Registered: 10/08/11 Posts: 17,891
I hate when you laugh, sounds like a blood bath, so empty and cold
Last Edited 11/03/18 08:06 PM
Chemical Addiction
Registered: 11/20/14 Posts: 1,681
Way to keep the random jpeg thread alive and well
Registered: 03/20/12 Posts: 7,520 Last seen: 2 days, 18 hours
asdgsdgdfgdfgdf on and off
Registered: 06/22/13 Posts: 1,699 Loc: Babylon Last seen: 8 years, 1 month
Koopa Kool.
06/26/14 10:29 AM
Man, my bad. I thought I gave you a rating already. You are the shit. Speak your mind and to hell with who gets offended.
You sir are
poor boy
Village Idiot
Registered: 06/07/13 Posts: 16,230
this guy is fuckin
03/22/14 10:58 AM
Dude, you're a fucking retard and can't even keep up in a simple conversation. You are in capable of functioning online let alone life itself. You are a true
Registered: 11/23/12 Posts: 5,935
Fuck Yourself
Last Edited 05/23/15 08:32 AM
Registered: 12/04/08 Posts: 13,464
02/22/14 08:11 PM
I hadn't rated you yet.
Registered: 11/28/12 Posts: 103 Last seen: 5 years, 8 months
cool dude
closed veil
'nother 'merican zombie
Registered: 01/17/11 Posts: 3,015 Loc: land of the dead Last seen: 8 years, 7 months
12/23/13 07:30 AM
Last Edited 03/10/14 01:50 AM
Registered: 02/07/09 Posts: 470 Loc: The Garden State(NJ)
Time for
12/11/13 10:32 AM
5 more... . . .
grammer natze
Registered: 01/16/12 Posts: 2,262 Last seen: 1 year, 7 months
the king of all koops
09/22/13 01:40 AM
Last Edited 08/23/22 07:58 AM
Registered: 10/06/09 Posts: 2,943 Last seen: 1 year, 1 month
09/15/13 12:07 PM
Last Edited 10/13/13 06:08 AM
The Grim Queefer
Registered: 05/05/12 Posts: 234
This motherfucker
12/19/12 08:53 PM
Is cool, and has good taste in music.
Coachella '13 KKOTY
Registered: 04/20/08 Posts: 4,182 Loc: State of Mind Last seen: 11 months, 10 days
Overlooked ya!
12/04/12 03:16 PM
It's high time you got your !
ninja cat 09
Made you look
Registered: 12/31/10 Posts: 446 Loc: Mexico Last seen: 11 years, 10 months
You're cool
Registered: 01/08/12 Posts: 977 Loc: Astana, Kazakhstan
01/19/12 09:14 PM
Registered: 09/25/11 Posts: 102 Last seen: 13 years, 3 months
and dazed
Registered: 02/02/09 Posts: 1,783
high five
09/09/11 06:01 AM
high five
Registered: 11/15/09 Posts: 5,268
Once a cowboy, always a cowboy.
Last Edited 03/01/14 08:40 PM
King Koopa responded on 09/03/11 01:39 PM:
lol, thanks
Registered: 05/03/11 Posts: 7,128 Loc: Québecédelic Last seen: 1 day, 43 minutes
06/06/11 07:17 PM
If Bob Dylan and Spongebob would have a baby, you'd be that baby. You're one cool motha fucka, don't you fuckin change!
Because PO is stupid sick fuck that plays ball in the wrong league. UD is also stupid sick fuck but a lot more synonyms of the same fashion. I don't like UD, I don't condone his presence, and I really hope he puts me on his ignore list so he forgets I ever existed. If I were ever to meet UD personally, no wait, I'd never officially greet someone like him. His type doesn't even get a nod. Fuck this guy and his whole existence. As I digress, UD brings down the quality of this site and based just on that merit, he deserves to banned. He deserves to banned
I digressed PO is a fgt. Harry is a fgt. Picklez is still a junkie. Poor boy is a fgt. The guy who limited my posting is a fgt. Phillip Seymour Hoffman died so now he's a fgt. Elton John is a fgt. Gucci Mane is a fgt. The guy who sings Dreamweaver is a fgt. PO is a fgt. John Fox is a fgt. Mitt Romney is a fgt. Steven Hawking is a fgt. The whole Black Hole theory is a fgt. All gingers are fgts. Bill Cosby is a fgt. That guy who hosts this one station on the radio that I hate the fuck out of because he sounds like a fgt. Oprah is a fgt. Bill O'Reilly is a fgt. Jay-z is a fgt. Kind of. He's cool though, but a fgt nonetheless. The Secretary of State is a fgt. Tom Hanks is a fgt. Ythan is a fgt. Coaster is a fgt. That other ginger is a fgt. Again, all gingers are fgts. PO is a fgt. My colocs brother is a fgt. Andy is a fgt. Michael Jordan is a fgt. The fictional character MJ played in Space Jam is a fgt. Influenza is a fgt. John Wayne is fgt.
You just gave me another reason to 5 star rate you
Last Edited 05/03/14 06:35 PM