Stranger Danger

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Re: Happy New Years BITCHEZ [Re: Adolf Hitler] 1
#703662 - 12/31/13 09:57 AM (11 years, 2 months ago) |
Baiting is against the rules too
Adolf Hitler
Führer of The Growery

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Re: Happy New Years BITCHEZ [Re: PoloDown]
#703663 - 12/31/13 09:58 AM (11 years, 2 months ago) |
So then why do you keep doing it?
-------------------- Humanitarianism is the expression of stupidity and cowardice. -Me

Registered: 10/08/11
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Re: Happy New Years BITCHEZ [Re: Adolf Hitler]
#703664 - 12/31/13 10:00 AM (11 years, 2 months ago) |
quit ruining all the threads in the LOUNGE!!!!!!
Adolf Hitler
Führer of The Growery

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Re: Happy New Years BITCHEZ [Re: P-O]
#703666 - 12/31/13 10:02 AM (11 years, 2 months ago) |
P-O said: quit enhancing all the threads in the LOUNGE!!!!!!
Now why would you want me to do a thing like that?
-------------------- Humanitarianism is the expression of stupidity and cowardice. -Me
poor boy
Village Idiot

Registered: 06/07/13
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Re: Happy New Years BITCHEZ [Re: P-O] 1
#703724 - 12/31/13 11:30 AM (11 years, 2 months ago) |
Ignore is a great tool.
I'm kinda just hanging out tonight with the chick. We are not really getting along so tonight isn't gonna be all the great. I will be eating 160 of mdma and drinking a bit while poppin off some works.
Learning to love life by living through loss and mistakes
Lessons learned then gradually surfacing, Letting go, stripping naked to scream
I am not perfect nor do I strive to be, I am alive in this world of face first falls and public breakdowns
I'm a retarded, disfigured clown
Dying to be heard through the simple art of letting this heavy wall finally fall
I'm an equal being of no race, or color, a hallucination if you will
Sneaking into the lives of strangers, and letting them fall apart to a new rhythm just to feel better
Stranger Danger

Registered: 07/13/12
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Re: Happy New Years BITCHEZ [Re: poor boy]
#703726 - 12/31/13 11:33 AM (11 years, 2 months ago) |
I wasnt getting along with my girl last night either, i eased it over just for the sake of tonight. then some other unrelated shit happened.
should still be good, hopefully.

Registered: 10/08/11
Posts: 17,891
Re: Happy New Years BITCHEZ [Re: PoloDown]
#703728 - 12/31/13 11:41 AM (11 years, 2 months ago) |
Ya my wife is bitchy too this morning.... pretty sure its cuz i told her ill be trippin or rolling tonight and she has to stay dead sober at a wedding social tonight.
Last Nye me and her split 5 hits of south park acid and watched the 5th element and other visual movies. it was fun .....and very sexy later on
Edited by P-O (12/31/13 11:44 AM)
poor boy
Village Idiot

Registered: 06/07/13
Posts: 16,230
Re: Happy New Years BITCHEZ [Re: PoloDown]
#703730 - 12/31/13 11:46 AM (11 years, 2 months ago) |
Well, I'm actually not cool with her right now and we have been together far too long for me to lay over just for the sake of getting some lovely fat ass.
I'm sure all this will change once I'm high as shit.
Learning to love life by living through loss and mistakes
Lessons learned then gradually surfacing, Letting go, stripping naked to scream
I am not perfect nor do I strive to be, I am alive in this world of face first falls and public breakdowns
I'm a retarded, disfigured clown
Dying to be heard through the simple art of letting this heavy wall finally fall
I'm an equal being of no race, or color, a hallucination if you will
Sneaking into the lives of strangers, and letting them fall apart to a new rhythm just to feel better

Registered: 10/08/11
Posts: 17,891
Re: Happy New Years BITCHEZ [Re: poor boy]
#703733 - 12/31/13 11:52 AM (11 years, 2 months ago) |
It will change once ur rolling on mdma, with a throbbing hard dick and u start looking at that latina ass
Women; mouse traps for men

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Re: Happy New Years BITCHEZ [Re: P-O] 1
#703736 - 12/31/13 11:55 AM (11 years, 2 months ago) |
AdolfHitler - Quit trolling, we all know you're trolling. That said, it's amusing and this place is boring as fuck sometimes. So maybe just troll more subtly.
P-O and Polodown - Stop crying.
Stranger Danger

Registered: 07/13/12
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Re: Happy New Years BITCHEZ [Re: P-O]
#703737 - 12/31/13 11:55 AM (11 years, 2 months ago) |
yeah i stay pissed as fuck until im about to go home without some lovinnn
Lawllzzz ^ youre late.
Edited by PoloDown (12/31/13 11:56 AM)

Registered: 10/08/11
Posts: 17,891
Harry_Ba11sach said: AdolfHitler - Quit trolling, we all know you're trolling. That said, it's amusing and this place is boring as fuck sometimes. So maybe just troll more subtly.
P-O and Polodown - Stop crying.
hes banned for 25 yrs

Registered: 04/20/08
Posts: 4,782
Re: Happy New Years BITCHEZ [Re: P-O]
#703751 - 12/31/13 12:59 PM (11 years, 2 months ago) |
P-O said: hes banned for 25 yrs
-------------------- The Ego is a pathological conditionlike a calcareous tumor or cystthat begins growing in the personalityin the absence of hallucinogenic substances-Terence McKenna-
Let me be me! I luv me some me!

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Re: Happy New Years BITCHEZ [Re: niteowl]
#703786 - 12/31/13 05:02 PM (11 years, 2 months ago) |
2014 is starting of right man.... found a lotto ticket on the ground today... worth 200 bucks... half went to the goodwill store!!!
Happy NEW YEARS all
-------------------- "If only one party supports a bill, it's probably not a very good bill. If both parties support it, you can be sure that however good it seems on the surface, under the covers it's worse than you could possibly imagine" - Me myself and I 08-02-12
When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty - Jefferson
The two enemies of the people are criminals and government, so let us tie the second down with the chains of the Constitution so the second will not become the legalized version of the first. - Jefferson

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Re: Happy New Years BITCHEZ [Re: GBurger717]
#703787 - 12/31/13 05:04 PM (11 years, 2 months ago) |
Astral Beast

Registered: 06/09/10
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Re: Happy New Years BITCHEZ [Re: Deadkndys420]
#703804 - 12/31/13 06:07 PM (11 years, 2 months ago) |
2 ounces kratom, and eighth of high grad bud, a handle of vodka, a handle of rum, and some good eatin.
you folks stay safe to night
That Guy

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Re: Happy New Years BITCHEZ [Re: iStoner]
#703844 - 12/31/13 09:32 PM (11 years, 2 months ago) |
Gin and Vodka + all of the essentials for a few good-tasting drinks
Last bit of decent bud for the year, plus a little 2013 hash from a year of grinder pollen
January 1st is me and my girl's unofficial anniversary (dating for 3 years today). Unfortunately, she lives 3 hours away due to the job situation, so I'm going it alone tonight.
I'm looking forward to 2014 because we should reach our savings goal and be able to move to Colorado this August, regardless of the job situation .
Once I get there I'll be able to start growing again, which is one of those hobbies that not only saves a little money but also adds a lot to my free time. 
I've been thinking that 2014 might be the year that I seal the deal and pop the question too, so regardless of what actually happens, at the very least 2014 will be a very eventful year for me.
Happy New Years Everyone! I hope 2014 is filled with win and minimal fail!
-------------------- “The Universe is under no obligation to make sense to you” -NDT

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Re: Happy New Years BITCHEZ [Re: Data]
#703845 - 12/31/13 09:37 PM (11 years, 2 months ago) |
Happy New Years everyone.
-------------------- ...once in a while you get shown the light in the strangest of places if you look at it right...

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Re: Happy New Years BITCHEZ [Re: Sham87]
#703870 - 01/01/14 04:28 AM (11 years, 2 months ago) |
Happy New Years Growery
Hopefully 2014 is better than 2013, which wouldnt be very hard for me at least
Stranger Danger

Registered: 07/13/12
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Re: Happy New Years BITCHEZ [Re: Picklez]
#704023 - 01/02/14 10:26 AM (11 years, 2 months ago) |
Mine was great till it ended with me being fuckin pissed off.
Happy New Year!