Chemical Addiction

Registered: 11/20/14 Posts: 1,683
I like your style, keep on posting brother
Registered: 10/19/14 Posts: 565 Last seen: 8 years, 9 months
he knows it all
12/14/15 05:45 PM
Homie don't play that
Registered: 10/08/11 Posts: 17,891
moonshine is good shit. Good to see ya back around
Last Edited 10/12/14 12:22 AM
oeric mckenna
Pure Indica
Registered: 07/18/14 Posts: 758 Loc: Mars
Dude is kickass...
Mr Magenta
Toruk Makto

Registered: 07/04/13 Posts: 423 Last seen: 7 months, 9 days
Consistently a great poster
08/16/14 06:32 PM
You and i have never talked but your posts shine of quality like a beacon of light amongst the masses of crap.
Just one more xanax

Registered: 03/30/09 Posts: 4,956 Loc: Gaybec Last seen: 7 years, 3 months

Registered: 05/03/11 Posts: 7,134 Loc: Québecédelic Last seen: 4 days, 15 hours
Great guy!
07/27/12 08:34 AM
I thought I had rated ya! WTF!
Kewl dude!!

Registered: 12/04/08 Posts: 13,464
What do you say we try and get this up to a five

Registered: 01/08/12 Posts: 977 Loc: Astana, Kazakhstan
07/18/12 12:13 AM
i could haz wif you
and dazed
Registered: 02/02/09 Posts: 1,783
* * * * *
09/09/11 06:52 AM
high five
Master Smurf
Registered: 05/12/11 Posts: 413 Loc: Everywhere  Last seen: 4 years, 4 months
because I wish my grandma was as cool as you.
Drunk Derelict

Registered: 04/22/08 Posts: 3,189
Long over do..
05/30/11 08:10 PM
Bad Boys Club.
always a great member.

King Koopa

Registered: 06/25/08 Posts: 12,819 Last seen: 4 months, 15 days
Awesome member
04/18/11 03:56 PM
out of only a handful

Registered: 03/15/10 Posts: 4,920 Loc: Devils Marbles 
Security at the door
04/18/11 12:51 AM
m00nshine said: No way, I'd be smoking a blunt walking around minglin', trying to get you guys to play quarters and a game of tip cup. NO ONES GETTIN ROBBED AT MY GATHERING
Slave of Cthulhu
Marijuana Connoisseur

Registered: 04/22/08 Posts: 5,131 Loc: R'lyeh Last seen: 10 months, 22 days
This text...
04/05/11 06:27 PM
Contains no rating.
Psycho Pete

Registered: 01/14/09 Posts: 11,657 Loc: Bumfuckt Egypt Last seen: 1 year, 4 months
oh snappppppppp
03/25/11 02:16 PM
Thought I already left ya this.

Registered: 07/06/10 Posts: 3,372 Last seen: 13 years, 28 days
your a cool grandma
03/01/11 03:30 PM

Registered: 11/18/09 Posts: 831
Your posts make me laugh Thanks
Registered: 10/01/10 Posts: 503
01/30/11 12:18 PM
Pandor m00nshine
one of the sickest shroom growers i knew on shroomery.
glad to see your over here too buddy.
Coachella '13 KKOTY

Registered: 04/20/08 Posts: 4,182 Loc: State of Mind  Last seen: 1 year, 25 days
Cuz I'm high
01/28/11 10:30 PM
Re: Re: The post when you smoke thread!
and so are you. But differently.
Rust Fuckin' Cohle

Registered: 03/19/10 Posts: 6,838 Loc: Carcosa  Last seen: 8 years, 11 days
nice sig
10/16/10 03:54 PM

Registered: 04/20/08 Posts: 11,753 Loc: Nepal 
thanks man
02/25/10 04:28 PM
you ain't so bad yourself
Science Is Subculture

Registered: 05/03/08 Posts: 4,981 Loc: Jawjuh. Last seen: 11 years, 10 months
youve been much cooler / helpful lately than when you first joined, keep it up bro
Free yourself from yourself

Registered: 04/20/08 Posts: 12,045 Loc: Carpal Tunnel
respect brah!
02/18/10 10:04 PM
m00nshine said: You could just do your job and not reply to his posts in the dome. But, I understand where you're coming from. And it's hard not to respond when you feel you're right and want to defend your position. But, both parties get really involved and feel the need to keep replying, it's obviously creating a reaction from both ends. And any kind of retaliatory reply would show "butthurtness," correct? It just seems to me like a pissing contest that's not worth participating in. It's also spilling over into other areas of the site, which isn't cool.
you are way too underrated from what ive seen.

Registered: 06/13/08 Posts: 15,581 Loc: 
Never rated you
02/18/10 09:33 PM
Chill guy

Registered: 06/14/09 Posts: 995 Last seen: 2 years, 7 months
For being the only one
01/18/10 04:46 PM
Who seemed to actually be reading my thread. Something I like to see.
Now with Grow!

Registered: 05/31/09 Posts: 2,662 Loc: Oaktown to NOLA Last seen: 4 years, 6 months
CNC Machinist/Greenthumb

Registered: 06/01/08 Posts: 9,953 Loc: North Star 
11/10/09 11:48 PM
You haven't pissed me off, and I find your posts mildly entertaining.
5 leaves for you!
trash hoarder

Registered: 04/24/08 Posts: 8,842 Loc: emerica Last seen: 7 years, 3 months
nothing's finer
11/05/09 02:38 PM
than an ice cold shiner.
Registered: 04/21/08 Posts: 7,259
Dr. Siekadellyk
Question Everything!

Registered: 04/20/09 Posts: 9,366 Loc: Ketamine
heres for a new start at the Growery, your welcome to stay man, its pretty chill.