b0b gnarley

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Most Earthlike Planet Yet Found May Have Liquid Oceans
#220610 - 04/27/09 09:59 PM (15 years, 10 months ago) |
Kate Ravilious for National Geographic News April 21, 2009
It probably wouldn't feel exactly like home. But the planet known as Gliese 581d has a lot more in common with Earth than astronomers first thought.
New measurements of the planet's orbit place it firmly in a region where conditions would be right for liquid water, and thus life as we know it, astronomer Michel Mayor, from Geneva University in Switzerland, announced today.
"It lies in the [life-supporting] habitable zone, and it could have an ocean at its surface," Mayor said during the European Week of Astronomy and Space Science conference, being held this week at the University of Hertfordshire in the U.K.
First discovered in 2007, Gliese 581d was originally calculated to be too far away from its host star—and therefore too cold—to support an ocean.
But Mayor and colleagues now show that the extrasolar planet, or exoplanet, orbits its host in 66.8 days, putting it just inside the cool star's habitable zone.
At the same time, Mayor and colleagues announced that they have spotted a fourth planet orbiting in the Gliese 581 star system—and it's the lightest exoplanet found so far.
The planet, dubbed Gliese 581e, is only about twice the mass of Earth and is the closest planet to the star, completing its orbit in about 3.15 days.
"It brings down the mass [of the lightest known exoplanet] by more than a factor of two. The previous smallest was around five Earth masses," said Andrew Collier Cameron, an astronomer at the University of Saint Andrews in the U.K. who was not involved in the find.
(Related: "Mysterious 'Super Earth' Is Smallest Known Exoplanet?")
Near Neighbor
Gliese 581, a red dwarf star in the constellation Libra, lies around 20.5 light-years from Earth.
"In astronomical terms it is one of our near neighbors, the 87th closest known star system to the sun," said Carole Haswell, an astronomer at the Open University in Milton Keynes, U.K.
Since planets orbiting Gliese 581 are too far away to be seen directly, Mayor and colleagues originally spotted Gliese 581d by searching for tiny wobbles in the host star's motion using the European Southern Observatory (ESO) telescope at La Silla in Chile.
Weighing in at around seven Earth masses, Gliese 581d is unlikely to be made of rocks alone, the team believes.
"We can only speculate at this stage, but it may have a rocky core, encased in an icy layer, with a liquid ocean at the surface and an atmosphere," Mayor said.
Meanwhile, the much smaller and lighter Gliese 581e "probably doesn't look too different to Earth, except that it will be very hot, because it is so close to its host star," said Andrew Norton, an astronomer also at the Open University.
Norton's colleague Haswell added: "It is very exciting that such a promising candidate for an Earthlike planet has been found so close to us. It means there are likely to be many more when we search further."
And the more Earthlike planets there are, the greater the chance of discovering one that harbors life.
"I think it is only a matter of time," Norton said. "If life really does exist elsewhere in the universe, then within the next 10 to 15 years I expect we may see the first signs of life, via spectroscopic signals from exoplanets."

Registered: 04/20/08
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Re: Most Earthlike Planet Yet Found May Have Liquid Oceans [Re: b0b gnarley]
#220627 - 04/27/09 10:28 PM (15 years, 10 months ago) |
5 earth masses? I'd love to see the ripped quads on that bitch
trash hoarder

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Re: Most Earthlike Planet Yet Found May Have Liquid Oceans [Re: Harry_Ba11sach]
#220630 - 04/27/09 10:30 PM (15 years, 10 months ago) |
i wonder if the climate is suitable for cultivation?
FurrowedBrow said:
They should teach african engineering at the college level. mcgyver 101
Harry_Ba11sach said:
Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
b0b gnarley

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Re: Most Earthlike Planet Yet Found May Have Liquid Oceans [Re: MFDoom666]
#220632 - 04/27/09 10:34 PM (15 years, 10 months ago) |
...gotta love the intelligent discussion on this site
trash hoarder

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Re: Most Earthlike Planet Yet Found May Have Liquid Oceans [Re: b0b gnarley]
#220634 - 04/27/09 10:36 PM (15 years, 10 months ago) |
what were you expecting from stoners on a drug forum?
FurrowedBrow said:
They should teach african engineering at the college level. mcgyver 101
Harry_Ba11sach said:
Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

Registered: 04/20/08
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Re: Most Earthlike Planet Yet Found May Have Liquid Oceans [Re: b0b gnarley]
#220637 - 04/27/09 10:41 PM (15 years, 10 months ago) |
hey I can have intelligent discussion, just look at coasters vector fields thread
b0b gnarley

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Re: Most Earthlike Planet Yet Found May Have Liquid Oceans [Re: Harry_Ba11sach]
#220638 - 04/27/09 10:50 PM (15 years, 10 months ago) |
psh, that was all wikipedia

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Re: Most Earthlike Planet Yet Found May Have Liquid Oceans [Re: b0b gnarley]
#220640 - 04/27/09 11:02 PM (15 years, 10 months ago) |
negative sir. I've written so many papers on Foehn generation and orographic wind forcings this semester it would make your head spin

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Re: Most Earthlike Planet Yet Found May Have Liquid Oceans [Re: b0b gnarley]
#220645 - 04/27/09 11:15 PM (15 years, 10 months ago) |
b0b gnarley said: psh, that was all wikipedia
yours is from natgeo...
b0b gnarley

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Re: Most Earthlike Planet Yet Found May Have Liquid Oceans [Re: Tripp420]
#220651 - 04/27/09 11:33 PM (15 years, 10 months ago) |
green crack GREEN CRACK!!

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Re: Most Earthlike Planet Yet Found May Have Liquid Oceans [Re: Harry_Ba11sach]
#220662 - 04/28/09 12:44 AM (15 years, 10 months ago) |
Harry_Ba11sach said: 5 earth masses? I'd love to see the ripped quads on that bitch
atlast would have a hard time shruggin that bitch.
-------------------- I'm an electric smoker
ExplosiveMango said:
If everyone could do mushroom, yes, it would be a wonderful world. This will never be, only some can do mushrooms. It is the responsibility of those of us who see the world most clearly to pass the clarity on to those who cannot bare to wear our lenses.
Madtowntripper said:Or just give her a cloroform soaked rag and tell her it's ether!

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Re: Most Earthlike Planet Yet Found May Have Liquid Oceans [Re: MistaUNGA]
#220665 - 04/28/09 02:07 AM (15 years, 10 months ago) |
i tried talking about this on the shroomery and they all just argued about rather or not the picture was fake... jackasses.
The planet, dubbed Gliese 581e, is only about twice the mass of Earth and is the closest planet to the star, completing its orbit in about 3.15 days.
that would be some quick flowering budz!
Gliese 581, a red dwarf star in the constellation Libra, lies around 20.5 light-years from Earth.
The plants will stretch, flower, and fruit early under red light
Dr. Siekadellyk
Question Everything!

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Re: Most Earthlike Planet Yet Found May Have Liquid Oceans [Re: cubie]
#220693 - 04/28/09 08:28 AM (15 years, 10 months ago) |
Truly amazing...and i couldnt see why the shroomery thought it was fake...its from national geographic,...............their trippin'..... 
-------------------- The Kratom Report...

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Re: Most Earthlike Planet Yet Found May Have Liquid Oceans [Re: Dr. Siekadellyk]
#220718 - 04/28/09 10:26 AM (15 years, 10 months ago) |
Would be interesting to find out what will they do about this. I have seen a small documentary last night about private industry that promote shuttles to inner-space, the trip was so cheap that even NASA is questioning weather they should use them for their spacial experiment or keep going with their half billion $ shuttle each trip (The private industry is only asking 200,000 $ each trip, i guess you can understand why they would be incline toward such a deal) anyway the idea of this private company is to offer regular Joe's like me and you a trip with in our atmosphere. Those little shuttle are very similar to a jet and can fly to space and land on Earth very similar to a regular plane.

They already have sent a few of them with successful test.
The industry name : Virgin Galactic
Here a bit of actuality to learn more about those guys.
Probably the most famous private enterprise working on space tourism at the moment is Sir Richard Branson's Virgin Galactic. Having joined with SpaceShipOne's designer Burt Rutan, Branson's company has the goal of providing flights to low earth orbit for passengers. The trip will allow tourists to experience weightlessness for up to 6 minutes before returning to earth's surface.
The suborbital craft used by Virgin Galactic is dubbed SpaceShipTwo, after its predecessor. It seats two pilots and up to six passengers and lifts people to just above suborbital range. The ship is launched from earth, using an advanced plane called the White Knight II. Once the plane reaches its maximum altitude, SpaceShipTwo separates and rockets into space. The entire process should take approximately two and a half hours.
Tickets have been sold for $200,000 each, with the first passenger flights slated for 2010. Many famous Hollywood stars and celebrities have signed on for early flights, including William Shatner and Paris Hilton. The vehicle will make its debut, however, in 2009 with the maiden voyage of the first ship, dubbed the VSS Enterprise. A second ship is being finished, called the VSS Voyager.

Anyways. Most be fun to be Rich and be capable to enjoy all those things. Perhaps when i will be 80 year old or so . those trip will only be with in the 5 digit or less 25.000$ would be more likely in the regular joe budget.
Peace out biatch!

Registered: 04/20/08
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Re: Most Earthlike Planet Yet Found May Have Liquid Oceans [Re: Hydro]
#220774 - 04/28/09 02:15 PM (15 years, 10 months ago) |
Spaceship one was NOT a jet powered aircraft, it was a hydribized rocket motor running on a solid, cored fuel grain (wax, asphalt and various other burn rate modifiers) oxidized with aerosolized NO2 injected through the core.
MAJOR difference
trash hoarder

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Re: Most Earthlike Planet Yet Found May Have Liquid Oceans [Re: Harry_Ba11sach]
#220775 - 04/28/09 02:17 PM (15 years, 10 months ago) |
it's not like he posted wrong info about drugs.
FurrowedBrow said:
They should teach african engineering at the college level. mcgyver 101
Harry_Ba11sach said:
Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

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Re: Most Earthlike Planet Yet Found May Have Liquid Oceans [Re: Harry_Ba11sach]
#220776 - 04/28/09 02:30 PM (15 years, 10 months ago) |
Harry_Ba11sach said: Spaceship one was NOT a jet powered aircraft, it was a hydribized rocket motor running on a solid, cored fuel grain (wax, asphalt and various other burn rate modifiers) oxidized with aerosolized NO2 injected through the core.
MAJOR difference
Those little shuttle are very similar to a jet /....... i meant looking similar, not engineering.

Registered: 04/20/08
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Re: Most Earthlike Planet Yet Found May Have Liquid Oceans [Re: MFDoom666]
#220778 - 04/28/09 02:37 PM (15 years, 10 months ago) |
MFDoom666 said: ok 
it's not like he posted wrong info about drugs.
sorry man, I'm a rocket scientist (literally).... minor to you folks, but a major faux pas for people in my field.

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Re: Most Earthlike Planet Yet Found May Have Liquid Oceans [Re: Harry_Ba11sach]
#220780 - 04/28/09 02:39 PM (15 years, 10 months ago) |
Harry_Ba11sach said:
MFDoom666 said: ok 
it's not like he posted wrong info about drugs.
sorry man, I'm a rocket scientist (literally).... minor to you folks, but a major faux pas for people in my field.

OMFG HARRY !, i wasn't going to build one, i was just showing to other that space is now becoming more accessible than ever That is all.
sorry if i offended you. I sure didn't want to give me role model the wrong impression..
trash hoarder

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Re: Most Earthlike Planet Yet Found May Have Liquid Oceans [Re: Harry_Ba11sach]
#220781 - 04/28/09 02:40 PM (15 years, 10 months ago) |
damn i didn't know that.
i guess i'd correct people too.
FurrowedBrow said:
They should teach african engineering at the college level. mcgyver 101
Harry_Ba11sach said:
Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?