The Feminizer

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Re: U.S. astronauts Buzz Aldrin,, Edgar Mitchell, and Gordon Cooper talk about UFOs/aliens. [Re: thoughts] 1
#799756 - 11/27/15 04:20 PM (9 years, 3 months ago) |
This guy puts out a ufo report once a week or so
He does interviews with NASA guys and crap that are done a little more recently then the tv show that was from when I was a kid.
I tend to believe this guy knows more then any of us.
as far as I know they can be watching us threw our tv sets.
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Re: U.S. astronauts Buzz Aldrin,, Edgar Mitchell, and Gordon Cooper talk about UFOs/aliens. [Re: thoughts] 1
#799991 - 11/30/15 08:16 AM (9 years, 3 months ago) |
Know what's funny? UFOs in the 50s look the way people thought that the future would look back then.

But as we got more advanced and our images of what we think the future will look like changed our images of ufos changed also.

I believe the government is training us with games like Halo for the incoming alien takeover.
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Re: U.S. astronauts Buzz Aldrin,, Edgar Mitchell, and Gordon Cooper talk about UFOs/aliens. [Re: thoughts] 1
#800130 - 12/01/15 11:27 AM (9 years, 3 months ago) |
UFOs have had a similar look for thousands of years. http://in5d.com/ufos-and-extraterrestrials-in-art-history/
Yeah great comment but it has absolutely nothing to do with what I said. I said that the the pictures and what people claim to see change with the times they are in. All you have to do is google ufo pictures in the 50 then google ufo pictures 2015 to see it.
The one over England in 1783 stood out to me..it had a "pale blue color" and could change direction. http://www.ufoevidence.org/cases/case489.htm
Really a report from 1783 that the person reporting it waited a year to report it
The sighting was recorded the following year in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society (1784), who relates what witnesses observed:
Then you forget to print this that's at the bottom of the page you are listing.
This is from who owns the pic that the goofy ass ufo conspiracy site your quoting stole it from
Note: According the Science & Society Picture Library (UK), the illustration depicts ‘the meteor of 18 August, 1783.' The following is the caption for this illustration from their website:
Print showing members of the nobility (King George III?) observing a very bright shooting star called a bolide from the terraces of the royal palace of Windsor Castle. Titled 'The meteor of August 18, 1783...', the aquatint was produced by Thomas Sandby after a watercolour by Paul Sandby. The dazzlingly bright meteor was seen widely in surrounding areas of England and disintegrated into several parts.
Mustve been the US Navy doing missle tests back in 1783 too though, thats the only possible explanation, right?
No but the thing flying over So Cal was.
Your gonna need something a little more convincing then 230 year old ufo reports, water droplets, moths and specs of dust to be even a little convincing.
I'm not even saying your wrong but you haven't put up one single slightly convincing thing yet. I mean with all the aliens flying around you should be able to find 1 good 1080i quality picture of a for sure alien craft right? just 1
and if your looking for a report from a half way decent source this is from abc news and has Peter Jennings reporting.
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Re: U.S. astronauts Buzz Aldrin,, Edgar Mitchell, and Gordon Cooper talk about UFOs/aliens. [Re: thoughts] 1
#800162 - 12/01/15 04:52 PM (9 years, 3 months ago) |
I've seen this one before. I told ya I got into this stuff and was for years. First at that time Jerusalem had a population of 900,000 and the only people that saw it were the 4 people that filmed it. Nobody knows who the 4 people are and in one of the films one of the people says that the light is so bright they can hardly look at it but no light is reflecting off of the objects below it.
Before you put up footage make sure it hasn't been proven a fake cause there is ton of it out.
I'm gonna guess that you already know this but the comedian Dan Aykroyd is considered a ufo expert and he did this special that has a ton of footage that is considered not able to be proven fake.
You do realize I'm doing a better job of arguing your side with myself right? 
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Re: U.S. astronauts Buzz Aldrin,, Edgar Mitchell, and Gordon Cooper talk about UFOs/aliens. [Re: pizzeria] 1
#800164 - 12/01/15 04:56 PM (9 years, 3 months ago) |
pizzeria said: So Mr Magash....i hear your a fuckin big shot around here....well at least that's what she said
Who is she? where is she? and can I get her to talk to my girlfriend and get her to think I'm a big shot?
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Re: U.S. astronauts Buzz Aldrin,, Edgar Mitchell, and Gordon Cooper talk about UFOs/aliens. [Re: thoughts] 1
#800187 - 12/01/15 08:53 PM (9 years, 3 months ago) |
thoughts said: Dan Aykroyd pisses me off so I haven't watched that yet.
lol.........I'm not fond of him either but it is a decent watch. 
-------------------- All creatures tremble when faced with violence. All creatures fear death, all love life. If we can only see ourselves in others, then how could we possibly hurt another creature?
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Re: U.S. astronauts Buzz Aldrin,, Edgar Mitchell, and Gordon Cooper talk about UFOs/aliens. [Re: thoughts] 1
#801206 - 12/13/15 05:56 PM (9 years, 2 months ago) |
thoughts said: Dude Dan Aykroyd is a total badass, i had no idea.
I told ya. Cought me just as off guard as you. 
This is him young. The best comedy he's done.
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Re: U.S. astronauts Buzz Aldrin,, Edgar Mitchell, and Gordon Cooper talk about UFOs/aliens. [Re: Mycophile] 1
#802212 - 12/26/15 02:11 PM (9 years, 2 months ago) |
Just caught this. So now it's ships bigger then Jupiter are fueling up at our sun? Why not their own sun? Plus going on what we know about the location of planets that can have life on them they would have to fly past a few other suns to get to ours. Hmmmmm....maybe our tv signals got to them and their pissed.
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Re: U.S. astronauts Buzz Aldrin,, Edgar Mitchell, and Gordon Cooper talk about UFOs/aliens. [Re: Amanita86] 1
#802214 - 12/26/15 03:05 PM (9 years, 2 months ago) |
Amanita86 said: That's like seeing someone stop at a gas station and thinking, we'll they must have passed by numerous gas stations to get to that one, why didnt they stop at any number of gas stations they passed before that one?
Yeah that hit me to after I posted it. 
I'm still with Tyson and Hawking on the whole alien thing. I don't think they have ever been here and if any of the UFO's have ever come from another planet then there satellites or explorers like we have going to Mars just way more advanced. The reason if they go threw the trouble of going at least 8 light years to get here they wouldn't feel the need to hide from us and molest our cattle while making circles in our corn. With our position in the galaxy which is in the middle of fucking nowhere there gonna let us know there here. (I posted where I got that info from in one of Thoughts other threads) Then it isn't most likely going to work out well for us. Kind Of like the Europeans landing here didn't work out well for the Indians. I'm guessing if they visit us it won't be to give any us kind of technology esp if they look at what we use ours for. We put more of our own technology into killing each other then anything else. Nope if they come here they want something and it won't be to be nice to us. You know the old they used up the natural resources on their planet and want ours type of thing. Either that or we are good ground up between a bun. Who knows what's really true it can be anything but I'll go with what the smartest guys on the planet say till the aliens land here.
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Re: U.S. astronauts Buzz Aldrin,, Edgar Mitchell, and Gordon Cooper talk about UFOs/aliens. [Re: thoughts] 1
#804402 - 01/27/16 12:09 AM (9 years, 1 month ago) |
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Re: U.S. astronauts Buzz Aldrin,, Edgar Mitchell, and Gordon Cooper talk about UFOs/aliens. [Re: thoughts] 2
#813550 - 05/17/16 12:19 AM (8 years, 9 months ago) |
With all the thousands of ufo reports out all you can find is dust specs. Show us a space ship one that looks like a space ship not something I can replicate with my cell phone.
You realize that if there was footage of real ufo's from another planet it would be the biggest news to ever hit the earth and bro I just don't think you've found it yet. You're just gonna have to hold off a little bit longer for that Nobel Prize.  
-------------------- All creatures tremble when faced with violence. All creatures fear death, all love life. If we can only see ourselves in others, then how could we possibly hurt another creature?
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Re: U.S. astronauts Buzz Aldrin,, Edgar Mitchell, and Gordon Cooper talk about UFOs/aliens. [Re: thoughts] 1
#813613 - 05/17/16 07:22 PM (8 years, 9 months ago) |
That's a stupid assumption to make. And they could be from Earth.
Ok then, name anything at all that has ever happened that would be bigger news then intelligent life on other planets let alone if it came here. I'm not saying it hasen't though but I lean toward what people like Hawking and Tyson say about it. I don't think they came a minimum of 4 light years http://www.skyandtelescope.com/astronomy-resources/far-closest-star/ to cut up cows and make crop circles.
It's also stupid to say that bright, unidentified craft changing speed and direction is dust.
True and it's also just as stupid not to assume that the vessel doing the filming didn't change direction.
Plus the chance of it being just plain human garbage are higher Quote:
Inactive satellites, the upper stages of launch vehicles, discarded bits left over from separation, and even frozen clouds of water and tiny flecks of paint all remain in orbit high above Earth's atmosphere. When one piece collides with another, even more debris is released. Over 21,000 pieces of space trash larger than 4 inches (10 centimeters) and half a million bits of junk between 1 cm and 10 cm are estimated to circle the planet. And the number is only predicted to go up. - See more at: http://www.space.com/16518-space-junk.html#sthash.1RcosKMM.dpuf
I'd also like to see you make a cellphone video that looks anything close to these videos.
The only thing I forgot to ad was a Mexican family freaking out in Spanish.
I made two appear out of nowhere but that effect sucked. I made them fade in and out at about a minute in and went in and out of focus to try and make it look more like all the other bullshit on the net and pretty much fucking nailed it. Fucking damn I wanted a Mexican or Asian family freaking out and forgot to ad it. My dog barked during it also that kind of throws it off.
and the last video I'm still laughing. You, even you with these videos can possible think that the military would park any kind of UFO from another planet or a military project or a ufo of any kind outside where any satellite in the sky can take pics of it really? After all these years of so called hiding them from us now it's "fuckit park it out back". Everything there is hidden but the UFO's are the only things out in the open other then a few buildings. Now I'm not saying our military in the US is the smartest but common.
-------------------- All creatures tremble when faced with violence. All creatures fear death, all love life. If we can only see ourselves in others, then how could we possibly hurt another creature?
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Re: U.S. astronauts Buzz Aldrin,, Edgar Mitchell, and Gordon Cooper talk about UFOs/aliens. [Re: thoughts] 1
#813645 - 05/18/16 01:51 AM (8 years, 9 months ago) |
At least I put up real flying objects. Gave us a excuse to have quad-copter fights. Those are quads with flares attached to them. At the end of the video a quad that the flare went out on hits and drops one with a flare. You can see it as the flare goes out.
In your last video you have ufo's that haven't even been filmed flying. You know the ones the military parked where everybody can see them.
Now if you want to put up a real argument start getting some film from creditable sources or from ones even the ufo experts don't say are bullshit.
Thunder studios the company that made the last video you put up makes digital films.
Hey thoughts all joking aside now this guy really is into the subject if you really are interested in it. I got into this subject and studied it for years and this guy really has the best info. He puts up a weekly ufo report with the latest video footage from around the world. A looooot of it is bullshit but every once and a while he has a killer one with good detail. This guy has been putting up ufo videos and interviewing people that know a little something about what their talking about for years. People from NASA actually give this guy time and interviews. You want video footage nobody can argue with or at least have a hell of a time arguing against you he will have the footage. Daren Crapo (pronounced Cray-po) UFO Planet. Use to put up footage weekly but I'm not sure if he does it as often now. When he's not doing this he is a police forensics expert. https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=ufo+planet
He is also the guy who proved that thirdphaseofmoon were putting up fake ufo videos.
-------------------- All creatures tremble when faced with violence. All creatures fear death, all love life. If we can only see ourselves in others, then how could we possibly hurt another creature?
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Re: U.S. astronauts Buzz Aldrin,, Edgar Mitchell, and Gordon Cooper talk about UFOs/aliens. [Re: thoughts] 1
#813665 - 05/18/16 10:33 AM (8 years, 9 months ago) |
Which video that i posted was made by thunder studios?
Actually none of your footage comes straight from NASA every single thing you've posted is from some wanna be ufo hunter or some organization who claims to be finding the truth like the N.U.A. and they claim they got it from NASA but have every reason in the world to fuck with the footage. Can I prove they fucked with it....nope....can you prove they didn't? None of your footage is from the source.
This is the NASA channel https://www.youtube.com/user/NASAtelevision/videos
and none of your footage is from there so so much for straight from NASA.
I don't think i've ever posted a video from thirdphaseofthemoon, so it's funny you bring up that channel for no reason.
Every bit of your footage comes from organizations exactly like them like the N.U.A.
As far as the last video you just put up here ya go
start at 3 minutes in and learn to make one yourself.
This looks as real as anything you have put up and it's a fake.
Show us a UFO in detail not dust or little white lights show us a UFO. Show some footage that isn't from some bullshit organization and so far the only one of us to do that is me.
This came from ABC News https://www.growery.org/forums/showflat.php/Number/800130#800130
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Re: U.S. astronauts Buzz Aldrin,, Edgar Mitchell, and Gordon Cooper talk about UFOs/aliens. [Re: thoughts] 1
#813681 - 05/18/16 03:13 PM (8 years, 9 months ago) |
-------------------- All creatures tremble when faced with violence. All creatures fear death, all love life. If we can only see ourselves in others, then how could we possibly hurt another creature?
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Re: U.S. astronauts Buzz Aldrin,, Edgar Mitchell, and Gordon Cooper talk about UFOs/aliens. [Re: Magash] 1
#813683 - 05/18/16 03:25 PM (8 years, 9 months ago) |
Maaaaaan, fuck, fuck....I gotta give you some seeds from the next batch or something cause nobody has pulled one on me like that in a while. I would have kept going for 6 more pages.......
I don't know how or when but someday I'll get ya......hats off job well done....
-------------------- All creatures tremble when faced with violence. All creatures fear death, all love life. If we can only see ourselves in others, then how could we possibly hurt another creature?
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Re: U.S. astronauts Buzz Aldrin,, Edgar Mitchell, and Gordon Cooper talk about UFOs/aliens. [Re: thoughts] 1
#813699 - 05/18/16 05:54 PM (8 years, 9 months ago) |
Not a assumption asshole I rode the ride. They in no way meant for it to be real and since I didn't throw one insult at you you will shortly be missing from here for a while.
Also where did you read that it was only aired on tv once because it was played in the line to the ride??
I googled it dumbass
I just figured out you didn't even know about the ride when you put up the video.
-------------------- All creatures tremble when faced with violence. All creatures fear death, all love life. If we can only see ourselves in others, then how could we possibly hurt another creature?
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Re: U.S. astronauts Buzz Aldrin,, Edgar Mitchell, and Gordon Cooper talk about UFOs/aliens. [Re: thoughts] 1
#813706 - 05/18/16 06:06 PM (8 years, 9 months ago) |
I'm not the one making false claims with bullshit videos from shitty sources. No not pissed just wondering why somebody is fucking with me for no reason cause I know your not fucking dumb enough to believe what your posting nobody can be that stupid.
So since you decided to drag this back up and fuck with me now I get to fuck back.
-------------------- All creatures tremble when faced with violence. All creatures fear death, all love life. If we can only see ourselves in others, then how could we possibly hurt another creature?
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The Feminizer

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Re: U.S. astronauts Buzz Aldrin,, Edgar Mitchell, and Gordon Cooper talk about UFOs/aliens. [Re: Data] 1
#813715 - 05/18/16 08:01 PM (8 years, 9 months ago) |
agmotes165 said:
Magash said: I'm not the one making false claims with bullshit videos from shitty sources. No not pissed just wondering why somebody is fucking with me for no reason cause I know your not fucking dumb enough to believe what your posting nobody can be that stupid.
Magash, I'm gonna have to disagree with you. I'll vouch for thoughts, he can indeed be that stupid, I've seen him do it multiple times around here 
You know I like you and I guess I'll take your word for it. Seems impossible but I've never seen ya lie so I believe ya.......kinda sad though.....
Also I'm not saying UFO's don't exist nobody knows that I'm saying they don't exist in the crap he's posting.
-------------------- All creatures tremble when faced with violence. All creatures fear death, all love life. If we can only see ourselves in others, then how could we possibly hurt another creature?
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Re: U.S. astronauts Buzz Aldrin,, Edgar Mitchell, and Gordon Cooper talk about UFOs/aliens. [Re: thoughts] 1
#813991 - 05/24/16 01:38 AM (8 years, 9 months ago) |
thoughts said: Alright, here's proof Magash never went on the ride and proof showing they didn't play the doc at the line of the ride.
You know I was letting this lie but since you want to go out of your way to start shit with me get ready to be gone for just a little longer this time. Your saying that I'm lying about a family vacation I took my kids on. Sorry but winning a argument with somebody that I have put up better videos arguing your side then you have. You didn't even show the movie screen or any of the exhibits or the video game that goes with the ride or any of the exhibit room that went with it. It's called tomorrow land that whole area of the park is ufo's aliens and crap.
bye it's been nice.
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