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tonights score
#68375 - 06/29/08 12:48 AM (16 years, 8 months ago) |
another 1.5g of coke and ecstasy- blue buddah
The last samuri

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Re: tonights score [Re: Picklez]
#68376 - 06/29/08 12:57 AM (16 years, 8 months ago) |
Blue buddahs are good shit mayn. Looks like some cut ass coke though. Im nodding hard right now.
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Re: tonights score [Re: Picklez]
#68377 - 06/29/08 12:59 AM (16 years, 8 months ago) |
the buddha's are FTW
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Re: tonights score [Re: highasfuck]
#68380 - 06/29/08 01:07 AM (16 years, 8 months ago) |
highasfuck said: Blue buddahs are good shit mayn. Looks like some cut ass coke though. Im nodding hard right now.
how could you possibly tell if the coke is cut or not, its in a fucking baggie 
yeah ima roll tomorrow night prolly
The last samuri

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Re: tonights score [Re: Picklez]
#68381 - 06/29/08 01:08 AM (16 years, 8 months ago) |
Good coke comes in rocks. Im noddin to hard. I wish i didnt take that last pill/

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Re: tonights score [Re: highasfuck]
#68382 - 06/29/08 01:09 AM (16 years, 8 months ago) |
When I got it, it was 1 big rock. But I was out with people all night so I divided it up so I wouldnt do it all at 1 place.
Its some pretty decent shit. Im done doing drugs for the night though. Except a couple more beers
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Re: tonights score [Re: Picklez]
#68384 - 06/29/08 01:12 AM (16 years, 8 months ago) |
orange buddha's are awesome
haven't had blue.. I usually get powder.
Master of Mopery

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i've had the red/pink and seen the blue and orange ones
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Re: tonights score [Re: Picklez]
#68390 - 06/29/08 01:22 AM (16 years, 8 months ago) |
nice stash.

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Re: tonights score [Re: bmiles]
#68392 - 06/29/08 01:23 AM (16 years, 8 months ago) |
bmiles said: nice stash.
yeah I managed to blow my entire paycheck in 1 night. FTW
I wish my girl wasnt sick though, I still got to chill with her a bit but she couldnt have any fun tonight
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Re: tonights score [Re: Picklez]
#68395 - 06/29/08 01:26 AM (16 years, 8 months ago) |
how much did you pay for them drooogz?

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70$, I get payed 60$ cash each day. so 50$ on coke and 20$ on the roll.
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Re: tonights score [Re: Picklez]
#68404 - 06/29/08 01:37 AM (16 years, 8 months ago) |
E is expensive where you live :o
Coke is much more expensive here, beans much cheaper.
I think a gram of good coke is like 50-60$ --- 40 if you got a hookup. I don't even know anymore.
Getting paid daily would be pimp... do you have a green card? :P

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Im American. I just work on a farm for family
Yeah 50-60$ a gram is what I pay, I just got hooked up nicely tonight. I got 1.5 for 50 because someone else threw in on an 8ball
the X isnt too bad, 20$ here seems normal, back home 10-15 was standard, but from what I read these blue buddahs are pure MDMA
The last samuri

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Re: tonights score [Re: Picklez]
#68407 - 06/29/08 01:39 AM (16 years, 8 months ago) |
Whats a coke comedown like?

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Re: tonights score [Re: highasfuck]
#68409 - 06/29/08 01:40 AM (16 years, 8 months ago) |
last night it wasnt bad at all. I mean I couldnt sleep until about 3am but once I turned off the TV I pretty much passed out.
Not nearly as bad as amphetamine
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Re: tonights score [Re: Picklez]
#68410 - 06/29/08 01:49 AM (16 years, 8 months ago) |
Ferry Corsen came up to where I live and my friend sold him 20 caps for $400 and he thought it was a good deal because he pays $25 each wherever the fuck he comes from.
I can usually find good pills for $2-3 each or I pay anywhere from $10-30 a gram for powder.
With coke for me theres definately a come down but it's not like horrible it's just hard to sleep for a while. I don't do coke often but I find when I do the come down isn't as bad as your just adjusted to it. I usually take benzos or drink for a coke comedown.
I wouldn't trust most caps to be pure MDMA either, sometimes they are but DXM, Ketamine, Caffiene/Meth to some extents are suttle while rolling. I don't care if my caps aren't pure as long as they aren't like straight meth bombs, DXM, K, ect. Right now Orange Buddha's where I live are "pure" I read a recent pill report that they didn't test for anything but MDMA they're appearently also very strong.. I pop XTC like smarties though so I'm not very good at rating potency.
The last samuri

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Theres not Pure roll. Just clean and powerfull.

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some benzo's would be fucking awesome, but im stuck with alcohol. I better get some fucking sleep tonight, if not I still have some left for tomorrow.

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Re: tonights score [Re: highasfuck]
#68413 - 06/29/08 01:53 AM (16 years, 8 months ago) |
highasfuck said: Theres not Pure roll. Just clean and powerfull.
making a post about snorting weed makes everything you say regarding drugs completely irrelevant.