Oh, so when I go back to who-doane-dayz you're gonna be quiet to me? I don't even talk to you you stupid, you just wiped out all the information I was about to type, now I have to stop and think. I'm talking to the girl who thinks she's my honey-berry. You're not my honey-berry you moron. I thought you actually got mad at that and then fucked me up in a hospital and still want me to call you that when I don't feel that way about you. I mean the girl with the glasses who knows I sniff/snort pills over here at Atlantic house. You're supposedly the Chinese girl, the short guy's girlfriend from who-doane-dayz. Why you gotta come here the stupid way, you stupid?
See, I'm the Chinese dude that goes to who-doane-dayz. You said If I'm the Chinese dude that smokes crack that goes to who-doane-dayz, then go there one more time. I went there one more time already, from Program, this program that is (Atlantic House).
See Shuma Gorath, Only one person in the world has this face and it's me. I'm the one who use to go to who-doane-dayz, until I got fucked up in a hospital. You and the girl with glasses were omnipotent at who-doane-dayz said you stoned me to death already and you it happened already, are you retarded or something? Remember saying you wanted me to trip of LSD so you can sneak up on me and give me a blow job or have sexy with me Shuma-Gorath? Ask the Duh-girl, the Duh-girl knows it's me. Me, Gary. See, this is my screenname, reefernshrooms, I'm not logging into someone else's account and typing info on it. See, this is my very own screenname. You can't beat it Shuma-Gorath, only I can beat it. See, out of all 1/1ths I can beat all 1/1ths, out of all 30/30ths I can beat all 30/30ths, out of all 888/888ths I can beat all 888ths. Why you come here the stupid way? You're seeing me at program in morphy mode you morons, you told me to go back to who-doane-dayz one last time, I went there already. I just spoke with/saw Ms. Piggy a few days ago.
Someone like you Shuma-Gorath only meeting,seeing you 3 times before wanting to stone me to death and my rabbit too? That's not hot-sakes for me you stupid. See, only one person has this face, and it's me, I'm the guy who goes to who-doane-days and smokes crack with Reggie, Dave, Linda, Jessie the man, Vurse, Taylor, Dave, and Eddie Frasca. See, out of all 999/999ths, I can beat all of them, you stupid. See, like I told you yesterday when I was smoking cigarettes at the supermarket, I was talking about myself, didn't I say that already?!?!?!
Since those are my parents and siblings didn't I beat it automatically already, you stupid? See, it's the exact same family, only one person in the world has this family, and it's me, see Shuma-Gorath? See, out of all 17/17ths I can beat all of them, out of all 4,983/4,983ths, I can beat all of them. Why you gotta come here the stupid way? The lifken thing is over wit, man. Ask the Duh-girl and Alberto from who doane-dayz, they know it's me.