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ISO Extraction Journal
#651279 - 12/16/12 12:19 AM (12 years, 2 months ago) |
Sup guys gonna be documenting some of my latest ISO Oil Extractions here , will have tons of pictures so feel free to stop by and say whats up and drool at the golden goodness .
Strain: Outdoor Blue Cheese Weight: 4.4g Return Weight: 0.8g Return Percentage: 19% Number of Washes: 8 Wash Times: 10-50 seconds Amount Of ISO Used: 10 Fl.oz Evaporation Technique: Low Heat + Whipping

Evap Chamber (Lol just 2 plates)

"softening" it up

After whipping it for 5 mintues on and off the heat source

got a crumbly wax type texture, its very loose and is hard to get on the dabber but man does it look great and the taste, Oh my lord you can really taste the organics in the oil its crazy.
Extraction Specialist

Registered: 12/11/12
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Last seen: 12 years, 2 months
Strain: Outdoor Blue Cheese Weight: 3.6g Return Weight: 0.6g Return Percentage: 19% Number of Washes: 8 Wash Times: 10-50 seconds Amount Of ISO Used: 10 Fl.oz Evaporation Technique: Low Heat + Whipping
Bud and ISO were frozen for 24+ hours prior to extraction. 7th and 8th washes went a bit longer than the first 6.
On the last wash i shook the extractor tube with the ISO in it hard for 2 seconds before i pumped it.
After the initial scrape (was still a bit wet when i scrapped it but no visible runny ISO.

Softening it up a bit

in the "evap chamber"

Turning into wax/budder

Final Product

And in it goes to the dish with its brothers and sisters of dank waxy goodness!

The whole process took me about 3 hours total, from the time i took the ISO and bud out of the freezer, to the time i weighed out my ball of wax.
If any one is interested in dank results like these get yourself some high grade buds and pm me!
Later heads!
juke adro
I hate fat vaginas

Registered: 07/01/08
Posts: 2,227
Loc: Québec
Fucking awesome What temp do you heat to when whipping and how long do you whip. I whipped twice before with no results.
I eat animals and most things that live in the sea, I'm not green but I smoke it and I litter to keep cunts like you in a job so fuck off.
Extraction Specialist

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Re: ISO Extraction Journal [Re: juke adro]
#651798 - 12/18/12 07:24 AM (12 years, 2 months ago) |
juke adro said: Fucking awesome What temp do you heat to when whipping and how long do you whip. I whipped twice before with no results.
Thanks for stoppin by and commenting!
Um the temp was between 200-250*F on my electric pancake griddle. but the thermostat isnt to accurate so i have no idea what the tempature REALLY was, but i just kept taking it on and off of the pancake griddle, when it would get real warm i would whip the shit out of it with my glass dabber, like really go at it, then i would take it off the heat source and continue to whip it till the oil cooled down and it was no longer easy to run my dabber through it. Then i would put it back on the heat source and repeat till i got budder
Extraction Specialist

Registered: 12/11/12
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Last seen: 12 years, 2 months
3.9g of outdoor Blue Cheese Washed, 0.75g of wax in return 19% return. Numbers r pretty solid.

juke adro
I hate fat vaginas

Registered: 07/01/08
Posts: 2,227
Loc: Québec
That's really nice mate, it looks like my ear wax Haha. Would you say you note any difference between smoking the honey and the budder? Its more easy to handle but i haven't really noticed any difference between the 2. Ok so my problem was the heat! I only went to about half that.
I eat animals and most things that live in the sea, I'm not green but I smoke it and I litter to keep cunts like you in a job so fuck off.
Extraction Specialist

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Re: ISO Extraction Journal [Re: juke adro]
#651960 - 12/19/12 08:28 AM (12 years, 2 months ago) |
juke adro said: That's really nice mate, it looks like my ear wax Haha. Would you say you note any difference between smoking the honey and the budder? Its more easy to handle but i haven't really noticed any difference between the 2. Ok so my problem was the heat! I only went to about half that.
It does look just like ear wax! I almost feel like the taste of the hash is more present when its in budder form, but it looses the taste more rapidly than shatter/oil.
the main reason why i like budder is because its way easier to handle. work with, get on the dabber. if i dont whipp i cant seem to get any other consistency than shatter so ive been into budder latlty
So ive had a few people ask me how ive been getting this budder consistency and i gotta say im pretty much just winging it at this point and doing it by feel, but im trying to document it the more i do it so heres what little i have.
***The Thermostat on my griddle is way off so the temps i am giving you are just what the dial says they are not the true temps!!******
1. I scrape my plates about 10-15 mintues after all visible runny ISO is gone, while they are on top of the pancake griddle on a low temp 150-200*F.

The Oil is usally at a slightly softer consistency than taffy, i like to think of it as a sour patch kid that had been left in a hot car. Its fairly easy to work with, not to runny/oily, not to dry/flaky.
2. Keeping the different washes separate, i scrape them all onto the same plate and place on the griddle at about 225*F-250*F.

I take another plate and place it on top of the original plate to create a sort of chamber/oven so it heats up quicker.

At this point im just trying to melt the oil down and spread/thin it out, using a clean dabber can help you achieve this

3. Once the 4 separate puddles of oil have gotten to a nice consistency

i will then take my dabber and kind of swirl all the separate runs of iso into each other, spreading and thinning it out.

4. Take the plate off the heat source Now its time to get to whipping, vigorously drag the dabber back and forth in small close strokes through the oil until it starts to cool off and solidify and the dabber becomes difficult to move through the oil. you should notice alot of air bubbles rising up at this point

5. Place the plate back on the griddle at about 200-225*F until it gets warm and soft again then whip again, go all different directions.
6. After you have done this about 2-3 times you should have a budder like consistency. You dont want to whip your oil for to long or let it get to warm because it will become brittle and dust like, very hard to gather together.

7. Enjoy your egg of hash!

I hope this helps a little bit. The temps and times are just a guide line, i dont sit here and time myself, although i should. Its kind of a trial and error thing im sure if you follow my steps and put your own little tweak on it youll have a good lookin prouct!
juke adro
I hate fat vaginas

Registered: 07/01/08
Posts: 2,227
Loc: Québec
It also may be that iso is easier to make into budder than bho. Cause i only use bho.
I eat animals and most things that live in the sea, I'm not green but I smoke it and I litter to keep cunts like you in a job so fuck off.
Extraction Specialist

Registered: 12/11/12
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Re: ISO Extraction Journal [Re: juke adro]
#652072 - 12/20/12 08:30 AM (12 years, 2 months ago) |
its possible, all i do is scrape the dish before its fully dry and then whipp the iso over a heat source. Preetty simple i dunno what steps you need to take for BHO budder.
Extraction Specialist

Registered: 12/11/12
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This Outdoor Blue Cheese is putting up rock solid numbers, this is my 4th time running the bud and got back 19% for the 4th time. Really locking everything in with the 3.5g No Stems > 0.65g of oil.
I let the plates sit out after all visible runny ISO was evaporated longer than i have been. So the oil was a little more flaky and hard than i am used to working with.
I whipped it for a little while, it was kind of tough though the oil didnt really wanna move around since it was so dry. But i ended up getting a really cool consistency, almost that of a tootsie roll or soft taffy, its very pliable but still looks kind of transparent. Check out the pics!
Before i whipped

In the process of whipping

End Product

Peace out fellas!
Edited by hawksapprentice (01/03/13 06:34 PM)
Extraction Specialist

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Extraction Specialist

Registered: 12/11/12
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This is for any one who doesnt think that im getting 19% returns with this pump/tube method, and some dank.
4.2g of Outdoor Blue Cheese w/ stems

0.3g of stems removed = 3.9g of bud total

Scale Tared out with oil slick pad

0.8g of oil according to my scale

I added this picture to be honest, kept jumping around from 0.7g to 0.8g which leads me to believe it is 0.75g of oil. Thats on the higher end of 19% return.

Put that on your nail and dab it!

Made with the C9EK
Peace out heads!
Extraction Specialist

Registered: 12/11/12
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Alright picked up an oz of what i was told is Sour Diesel. Im not 100% convinced thats what it is, because it doesnt look or smell like any SD i have had before. The smell is that of liquorice . Looked at it under a 60x scope and the Buds are coated in trichs. The appearance is very dark green with dark some times almost purple orange hairs.
Froze 4.1g in the extractor tube along with 8 Fl. oz of 99% ISO for about 30 hours.
Did 8 short washes, 15-30 seconds. The last wash i shook the extractor tube up a bit to get everything out.
The plates had a pretty even amount of oil on them. The oil is pretty dark but so was the bud so oh well.
The return was crazy though got back 0.9g thats 22%!!!
Damn ill take some pics of the bud on my scale and the oil on my scale on the next wash just to prove to the haters im actually getting 22%.
After the plates were scrapped

Combined them all and started to low heat purge.

In the light

Sticky icky icky

Final product

Peace out peeps!
Just some douchebag

Registered: 11/02/12
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Loc: The Land of Senseless Del...
That oil looks great! I don't think I've ever seen ISO oil that looks that good.
However, your extraction tube is overpriced IMO. You could do exactly the same thing for the same price with a Buchner funnel, filter flask and hand vacuum pump, plus you can do a lot more things with it.
-------------------- I don't know but I been told it's hard to run with the weight of gold
The other hand, I heard it said it's just as hard with the weight of lead
My acetone shatter oil TEK. Click me!
Extraction Specialist

Registered: 12/11/12
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Re: ISO Extraction Journal [Re: 36fuckin5]
#653260 - 12/30/12 12:17 PM (12 years, 2 months ago) |
Ok washed 3.9g got back 0.85g of oil thats 22% Oh ya baby!

I almost edited out the lil hairs on the razor but i said fuck it.

Later guys!
Please tell me more about my prices being to much the tube cost roughly 50$ just in parts, plus shipping is 15$ im only making 15$ profit. I need to eat.
Extraction Specialist

Registered: 12/11/12
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After hours slaving over a hot laptop i have finally created this...
Please let me know what you think!
Edited by EzExtractions (01/02/13 01:42 PM)
juke adro
I hate fat vaginas

Registered: 07/01/08
Posts: 2,227
Loc: Québec
The music is similar to that of 80's porn. But otherwise it seems ok. However when you pour the iso into the into tube that looks kind of bodgy cause you pour like 5mls in. Also where you put the filter on after reading the text it leads you to believe its some super trick thing then you rip out a coffee filter. Also that type of hose clamp is not designed for glass you really should be using something better. A rubber band would very more safe. Also you shouldnt let the iso sit in there cause it will just warm up. And 3 runs should be more than enough any more is ridiculas
I eat animals and most things that live in the sea, I'm not green but I smoke it and I litter to keep cunts like you in a job so fuck off.
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Re: ISO Extraction Journal [Re: juke adro]
#653548 - 01/03/13 07:19 AM (12 years, 2 months ago) |
I like that "oil slick" mat
Extraction Specialist

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Re: ISO Extraction Journal [Re: juke adro]
#653581 - 01/03/13 12:42 PM (12 years, 2 months ago) |
juke adro said: The music is similar to that of 80's porn. But otherwise it seems ok. However when you pour the iso into the into tube that looks kind of bodgy cause you pour like 5mls in. Also where you put the filter on after reading the text it leads you to believe its some super trick thing then you rip out a coffee filter. Also that type of hose clamp is not designed for glass you really should be using something better. A rubber band would very more safe. Also you shouldnt let the iso sit in there cause it will just warm up. And 3 runs should be more than enough any more is ridiculas
the music is from a band called lotus thing the album came out in 2005, i think its a lil to funky for porn music nice try tho.
what do you mean the tube looks bodgy? i only pour 5 ml in,? not really sure wtf you are talkin about right there. Im pouring iso in the extractor tube what is bodgy about that?
Also have no idea what your talking about when you say reading the text and then rip out coffee filter?!??!?! wtf are we watching the same video?!?!
People use Stainless steel hose clamps on glass extractor tubes all the time, not to mention the filter is in between the glass and the hose clamp so nice try on that one again.
Using rubberbands is bad because the ISO will soak into the rubberband and leach plastics and rubbers into your iso GROSS!
I do 8 small washes, Which is virtually no different than doing 3 large washes. All im doing is using a smaller amount of iso at a time.
im sure im never gonna be able to fully understand wtf you are talking about but thanks for the input anyways
juke adro
I hate fat vaginas

Registered: 07/01/08
Posts: 2,227
Loc: Québec
The text on the video clip says... Apply the EZ technology filter!!! Then you rip out a coffee filter.. And shove it on, does not look professional one bit!
The music still sounds like 80's porn. Who said that was a bad thing?
Yes it looks bodgy meaning silly. You use a bottle to pour in the iso which is not practical! Or unless is it designed to pour a measured dose into your tube? Is this the case? You pour in 5mls in the clip. That's what i meant.
Why are you acting like a idiot you wanted a reaction otherwise you wouldn't have posted this here??? Yeah??? Stop acting like a child and take the criticism.
You dont have your own site and it looks bodgy/silly. Your extraction kit is bodgy/silly anyone can make that for half the price. Your oil slick mat is ridiculous and a razor will scratch that and you will end up smoking plastic crap GROSS and the green tape made me lol.
The filter you use is not some ez technology its a COFFEE filter
Iso wont dissolve latex rubber bands if this was the case a surgeon would wear glass gloves. And you DO NOT use a metal clamp on glass! As a little too much pressure will break the glass causing injury you can buy clips that will be more that enough pressure to hold your coffee filter in place without breaking the glass.
You can do 20 washes if you like but after 3 its a waste and you won't ever understand cause you don't listen your like my missus.
So my thought on your honey is great! But anyone can make it much cheaper a cylinder and a can of 2$dollar gas and a COFFEE filter will produce honey that is higher grade.
And no you will never understand me cause you smoke too much drugs impairing your judgment which concludes my post.
Next time think twice about biting the only guys head off who has been nice to you and followed you the whole way through your thread.
I eat animals and most things that live in the sea, I'm not green but I smoke it and I litter to keep cunts like you in a job so fuck off.