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Psychosis or Bad Trip?
#599021 - 11/29/11 05:47 PM (13 years, 3 months ago) |
Whats up yall. So I was a stoner in high school, eventually weed lost its magic, just made me anxious and paranoid.....blah blah blah some old story for allot of people.
I smoked on and off after quitting regular use, had some good times, some bad, but keep in mind after I fully stopped marijuana I experimented with psychedelics as well(mushrooms, LSD, etc). Some of those trips were amazing, some horrifying that landed me into some trouble.
Here I am. 5 years later. Not been a regular pot smoker since then. Used psychedelics sparingly, but the main topic for this thread is Marijuana. I loved the substance, and occasionally would use it. Since my psychedelic trips weed has never been the same. My first times smoking were accompanied by visuals, etc. but nothing really bad 
I smoked a year ago after not smoking for a while, but something happened. Something I hadnt experianced since a 5 gram mushroom trip that landed me in over my head. I took 1 bong rip (not too large) from a homemade bong and thats when it happened. My heart started to beat really fast (didnt really bother me as I knew better than to think I was dying). I shrugged it off and started playing some video games. Things were off from that moment on. My mind was in tune with EVERYTHING Normally I can play video games and tune out the backround noise, but everything (i believe the term white noise), was being heard.....
I decided I needed to head to the shower and relax. I noticed something was wrong when I went to piss and noticed my cock was the size of a toothpick (jokes aside, im trying to explain the visuals of what I was experiancing). I took a shower, an still noticed my heart was beating really fast. I got out and laid down next to my wife who had fallen asleep. It was like trying to sleep on acid.....just wasnt going to happen. Not only that but time dilation was huge! Just like a bad mushroom trip time was fucking DRAGGING its feet. This scared me and thats when I panicked.
"Theres no way im this high from marijuana....something must be wrong".
I got confused to why I felt this way and wondered if I was dead or something. I walked outside and calmly called my best friend (at 2am) and told him I was about to call an ambulance because I had lost my fucking mind. I was so scared that I had been sucked into the "Hell" I had experienced previously from the bad mushroom trip. I told my friend if this shit ended I would be front and center at church come next Sunday
As I passed people who were loading a car in their driveway their faces were melting to the side of their heads to keep looking at me! People inside of cars that I passed all seem to be looking at me as well. It was frightening and the whole thing lasted 2 hours. Things returned to normal, and I walked home.
This was a year ago. Since then ive wanted to smoke but never had to the courage to do so. I never thought smoking could bring on that type of experience but it did. One fucking toke and I was hallucinating, had time dilatation, and paranoia out the ass! My wife smoked the same weed (and the same amount)....she simply went to bed
What happened?
The Spenner

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Re: Psychosis or Bad Trip? [Re: Relax]
#599022 - 11/29/11 06:04 PM (13 years, 3 months ago) |
You probably started overthinking, then underthinking everything else. I've had a similar experience before; the fact that ways of thinking feel so altered made it quite hard at first for me to get a handle on things, and I DO have a psychotic disorder, and I can tell you that overthinking was a BIG part of me just freaking out one time when I only had a small hit from a pipe, when other times I was fine. All it takes is for one small subconscious thing to occupy you and spill over.
I've never tripped on real psychedelics, but I've been high on weed to the point of time seemingly stopping and being anxious about being stuck in the moment for eternity.
But yeah in a nutshell, it's a state of mind thing mostly. Some days I feel perfectly relaxed before I smoke and I end up getting bad vibes, other times I feel as though I'll probably regret smoking and get bad vibes and end up with euphoria!
Paranoia is hard to shake off when it gets intense like it did for you, as I'm sure you know. Like when tripping, the best thing is just to surround yourself in a nicer setting with positive vibes. It's still a drug with potential for psychedelic experiences. I get it all the time, almost every time
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Re: Psychosis or Bad Trip? [Re: Relax]
#599024 - 11/29/11 06:16 PM (13 years, 3 months ago) |
Brain chemistry man, it seems to me that you have an extremely low tolerance to psychedelics. Cause you stated your wife had the same stuff and just went to bed. Not everyone has the same body chemistry ya know. There's a lot more variables to take into account tho
I embrace it when things like that happen to me when I'm tokin up. I also have an extremely low tolerance to psychedelics.
Edit: to add, buy a bag of mids or some low grade stuff. You should be alright and just get couch locked at best. And smoke out of a bowl vs a bong. If you'd like to give miss mary another shot
-------------------- "I know that I know nothing"
Edited by DRAGON (11/29/11 06:20 PM)
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Re: Psychosis or Bad Trip? [Re: DRAGON]
#599025 - 11/29/11 06:29 PM (13 years, 3 months ago) |
DRAGON said: Brain chemistry man, it seems to me that you have an extremely low tolerance to psychedelics. Cause you stated your wife had the same stuff and just went to bed. Not everyone has the same body chemistry ya know. There's a lot more variables to take into account tho
I embrace it when things like that happen to me when I'm tokin up. I also have an extremely low tolerance to psychedelics.
Edit: to add, buy a bag of mids or some low grade stuff. You should be alright and just get couch locked at best. And smoke out of a bowl vs a bong. If you'd like to give miss mary another shot
I will someday, it was just scary you know. The night of "the bad trip" from the high dose of mushrooms was actually taken in a similar environment. It was night time, alone inside of my room with my current girlfriend at the time. It does make sense that I got sent back to that mindset, but Jesus 
Ill smoke again just not ready

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Re: Psychosis or Bad Trip? [Re: Relax]
#599026 - 11/29/11 06:48 PM (13 years, 3 months ago) |
I too have quit smoking marijuana because of bad LSD and mushroom trips! Everyone calls me retarded and shit because supposably I can't "handle" marijuana.... But ever since I took 12 drops onto W.O.W and my friend freaked out and started punching out windows and screaming help me out here and blood squirting everywhere and the sound of like flesh being cut open just echoing in my head.. and being so absorbed by everything that I couldn't move, I cannot smoke marijuana anymore. It just gets me paranoid and makes me think irrationally.. Like everyone is talking about me. or people know what I am thinking. Or Masonic symbolism is EVERYWHERE! and I pay way to much attention to peoples body language when I am high on marijuana.
I used to smoke for like 7 years, every day. Now I cannot. I started taporing off and only smoking by my self at my house. And now I just do not need marijuana to be happy!
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Re: Psychosis or Bad Trip? [Re: Sobeiyt]
#599031 - 11/29/11 07:26 PM (13 years, 3 months ago) |
The secret is to have something to do, and have some friends there to be stoned with.
Being stoned is such a community thing. Its really not that great to smoke alone. I get small bits of what you mentioned (sometimes worse than others) but when I'm drinking some brews with friends and passing a spliff around, its just like old times.
Its all that being trapped in your head, man. You gotsta let it outtttttt. Having someone to talk to and laugh about stupid shit with and share mind blowing ideas with really stops ALL of that.
-------------------- Of course it's happening inside your head.
Why should that mean it isn't real?
Heart Slowed

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Re: Psychosis or Bad Trip? [Re: RasJeph]
#599034 - 11/29/11 07:51 PM (13 years, 3 months ago) |
It is fucking scary when that happens. As hard as it is, you just have to slow your mind and think about something else, get busy with something.
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The Spenner

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Dude I looooove it how it is when you're that high
I am that high right now, and I've been hallucinating for about 40 minuts now, started to come down as did I after a big peak of holyshitness (now I've got my head wrapped around it a little more) i can hear things when i focus on them and want to hear them, same with visuals. The altered perception factor of this is benign 8]
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Re: Psychosis or Bad Trip? [Re: Spenner]
#599046 - 11/29/11 09:58 PM (13 years, 3 months ago) |
Ras gave some good advice, having a good friend (not friends that play pranks and enjoy messing with people) are great to have with ya when you're doing any kind of psychedelic
I love smokin by myself though. I'm very picky when it comes to smoking with people. It irritates me when when I'm in a circle and someone begins to create buzzkills (creates paranoia, freaking out, etc..) Which is why I'm very selective who I share the herb with nowadays. It's all about good vibes.
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Re: Psychosis or Bad Trip? [Re: DRAGON]
#599048 - 11/29/11 10:05 PM (13 years, 3 months ago) |
before i got arrested weed started doing that for me. anxious, paranoia, heart beating SUPER fast, that whole jazz
i was also in a bad place at the time though so i think a lot of it had to do with that
im excited to try smoking again when im off drug court and see how it effects me
-------------------- niteowl said:
See, that term pedo gets thrown around a lot.
Is a 16 year old guy having sex w/a 16 year old girl a pedophile?
If not, then how is a 30 year old considered a pedophile for doing the same thing?
I think y'all need to look up the definition for pedophile.
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OP it happens to the best of us.
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Re: Psychosis or Bad Trip? [Re: iStoner]
#599058 - 11/29/11 11:54 PM (13 years, 3 months ago) |
sorry to be the one to tell you this, but your brain is melting

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Psycho Pete

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Re: Psychosis or Bad Trip? [Re: DRAGON]
#599082 - 11/30/11 07:54 AM (13 years, 3 months ago) |
DRAGON said: Ras gave some good advice, having a good friend (not friends that play pranks and enjoy messing with people) are great to have with ya when you're doing any kind of psychedelic
I love smokin by myself though. I'm very picky when it comes to smoking with people. It irritates me when when I'm in a circle and someone begins to create buzzkills (creates paranoia, freaking out, etc..) Which is why I'm very selective who I share the herb with nowadays. It's all about good vibes.
Well at my age I've figured out who is a good smoking buddy and who isn't. I don't need no new jacks unless they're getting ME stoned.
Unless I'm at a party or something, I never smoke with anyone who I haven't been smoking with for years and years.
Theres a kid down the road from me (18 now??) who is always trying to burn one with me but I just won't. He fucked up (passed the fuck out, had to drag him to my house, sleep on my couch, puked on it) and I'll never forgive him for it. Thats what I get for playing strikeout with high schoolers in my dining room tho.
-------------------- Of course it's happening inside your head.
Why should that mean it isn't real?
Heart Slowed

Registered: 12/19/10
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Re: Psychosis or Bad Trip? [Re: RasJeph]
#599094 - 11/30/11 09:54 AM (13 years, 3 months ago) |
I hate smoking around people I dont know, or being the only one high. I enjoy it more when I do it with oeople I have actual connections with and care about. Also, set and setting. Cannot be said enough.
Let food be thy medicine