Registered: 01/17/18
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ET read this
#831052 - 01/17/18 02:07 PM (7 years, 1 month ago) |
This is for adults only and is so scary friends. The toy is a helmet that's like mission impossible cassette thing of "your missssh if you choose to accept it" with a screen and a hand control and a picture booklet for putting in you POINT WEIGHTS and and comes with a jet lighter up to 3G wtf glass pot pipe the things like the points of field x are how many 300mg bud are loaded, field y is (from picture book) self determined scary region (skid row would be high) and the thing like accepts speaker extra playback from space and the helmet uses psycotttrrrroooonnnniiiiccccprojector (like the thing you hear from mattresses in MT hospitals, and the thing is I need last month to be covered in nnooorrrwwwaaallllkkkkk parking lot next to 7-11 subway and donuts but the thing is yesterday's recordings (hope I don't have speaker in boux) (you know I got repairs and rolled of in time from mattress laser Lopotomy) (my things like ju s are ok as long as there not juju it's a thing I made up but scratch morning talk of treachery that was m) and the thing is that's one of three that is scary from space pants creamer not scary one yesterday (aliens did fine) of the the and the helmet plays the recording and electronics determin if it matches your voice words and if it does not than player talks with red helmet flash light on for fordi seconds than projector pics up and continues must get two flashes of red exactly the toy has voice recorder and camera for keeping movies than theirs the thing of after the recordings theirs a button to press from a pair from the word g nig to say your opinion on which was which and blue light means you pressed button nig for the record and green means you pressed genius, the thing you no that I'm in danger of is the mmaaa thing color code indicates gc mind control. GC are my enimies. Between worlds of suffering of brain damage or sever pain I go with sever pain (but I'll be back to spot with more pot, you know I didn't choose Nissan plate and it's like Russian funny business, it's not funny it's Arlington road stuff and I'm witness) wtf I don't know all factuals. The recordings are like the "alien wedding of human enimies enimy exchange " wow. Did you know I had contact and if those wher humean built robot s than there was a sighting reported of mmarrssiongesture. Back up survalence with lots of microphones beware of omega buzz kill. Don't hoax them. Kpee sent number four and keep saying loobbootttomy and ball cut of for Demte from rodi back 17 years old . See didn't screw my brain. Don't. I'll make the thing given record go i don't like you, see aliens just repaired my brain don't touch. Fuck of guumcrew you know carl Sagan. RELRBEL had multiple et contact, ain't the tv eyeball shit. I got back to genius brain dispite the recent lasers. I feel like a super genius again today, thanks aliens.There's two additional notes (for the peeps that want literature trips, check 3,4,5,7 syllable cycles. The other thing is cf paintball gun fire in past only if voice doesn't 50 match recording by computer Don't cf the record get the alien data ok. See my time makines on Facebook that Microsoft retard hacked and erased. I had booklet with spaceship science stollen (the original booklet is like quarter billion$) transmit stuff to space by sending GODEL NUMBER INCOMING Beep beep beep beep ...
Proposal : there is to be a competition of ten people including me known as the 10PSC such that their entrance payment is a photograph that has value of 5 million dollars or more in scientific content. Than they are to each be given 3 million dollars or more in a bank for starters and it is messaged through time to place video cameras pointing out of their faces and voice microphones hearing what they hear and their robot pitches sent to space in fórmate of their original ways and with addition of the individuals spending time being a walker with a box asking people to borrow a phone to make instant messeges and they if they win the competition of being the most entertaining and important for science among the ten they are to be granted an incredibly large (I’m thinking so huge really) amount of money to use for projects on their own will and luxury on their own will and they they bequife in a split 50% of the remaining to the groups I’m thinking of by the thing of the letters jpengef and 50% to ET aliens of prior contact that are also their friends and if they get harmed the exact individuals that harm them the ones in the competition or aliens that had contact with them than the culprits of harm against the 10 individuals or brain damage threateners of the 10 individuals are to be quartered with cars and any teorrist tricking the 10 individuals to be quartered by mind control are to be quartered with cars. That means obviously getting your legs ripped off with cars and ropes. I pledge aligience to ET aliens than are my friends, America, Japan, England and Germany. ET Aliens, I lived in calabasas, can you please make it that I’m a robot not easily brain damaged that has the mind of various extraterrestrials in a series. In addition, make me robot such that i am capable of on marijuana of having over a 77777777777777777777777777iq of true intelligence and if I get my hands on some lsd for the first time it shall be the highest infinity possible in existance of intellect. The money is for doing projects. THE INFINITLY IMPORTANT NOTE: This is a real proposal that is to not harm me.
ET Aliens make my iq beyond a gogoplex, for data and science, its just cool aliens do what they want. OK make me like a real alien and a weird synthetic terminator that's the best for your home planet.
Edited by GOGOPLEX (01/17/18 03:08 PM)
Registered: 01/17/18
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Re: ET read this [Re: GOGOPLEX]
#831053 - 01/17/18 02:09 PM (7 years, 1 month ago) |
You know what the thing is I'm at fed ex with no cash my set sucked because I was in hospitals without computers or phones for a decade and it was priceless but like 1% quality as if I was living in an apartment with a car.
Registered: 01/17/18
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Re: ET read this [Re: GOGOPLEX]
#831054 - 01/17/18 02:35 PM (7 years, 1 month ago) |
They erased MJCSG posts on the shroomery and tried to frame me retard. OPs conducted properly (read journal, et don't unveil yet). concepts like my total survalence by ET alien cosmos is to be unveiled by kinda lotto scratcher thing. Lots of data aliens.
Registered: 01/17/18
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Re: ET read this [Re: GOGOPLEX]
#831055 - 01/17/18 02:36 PM (7 years, 1 month ago) |
The thing in journal is part of best shot of computer time machine that's like the best type for a computer time machine.
Registered: 01/17/18
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Re: ET read this [Re: GOGOPLEX]
#831056 - 01/17/18 02:38 PM (7 years, 1 month ago) |
The things like yesterday recordings seriously sucked I think it was 7-11 a couple(?) days ago that was weird scary. Enough of that kinda maybe its just for a spooky toy nobody gets hurt.
Registered: 01/17/18
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Re: ET read this [Re: GOGOPLEX]
#831057 - 01/17/18 02:41 PM (7 years, 1 month ago) |
They erased my whole facebook framing me retard. Did you know every time recently I think in my head normally and not like crapy I hear the words "sever torture and lobotomy at KP" they said its for trying nnD when I was 17 and it was like washington hypnotism done including with truth serum and mind control. And they told me repeadidly that its harmless and is god drug. I don't think it is.
Registered: 01/17/18
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Re: ET read this [Re: GOGOPLEX]
#831058 - 01/17/18 02:43 PM (7 years, 1 month ago) |
Send messege thru time for massive gov ops for no alien hoaxes at lacasa I had contact multiple species.
Registered: 01/17/18
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Re: ET read this [Re: GOGOPLEX]
#831059 - 01/17/18 02:44 PM (7 years, 1 month ago) |
You know the threateners are like mark webs dad crew with illuminatti and playboy magazine he synthesized 300 e and sold them to minors 12 years ago did it again and was trying to just play a hitler twistor torturing me and insulting the feds intelligence.
Registered: 01/17/18
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Re: ET read this [Re: GOGOPLEX]
#831060 - 01/17/18 02:50 PM (7 years, 1 month ago) |
So the different options from facecams are like video game (don't mind control me id implant at lacasa) VR arcade? or movie for Norwalk times did you know I might have a speaker in my voice box (and scientifically speaking a total mind control implant in my brain DO NOT DO THAT THATS A HUGE WISH DO NOT MIND CONTROL ME HUMANS) so like aliens make it like real ghost dwd experiments for players to compete I believe it was under MJCSG im also MJCS. Don't spread me too thin, don't make that thing silly ok. Just make it the best.
Registered: 01/17/18
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Re: ET read this [Re: GOGOPLEX]
#831061 - 01/17/18 02:52 PM (7 years, 1 month ago) |
So aliens befor reading my facebook make it that the time machines are working time machines from my own brain that follows how they work and make it that they really work.
Registered: 01/17/18
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Re: ET read this [Re: GOGOPLEX]
#831062 - 01/17/18 03:01 PM (7 years, 1 month ago) |
I just had a booklet stolen from me that contained a UFO propulsion tech that's baby that I think the gov doesn't follow, that booklet is worth over a billion dollars. They are erasing me and framing me retard. Hillary said it was the will of the US to vegtabolize me at silver lake, no it isn't. Im a scientist that aliens like and talked to me . You know I want to get into making TM toys and video games physics experiments. I don't know how to actually get money in a bank making papers what should I do its not working its like impossible. THE REALLY MOST IMPORTANT LIKE NOTHING ELSE MATTERS THING IS FOR ME TO NOT BE DAMAGED AND BE FREE. Everyone keeping up to date WHAT SHOULD I DO THEY KEEP ON SAYIONG VEGTABOLIZATION AT SILVERLAKE ANOTHER IMPLANT KEEPS SAYING SEVER TORTURE AND LOBOTOMY MY PARENTS ARE LIKE NOTHING AND I HAVE NO FRIENDS OR A DRIVERS LISCENCE. You know about the frames against me and the secret service said they poisoned me 2003 and Im totally fine at this time from mysterious repairs. I think there was also a satilite attak.
Edited by GOGOPLEX (01/17/18 03:04 PM)
Registered: 01/17/18
Posts: 14
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Re: ET read this [Re: GOGOPLEX]
#831064 - 01/17/18 03:04 PM (7 years, 1 month ago) |
I just had a booklet stolen from me that contained a UFO propulsion tech that's baby that I think the gov doesn't follow, that booklet is worth over a billion dollars. They are erasing me and framing me retard. Hillary said it was the will of the US to vegtabolize me at silver lake, no it isn't. Im a scientist that aliens like and talked to me . You know I want to get into making TM toys and video games physics experiments. I don't know how to actually get money in a bank making papers what should I do its not working its like impossible. THE REALLY MOST IMPORTANT LIKE NOTHING ELSE MATTERS THING IS FOR ME TO NOT BE DAMAGED AND BE FREE. Everyone keeping up to date WHAT SHOULD I DO THEY KEEP ON SAYIONG VEGTABOLIZATION AT SILVERLAKE ANOTHER IMPLANT KEEPS SAYING SEVER TORTURE AND LOBOTOMY MY PARENTS ARE LIKE NOTHING AND I HAVE NO FRIENDS OR A DRIVERS LISCENCE. You know about the frames against me and the secret service said they poisoned me 2003 and Im totally fine at this time from mysterious repairs. I think there was also a satilite attak..
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Re: ET read this [Re: GOGOPLEX]
#831066 - 01/17/18 03:14 PM (7 years, 1 month ago) |
I hate isreal. Did you know some synagogy isrealii acent said "we quartered_ we quarterd_ We quartered_ We quartered_ That's what the implant said.

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Re: ET read this [Re: GOGOPLEX]
#831067 - 01/17/18 03:45 PM (7 years, 1 month ago) |
Sorry buddy but it looks like you need to go back to that hospital with no computers and the rubber rooms for a lot longer.
Dr. Tripp

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Re: ET read this [Re: Rider420]
#831070 - 01/17/18 09:04 PM (7 years, 1 month ago) |
I like hallucinogens too!
-------------------- Where ever you go... There you are.
Dr. Tripp

Registered: 06/08/16
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Loc: Washington,Oregon,florida
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Tripp safe and don't do inorganic drugs mmmmkay!
-------------------- Where ever you go... There you are.
poor boy
Village Idiot

Registered: 06/07/13
Posts: 16,230
I work with an alien. I wouldn't call him an ET though...
Learning to love life by living through loss and mistakes
Lessons learned then gradually surfacing, Letting go, stripping naked to scream
I am not perfect nor do I strive to be, I am alive in this world of face first falls and public breakdowns
I'm a retarded, disfigured clown
Dying to be heard through the simple art of letting this heavy wall finally fall
I'm an equal being of no race, or color, a hallucination if you will
Sneaking into the lives of strangers, and letting them fall apart to a new rhythm just to feel better

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Re: ET read this [Re: poor boy]
#831079 - 01/18/18 07:14 PM (7 years, 1 month ago) |
what the fuck is going on here
-------------------- Pour un instant, j'ai respiré très fort
Ça m'a permis de visiter mon corps
Des inconnus vivent en roi chez moi
Moi qui avait accepté leurs lois
J'ai perdu mon temps à gagner du temps
J'ai besoin de me trouver une histoire à me conter
Pour instant j'ai oublié mon nom
Harmonium - Pour un instant
poor boy
Village Idiot

Registered: 06/07/13
Posts: 16,230
Re: ET read this [Re: Manitou]
#831082 - 01/18/18 08:42 PM (7 years, 1 month ago) |
Learning to love life by living through loss and mistakes
Lessons learned then gradually surfacing, Letting go, stripping naked to scream
I am not perfect nor do I strive to be, I am alive in this world of face first falls and public breakdowns
I'm a retarded, disfigured clown
Dying to be heard through the simple art of letting this heavy wall finally fall
I'm an equal being of no race, or color, a hallucination if you will
Sneaking into the lives of strangers, and letting them fall apart to a new rhythm just to feel better