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Registered: 04/20/08
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Loc: Nepal
chickenbiscuits said: also some other old turnoffs ive read for the co2 is not having the l/sq ft
first of all w/sq ft barely means jack.. i dont know why everyone on here talks in w/sq ft go by the Lumens. Theres so many different lumen ratings hps/mh/cfl now theres high output hps that throws out 95000 lumens on a 600w. A bottom of the line 1000w hps throws out 107000 lumens... Thats almost the same on a 600 as the 1000.
Light Movers are key to co2 is what im really getting at.
Throw a solar revolution on a 6000 l/sq ft grow and it barely puts into an applicable co2 enrichment rate. 6000x 130% = 7800 l/sq ft or what ya really want... 7500 l/sq ft with a good light mover...
7500x130% = 9750 l/sq ft OPTIMAL! co2 enrichment lighting. you can also blend spectrums w revolutions.
Lumens are used to measure light output visible to human eyes. This means that the maximum measured output is around 500-550 nanometers (green spectrum). I think it goes without saying that green is the WORST color of light for plants, and furthermore human eyes only need to see reflected light, whereas activating photosynthesis in chloroplasts requires penetration intensity necessary for conversion from photo energy to chemical energy.
I disagree with you on CO2 as well but I don't have enough time now to rebuke you.
In the future I would highly recommend you do some research before posting such claims. We have numerous highly intelligent posters here and blatant incorrect assertions will be disputed.

Registered: 04/20/08
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Loc: Nepal
you're contradicting yourself. You're saying that you need MORE light, but that people should use a light mover. Light movers are used to get even coverage when you can't afford to increase the amount of light. Example, I would use a 1000W on a rail over a 4x6 space if I couldn't afford 2 x 600W lights or 2 x 1000W.
And I will repeat; lumens are the WORST measurement for plant growth. They require intensity and penetration power, both of which can be at least somewhat gaged by using watts.

Registered: 04/20/08
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Loc: Nepal
chickenbiscuits said:
When there is this excess water in the air EVERYTHING happens faster. from photosynthesis to how fast the roots get oxygen.
Oh jesus lordy christ, please explain yourself.
chickenbiscuits said: I shouldve just stuck with the original post. WHY IS EVERYONE TRYING TO TURN ALL THESE NOOBS OFF CO2????
Because noobs have enough to worry about without trying to balance CO2 production, A/C units and Dehumidifiers (all of which are necessary to run CO2 in a closed room). They have a hard enough time choosing between soil and hydro let along trying to figure out if they want tanks and solenoids or steady-stream propane burners. I think that's pretty much common sense

Registered: 04/20/08
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Loc: Nepal
chickenbiscuits said: a room with no co2 enrichment will usually sit 40%rH at the high range alotta guys like 25% even... co2 enriched 10deg rise in temp creates an atmosphere that will hold 50% more water then the rise in rH to 50% on top of that.
assume thats true.. and that water is 1/3 oxygen...
there are only two ways cannabis roots absorb oxygen which is key in their role. air and water. so with the temp rise and the rH your giving the roots at least 60% more oxygen in the same time.
This is one of many factors.
EVERYTHING happens faster. you use twice as much water, nutrients, water in the air. and surely more light though not double.
You've never taken chemistry have you? Yes water could be considered 1/3rd oxygen if you're simply going by the number of parts, but count the fact that oxygen weights 16 to 18 times more than hydrogen and you'll clearly see that's an absurd comment. SECONDLY, roots need O2 GAS, Not oxygen bonded into other molecules. By your logic I could just grow my roots in pure maple syrup because sugar is C6H12O6, so it must be 1/3 oxygen right?
A room with no CO2 enrichment will sit at whatever RH the ventilation and environment dictate. That EXACT SAME room with CO2 enrichment will sit at the EXACT SAME RH. My point here is that CO2 levels in no way influence the humidity.
THE ONLY part of your post that you were correct is that warmer air holds more humidity than cooler air. I'm extremely dismayed that you're trying to persuade others to follow you like sheep when it's painfully obvious that you lack even the most rudimentary understanding of the concepts you so willingly defend.

Registered: 04/20/08
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Loc: Nepal
By all means, please use your bountiful scientific knowledge to point out where I'm wrong in that post

Registered: 04/20/08
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Loc: Nepal
chickenbiscuits said: ya got me on the hydrogen being lighter than oxygen.. but that doesnt change my point either. its just not 1/3 the weight..
It absolutely does change your point. Just because there's oxygen in water doesn't mean that the roots can utilize it as oxygen, that's simply NOT the way chemistry works. Think of my maple syrup example. If your roots could pull oxygen off of other molecules then you could literally grow in any substance you want. Why don't you try to grow a plant in a giant tub of water with no aeration and let me know how it works? The ONLY reason people can grow hydro is because the airstones they use provide gaseous oxygen for the roots to utilize, NOT the oxygen from the water.

Registered: 04/20/08
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Loc: Nepal
chickenbiscuits said:
As for Harry, i think you'd argue with the majority of cali growers about half the shit they say.
Only if the shit they say is half as wrong as all the bullshit YOU say.
chickenbiscuits said: but what is blatant to me, is that you are book smart about the shit but are lacking mere experience.
I've been growing longer than you have my boy In addition to that, I don't just run silly stoner experiments and see what gets me higher, I do large scale government-grant funded research projects in professional university greenhouses. I bet I messed with more variables just last year than you have in your entire life.
You'll notice that I'm only arguing with you here on the stuff you're WRONG about. You seem to think that I'm just nitpicking your posts, but really I'm only picking on the shit you claim that's wildly incorrect. Sure, CO2 will help plants grow faster, that's common knowledge. You'll notice that nowhere in here did I say a thing about CO2 being bad for plants The only time I've gone against your silly, borderline homo-erotic obsession with CO2 is in this post, and I think it's still a rather valid point, having nothing to do with CO2, but rather the fact that you seem to think people should recommend it to absolute beginners, which in my opinion is just downright stupid.
Harry_Ba11sach said:
chickenbiscuits said:
When there is this excess water in the air EVERYTHING happens faster. from photosynthesis to how fast the roots get oxygen.
Oh jesus lordy christ, please explain yourself.
chickenbiscuits said: I shouldve just stuck with the original post. WHY IS EVERYONE TRYING TO TURN ALL THESE NOOBS OFF CO2????
Because noobs have enough to worry about without trying to balance CO2 production, A/C units and Dehumidifiers (all of which are necessary to run CO2 in a closed room). They have a hard enough time choosing between soil and hydro let along trying to figure out if they want tanks and solenoids or steady-stream propane burners. I think that's pretty much common sense 

Registered: 04/20/08
Posts: 11,753
Loc: Nepal
Re: co2 gotta call out a mod [Re: Mr. Kite]
#466457 - 08/24/10 09:38 AM (14 years, 6 months ago) |
you should tell chickenbiscuits about your microwave tek

Registered: 04/20/08
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Loc: Nepal
chickenbiscuits said:
Magash said: I've heard a ton of stories like that and a lot of them are true. The problem is in order to get 10 to 15 lbs a plant your talking 30 feet tall (or taller actually) and 7 feet wide. 
ok definitely not... You guys are making mee wonder if you've really done much real norcal stuff.. Mendo and Humboldt both have kinda short seasons... Theres more to the triangle.
30ft tall... HAHAHAHA Ive seen 13lb plants only 14ft tall, about 17-18ft wide. Trained and pruned.
Do you even actually have a brain in there? He's obviously giving rough estimates for the size of the plant, not minimum height requirements
Once again, let me show you what greater than a middle school education can do for someone trying to prove a point;
30ft tall x 7 feet wide = ~210 cubic feet of plant
14ft tall x 17 feet wide = ~ 238 cubic feet of plant.
you guys are basically talking about the same size plant.
Oh, and we're still waiting for some pics for you to backup all your claims. I can say that I've grown a 200 gram cola, but until I post the pictures of it nobody has any reason to believe me

Registered: 04/20/08
Posts: 11,753
Loc: Nepal
So if you only have a $200 to start growing, is CO2 worth it?

Registered: 04/20/08
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Loc: Nepal
you can do plenty with $200 and a cabinet as long as you're smart about were you spend your money. Nearly every single new grower who comes to this website has less than $500 to spend on supplies, so CO2 is absolutely useless. Which is why I question your sanity when you ask questions like;
chickenbiscuits said:
WHY IS EVERYONE TRYING TO TURN ALL THESE NOOBS OFF CO2???? I want to see some evidence for a good ventilation system.
I've called you out on that several times in this thread, and you've still yet to acknowledge that it's a legitimate argument. You're so obsessed with CO2 being the be-all end-all of indoor growing that you're not even sure about what point you're trying to make.
Harry_Ba11sach said:
chickenbiscuits said: I shouldve just stuck with the original post. WHY IS EVERYONE TRYING TO TURN ALL THESE NOOBS OFF CO2????
Because noobs have enough to worry about without trying to balance CO2 production, A/C units and Dehumidifiers (all of which are necessary to run CO2 in a closed room). They have a hard enough time choosing between soil and hydro let along trying to figure out if they want tanks and solenoids or steady-stream propane burners. I think that's pretty much common sense 

Registered: 04/20/08
Posts: 11,753
Loc: Nepal
chickenbiscuits said: well im glad your calling me out on the post and not all the nitty gritty anymore. you know im not a scientist. but i know how to grow damn well, and that, I DO, have to a science.
Im starting to like you a little more harry. Im sensing a little less hostility and a little more insight into this post.
Mainly it was magash's comments in old posts that sparked me up. He was turning lots of people off co2. Although he gets the kinda yields im talking about on those connoisseur strains, most people dont have it that well off. With a little math and the money co2 is an easy way to see better overall productivity.
The nitty gritty is by FAR the most important part. How is anyone supposed to respect your points when you clearly don't have the slightest clue what you're talking about? Someone who says to me that H2O is 1/3rd oxygen and therefore good for the roots as an air source is immediately discounted. It makes you look like a joke, and it makes your points look like the inane ramblings of a homeless man in a subway.
yeah, a 15% increase in leaf mass is a major plus for my gardens productivity

Registered: 04/20/08
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Loc: Nepal
chickenbiscuits said: (i only use multiples of 6,7, or 8 foot squares in a room cause im a huge believer in the solar revolution) .
The fuck do the numbers 6,7, or 8 have to do with solar power?

Registered: 04/20/08
Posts: 11,753
Loc: Nepal
Harry_Ba11sach said: you can do plenty with $200 and a cabinet as long as you're smart about were you spend your money. Nearly every single new grower who comes to this website has less than $500 to spend on supplies, so CO2 is absolutely useless. Which is why I question your sanity when you ask questions like;
chickenbiscuits said:
WHY IS EVERYONE TRYING TO TURN ALL THESE NOOBS OFF CO2???? I want to see some evidence for a good ventilation system.
I've called you out on that several times in this thread, and you've still yet to acknowledge that it's a legitimate argument. You're so obsessed with CO2 being the be-all end-all of indoor growing that you're not even sure about what point you're trying to make.
Harry_Ba11sach said:
chickenbiscuits said: I shouldve just stuck with the original post. WHY IS EVERYONE TRYING TO TURN ALL THESE NOOBS OFF CO2????
Because noobs have enough to worry about without trying to balance CO2 production, A/C units and Dehumidifiers (all of which are necessary to run CO2 in a closed room). They have a hard enough time choosing between soil and hydro let along trying to figure out if they want tanks and solenoids or steady-stream propane burners. I think that's pretty much common sense 

Registered: 04/20/08
Posts: 11,753
Loc: Nepal
Yes I did, but you refuse to address them so I reposted. Why are you recommending CO2 for beginners when it's clearly the worst idea?
Also, I'd really like you to address Maryanne's points about how menial the gains are with CO2 enriched air vs simply adding more lights

Registered: 04/20/08
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Loc: Nepal
chickenbiscuits said:
Harry is obviously not the expert everyone thinks he is or his grows would be looking a lot better. he'd be up at least near 1g/w with those fine buds. The best thing he's got goin is his place at the growery! oh ya and only two more posts til i can send all you dicks who pretend to know things, (when all you know is the book and lack experience), back a 0 out of 5 leaf!
You're obviously not fluent in english like you seem to think you are or you would remember the part where I said=
1) that I post a very small portion of my grows on this website. 2) the strains I grow in my closet are chosen with yield as an absolute last priority. I don't give a flying fuck about reaching 1g/w so you constantly mentioning it is seriously just useless. 3) I've been growing more than you, longer than you. you can sit on my experience and spin for all I care

Registered: 04/20/08
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Loc: Nepal
Please by all means point out to me where they are unhealthy


Registered: 04/20/08
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Loc: Nepal
Harry_Ba11sach said: Please by all means point out to me where they are unhealthy


Registered: 04/20/08
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Loc: Nepal
What kind of an expert hasn't experimented with all sorts of different lighting? You can't talk with authority about something until you've done it yourself
Plus, if you weren't mentally challenged you'd remember the post in this thread where I said I was living in an apartment with limited grow space. I sold my 250W HPS to Stoney.69 from here to help a friend out and decided to go with CFL's for awhile.

Registered: 04/20/08
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Loc: Nepal
Re: co2 gotta call out a mod [Re: Inverted]
#467206 - 08/25/10 09:33 AM (14 years, 6 months ago) |
and plus really when you think about it, our atmosphere IS CO2 enriched. These plants have been living around 200ppm of CO2 for the last million years and have evolved to utilize that to the best extent possible. We're hovering close to double that amount right now