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Registered: 08/12/10
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Anxiety theory.
#473187 - 09/06/10 04:55 PM (14 years, 5 months ago) |
Roughly 29 days, or about a month ago, I had what I assumed was a seizure. I went to the doctor to check it out, and after drawing blood and some other dumb tests, the concluded I just fainted. Yes, fainting can result in convulsions.
The story leading up to the fainting is important to know also.
I normally smoke ample amounts of grass throughout each week, normally I'm stoned. But on August 5th, 2010, I ran out of weed and my dealer was having difficulty acquiring more. So there waited...and suffered, for about week...leading up to August 12th, that day will probably not be forgotten.
So there I was, August 12th, at one of my friends homes, just talking and making up for all the lost time(Been awhile since I've visited). Eventually we go up stairs and one of my friends, lets call her T, recommended we smoke some of her really dank, very special Hydro. So of course I was up for that, having gone a week without. *This shit is extremely potent, and she only smokes the stuff on special occasions.
So there I am, with my friend T and another friend A, who is a guy.
After the first hit, I was already feeling buzzed, and felt very dumb. we talk a good while, then after the first bowl she loads up a second one. We then partake in the second bowl of super-dro, getting all blasted out of our gourds.
Eventually when that is all said and done, we all decide to go downstairs into her kitchen where both my friends started making food. I wasn't feeling hungry, so I declined.
*This is where the "seizure" happened.
As I walked around her kitchen, things started to feel very bad...and also strange. My vision then proceeded to get very dim, and blurry. While this was happening, I lost hearing, and all I could here was a ringing in my ears. My heart was beating fiercely, and I felt very sick. I started to walk towards the living room, but I didn't quite make it. I quickly lost balance, and fell headfirst into the hard thresh-hold corner or her kitchen door frame. Then my body slid down quickly after that, where I smacked onto the floor. For just a second or two, I blacked out. After coming back, my vision was still blurry and felt very light headed...just then, my body convulsed, and I started to smash my head into her wooden floor roughly 10 times in quick succession. It was very painful and it confused me greatly, was actually more than just confusion, there was also great fear. I had no idea why I was slamming my head into the floor, full force.
Eventually my hearing came back, and my vision restored...my head was still very fuzzy but I was for the most part fine. My friends saw the whole thing, and A commented, "What the hell was that?"
I then arranged for a ride home from a close friend and got out of there.
And that is was happened.
Well, now to address why I made this thread.
Ever since that day, when ever I smoke pot, I get mild to medium anxiety and it can be spooky at times. Just be chilling there, then out of the blue I feel the need for fresh air or I'm too hot or it feels like there is not enough oxygen in the room...it is making me smoke less weed because of it....which is something I hate.
So tell me, do any of you now have anxiety associated with reefer? Can anyone explain what is happening? It feels as if I now have this because my body is expecting to re-create the experience when ever I am stoned. That is the only logical theory I can conclude.
So, thought? Opinions? Suggestions? Thanks for reading.
Edited by Sigma (09/06/10 10:05 PM)
Steve Buscemi

Registered: 11/15/08
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Re: Anxiety theory. [Re: Sigma]
#473189 - 09/06/10 05:10 PM (14 years, 5 months ago) |
Panic attacks. You are at a very low tolerance level right now and you faint from a panic attack and feel intense paranoia after smoking......just my opinion from what I just read. I've seen this happen from mushrooms more than a few times in the last few years to me and my friends. Usually when the person is over stimulated or sleep deprived and for me it was when I hadn't drank any water while tripping in the hot florida sun for 6-8 hours. Fainting sucks, it's embarrassing and scares the shit out of the people around you..... you should go easy on the dank if you are literally passing out into door frames. Maybe talk to a shrink.
Mr. Kite
For The Benefit.

Registered: 08/09/10
Posts: 483
Re: Anxiety theory. [Re: Sigma]
#473204 - 09/06/10 05:58 PM (14 years, 5 months ago) |
LOL hate to say I told you so, but I told you so.
Also, I would like to say that you are probably getting anxiety when you smoke because you dont want shit like that to happen to you again. So you are worrying yourself into a panic attack.

Registered: 08/12/10
Posts: 53
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Re: Anxiety theory. [Re: Mr. Kite]
#473225 - 09/06/10 06:49 PM (14 years, 5 months ago) |
Mr. Kite said:
Also, I would like to say that you are probably getting anxiety when you smoke because you dont want shit like that to happen to you again. So you are worrying yourself into a panic attack.
You just like to repeat what I say, don't ya?
Registered: 11/15/09
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Re: Anxiety theory. [Re: Sigma]
#473253 - 09/06/10 08:00 PM (14 years, 5 months ago) |
Lay off the pipe maybe?
-------------------- King Koopa said:
The amount of pot that Gask smokes is equivalent to a guy shooting heroin on weekends
Lord of the Flies

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Re: Anxiety theory. [Re: Sigma]
#473254 - 09/06/10 08:03 PM (14 years, 5 months ago) |
This happened to my friend years ago. He thought he was dying and called an ambulance.
It's now a big source of z for me.
oj simpson
serving 9-33 years

Registered: 08/14/10
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Loc: Nevada
Re: Anxiety theory. [Re: Sigma]
#473265 - 09/06/10 08:42 PM (14 years, 5 months ago) |
Sigma said:
Eventually we go up stairs and one of my friends, lets call her T, recommended we smoke some of her really dank, very special Hydro.
We the partake in the second bowl of super-dro, getting all blasted out of our gourds.
old school fool

Registered: 06/14/09
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Re: Anxiety theory. [Re: Sigma]
#473270 - 09/06/10 08:52 PM (14 years, 5 months ago) |
I've fainted from smoking too much before, it happens. I felt the exact same way as you described.. Like your body is going completely weak and all the blood is being drained out of you and your vision goes to black, next thing you know you just woke up on the floor. It's happened to me twice on mushrooms too... Now it's been several years since it's happened and I think I've learned to combat it. Rarely I start to feel that way and I just tell myself I'm not going to be this things bitch and I've (so far) managed to conquer it every time.
It's not a war on drugs, it's a war on personal freedom.
Steve Buscemi

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Re: Anxiety theory. [Re: ChillWillis]
#473281 - 09/06/10 09:09 PM (14 years, 5 months ago) |
I think it's as simple as marijuana lowering blood pressure then someone standing up quickly while being too high......then BAM floor time. As for shrooms, that shit happens often.
old school fool

Registered: 06/14/09
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I'm sure there's a lot of truth to that first part Steve. When it happened to me I'd just smoked an eigth blunt and laid down with my knees bent upwards watching tv for an hour, I got the munchies, ran downstairs to get a snack and BOOM! Floor. I made the mistake of trying to get right back up and fainted again  tryin to act all hard and shit
It's not a war on drugs, it's a war on personal freedom.
Steve Buscemi

Registered: 11/15/08
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Re: Anxiety theory. [Re: ChillWillis]
#473291 - 09/06/10 09:22 PM (14 years, 5 months ago) |
now that's some stoner shit right there  Dizziness happens to me when standing up after getting super high then bolting to the kitchen too. I've never came close to falling out from weed though, only hit the ground from shrooms.
old school fool

Registered: 06/14/09
Posts: 2,213
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Yeah man, this was back when I lived with my parents too. I'm so glad they didn't come downstairs to find me passed out in my underwear with a half made bologna sandwich in hand
I gaurantee it was just because I had my legs bent upwards, with all the blood in my head then rushing downstairs for commercial time
Shrooms are craaaazaaayy
It's not a war on drugs, it's a war on personal freedom.
Steve Buscemi

Registered: 11/15/08
Posts: 2,167
Last seen: 12 years, 6 months
Re: Anxiety theory. [Re: ChillWillis]
#473303 - 09/06/10 09:40 PM (14 years, 5 months ago) |
Yeah the time I passed out from shrooms like 6 years ago I was in the 12th grade and me and my friend were just hanging out in my moms backyard all day tripping in the sun. Then at one point I stood up real fast and took a header on the concrete in the midst of a full blown, black and white hallucination. When I wake up I'm soaked from head to toe in sweat, this scared the shit out of my friend because he thought he was next. Then I go inside to tell my mom to fix my glasses at the peak of the trip, leaving my friend outside for about 2 hours until he just decided to leave. Took about 3 year before I took shrooms again, same for the other guy. That year I saw and heard about it happening to dozens of friends........ Tons of shrooms hit the area that year.
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