
Registered: 09/15/21
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Lol this thread is going to kill all the traffic

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what'd you do!?

I think maybe I'm going to contact the staff of reddit and Facebook and ask them to permanently hot ban me forever. Couldn't possibly hurt me at all

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Re: The 8 hr banning thread…. [Re: SameThing]
#852788 - 11/29/21 07:47 AM (3 years, 3 months ago) |
SameThing said: Nah i asked for mushrooms in a pm.
Lol That's kinda funny. Did someone send you spores instead?

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Texas Honey Badger said:
SameThing said: Nah i asked for mushrooms in a pm.
You asked the wrong person
No, he asked the wrong question at the wrong place. I'm pretty sure there are more people on shroomery willing to give people heroin than mushrooms. Just part of the general cult flex like DIY or die, otherwise why even browse shroomery shouldn't you be on like vice or reddit then ahaha. My come up in cult has faced a lot of that snubbing actually. When I was a teen I really just wanted to meet a grower not to learn anything but to mooch of them all the time, just be a worm, fortunately for me nobody wanted to put up with that and everyone was more than willing to point me in the direction of educational resources to get the knowledge I needed to provide more for myself.
Seriously man I'd even be reluctant to sell shrooms even to my close friends even if I had my own weight in extra shrooms. They're just too easy to grow yourself, selling them creates extra work for everybody. Just trade spores. (i wonder if any of the mummified old tc users here will come out of the dust to argue with this lol)

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Re: The 8 hr banning thread…. [Re: Data]
#852813 - 11/29/21 11:42 AM (3 years, 3 months ago) |
Haha yeah sounds about right.

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idk man just feels wrong, maybe its a geopolitical thing.

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Fleabag Friend said: That and you'd probably get a lot of "PLUR MAAAAN"
bro money doesnt matter if everythings free like why dont you give me all your stuff right now you nazi

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Re: The 8 hr banning thread…. [Re: spirit_shadow] 1
#852877 - 11/30/21 07:28 AM (3 years, 3 months ago) |
spirit_shadow said: Money doesn't matter. It is an archaic idea especially with the development of AI. The entire societal paradigm will change sooner or later. There will probably be more wars because most humans have monkey brains. Fuck it all 
ok what youtube video keeps telling people this? total crock of shit dude people need to build and maintain ai, people have to update and implement it, and obviously ai isnt everywhere
i bet it was someone that works for an ai company "bro quit your job come code for me for less than minimum wage and then for free because thats the future bro"

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Re: The 8 hr banning thread…. [Re: spirit_shadow]
#852883 - 11/30/21 07:42 AM (3 years, 3 months ago) |
making me worried duder. You know this is a for-profit website, right? like ythan and mike up at the top expect coin out of you at some point, seriously.

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Re: The 8 hr banning thread…. [Re: spirit_shadow]
#852889 - 11/30/21 07:55 AM (3 years, 3 months ago) |
ok man

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Re: The 8 hr banning thread…. [Re: spirit_shadow]
#852892 - 11/30/21 08:03 AM (3 years, 3 months ago) |
spirit_shadow said: The idea of money is stupid. There has to be order, yes, but money makes no sense. If the earth got together and delegated everything properly we could be populating other planets by now. But as I said most humans have monkey brains and fight over shit that literally does not matter 
i love you dude but you really need to educate yourself. It doesn't work like that. Like no wonder ladies are stepping on you you keep fuckin up your money! haha im jk.

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Re: The 8 hr banning thread…. [Re: spirit_shadow]
#852898 - 11/30/21 08:08 AM (3 years, 3 months ago) |
right thats actually a classic argument /logical fallacy

like if you want any system to work you have to work to make it better off of where it works, cant just flame the whole thing as a failure unless its something that like totally doesnt work and kills millions of people, like communism or something.

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Re: The 8 hr banning thread…. [Re: spirit_shadow]
#852905 - 11/30/21 10:41 AM (3 years, 3 months ago) |
Obviously you've made up your mind in character so it's not even about logic it's about appeal to ethos and I for one am tired of people acting like communism is cute and funny if this is what we're alluding to. Maybe try go living in China since nothing private matters to you.

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Re: The 8 hr banning thread…. [Re: spirit_shadow]
#852908 - 11/30/21 10:48 AM (3 years, 3 months ago) |
Oh come on now that's an obvious cop out and a vulgar over generalization. Don't be so cynical, you'll just create enemies with yourself.

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Re: The 8 hr banning thread…. [Re: spirit_shadow] 1
#852909 - 11/30/21 11:04 AM (3 years, 3 months ago) |
spirit_shadow said: Fuck all current political ideologies. There needs to be a new better system. But as I said people are crazy and won't want to do it, therefore wars. Oh well I don't care about any of it honestly.
i don't know what to do with all my freedoms, i desire more regulations
trust me, where you are now is about as good as it gets, and if you have complaints there are places that would pay you to help them save money trying to help other people. The world aint so bad. Especially not in the US. There's a reason so many people are trying to come here and it's not tyranny lol

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Re: The 8 hr banning thread…. [Re: spirit_shadow]
#852916 - 11/30/21 12:01 PM (3 years, 3 months ago) |
hope you're alright today spirit, don't forget to look out for yourself yknow

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Re: The 8 hr banning thread…. [Re: Data]
#852931 - 11/30/21 02:32 PM (3 years, 3 months ago) |
It saddens me reading things like this so quickly after thanksgiving. Propaganda talk. The rhetoric all alludes to the same thing in my head and it's communism. I'm not cool with socialism either theyve both killed millions of people. Starvation isn't funny. Mass starvation isn't funny. Not allowing people to grow their own food isn't funny.
You can grow your own food. No one is stopping you. You can go out and hunt your own food just do it correctly and don't over-hunt and fuck up the ecosystem etc, there are very easy to follow laws on it that will get you plenty of meat to last you years
As far as the royal family crap.... know what other kinda territory that leads into?

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Re: The 8 hr banning thread…. [Re: kreg]
#852932 - 11/30/21 02:35 PM (3 years, 3 months ago) |
It's really ironic for me to say any of this stuff I know none of you will understand, I've already said things on the opposition so by default my logic is enemy logic or whatever. But it is about working to make things better.
I repeat, there's good reasons people are going way out of their way to immigrate to the US and other similar countries.

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Re: The 8 hr banning thread…. [Re: kreg]
#852933 - 11/30/21 02:37 PM (3 years, 3 months ago) |
Let me put it this way, I'm sure both of you own things that you do not need, things that could help someone else's life more than yours, so why don't you give those things away? Are you too greedy? You still have both your kidneys I presume yes? Why haven't you given them to those in need yet? Are you some kind of wealthy power-freak that seeks world domination? How dare you have 1 can of old beans in your cubbard?
lol I could go on.

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Re: The 8 hr banning thread…. [Re: kreg]
#852934 - 11/30/21 02:41 PM (3 years, 3 months ago) |
we're talking about all of this, again, on the for-profit website discussion focused on illegal drugs. You know what happens to you if you get caught with a little weed in China? Singapore? Thailand? we have some privileges and luxuries