
Registered: 04/27/17
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Re: hi I'm new here. I found something interesting *DELETED* [Re: dirtyneedle]
#826681 - 06/23/17 06:13 AM (7 years, 8 months ago) |
Oh that last paper is not perplexing, i thought for a sec it contained something paradoxical. So as it stands i have hypothetical time machines from spiral cone with hardly any theory and no paradoxes from it.

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Re: hi I'm new here. I found something interesting *DELETED* [Re: tripystuff]
#826682 - 06/23/17 07:38 AM (7 years, 8 months ago) |
There was a typo there. It was suposed to say that there was patial theory behind the time machines I presented so far. But the thing is i think it would be great if people started putting there time machine stuff on this website that is visable to me if they want to. Is anyone close to finding an advanced time machine on spiral cone and wants their work to be classified? You dont have to say on this thread if you think its not what you want to do. So at this exact time i didnt get my coffee yet and im seriously freaking out about stuff. Stuff like threats against me.

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Re: hi I'm new here. I found something interesting *DELETED* [Re: tripystuff]
#826689 - 06/23/17 11:55 AM (7 years, 8 months ago) |
everyone, i could use cretiques and pointers on my posting on this website, i think im doing ok and ill do better. king koopa gave me a positive rating and poor boy said bad rateings. With this paper, the paradox simular to the flawed one in the Utube video is resurected i not going to chew on poison gum, i never signed up for that and didnt do anything to warrent it. make sure the cia police and fbi (and any safe groups for me) are notified of tripystuff's authentic posts on the growery without frameing.

Registered: 04/27/17
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Re: hi I'm new here. I found something interesting *DELETED* [Re: tripystuff]
#826692 - 06/23/17 01:42 PM (7 years, 8 months ago) |
crap, i messed up the second copy with an error , anyone want to tell me and talk about anything you see perplexing from this alsi, who wants to construct the spiral example? ill do it soon.

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Re: hi I'm new here. I found something interesting *DELETED* [Re: tripystuff]
#826723 - 06/23/17 10:37 PM (7 years, 8 months ago) |
ive been stuck in a loop for 4 hours, am I time traveling?
-------------------- ...once in a while you get shown the light in the strangest of places if you look at it right...
Chemical Addiction

Registered: 11/20/14
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Re: hi I'm new here. I found something interesting *DELETED* [Re: Sham87] 1
#826728 - 06/24/17 05:37 AM (7 years, 8 months ago) |
I believe that's called Mario cart
-------------------- Sure. Don't expect me to compensate your wife and five retarded kids after I've drowned your exposed brain in my semen.
Spider Jerusalem

Registered: 02/23/17
Posts: 57
Re: hi I'm new here. I found something interesting *DELETED* [Re: Chemical Addiction]
#826733 - 06/24/17 09:09 AM (7 years, 8 months ago) |
Tripping playing mario kart stuck in a thought loop, you would wake up surrounded by bananas, shells and a dead monkey

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Re: hi I'm new here. I found something interesting *DELETED* [Re: Macky]
#826747 - 06/24/17 05:55 PM (7 years, 8 months ago) |
What you really need for spiral cone is LSD and marijuana combo to fully feel like your making advancements. But I never tried acid or spice. I hear mango brand spice is SUPER psychedelic, but does it cause brain damage?  

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Re: hi I'm new here. I found something interesting *DELETED* [Re: tripystuff]
#826753 - 06/25/17 12:29 AM (7 years, 8 months ago) |
Actually, consider that a kind of joke. I seemed to have found myself in the pecular predicament of having uh, meta-paradox thingamajig with what seems to be observed data of what seems to be mathematically obviously impossible with a pair of cups with spirals drawn on them and the thing twisting to say the theorem in the last post is wrong (which is wierd, like uh what)
Which is what i was hoping for.

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Re: hi I'm new here. I found something interesting *DELETED* [Re: tripystuff]
#826756 - 06/25/17 07:49 AM (7 years, 8 months ago) |
So im like kind of slipedy-sliding with confussing coments on this website (like missinterpretations), for example the previous post was just reffering to the text segment in the post before that. I dont think ill be trying LSD for fear it would permanently screw me up. Let me take a photo shot of what seemed to be a paradoxical manuver with the cups with spirals drawn on there bases it seems to contradict theorem of two posts ago. So you spin bottom disc by approx. 1 C.C. than you sspn both by aprox 2/3 C.C. than you spin both by same whole number in opposite directions.

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Re: hi I'm new here. I found something interesting *DELETED* [Re: tripystuff]
#826757 - 06/25/17 07:51 AM (7 years, 8 months ago) |

Registered: 11/25/15
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Re: hi I'm new here. I found something interesting *DELETED* [Re: tripystuff] 1
#826763 - 06/25/17 12:26 PM (7 years, 8 months ago) |
What happened to ur mattress cover ?!

Registered: 04/27/17
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Re: hi I'm new here. I found something interesting *DELETED* [Re: dirtyneedle]
#826863 - 06/29/17 10:00 PM (7 years, 8 months ago) |
Alright, I think I found something extramly interesting from spiral cone and I incorporated it in the plot of a Simpsons episode pitch. I'll make a growery show of my papers. Get your pot ready, at 10:00 tonight I'll post the new pages in my journal, than after an hour I'll click unshare and delete my post. But only oke weed if you like obviously, I'm not pressuring anyone. If you'd like a special extrem philosophical ride weed is the thing for these pages and the growery.