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Viewing Ratings By TrueHerbCrystal (General: 5/11) Display: [ All | General | Trade ]  Sort: [ Rating | User | Date ]
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CNC Machinist/Greenthumb
Male User Gallery

Registered: 06/01/08
Posts: 9,953
Loc: North Star Flag
Thanks for all your Detailed Advice! (This is WAY Overdue...)
04/13/10 03:29 AM

I should of rated you a long time ago Inverted, for all of your excellent, well-written, Crystal-Clear advice you gave me in my Grow Journal. Here's just one awesome example of your Grade-A Tricks-N-Tips Advice.
And Here's another. :thumbup::thumbup:

You are by far the best soil expert and most-detailed knowledge-dropper here at the Growery, and its an honored and a privilege to read your wisdom. :yesnod: Keep it Inverted bro! Especially when you're Snowboarding on those Mountains! Wheeooo! :vaped:

Couldn't of Grown without you! :greenthumb:
~ TrueHerbCrystal ~

Last Edited 04/13/10 03:34 AM
Earth. Water. Air. Fire.
Male User Gallery

Registered: 03/07/10
Posts: 106
Last seen: 8 years, 4 months
Just for your responses....
03/29/10 06:15 AM

I've haven't read many of your posts, but just reading your responses to your ratings, I can tell you put thought into what you say, and you're quite clever....but the main reason why you deserve 5 :leaf: is because you take these negative comments/ratings here in a very calm, collective, "it doesn't bother me" attitude....and I respect that.
Most users would get vividly angry and hostile with negative ratings and defend themselves by putting down the poster. But you have done just the opposite...so you get the good-old green stuff! :ganja:

I dig articulate cleverness!
~ TrueHerbCrystal ~

Last Edited 03/29/10 06:49 PM

cjesseg responded on 04/18/10 01:25 PM:

Most kindest person i've met yet!

The Rabble Rouser

Registered: 02/12/10
Posts: 347
Last seen: 13 years, 10 months
A really cool new grower...
03/19/10 04:36 PM

You always say nice things to me, and to other growers. Also, your overall excited enthusiasm for this new hobby always makes my day. :awesome:
:happyweed::happyweed::happyweed::happyweed::happyweed: Happy Weed!

Good luck on your growlog! :leaf::thumbup:
~ TrueHerbCrystal ~
 User Gallery

Registered: 04/20/08
Posts: 11,753
Loc: Nepal Flag
Your Long Overdue rating.........
02/07/10 08:42 PM

Man, you are so smart when it comes to plants, cultivation, and science in general. We a rough start in the "God good pooping feels good" thread, but now I am proud to say you are my new internet friend! Thanks for all the insightful, well-written info about everything MJ and way beyond. And thanks for writing the longest PM you've ever written to anyone.
I honor your time-sacrafices. :thumbup: :leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf:
In terms of your intelligence and extensive knowledge background, your avatar is very misleading. And so is your screen name. But who cares right? What's in a name? Or a loop of a dirty, dry-humpin' Earth-based Storm Trooper. A lot, I guess. Maybe just silliness.
If instanous teleporters existed, I would transport to your place and smoke you out and talk about science....
but until then, this will have to do...:bongload: :baggy:  :bongload:
Don't lose that Smartness Buddy...
The Growery Needs it!
~ TrueHerbCrystaL ~

Last Edited 03/13/10 04:55 AM

Registered: 06/13/08
Posts: 15,581
Loc: Flag
For Saying Kind and Helpful for my Bad Situation
01/26/10 01:33 AM

Updated May 2, 2010: Thank you so much Triptonic for saying all the helpful, considerate, kind words about me getting caught and having my plant seized. It really brought my mood up when I read it.
You truly are a good person Triptonic. I don't care what anyone else says, you're a good man.
Thanks again....

Your words helped out So Much
~ TrueHerbCrystal ~

Last Edited 05/02/10 05:59 PM
Stranger than some

Registered: 06/24/09
Posts: 21
Last seen: 15 years, 7 months
I Just Had to!
01/21/10 07:28 PM

I was reading one of his post, then I took at his "hilter jaming out" .Gif Avatar photo while I was listening to some Electro, and it "bumped" perfectly with the beat! Whoa! :eek:

I completely dispise Hilter as person for what he did to all those people he killed, but this headphone-bumping version of Hilter makes he seem pretty cool, I just had to give this rating for putting an evil iconic figure in a compleletly new and unusual context.

Well done zielonagora! :leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf:!

~ TrueHerbCrystal ~

Registered: 07/12/08
Posts: 127
Last seen: 10 years, 4 months
For Giving...
01/10/10 12:02 AM

awesome, straight-forward advice for a to-be first-grower when no one else would!

You da man sterben! And I won't forget what you said: "Aim High" :leaf::rasta:

~ TrueHerbCrystaL ~

Last Edited 01/10/10 12:03 AM
Failed Botanist

Registered: 06/25/08
Posts: 6,170
For Standing Up for what You Believe...
01/05/10 12:24 PM

You're right, I did take it too far with BananaTelephone. What I should of said was nothing.
Thanks for standing up for what you feel is right!

P.S. Would it surprize you I've never had a long-term (longer than 2 weeks) girlfriend ever?
~ TrueHerbCrystal ~

Last Edited 01/05/10 01:02 PM
Pages: 1
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