Astral Beast

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#448525 - 07/19/10 10:18 PM (14 years, 7 months ago) |
what do you guys think about death? its always been a toughy subject for me. I fear i wll die all the time from some health problem i havent found yet, or something. i imagine it like being asleep when you have no dreams, but you never wake up from it. so im not to fond of not being alive anymore, i enjoy life. but sometimes i dont mind death, i dont care if i die, because i know ive had a good life. but then again i havent seen the things i want to see in the world yet.
just wondering what you guys think about death,
Lord of the Flies

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Re: Death. [Re: iStoner]
#448528 - 07/19/10 10:23 PM (14 years, 7 months ago) |
I take some solace in the fact that it will be all over at some point. I keep that in mind when I try to make peace with this crazy world of ours.

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Re: Death. [Re: iStoner]
#448532 - 07/19/10 10:25 PM (14 years, 7 months ago) |
I think I'm more afraid of dying in some horrible way rather than actually being dead.
If I'm dead, then its pretty much done and I got nothing to worry about. But the thought of burning alive or something is fucking terrifying.
old stoner

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Re: Death. [Re: iStoner]
#448533 - 07/19/10 10:25 PM (14 years, 7 months ago) |
This might be depressing to some but this is what I think and not trying to start any shit. I figure for all that I have done in life I deserve to die in a bad way and when it is over it is over. I am trying to make up for some of the stuff now but I do not think I can make up for a lot of it. All I can really hope for is to teach my kids to not make some of the same mistakes I have made in life with the time I have left. If there is a heaven and hell(I am not a believer) then I will surely go to hell
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Astral Beast

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Re: Death. [Re: Kilroy]
#448535 - 07/19/10 10:27 PM (14 years, 7 months ago) |
that is pretty said kilroy, you seem like such a good person here on the growery. but i understand what your saying
Astral Beast

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Re: Death. [Re: T-Rex]
#448536 - 07/19/10 10:28 PM (14 years, 7 months ago) |
T-Rex said: I think I'm more afraid of dying in some horrible way rather than actually being dead.
If I'm dead, then its pretty much done and I got nothing to worry about. But the thought of burning alive or something is fucking terrifying.
yeah i would want to die in my sleep, so i wouldnt see it coming. But if i was saving a loved one id be more than happy to die a painful slow death or loose a body part or something.

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Re: Death. [Re: iStoner]
#448538 - 07/19/10 10:29 PM (14 years, 7 months ago) |
Yea I guess so, but there is a very short list of people I would endure any sort of physical pain for.
Lord of the Flies

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Re: Death. [Re: Kilroy]
#448540 - 07/19/10 10:31 PM (14 years, 7 months ago) |
Hell is only a state of mind.
Monster Plant Creator

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DungenessDank said: Hell is only a state of mind.
Rust Fuckin' Cohle

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Re: Death. [Re: iStoner]
#448584 - 07/20/10 12:06 AM (14 years, 7 months ago) |
This too will pass.
 Death. Life is a dream. What is death? Another dream? Waking up? Who knows. A Buddhist monk said that DMT is as far out as you could go without dying. Maybe death is like a huge amazing DMT trip. Maybe you go into the fourth dimension. Death is like a trip man. Death. It is the black hole. No information that goes in can communicate back. “Death is a part of all our lives. Whether we like it or not, it is bound to happen. Instead of avoiding thinking about it, it is better to understand its meaning. We all have the same body, the same human flesh, and therefore we will all die. There is a big difference, of course, between natural death and accidental death, but basically death will come sooner or later. If from the beginning your attitude is 'Yes, death is part of our lives,' then it may be easier to face.” - Dali Lama
Even death is not to be feared by one who has lived wisely. Buddha
But my dear man, reality is only a Rorschach ink-blot, you know. Alan Watts
I have realized that the past and future are real illusions, that they exist in the present, which is what there is and all there is. Alan Watts
~ Really, the fundamental, ultimate mystery -- the only thing you need to know to understand the deepest metaphysical secrets -- is this: that for every outside there is an inside and for every inside there is an outside, and although they are different, they go together ~ Alan Watts
"The trick that's been used in ancient civilizations was to convince the public that nothing was real at all, you see. And once you've convinced them of that, you've dominated them, because whatever you do to them doesn't matter since nothing's real. And that's the usual spiel of psychological warfare which is put out by certain individuals even today. For and on behalf of the big boys. It's so easy to control vast civilizations and populations when whenever you do anything to them it doesn't matter because nothing's real, IT's ALL ILLUSION. An illusion, by definition, is really, it's not a hallucination; a hallucination is not real at all, you see, that's what it means. An illusion is a distortion of reality, so we should be very clear on the terms that are used. And people who are taught that this is not really happening and all the nasty things are not really happening, can retreat into their (indistinct) and go on forever, or at least for as long as those who control the physical allow it because that's what it boils down to." - Alan Watt
A discussion of the Indian philosophy of the world as maya -- under its several meanings as illusion, art, magic, creative power, measure, etc. Various techniques in the arts are used to illustrate the diaphanous and vibrational character of the material world, and to suggest a new approach to the old philosophy that the universe is "mind" only.
Since at least 1500 B.C. men have, from time to time, held the view that our normal vision of the world is a hallucination—a dream, a figment of the mind, or, to use the Hindu word which means both art and illusion, a maya. The implication is that, if this is so, life need never be taken seriously. It is a fantasy, a play, a drama to be enjoyed. It does not really matter, for one day (perhaps in the moment of death) the illusion will dissolve, and each one of us will awaken to discover that he himself is what there is and all that there is—the very root and ground of the universe, or the ultimate and eternal space in which things and events come and go. A.Watts
Astral Beast

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you always amaze me with your deep posts fractal.
Rust Fuckin' Cohle

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Re: Death. [Re: iStoner]
#448592 - 07/20/10 12:10 AM (14 years, 7 months ago) |
iStoner said: you always amaze me with your deep posts fractal.
 much love man
Astral Beast

Registered: 06/09/10
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ive been trying hard to get deeper into accepting everything, and been reading and understanding alot of budhist teachings. i think the next step is psychedelics.
Rust Fuckin' Cohle

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Re: Death. [Re: iStoner]
#448598 - 07/20/10 12:19 AM (14 years, 7 months ago) |
iStoner said: ive been trying hard to get deeper into accepting everything, and been reading and understanding alot of budhist teachings. i think the next step is psychedelics.
Lord of the Flies

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Re: Death. [Re: iStoner]
#448599 - 07/20/10 12:26 AM (14 years, 7 months ago) |
Hallucinogens left me with more questions than answers, so in my search for answers I looked at the major eastern religions, and the only real belief system that lined up with what I already believed and felt was Buddhism. I'm not really a practicing Buddhist, but I believe it hits reality on the mark.

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im going to miss being alive. the thought of not being able to experience the ups and down of life
old school fool

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Energy is never created or destroyed, only reformed.
Or so I try to convince myself. You know, that when I die my energy will go unto another life whether I am somehow attached to it or not is just the selfish part of me wishing never to die.
It's not a war on drugs, it's a war on personal freedom.

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i want my soul to carry on. i like being me
Lord of the Flies

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At risk of sounding like too much of a hippy, in the end we are all part of the same system.
old school fool

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True that man, true that.
It's not a war on drugs, it's a war on personal freedom.
The Feminizer

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In the Hindu Religion they say that your status in the next life is based on the amount of suffering that you have in this life.
Well with the crap some of you post and the way I suffer after reading it I should come back in the next life as a well hung billionaire with wings.
Just joking guys don't go all ape shit.
Dead is dead once your dead your dead so why worry about it?
-------------------- All creatures tremble when faced with violence. All creatures fear death, all love life. If we can only see ourselves in others, then how could we possibly hurt another creature?
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like whoever said up there its a state of mind. ive been in 2 serious crashes, one in a car, one on a motorcycle, both near death. the car one i was unconcious for 3 days, the motorcycle fractured two vertabrae in my neck and one in my back i was unconcious for 5 days. During both of these times, i saw the bright light and went to it, when i got to it i saw and relived many past events in my life big ones of course. I learned from watching these episodes of my life, and how foolish i seemed. These were both life changing events. they completely changed my way of life, and the way i thought, they opened me up to many new ideas. It is so weird having near death experiences. I still have flashbacks of when i was unconcious, i can still hear what people were saying and the beeping and everything. I still to this day wonder if when these accidents happened, if i died in that dimension, and entered another upon awakening. things like alternate parallel universes seem very real to me, it makes me think what if everyone from that life is still alive in another dimension. Weird stuff death is. I have also had a level 5 trip before, during which i traveled to heaven, and through the 9 layers of hell. Hell is unimaginable. Everything you fear most your biggest phobias in worst ways than you could ever think. I could not and did not speak for 3 days after this trip, just stared blankly at people in fear.i was thinking so much and was in shock, . I don't remember much of these three days, my friends said it was like i had left my body, no personality nothing, completely blank eyes and so much confusion.
-------------------- The time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time.
anything and everything i post on here is completely fictional and come straight from the deepest depths of the black hole which is my mind.
old school fool

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Re: Death. [Re: Magash]
#448863 - 07/20/10 01:58 PM (14 years, 7 months ago) |
"If I die it's not my problem anymore" is your philosophy then?
It's not a war on drugs, it's a war on personal freedom.
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Not at all, i feel like if you have done wrong all your life, when you die you will suffer from having to watch everyone you have made suffer, suffer. okay enough with that dam word. Like unbelievable amounts of guilt, panic attack like feeling for all of eternity. And if you have done right and go to "heaven" you will be content with what you did in your life, no regrets, no worries, just eternity of happiness and never a worry or care.
But i havnt taken philosphy yet, so i don't know much about it, takin it this semester tho so ill know something soon enough.
-------------------- The time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time.
anything and everything i post on here is completely fictional and come straight from the deepest depths of the black hole which is my mind.
Lord of the Flies

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cicken200 said: But i havnt taken philosphy yet, so i don't know much about it, takin it this semester tho so ill know something soon enough.
Rust Fuckin' Cohle

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DungenessDank said:
cicken200 said: But i havnt taken philosphy yet, so i don't know much about it, takin it this semester tho so ill know something soon enough.
old stoner

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FRACTALife said:
DungenessDank said:
cicken200 said: But i havnt taken philosphy yet, so i don't know much about it, takin it this semester tho so ill know something soon enough.
He is doing so well in our little forums is he not lol.
-------------------- Just smoke a bowl and get over your self
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