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Registered: 06/13/08
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New government!
    #237371 - 06/07/09 09:24 PM (15 years, 8 months ago)

I think that government shouldnt be run by a president, but rather by the people of a country. Basically what I'm trying to say is that the people of this country should all be "president" and we

should all vote on things....If you support legalization of cannabis then you vote to support it. If you dont you vote not to support it. Of course we would be able to do this in the comfort of our own

home on the internet, and have a television channel with debates on ideas so we can make more informed decisions.

What is your idea for a perfect government?.....if there is such a thing.

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Re: New government! [Re: Triptonic]
    #237373 - 06/07/09 09:26 PM (15 years, 8 months ago)


triptonic said:
What is your idea for a perfect government?.....if there is such a thing.

no government at all.  no money, but everyone trading with each other and growing whatever they please with no hassles.  and then some

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Registered: 06/13/08
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Re: New government! [Re: mel_lonta_tauda]
    #237375 - 06/07/09 09:32 PM (15 years, 8 months ago)

but what would you trade if you wanted a car or a bike? a lot of pot?

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Re: New government! [Re: Triptonic]
    #237380 - 06/07/09 09:35 PM (15 years, 8 months ago)

well....  maybe borrow.    like say: a lawnmower? :shrug:

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Re: New government! [Re: mel_lonta_tauda]
    #237385 - 06/07/09 09:37 PM (15 years, 8 months ago)

hey can I borrow your corvette? sure no problem....o wait one thing, if you crash it im gonna kill you.

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Re: New government! [Re: Triptonic]
    #237387 - 06/07/09 09:40 PM (15 years, 8 months ago)

I have always liked one of Hitler's thoughts on how a country/government should be ran everyone has a job doing something within their abilities, equal pay, and equal rack.


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Registered: 06/13/08
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Re: New government! [Re: Stoneth]
    #237390 - 06/07/09 09:44 PM (15 years, 8 months ago)

Well I hate to say it but I don't know if I would want a heart surgeon operating on me that was getting paid 10 dollars an hour, I don't think he would want to go to school for that job either lol "congrats your a doc. you wasted 10 years of your life to get paid the same as everyone else"

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Re: New government! [Re: Triptonic]
    #237392 - 06/07/09 09:48 PM (15 years, 8 months ago)

Well that is wear once again personal greed has ruined our country.

There once was a time where a doctor went to school to save and help people in this time they did it for little money and even some cases nothing.


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Registered: 06/13/08
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Re: New government! [Re: Stoneth]
    #237396 - 06/07/09 09:51 PM (15 years, 8 months ago)

I suppose some people are like that....But I also believe that most people dont enjoy being a janitor. With maybe an exception here or there.

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Re: New government! [Re: Triptonic]
    #237402 - 06/07/09 10:01 PM (15 years, 8 months ago)

The time of people doing what they like as a job is long over almost everyone performs their job for pay not because they truly love it.

I don't see me loving any job for fun except porn.

But I doubt you'll be seeing me in any porno's anytime soon.

The fact is now the way things work is the little man who builds, cleans, etc... get paid less but their job really isn't any less important.

Example the farmers have had many cut backs over the years, but yet doctors, government, have increased their take.

In my opinion we need the food and crops more than their taxes and drugs that only cost pennies to make, but cost us in need a arm and a leg.


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Re: New government! [Re: Stoneth]
    #237407 - 06/07/09 10:05 PM (15 years, 8 months ago)

every job i had, i loved doing.  regardless of what pay i was making

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Registered: 06/13/08
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Re: New government! [Re: Stoneth]
    #237408 - 06/07/09 10:06 PM (15 years, 8 months ago)

ha ha yea true but I know if I was a farmer I would install those huge wind energy turbines in my feilds, they dont take up a lot of space so you can still have crops and the wind energy people pay you 25,000 dollars for each one they put on your property. Plus you get tax breaks and you get 5,000 a year for each one you have on your property. WIND FARMING IS THE FUTURE!!!!!!!!!!!! hahaha

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Re: New government! [Re: Triptonic]
    #237420 - 06/07/09 10:19 PM (15 years, 8 months ago)

Yeah I could see that, just like if I lived along a river hydro power would be my choice.

But future power savings doesn't justicify the government for asking that the farmers grow less and get paid less, as well as raise taxes on the land they own.

A friend of mine gave away 20 achers of veg. because he sold all the government would allow him too.

Granted it was a great growing year for him, but he could have made bank with out the hold backs.

And yet doctors, lawyers, and so on just keep raising their pay.

That's why I believe in the equal living standards ideas.

All jobs are important in some way or another, and need to be done.

Who is to say which one is worth more than another really.


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Registered: 06/13/08
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Re: New government! [Re: Stoneth]
    #237421 - 06/07/09 10:20 PM (15 years, 8 months ago)

what region do you live in man?

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Re: New government! [Re: Triptonic]
    #237424 - 06/07/09 10:25 PM (15 years, 8 months ago)

I'm in the south east US.

Tho I will be moving back to Ohio in a few more years.


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Re: New government! [Re: Triptonic]
    #237427 - 06/07/09 10:28 PM (15 years, 8 months ago)

if we want this govt gone we would have to fight to get rid of it. you think the TRUE leaders of this country are just going to step back and let everyone else take over. the men that run the Federal banks and big money companies are the ones that are calling the shots, our president bought his way into the lime light enough to get a vote, for fucks sakes he won it with a slogan "its time for a change" and im sure the fact that he was black in this time of change didnt help, not saying it matters, because it doesnt. what has he changes? what is he improving? why is he sending 10,000 troops to iran now, my friends are going BACK overseas now? WTF FOR? i see someone mentioned hitler, hitler was a very smart man, if you could take away the killings he would have been known as a very powerful man, i dont remember the year but i know hitler had one of his main buildings burned to the ground, blamed it on the enemy and said he needed more control over his homeland, when really he used that power to take over the people, or try, sounds familiar, oh yeah, i do remember the month and the day that it happened, 9/11 how bout that for a high thought. funny we got homeland security out of our 9/11?

im high, and ranting. bleh

Riots are the voices of the unheard.

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Registered: 06/13/08
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Re: New government! [Re: Stoneth]
    #237428 - 06/07/09 10:30 PM (15 years, 8 months ago)

ahhh i c I'm from the midwest. One of my favorite bands is from Akron Ohio. The Black Keys! check em out.

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Re: New government! [Re: Triptonic]
    #237433 - 06/07/09 10:40 PM (15 years, 8 months ago)


Yungpunk said:
if we want this govt gone we would have to fight to get rid of it. you think the TRUE leaders of this country are just going to step back and let everyone else take over. the men that run the Federal banks and big money companies are the ones that are calling the shots, our president bought his way into the lime light enough to get a vote, for fucks sakes he won it with a slogan "its time for a change" and im sure the fact that he was black in this time of change didnt help, not saying it matters, because it doesnt. what has he changes? what is he improving? why is he sending 10,000 troops to iran now, my friends are going BACK overseas now? WTF FOR? i see someone mentioned hitler, hitler was a very smart man, if you could take away the killings he would have been known as a very powerful man, i dont remember the year but i know hitler had one of his main buildings burned to the ground, blamed it on the enemy and said he needed more control over his homeland, when really he used that power to take over the people, or try, sounds familiar, oh yeah, i do remember the month and the day that it happened, 9/11 how bout that for a high thought. funny we got homeland security out of our 9/11?

im high, and ranting. bleh

:lol: I recall that, but never put it together with our own 9/11 things.

If Hitler could have over come his hate for jews the world most likely would have been a whole different place today.

triptonic said:
ahhh i c I'm from the midwest. One of my favorite bands is from Akron Ohio. The Black Keys! check em out.

I'll have to check them out.:yesnod:


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Registered: 04/21/08
Posts: 7,259
Re: New government! [Re: Triptonic]
    #237462 - 06/08/09 12:12 AM (15 years, 8 months ago)


triptonic said:
I think that government shouldnt be run by a president, but rather by the people of a country. Basically what I'm trying to say is that the people of this country should all be "president" and we

should all vote on things....If you support legalization of cannabis then you vote to support it. If you dont you vote not to support it. Of course we would be able to do this in the comfort of our own

home on the internet, and have a television channel with debates on ideas so we can make more informed decisions.

What is your idea for a perfect government?.....if there is such a thing.

there is no perfect government. you want the people running the show? do you really trust the masses? things are too complicated these days for a simple answer. the best answer i can think of would be a diversity of many different governments, and the ability to move between them easily, that way if you don't like one, you could leave and go to another. that would be like the people deciding. i think the US should split up honestly, or give the states back their power and reduce the federal government drastically. i support a small government myself, but i also understand that is just my opinion and not the opinion of everyone else.

either way though, there will always be corruption, and it will always be far from perfect.

anyways, in america we are brainwashed to think capitalism and our (not even true) democracy is the best answer. i think we should start thinking for ourselves. because really it's no different.

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Registered: 06/13/08
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Re: New government! [Re: usg543]
    #237464 - 06/08/09 12:16 AM (15 years, 8 months ago)

I hate government in general but yes I think I would trust most things to the masses...people will vote on things that concern them. And wont vote on things that dont concern them.

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