
Registered: 04/20/08
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Dog issues
#731073 - 05/11/14 03:12 PM (10 years, 9 months ago) |
Ok, let me start by saying that I live in the country. No dog catchers out here. So these kind of issues can get real personal.
I've been having trouble with my neighbors dogs. They keep getting out of their fenced in yard and into mine. I've already had some 'friendly' dogs kill one Pomeranian. They didn't mean to, but Poms are too small to be playing with bigger dogs. I told my neighbor this, and that they really need to keep their dogs in their yard. My lil dog is a female that hasn't been fixed, so they wanna 'play' with her. I'm not gonna let my dog get killed like that again. Said I would hurt their dog (before he can hurt mine) if it continues to get in my yard. They agreed, but the dogs kept getting out.
After many breakouts over the years, I decided to buy a pellet gun. Just a lil single pump, one shot pellet gun. Not big enough to kill them, but will put a sting on their ass they wont soon forget. Already shot one of them in the ass about 2 weeks ago. I told my neighbor and he was cool with it.
Well today the fucking dogs got out again. No problem. I've got the gun behind my front door. I hear my dog barking like some one was here. I looked out my kitchen window and see no one in the yard, yet she's pissed at something. I go around and look out the front door, and there they are, headed for my yard. I load a pellet and step out on the porch and shoot the first one I see. He was headed for my trash can.
Not today buddy! Tag! Right in his left shoulder. He yelped like he'd been shot with a .22. Since he didn't instantly run out of my yard ... I go inside to load another pellet.
When I get back out, I see the owner of the house, wrangling the dogs back in. I told him I shot one of them.
All he said was "He's in yer yard wasn't he?"
I said "Yep! Right by my car!"
I went back in and put my gun away. After I saw them fix the fence, I stepped out on the porch to shoot the loaded pellet. One of the kids was sitting with another dog (they have 6-8 dogs) giving me the 'Evil Eye'
Fuckem keep yer dog outta my yard and I wont tag his ass. This isn't rocket science 
Well about 45 minutes later, I see this young kid come up to my porch with fire in his eyes. I didn't give him time to knock. I met him on the porch. I knew what this was about. Long story short. The dog was his. His girlfriend lives there and the dog was staying there temporarily. He said it was a good, non-aggressive dog. That shooting him was wrong!
I firmly walked his ass back to their yard, letting him know that he was lucky it was just a pellet gun and not a fucking shot-gun. That I will continue putting pellets in his dog's ass so long as he comes in my fucking yard. That if it keeps up, I will buy a bigger gun and bury his dog for him.
I left them with that thought, and went back home.
The owners of the house came over soon after and wanted to apologize. The boy had gotten a phone call from his GF about his dog. She got him all riled up and he came straight to my door, rather than check on his dog. Big mistake. The kid wanted to apologize as well for jumping the gun.
All in all a very interesting Sunday morning.
-------------------- The Ego is a pathological conditionlike a calcareous tumor or cystthat begins growing in the personalityin the absence of hallucinogenic substances-Terence McKenna-

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Re: Dog issues [Re: niteowl]
#731076 - 05/11/14 03:26 PM (10 years, 9 months ago) |
The dog wasn't hurt either. It didn't even break the skin, and I hit him from ~15ft
-------------------- The Ego is a pathological conditionlike a calcareous tumor or cystthat begins growing in the personalityin the absence of hallucinogenic substances-Terence McKenna-
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Re: Dog issues [Re: niteowl]
#731083 - 05/11/14 04:19 PM (10 years, 9 months ago) |
I hate people like that. Eventually they will tire of the dog and it will end up with somebody like me with a shelter trying to find it a home or worse end up in a public shelter where it's chances of dying are 95%.
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Re: Dog issues [Re: Magash]
#731086 - 05/11/14 04:30 PM (10 years, 9 months ago) |
I will tag each of their dogs several times with this pellet gun. If they continue coming in my yard, I'll buy a bigger gun. Then there is a 100% chance that they will die.
-------------------- The Ego is a pathological conditionlike a calcareous tumor or cystthat begins growing in the personalityin the absence of hallucinogenic substances-Terence McKenna-

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Re: Dog issues [Re: niteowl] 2
#731089 - 05/11/14 04:57 PM (10 years, 9 months ago) |
Then you most likely got a lawsuit on your hands and possibly jail time.
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depending on where you do that and who you do it to your ass will go to jail. you have every right in my eyes but people these days call the cops for everything.
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Can't do much when yer dog isn't hurt, except piss and moan about it.
Am I supposed to just let these dogs do as they please?
I could just put some poison out and be done with it, but I honestly don't wanna hurt any of their dogs. I just want them to stay the fuck outta my yard.
-------------------- The Ego is a pathological conditionlike a calcareous tumor or cystthat begins growing in the personalityin the absence of hallucinogenic substances-Terence McKenna-

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Re: Dog issues [Re: niteowl]
#731096 - 05/11/14 05:53 PM (10 years, 9 months ago) |
I dont think u should be shooting you neighbors dogs with (lead) pellets.....
Return the dog yourself like a normal person. Or call the dog catcher and they will come pick it up at the owners expense..... its not the dogs fault he got loose, Its the owners.... shooting pointed pellets in the poor animal is cruel!
Taking care of this small problem this way is cruel and is gonna cause bad blood in the neighborhood . I know if someone shot my doggy with a lead pellet id come for revenge

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Re: Dog issues [Re: P-O]
#731100 - 05/11/14 06:42 PM (10 years, 9 months ago) |
Ain't no dog catcher out here in the country bro. And I'm not trying to round up 3 of their dogs for them. I will tag their ass with this pellet gun each and every time they get in my yard.
Neighbors were warned MANY times before I ever put the first pellet in their dogs ass.
And I WILL put another one in their ass if they keep getting in my yard.
So far none of them have penetrated their fur, so I'm not worried about it, but I will start taking their eyes out if they don't stay the fuck out of my yard.
-------------------- The Ego is a pathological conditionlike a calcareous tumor or cystthat begins growing in the personalityin the absence of hallucinogenic substances-Terence McKenna-

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Re: Dog issues [Re: niteowl] 1
#731101 - 05/11/14 06:49 PM (10 years, 9 months ago) |
Put up chicken wire around your yard.
Problem solved.

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Re: Dog issues [Re: niteowl] 1
#731103 - 05/11/14 06:50 PM (10 years, 9 months ago) |
Put up chicken wire around your yard or where the holes in the fence are.
Problem solved.

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That's the neighbors problem, not mine.
-------------------- The Ego is a pathological conditionlike a calcareous tumor or cystthat begins growing in the personalityin the absence of hallucinogenic substances-Terence McKenna-

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Re: Dog issues [Re: niteowl]
#731105 - 05/11/14 07:12 PM (10 years, 9 months ago) |
So if ur dog got loose.... you would be ok with your neighbors shooting it?
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Re: Dog issues [Re: P-O] 1
#731108 - 05/11/14 07:26 PM (10 years, 9 months ago) |
Here in Kansas almost all country dog's don't stay in any yards, at that most people in the country don't have fences that aren't just POS barbed wire. 
Your land, your call as far as I care. But I'd advise you not to own wimpy dogs in the country. Anything that can't fend for itself if just waiting to be murdered out in the country. I mean if it can't fight off a coyote, why have a dog?
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Re: Dog issues [Re: P-O]
#731110 - 05/11/14 07:43 PM (10 years, 9 months ago) |
P-O said: So if ur dog got loose.... you would be ok with your neighbors shooting it?
I already told them they could shoot my dog if she gets out.
...but my dog can't get out, because I built a fence that will contain her.
I also warned them several times that I WOULD shoot their dog if they continued to get in my yard. I guess they don't give a shit if I shoot their dogs or not.
If my neighbor can't contain their dog, then that's not my problem to fix.
However, I will solve their problem for them if they refuse to.
-------------------- The Ego is a pathological conditionlike a calcareous tumor or cystthat begins growing in the personalityin the absence of hallucinogenic substances-Terence McKenna-

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Re: Dog issues [Re: niteowl]
#731111 - 05/11/14 07:44 PM (10 years, 9 months ago) |
I've also fixed 2 of the holes their dogs dug trying to get out. Im done trying to fix their fence issues for them. I'll just keep shooting their dogs
-------------------- The Ego is a pathological conditionlike a calcareous tumor or cystthat begins growing in the personalityin the absence of hallucinogenic substances-Terence McKenna-
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Re: Dog issues [Re: niteowl] 1
#731118 - 05/11/14 08:26 PM (10 years, 9 months ago) |
niteowl, your doing the right thing. You do have the right to kill them, glad your not.
I live on the coast. A sting ray barb through a blow gun and dogs never return to my trash can. I do hate hearing them yelp.
I once had a dog keep getting out an in to someone's trash. They used ground glass in ground meat. I would not have cared if they shot the dog. That's no way to kill a dog. Cost me 20 lb's of sugar. The only time I've sugared someone's gas tank.
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Re: Dog issues [Re: niteowl]
#731121 - 05/11/14 08:52 PM (10 years, 9 months ago) |
Tltr... Probably something about you yelling at people to stay off your lawn...
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Re: Dog issues [Re: KaptKid]
#731434 - 05/13/14 11:03 PM (10 years, 9 months ago) |
KaptKid said: niteowl, your doing the right thing. You do have the right to kill them, glad your not.
I live on the coast. A sting ray barb through a blow gun and dogs never return to my trash can. I do hate hearing them yelp.
I once had a dog keep getting out an in to someone's trash. They used ground glass in ground meat. I would not have cared if they shot the dog. That's no way to kill a dog. Cost me 20 lb's of sugar. The only time I've sugared someone's gas tank.
Actually he doesn't have the right to kill the dog. The only time you can do that is if they are threatening live stock, or being aggressive towards you.
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In the state of Md, it doesn't have to be livestock, it can be ANY animal that the dog is attempting to harm/kill that belongs to you on your property. Now should your animal be OFF your property, you have no legal right to use deadly force to save your animal & you are breaking leash laws. If your animal IS leashed & you're on public property, you are legally allowed to defend your animal (but not shoot it, since you can't carry around loaded guns). Laws vary from state to state. Check before you make a move. Me? I protect my animals come hell or high water. I drive away aggressive dogs with a bb gun & sling shot.
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