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    #557859 - 05/24/11 10:28 AM (13 years, 9 months ago)

Your habits are addictive.

You have a Limbic system... it's responsible for gathering information for forward thinking attitudes.

These things for gathering are things such as...

1: reward and pleasure
2: memory storage and re-collection
3: among other things involving your mood


When you enforce actions or thoughts that reinforce behaviour that is a: "addictive" or b: "pleasurable" you are, in effect, becoming habitually attached to "said processes".

so when you say that "you can so get addicted to weed!1 look at me!1 i had(have) to quit!1 look how pathetic weed or *substitute with Meth or some kind of stimulant* can make you!1"

BURRRr... wrong.

you are reinforcing all of your shitty actions that make you feel that way... it's not ANY sort of substances fault.

i read this dictionary article someone posted...

1. Physically and mentally dependent on a particular substance, and unable to stop taking it

ad·dic·tion noun \ə-ˈdik-shən, a-\
: the quality or state of being addicted <addiction to reading>
: compulsive need for and use of a habit-forming substance (as heroin, nicotine, or alcohol) characterized by tolerance and by well-defined physiological symptoms upon withdrawal; broadly : persistent compulsive use of a substance

and i go "wow... they love to make one-ended stories at Webster, don't they?" because this is a more accurate description without any pushed wishy-washy nonsense.

the state of being enslaved to a habit or practice or to something that is psychologically or physically habit-forming, as narcotics, to such an extent that its cessation causes severe trauma.

hell, even that one has to mention "narcotics"

HA! i guess all those endorphins and dopamine in your body are all drugs that need to kept in check... watch out that you don't addicted to eating or exercise! :lol:

take this post how you will, i supose, but... it's bullshit. the whole ideal that you can't control what you do when you put a substance into your body, is WRONG! PERIOD.

Edited by eNtranceAsexit (05/24/11 10:40 AM)

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    #557874 - 05/24/11 12:15 PM (13 years, 9 months ago)

explain why heroin is addictive and why someone would suck a dick for some crumbs.

explain what the crumbs do and how it is so importent for the body to maintain the levels of heroin that a "junkie" wants...

you can't, can you?

PS: the great Sun Ra is great.

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    #557881 - 05/24/11 01:35 PM (13 years, 9 months ago)

awesome. quoting a song will help your logic.

heroin is bad, sure... because pain relief is bad, a necessary evil, but still horrifically bad.

pain control... pfFFT! for pussies who can't HANDLE the pain. :ooo:

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Re: WEED IS NOT ADDICTIVE. [Re: SpaceMonkey]
    #557924 - 05/24/11 05:09 PM (13 years, 9 months ago)


SpaceMonkey said:
Opiate addiction is not just a craving! It literally changes your brain chemistry. And yes I suppose it is the reward center that enforces that. I can tell you from experience, not by what is in books or wikipedia! I had no craving to take opiates and actually had bad side effects that out wieghed anyting positive. I wanted to quit! My brain wouldn't let me! Why? Because my chemistry changed and my brain now needed this substance to get thru the day! I hated it! Like taking a ani depressant! After repeated and prolonged use of this stuff, your brain reacts and now depends on this substance to make the chemicals it needs to function. Try a prozac patient. Tell them to quit and see what happens! They get sick! Their brains need the stuff to function. And what is the reward in prozac?

Cannabis is not addictive in the ways I mentioned! It is not necessary to keep smoking if you don't want too. And no ill effects. Life goes on with maybe a weak appetite and a little insomnia for a day or 2. No dependence. You can read all the pro drug bullshit you want. This what I said is truth and I lived it!!!!:shrug:

did you pump acumbens altering, dopamine loaded Heroin into your veins? oops. should have known that that would happen. it has a completely different addiction potential because yeah... you're flooding your reward center with nerve damaging dopaminergic drugs.

not the drugs fault. :shrug:

and don't give me pro-drugs nothing... puh-lease. this is not propaganda, it's a simple misunderstanding. prozac? the reward is doctors telling you that it'll help your head. and how? by filling your prescription and taking your daily doses, your body builds it up in itself, and since your liver processes this drug in a slow and ill-developed way, the concentrations in your body causes the influx of the drug to your 5HT receptors, causing them to developmentally alter the re-uptake of Serotonin and all of this taking more then 5 weeks to actually reach the peak amount of the drug, with which this effect is reached.

it's a horrible complicated number of actions that said person is taking to combat their "ailments".

and these actions are otherwise known as... damage.

same goes with Opiates, well... when you bang it, anyways. :shrug:

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Re: WEED IS NOT ADDICTIVE. [Re: Tangerines]
    #557929 - 05/24/11 05:14 PM (13 years, 9 months ago)

he argued Opiate addiction is not just a craving...

yeah it is. that's my new argument. that there is no special "craving" drug, nor that there is a natural "Craving" for anything.

ie, you can say that, hypothetically, that shooting H is akin to giving your brain so much pleasure it doesn't even know what to do with.

that it's so influential, you can't even tell how much so and why you're going from (perhaps) trying some pill... to popping them three times a week... to shooting Heroin.

and then you're left with a monkey on your back.

Edited by eNtranceAsexit (05/24/11 06:02 PM)

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    #557951 - 05/24/11 06:00 PM (13 years, 9 months ago)

well... you want to exist... so you... ya know, pain and relief with endorphins and...  ahh nevermind...

i'd retain that information, anyday!1 BWAAHAHA!1 :dizope:

nice subject change. :zappa:

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Re: WEED IS NOT ADDICTIVE. [Re: SpaceMonkey]
    #557982 - 05/24/11 07:09 PM (13 years, 9 months ago)

believe me, i already have guessed. i know many people that have gotten in the same way before.

but so you know, i am NOT comparing the two together... i am maybe at the most, comparing drug use... with normalcy... and vise-versa.
i am sorry that you had that happen with your back and shit, but you know, i wasn't saying that you can over-come such a "craving" or "addiction"  with just mental fortitude. no, that argument if you think it was made was probably more an advocate for marijuana... but the argument i was making was that an addiction is done through reward and pleasure centers in your brain, and not from drugs themselves. the drugs are a catalyst for many different proportionate changes in body and brain chemistry leading to the perceived effects. you either enjoy these changes or don't... and if you do... you repeat, in most likely circumstances.

heroin might "re-wire" your body chemistry but not unlike any other way a drug will do that... all drugs that effect your dopaminergic nervous system pathways (which is... all drugs that pass through your blood-brain barrier) have the same effect on the reward centers in your brain... and if you like it, you tend to want to do whatever it is, again.

and if not, then you usually remember that you don't like it and thus won't do it again, unless of course... you tell your brain different.
then in that case, you can see that even against your will, surely you can get addicted to something you don't even like... but it's done by force... not by accident.

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    #557994 - 05/24/11 08:13 PM (13 years, 9 months ago)


any drug that passes your blood-brain barrier has an effect on your reward pathways. they "REALLY" don't? care to have some substance to your argument, or i guess you prefer sounding twelve when you have no proof to your assertion.

or no, they really don't have the "Same" effect....ohhh... even "better". considering i was referring as the "Same effect" as "an effect" as opposed to "no effect".

oh boy, the results here are fascinating... appears addiction is quite a touchy issue, considering most people (here, i bet, even more then the usual) can't comprehend where they are even coming from with not only their drug use, but too, their compulsions to ascertain my arguments with pragmatic tangential preferences for beliefs.

awesome. now again, care to actually prove that your reward center doesn't get effected? it really doesn't matter HOW and TO WHAT REGARD they are effected, considering (for fucks sakes) that i am not talking bout heroin or what drugs do what.

i am talking about the effects on your reward center, from... ANYTHING. CANNABIS being the primer for this argument. not fucking HEROIN. HEROIN is a hard fucking topic because of the stigma attached and the fact that it is one of the more POTENT drugs around... it's not REALLY NECESSARY in this thread. but since it's INSISTED, i concur that... this thread is still on track. :crazy:

Edited by eNtranceAsexit (05/24/11 08:20 PM)

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    #557999 - 05/24/11 08:49 PM (13 years, 9 months ago)

you, id. this thread isn't about heroin... doofus, listen up... leave. this is discussion about the rewards centers of your brain... you know... it's why you like sex... and food... and hobby's, so show a little bit more respect for the topic at hand, and STFU about your silly heroin topic. heroin is bad... I GET IT. :yesnod:

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    #558004 - 05/24/11 09:06 PM (13 years, 9 months ago)

i didn't say that all drug interactions were the same... wtf? WHERE? where do i say that?


and god here, proof, you shit.

"InputMajor inputs to the nucleus accumbens include prefrontal association cortices, basolateral amygdala, and dopaminergic neurons located in the ventral tegmental area (VTA), which connect via the mesolimbic pathway. Thus the nucleus accumbens is often described as one part of a cortico-striato-thalamo-cortical loop.

Dopaminergic input from the VTA is thought to modulate the activity of neurons within the nucleus accumbens. These terminals are also the site of action of highly-addictive drugs such as cocaine and amphetamine, which cause a manifold increase in dopamine levels in the nucleus accumbens. In addition to cocaine and amphetamine, almost every recreational drug has been shown to increase dopamine levels in the nucleus accumbens"

now you're going to tell me, that "wiki can't be trusted!! I HEARD THAT!1"


and i didn't insult you. i insulted your pathetic attempt to discredit me... and look, you still are... and no proof.

typical... a thread that isn't about mundane vagrancy and it attracts the know it alls and the abridged. :lol:

can't have serious discussion here.. :rolleyes:

here, let me rate your post some more... more ignorant opinionated wastoids need to make their appearance.

like that one? wastoids.

i do. i think it describes the kind of lackey you are going to find in this thread. no one has said shit according to the topic... it's too sticky for the growery, i guess? :shrug:

thanks for trying for having a conversation, though, spacemonkey and tangerines. thanks for asking questions.

Edited by eNtranceAsexit (05/24/11 09:16 PM)

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    #558007 - 05/24/11 09:19 PM (13 years, 9 months ago)


THEBats said:

eNtranceAsexit said:
have the same effect on the reward centers in your brain

Seems you have some reading comprehension issues.  Where did I make the argument drugs passing through the blood-brain barrier don't interact with the reward pathway?  I argued that their interactions are not the same. :rolleyes:

and you need read again and again... i never said that the interactions were the same... you did... i said that... "in your brain... there is a thing called a reward center... when your brain's BBB (or blood-brain barrier for the 5th fucking time i have to say that phrase) has a bioavailable substance pass through it... it effects your reward and pleasure centers."




I agree, it can be difficult to have any serious conversation when you won't even properly read and interpret the responses.

i like to be a smart-ass too... but i have a goddamn clue about who said what. unlike some people... :rolleyes: still waiting for you to show me where i generalize that all drugs have the same interactions with your brains reward center. i said, using WORDS, that the effect is the same as in "ALL DRUGS HAVE AN EFFECT" NOT AS IN "ALL DRUGS HAVE THE SAME EFFECT AS ONE ANOTHER" NO I SAID, "ALL DRUGS WILL HAVE AN EFFECT AND THERE ISN'T A DRUG THAT DOESN'T.

GO FUCK-A-DUCK, if you want be a semantic prick.

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    #558009 - 05/24/11 09:27 PM (13 years, 9 months ago)

i didn't say that thoughn, troll fool.

i didn't say that.... just like i said what i am saying now...
omg you a faerknwigujnrwpoihy;]

you idiot... i wasn't talking to you... in the first place... if you can't read the post of WHO i was talking to and THEN my post to see the correlation between someone saying that all the drugs have the same effect in your brain as in it will effect it, and not the saying of all drugs will effect your brain the same way.


my post to see the correlation between someone saying that all the drugs have the same effect in your brain, as in it will certainly effect it, and not the saying of all drugs will effect your brain the same way.

ohhhhh.......! reading comprehension... oohhh121111...ge;kjfbiwuagfvjawkguvfbwa

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    #558011 - 05/24/11 09:30 PM (13 years, 9 months ago)


THEBats said:

Perhaps you should say what you mean.  If you meant to say that all drugs affect the reward pathway then you shouldn't go on to say they have the same effect on the reward pathway.

perhaps you should just assume the role of arguing with somebody for no reason. i meant what i said, you just didn't read my post in the context it was written... NOT for you specifically.

Goddamn. i like a good shit show but that was getting ridiculous

THEBats said:

eNtranceAsexit said:
all drugs that effect your dopaminergic nervous system pathways (which is... all drugs that pass through your blood-brain barrier) have the same effect on the reward centers in your brain... and if you like it, you tend to want to do whatever it is, again.

how good of you to avoid the context... here hold on sec :yesnod:

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Re: WEED IS NOT ADDICTIVE. [Re: eNtranceAsexit]
    #558013 - 05/24/11 09:36 PM (13 years, 9 months ago)


eNtranceAsexit said:
or no, they really don't have the "Same" effect....ohhh... even "better". considering i was referring as the "Same effect" as "an effect" as opposed to "no effect".

here ya go, friend... context. i was explaining that anything that crosses your dopaminergic pathways... which can mainly be comprised of drugs... WILL HAVE AN EFFECT. AN EFFECT = being the same effect as having an effect as opposed to having no effect.

pragmatism doesn't sit well with me... it makes people look like know it alls. but oh well, you wanted prove... here ya go... if you still can't grasp the words i was using then i'll simplify it...

the effect that is the same, is the FACT that the effect is there as opposed to not... AND NOT THE EFFECT OF THE DRUG.

i am talking about anything ... not just recreational drugs... no, that subject just fills a large hole... maybe that generalization is confusing?

Edited by eNtranceAsexit (05/24/11 09:41 PM)

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Re: WEED IS NOT ADDICTIVE. [Re: BlueBerry_Swisher]
    #558018 - 05/24/11 09:48 PM (13 years, 9 months ago)


A7X said:
I know people who would go as far as sexual favors for weed.:shrug:


not condoning the effectiveness of the habit forming reward centers of your brain... but, there ya go... if you can suck dick for weed... proof that you can suck dick for almost anything...


what was the argument about again? :shrug:

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    #558021 - 05/24/11 09:55 PM (13 years, 9 months ago)


THEBats said:

eNtranceAsexit said:

eNtranceAsexit said:
or no, they really don't have the "Same" effect....ohhh... even "better". considering i was referring as the "Same effect" as "an effect" as opposed to "no effect".

here ya go, friend... context. i was explaining that anything that crosses your dopaminergic pathways... which can mainly be comprised of drugs... WILL HAVE AN EFFECT. AN EFFECT = being the same effect as having an effect as opposed to having no effect.

pragmatism doesn't sit well with me... it makes people look like know it alls. but oh well, you wanted prove... here ya go... if you still can't grasp the words i was using then i'll simplify it...

the effect that is the same, is the FACT that the effect is there as opposed to not... AND NOT THE EFFECT OF THE DRUG.

i am talking about anything ... not just recreational drugs... no, that subject just fills a large hole... maybe that generalization is confusing?

If you give the context after the fact then you can't blame anyone but yourself for misinterpreting what you mean.

i didn't blame you? you suggested it... not me.

so this a public forum where the context doesn't always apply the last person who posted? who would have guessed, right? :rolleyes:

consider that i wasn't even talking to you... and you didn't see the subtext of what i was saying to a complete random stranger to you. and you being a stranger yourself, to me, of course i'd only give you context out of turn... and this isn't even about words... this is about how i said one thing and you took it out context and then bashed me for nothing... i called you a tard, and told you the context of the circumstances around me SAYING WHAT I SAID AND WHY, and you continued to blather on and on about what i HAD said and not what i was telling you i meant... which you now understand and you just wannna just troll me to death mmm? don't you? :trolldance:
lose much?

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Re: WEED IS NOT ADDICTIVE. [Re: eNtranceAsexit]
    #558022 - 05/24/11 10:01 PM (13 years, 9 months ago)

for the record... for any dumbass who thinks this is about drug use in general.

i am not condoning drug use.
read the thread.
man, i am going to get alot of flak for speaking my mind aren't i? (figures :tongue:)
the thread is about how anything can cause an addiction, if anything. you guys turned it into heroin and semantics, but it's just what i could expect from a bunch of hive-minded hippies. nawww.... just kidding... i just think you all took this thread the wrong way. i never said that drugs didn't cause addictions... and that's how some of you took it. read the thread again, if you want the proof.. it's in the pudding.

never uttered the words once... :facepalm:

and again, painful thanks to tangerines and spacemonkey and... wait there was one more... i didn't even reply to =(


numonk said:
No shit.

But you just defined marijuana to be addictive, as those who are addicted to it.

And, actually, not all habits are addictive. There are plenty of socially-analyzed data on such things.


my thread title? it was a play on words, and it was satire. :yesnod:

oh yeah, and also... i know that not all habits are addictive, but all habits are habitual. right?

and thanks bats for participating, but a semantic argument about what drugs do in the brain? i already know this... you don't need to tell me. i know that all drugs do different things, i've read substantially on all the drugs i've tried and their relatives. it was a semantic argument, and totally frivolous.

Edited by eNtranceAsexit (05/24/11 10:22 PM)

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    #558024 - 05/24/11 10:08 PM (13 years, 9 months ago)


THEBats said:

not funny, you bandwagon of shitstained creases. much disdain you've caused me!1 i've got bad ratings now. +(

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    #558027 - 05/24/11 10:26 PM (13 years, 9 months ago)

i seriously hate you now... no... no no no, you must die... *reward center activated - ego self-preservation alert* die evil fucking prick, dieeeee :borg:

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Re: WEED IS NOT ADDICTIVE. [Re: eNtranceAsexit]
    #558032 - 05/24/11 10:44 PM (13 years, 9 months ago)

i just wanna say that i didn't mean to call you out on anything, Spacemonkey, i didn't mean for this to become about drug abuse in partcular, only that drugs are but one motivating factor in one's reward and pleasure and that there are many different things that have the same effect as that of a stimulus for said reward center, ie drugs, or sex or even food... as our more basic motivating trait.

this thread was about a comparison of THOSE things and also "habits" with drugs and how they are all motivating factors that are DEVELOPED, and not simply attained by accident, or even through evolution... well... except food... all but food.

food is pretty much key. no shit, though, anyway... sorry for callin' you out.

Edited by eNtranceAsexit (05/24/11 10:49 PM)

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