02/19/16 01:26 AM (9 years, 29 days ago)

Don't know about yall, but I've been watching X Files non-stop. From Season 1. I'm on Season 4 right now. Shit is pretty cheesy at times, but is surprisingly good for how old it is. This is my first watch-through btw. So it's pretty cool. :tongue2:


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Wakan Tanka

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Re: Whatcha Watching? [Re: poor boy]
    #807096 - 03/02/16 10:34 AM (9 years, 16 days ago)

Ultimate Fighter Season 22. Why? Cuz brutality. They definitely have cut down a lot of the in-house drama though, which is good. Either the show stopped instigating it, or this season's fighters are a lot more mature.


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Wakan Tanka

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Re: Whatcha Watching? [Re: poor boy]
    #807109 - 03/02/16 04:21 PM (9 years, 16 days ago)

We'll see. Personally I don't really like McGregor. I haven't seen him fight though. I have seen Nick fight, probably Nate too, can't remember. Personally I favor the Diaz brothers every time, they have that street mentality attitude that give them a lot of power and aggression which is always good for fights.


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Wakan Tanka

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Re: Whatcha Watching? [Re: Stoneth]
    #807193 - 03/03/16 05:07 PM (9 years, 15 days ago)



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Wakan Tanka

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Re: Whatcha Watching? [Re: Chemical Addiction]
    #807209 - 03/03/16 07:17 PM (9 years, 15 days ago)

NBK is def a good movie. Only seen it once. Was high as fuck. Remember it being pretty awesome though.


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Wakan Tanka

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Re: Whatcha Watching? [Re: Stoneth]
    #807229 - 03/03/16 10:56 PM (9 years, 15 days ago)

Well I just finished UFC 194, and goddamn, McGregor DECIMATED Aldo... I was not expecting such a quick match. It always surprises me when these big match ups end in under a minute. Has to be in my top favorite KO's alongside the Rousey win which was like what under 20 sec? And then the BJ Penn KO which was under 20 sec too if I'm not mistaken.

I fucking love Penn. He brought so much respect and honor to the islands. I only wish he had/was actively training a replacement to represent Hawaii in his stead.


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Wakan Tanka

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Re: Whatcha Watching? [Re: Amanita86]
    #807271 - 03/04/16 12:34 PM (9 years, 14 days ago)


Amanita86 said:
I found it in this compilation, #5 is what I'm talking about.  #1 isn't bad either.

Damn those were all pretty awesome. I knew Penn had to be in there too. :tongue2:

Number 8 where the dude kneed him while in a leg lock was pretty hilarious. He's all trying to get free and can't so he flying knee KO's him instead. :lol:

Number 5 was pretty good too. Nigga ended laid up with his palms up like a cat. :lol:

But yeah, talking about them surviving; I forget who it was, but there was this Japanese fighter on the JRE, and he was heavy into Bushido, and he talked about how he would write a death letter to his family before every fight. He would accept the possibility of him dying every time. Dude was gangster. But yeah, I don't think a lot of fighters truly take into account the possibility they might die. I suppose it just doesn't happen enough for them to be bothered with it.


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Wakan Tanka

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Re: Whatcha Watching? [Re: Amanita86]
    #807272 - 03/04/16 12:37 PM (9 years, 14 days ago)


Amanita86 said:
You got me on a youtube kick now..

Fucking badass. One of these days bro. One of these days.


Amanita86 said:
Did they blow up the world yet?

Naah. They prefer the slow and stead mass suicide instead of the faster and less painful way. Instead of just downing a bunch of drugs, speeding down the highway and going out with a bang, humans would rather smoke their way into cancer, dying slowly and painfully. :tongue2:


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Wakan Tanka

Registered: 12/13/15
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Re: Whatcha Watching? [Re: Amanita86]
    #807319 - 03/05/16 11:55 AM (9 years, 13 days ago)

Thanks for the thought Amanita. But my reasons are different than you might expect. I'm not really enlisting out of any 'patriotism' or whatever. I mean part of me feels that I have a debt to pay the nation and the military considering they literally kept my family from being homeless and kept us fed and shit for the last ten or so years since my dad essentially scammed them by getting an early military retirement via disability (from falling off a boat in the Coast Guard, and supposedly getting PTSD from it... it's fucking disgraceful, truth is he was a drug addict)

On top of that, my options aren't that great. I'm 22, I'm living with my parents, I've spent the last year being depressed as fuck and doing literally nothing, no school, or work, or friends, or anything. If I don't join the military I'll end up getting some low-income job, going back to school and spending a few years getting a mechanic certificate while working and living with my parents. Then if I'm lucky I'll get a job as a mechanic, then I'll still be living with my parents at like 24+ and trying to save up money to move out; which probably won't happen till I'm 26+; and good luck with me moving back to Hawaii...

Now if I join the military, regardless of what job I get while in, I'll spend the next 4 years saving up most of my money from the service. By the time I'm 26 I'll likely have ~ $20-40K saved up. I'll have a 0% APR loan of up to about $400K, and I'll have 4 years of paid college and housing and living expenses. So after 4 years in college I'll be able to move back to Hawaii, get a degree, get a house, and get a good job.

I mean what else could I ask for?

But hell man, who knows I might get disqualified because of my stupid fucking chest. Who knows.

As for dying... To be honest I don't care about dying. I care about suffering while alive. I care about whether or not I'm going to be living a life that I'm not enjoying. The only thing that really bothers me about joining the infantry, is whether or not I'll be able to keep up. I mean I'm not the most physically fit person out there. I'm not overweight or anything, but I'm not exactly an athlete...

Anyways, thanks again for the thoughts Amanita.


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Wakan Tanka

Registered: 12/13/15
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Re: Whatcha Watching? [Re: Amanita86]
    #807347 - 03/05/16 08:47 PM (9 years, 13 days ago)

Nah I'm not the medical one. Plus the Marines don't have medical; you gotta go Navy or Army for that. I'm either going to go Infantry or Motor Transport; depending on if I qualify for the infantry or not.

Back on topic, I've been on a NigaHiga binge for the past 48 hours. :lol:


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