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Guano Reefs
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Registered: 04/13/12
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Well I don't know man...
06/08/12 06:56 PM

... must be one or another common thought between us :rolleyes:
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Registered: 10/16/10
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Seeing the other ratings
05/02/11 10:46 AM

:shrug: Not Really sure why you got all the hater's the growery can dish out. Never Dis-respected me though, gave me a very generous and friendly rating, i appreciate it and gladly return the favor. Something about profanity or someshit is why you get these ratings, well pisshitfuckballscockpuncherpussybitch. Are you all trying to tell me we've never gone on our little rants and curse people out? I'm always positive you were prob. standing up 4 yourself.  :hairmetal:

Registered: 07/06/10
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you can have 1 for now
03/24/11 01:58 PM

start talking sense, and ill change it.

Registered: 12/23/09
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I thought I would never give anyone a 0 on there ratings...
03/24/11 12:53 AM

I thought I would never give anyone a 0 on their ratings but you don't add anything positive to this sight.
Mind Pilot

Registered: 02/09/09
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03/19/11 04:27 PM

For real?? For being gods messenger you sure do spread an aweful amount of profanity and hate. Someone dogs you and the slangs start flying! Purhaps your the false profits messenger? Your advice here in this forum is uneducated and way off kilter. You need to go back and hide under the rock your slithered out from under!

Registered: 04/20/08
Posts: 4,736
Do not listen to anything this guys says about cultivation
03/19/11 10:18 AM

He has no idea what he is talking about.  So be warned anyone reading any post of his related to cultivation, he will not be able to help you, what he says is not true, and his advice will land your grow in the shitter.

Stay far away from this one in the cult forums.
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Registered: 04/20/08
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fuck tard
03/15/11 04:28 PM

this guy is a fucktard
Psychotic Hippie
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You sir...
03/15/11 03:49 PM

are an idiot. Good day!

Growing cannabis with straight water, no nutrients?! Sheesh, you are full of yourself, aren't you?? That's like saying a human can survive off of simply drinking tap water. No eating, no vitamins, no IV...
Hey, you know what? Why don't YOU try that diet, and see if it works? Can't wait to see if it works or not!!

PS: Satan makes my butt-hole pucker! :wink::onfire: 

Last Edited 03/15/11 03:56 PM

Registered: 06/25/08
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03/12/11 02:57 PM

Why don't you transcend to your higher place by blowing your brains out and becoming a higher being all ready.


You have nothing to bring to the table but misinformation and stupidity. I really think your the first person on here with a zero rating ever haha. You suck.
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03/08/11 11:04 PM

I've been trying to find a reason to rate you a five for awhile now (or at the very least just find a reason to NOT rate you a zero), but this post was seriously one of the most rude things I've ever read on this forum.
You're a fucking joke. 
You're absolutely in love with yourself.
Your unfounded egotism makes me want to puke.
Invisiblestill beLIEve
State Property..Again

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03/07/11 01:25 PM

doesn't understand humor

or anything really

Last Edited 03/07/11 01:25 PM

BigBudz responded on 03/08/11 03:23 AM:

Faggot queer wanna be cool dude. Go crawl into your bed and choose death. You're too old to be useful.

Humor, this life isn't fun for me. Go crack a joke at some one else. Didn't your momma teach you, "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it at all?" Man to me this world is prison. You think I have time for fun and games. Not anymore.
Last Edited 03/08/11 08:45 PM

Truthfully, I'm a bullshitter
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03/07/11 01:15 AM

trolling or is just a fuckin nutjob cocksucker.  either way, you suck as a human.

Now that reply isn't something God would say I'm sure. :lol:

Last Edited 03/08/11 08:43 PM

BigBudz responded on 03/08/11 03:24 AM:

Dude have fun gay fag. Hope you get AIDS and die =)


Registered: 08/28/10
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03/06/11 10:57 PM


BigBudz responded on 03/08/11 03:25 AM:

Not my fault you like it up the ass bro. That is your choice. Have fun with HIV/AIDS when it comes for you.

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Registered: 02/12/09
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This guy
03/05/11 10:14 PM

is cookoo for cocoa puffs


BigBudz responded on 03/06/11 04:19 AM:

I'm so fucking smart its incredible. You are so stupid you can't accept you inferiority towards me and are jealous and envious of me. Grow up, little child. Oh and the fact I'm a man of God, and he gives me direct orders, communications, protects me and gives me amazing things to do makes you feel like the worthless piece of shit you really are.
I don't know if you worship the devil or are just some little baby punk bitch, but regardless you're an idiot.
Last Edited 03/06/11 04:25 AM

The Bridge Master

Registered: 04/20/08
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03/04/11 11:30 AM


Last Edited 03/24/11 07:52 AM

BigBudz responded on 03/05/11 04:31 PM:

Perfectly rational. I do not like people insulting me though. Try to understand what I'm saying before you just straight out dis me. <br>That is like you say something and I say, YOU SUCK! I mean at least logically explain why you think my statements are nuts #1, or #2 actually research my abilities (use twitter) before you dis.<br><br>I'm a powerful psychic with the law of attraction. I create my world. If we met, I could easily prove to you my abilities to manipulate reality. <br>Whatever dood, just because some people are lucky and get everything they want, doesn't mean you have to be jealous and envy. But you are dog. <br>

Oh an mostly likely you are a punk bitch that worships satan. I walk all over punks like you all day long.
Last Edited 03/06/11 04:26 AM

Psycho Pete

Registered: 01/14/09
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oh this guy
03/02/11 06:40 AM


If the world had really ended or a war started or whatever the fuck you were going on about, this would be a 5er.

BigBudz responded on 03/06/11 04:21 AM:

Whatever I was tripping out and figuring things out. Chill out. Everyone is so easily butt hurt. Regardless you are jealous of me, envious of me.

Have a great day. And grow up a little bit. Crying about your feelings being hurt makes you look like a little kid. In fact I don't even consider you a real person, much less an adult. You must be some computerized bot. No real person can be that stupid like you.

Male User Gallery

Registered: 04/20/08
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Funny guy.
02/24/11 11:19 AM

Welcome to teh Growery. :gethigh:

BigBudz responded on 03/06/11 06:33 AM:

Thanks man

Rust Fuckin' Cohle
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01/29/11 02:29 PM

Dead Dictator
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Registered: 05/11/09
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Nice conspiracy theories brah.
01/29/11 02:19 PM


BigBudz said:
I'm sorry to say folks your game is almost over. Satan has taken over this world. No one believe in God. I'm Nathan, God's messenger. God rarely sends someone like me down here on earth, but he feels it is of utmost importance that things change right now.


I might as well set the record straight for all of you as you will soon witness the fate of GOD almighty. And while I soon will die. I will die on Feb 4th 2011 as China and India destroy themselves. I was going to add those syrians but I think the 2 countries with the largest nations (isn't the USA no more because I WAS SO FUCKING PISSED MY ENTIRE TIME HERE THAT I FUCKED UP THIS PLACE).

That is about all I will be able to do. You soon will believe. In the power of GOD. May you find him now.

Dreams of Oceans

Registered: 08/15/10
Posts: 588
Uses stupid threads to promote generic art.
01/29/11 01:51 PM


BigBudz said:
I'm sorry to say folks your game is almost over. Satan has taken over this world. No one believe in God. I'm Nathan, God's messenger. God rarely sends someone like me down here on earth, but he feels it is of utmost importance that things change right now.


I might as well set the record straight for all of you as you will soon witness the fate of GOD almighty. And while I soon will die. I will die on Feb 4th 2011 as China and India destroy themselves. I was going to add those syrians but I think the 2 countries with the largest nations (isn't the USA no more because I WAS SO FUCKING PISSED MY ENTIRE TIME HERE THAT I FUCKED UP THIS PLACE).

That is about all I will be able to do. You soon will believe. In the power of GOD. May you find him now.


Last Edited 02/09/11 04:05 PM

BigBudz responded on 03/06/11 04:32 AM:

Which is so fucking true bro. God has a special mission for me. Punk bitches like you worship satan. I walk all over fucks like you everyday. I'll save earth while you little babies try to stop me. The force of good always triumph's over evil.

Ever watch Star Wars little kiddie satan worshiper. Who wins? Yah it's always a fight between good and evil but good always wins. Unfortunately for you I make Luke look like a wimp.
Me vs. You. Satanic pussies. You bitches are even real satan worshipers since you ain't in prison yet. But it sure looks like a lot of you should be in the prison. Molesting children, who knows you probably give drugs to children, rape women. Don't even tell me that people that do that shit didn't do it because of Satan.
Go on, keep on living in the delusion that God isn't real. Eventually you'll end up in prison. You'll be tempted by him to the extent you fuck up, you fuck up for life.

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