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Co2 question
#704855 - 01/05/14 10:22 PM (11 years, 2 months ago) |
I've been reading Rosenthal and a few others now and I have a question. I have a unlimited supply of Co2 and am interested in the idea. The question is if you supply the grow space with a little extra Co2 how do you keep the heavy gas where you need it with the air circulation going on. If the Co2 was mixed with the primary air entering the grow space seems the most logical but hell I don't know. Once again thanks for reading and all the help.

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Re: Co2 question [Re: plump]
#704856 - 01/05/14 10:47 PM (11 years, 2 months ago) |
i have not used co2 but i would assume to just have a couple fans in the room to keep the air always moving
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Re: Co2 question [Re: Mrshroom]
#704858 - 01/05/14 10:50 PM (11 years, 2 months ago) |
But with the air movement how do you keep the Co2 where you want it is my only question

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Re: Co2 question [Re: Mrshroom]
#704859 - 01/05/14 10:52 PM (11 years, 2 months ago) |
Well you should already be using oscillating fans in your grow space.
But if you have constant air flow, at a high enough CFM exchange, you don't need CO2. Most breeders and large scale growers do not use it anymore.
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Re: Co2 question [Re: plump]
#704861 - 01/05/14 10:54 PM (11 years, 2 months ago) |
plump said: But with the air movement how do you keep the Co2 where you want it is my only question
You have to put your fans on timers. Fans take the air out, turn off, CO2 turns on, fills to x ppm, keep it at that and then exhaust after a bit. Not worth it.
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cool I just wont mess with it thanks man

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Re: Co2 question [Re: plump]
#704864 - 01/05/14 11:42 PM (11 years, 2 months ago) |
They make controllers that work with CO2 that manage temperature, humidity and whatnot. Its a little tricky getting it all together to be ready for CO2 since you have to rethink airflow and temperature and everything.
The controller I have is the Sentinel EVC-2. but I've never used the CO2 function. Its not advanced enough to control the CO2 ppms, but rather controls the fans so that when the CO2 is on the fans are off. They make all kinds of different models to fit the many different grow styles.
I gave up hope on CO2 as its just an unnecessary complication. Actually incorporating it is more difficult than you would think. As Hawk noted good airflow around the plants and fresh air exchange is about all you need.
Plants breath through the leaves and within a few seconds of being in stale air they use up all the natural CO2 in a zone around the leaf and the air around the leaf becomes CO2 deficient. By keeping an oscillating fan through the plant canopy your breaking that zone up before it has a chance to accumulate and it has continuous access to the 300ppm(?) of CO2 naturally in the air. Then your fresh air exchange will keep the CO2 at the natural level.
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Re: Co2 question [Re: phychotron]
#704866 - 01/06/14 12:11 AM (11 years, 2 months ago) |
I ferment a lot at home I might pipe in the Co2 from the fermentation just because I mean why not I am just releasing the Co2 into the atmosphere any way right but thanks for the feed back

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Re: Co2 question [Re: plump]
#704908 - 01/06/14 10:24 AM (11 years, 2 months ago) |
Please be careful with your Unlimited Supply of Co2.

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Re: Co2 question [Re: plump]
#705112 - 01/07/14 12:06 AM (11 years, 2 months ago) |
plump said: I ferment a lot at home I might pipe in the Co2 from the fermentation just because I mean why not I am just releasing the Co2 into the atmosphere any way right but thanks for the feed back
I agree, you might as well use it, but there are still risks. You don't want the heat of your growroom to warm your beer too much either or you'll get nasty phenolics and yeast esters, plus the UV light output from the light could skunk the beer if it's not wrapped in something light proof.
I also feel that CO2 supplementation is basically worthless until all other parameters of your grow space are dialed in. Atmospheric CO2 right now is higher than it was for ANY time period during the evolution of cannabis. It's adjusted to an atmosphere with lower CO2 than we currently have, so you're already growing in an enriched environment. Learn your strain, get your grow space dialed in with temps and fresh air exchange and get your nutrients right, THEN you can worry about atmospheric modifications

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Harry_Ba11sach said: Atmospheric CO2 right now is higher than it was for ANY time period during the evolution of cannabis. It's adjusted to an atmosphere with lower CO2 than we currently have, so you're already growing in an enriched environment.
I guess thats one way of viewing the upside to global warming.
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Bamboo Bongs I make | Perfect Dry and Cure | Grapegod under LED
“Human beings, vegetables, or cosmic dust, we all dance to a mysterious tune intoned in the distance by an invisible player.” ~ Albert Einstein

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Re: Co2 question [Re: phychotron]
#705146 - 01/07/14 08:28 AM (11 years, 2 months ago) |
I'm still not going to call it an upside, but the fact of the matter is that atmospheric CO2 is very high right now, so spending any sort of money on CO2 enrichment is a waste until the rest of your garden is perfect.
The Feminizer

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Re: Co2 question [Re: plump]
#705157 - 01/07/14 09:10 AM (11 years, 2 months ago) |
If you ad co2 to the room with good airflow you're not gonna see any benefits from it. Now if you shut off the air for a while to let the co2 work them you may have something but your gonna need a costly controller for that. Having constant airflow would be way better anyway. Take a look at the large grows by seed vendors and such. Easy enough to find. In most cases you'll find that most go for constant airflow over co2. Co2 is good for inclosed systems that have no air coming in.
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Clouseau is on the case

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Thanks for the replies, and Harry you are 100% right on your fermentation information (shit that's funny right there) but I was planning to collect the Co2 and give it a little squeeze and then administer it into the grow chamber. Oh and by the way who said I was fermenting beer? Hee HEE Hee hEe
Edited by plump (01/07/14 09:00 PM)
Clouseau is on the case

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Re: Co2 question [Re: Magash]
#705368 - 01/07/14 08:54 PM (11 years, 2 months ago) |
Thanks a lot for the reply. Controlling will not be an issue with a HP regulator, 24v ac Co2 solenoid, timer, tubing, and a supply of Co2 In my head anyway. And my grow area is sealed that's kind of why I was thinking of the Co2 option. Would you think if the circulating fans were shut down and then Co2 turned on to fill the lets say bottom of the sealed grow area for a determined amount of time before turning the fans back on (I would assume during the light off period) sounds about right. I probably am making this way to difficult but shit I got all the stuff to do it and further more the skill set. Thanks again

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Re: Co2 question [Re: plump]
#705381 - 01/07/14 11:58 PM (11 years, 2 months ago) |
plump said: Oh and by the way who said I was fermenting beer? Hee HEE Hee hEe
Ok then I give up, what ARE you fermenting?

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The amount of co2 being produced by a home brew isn't even close to being able to supply a grow room. Just sayin...
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Well yeah that's sort of what I'm thinking as well. But to my knowledge there aren't a whole lot of things that ferment out more CO2 than saccharomyces. The stoichiometry from glucose to ethanol and CO2 is pretty damned efficient.
Clouseau is on the case

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What if the space is small enough and closed. Lets just say 36 cubic ft. If there was a strong enough fermentation lets say 55gal of whatever sugar you choose, a large pitching yeast cell count, good nutriments, and enough 02 dissolved into solution you should be able to produce around (and I am spit balling here) 1 liter of Co2 every minute. That's (by my calculation) 990min or 16.5 hrs to fill the 36 cubic ft grow space. Since I'll be fermenting anyway and have the means of collecting the Co2 I say why not right?
Clouseau is on the case

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Dextrose, sucrose, maltose, honey, cucumbers, mushrooms, rice, kraut, wheat, everything I can get my hands on to ferment. Some might get cooked some might just get bottled up. I make beer as well and once year I get verniferal grapes from a local vineyard, usually big cabs and zins (can't beat a dry red oaked with some rare beef).