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Galt's Lab (www.galtslab.com) - Intro & Free Seeds to first 10+ people! (New Sponsor)
    #607855 - 02/01/12 06:44 PM (13 years, 1 month ago)

This is my post from the shroomery, I am CSR_Science and recently became a new sponsor! :smile:

I would like to send out some free seeds to the shroomery & Growery community just as a sort of thank you for paying attention to me and my business.
I am going to send out at least 10 seed packets, but possibly more.
Also I am going to try FreeSeed promotions using Google Plus, Facebook, and twitter - I'll probably give out a few seed packets each week to random people who like or share a post.

Message me with what seeds you want, and I'll let you know about me sending them out! :smile:

Please like my G+ page: https://plus.google.com/b/115035589108726042990/115035589108726042990/posts

And if you want to be in direct contact with me, please follow me on G+

(Also you can always email me at csrscience@gmail.com)

Seedlist: https://www.galtslab.com/index.php/seeds-1.html

Longer version + Intro
I figure I should introduce myself and my company since I am a new sponsor of the Shroomery and the Growery.

I am Cameron Ruggles, and I am interested in mycology, botany, a bit of chemistry, other science stuff and also entrepreneurship. So naturally I have started a business that sells stuff that I am interested in such as seeds, mushroom growing material, and laboratory equipment. I have been in business for one year and one month with 100% feedback on all my sale outlets; ecrater, ebay, Bonanza, atomic mall, iOffer, etc. but of course I still have a lot of learning and work to do to get everything figured out. I'm not taking any money from my business as I hope to grow into an excellent vendor with lots of products, so it is all being invested back into it - for a while.

Right now my business is mostly going to focus on seeds, but come spring expect much more material related to growing mushrooms to popup - such as grain spawn, pasteurized straw/manure, and maybe cultures if I can be assured they are an excellent strain. 

Anyways - I'd like to send out some free seeds to the Growery community just as a sort of thank you for paying attention to me and my business and for possibly considering a purchase in the future!

I'm fine with sending out whatever seeds - I have about 35 currently, but in the near future (less than 10 days) I will have about 55 different seeds available - so I might do this again when those seeds arrive (They are real fun seeds! :smile: )

You can see the seeds here:

I try to give really good prices and stay competitive, but if you feel the prices are not great, please let me know and I'm sure I can help! For instance some items, such as the All American pressure sterilizer and cookers have a Minimum Advertised Price that forces a higher price than I would sell them for - so while I can't list them for less, I can sell them for cheaper. :smile:

Currently you can get 1,000+ Nicotiana rustica seeds for $3.50 with free shipping! That is a good deal, right? :laugh:

Anyways, message me here or by email (csrscience@gmail.com) and let me know what seeds you'd like, your address, and especially any suggestions or concerns for or about me and my business/site or really anything else you think I might be able to help you out with! I'd be more than happy to send a message back to you in less than 24 hours. :smile:

(Oh also I am Burbles - but I figured I should have a "business" account since I've had that one for a long time and figured it might be confusing)

--- Original Post: http://www.shroomery.org/forums/showflat.php/Number/15748187

Same applies to the Growery.

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Re: Galt's Lab (www.galtslab.com) - Intro & Free Seeds to first 10+ people! (New Sponsor) [Re: Burbles]
    #607863 - 02/01/12 07:40 PM (13 years, 1 month ago)

Coool! Welcome to the Growery! :peace: You've got quite an exotic array of tomatoes and tobacco :thumbup:
How many of those have you grown yourself or are they all from your stock?

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Re: Galt's Lab (www.galtslab.com) - Intro & Free Seeds to first 10+ people! (New Sponsor) [Re: budnectar]
    #607866 - 02/01/12 07:46 PM (13 years, 1 month ago)

I've grown a lot of the different plants, and collected some out in the wild.
The tomatoes I haven't grown, but purchased in bulk from a friend who grows them.

I certainly intend to give them all a grow this year - and turn my yard into a pretty decent garden/farm! :smile:

Any types of seeds you'd like?

I am going to be offering these seeds within in the next 10-15 days.

1. Abrus precatorus
2. Alcea rosea
3. Argemone mexicana
4. Argyreia nervosa
5. Asclepias incarnata
6. Asclepias syriaca
7. Camellia sinensis
8. Cinnamomum camphora
9. Conium maculatum
10.Cynoglossum officinale
11.Datura inoxia
12.Datura metel
13.Datura stramonium var. tatula
14.Elaeagnus angustifolia
15.Eucalyptus citriodora
16.Eucalyptus globulus
17.Eucalyptus robusta
18.Hibiscus abelmoschus
19.Hibiscus cannabinus
20.Hyoscyam niger
21.Ipomea palmata
22.Isatis tinctoria
23.Lactuca Serriola
24.Mimosa pudica
25.Mitagyna parvifolia
26.Muscari botryoides
27.Nelumbo nucifera
28.Nicotiana rustica
29.Nicotiana sylvestris
30.Nicotiana tobacum – Cuban
31.Nicotiana tobacum – Virgina
32.Nux vomica
33.Onopordum acanthium
34.Opuntia Macrozia
35.Peganam harmala
36.Ricinus comminis
37.Rumex crispus
38.Strychnos potatorum
39.Tomato - Amish Paste
40.Tomato - Banana Leg
41.Tomato - Black Cherry
42.Tomato - Black Krim Heirloom Tomato
43.Tomato - Black Prince
44.Tomato - Cherokee Purpl
45.Tomato - Coyote
46.Tomato - Jaune Flammée
47.Tomato - Kellogg's Breakfast Heirloom
48.Tomato - Matt's Wild Cherry
49.Tomato - Peacevine
50.Tomato - Principe Borghese
51.Tomato - Purple Calabas
52.Tomato - Striped Paste Heirloom
53.Tomato - Wapsinicon Peach
54.Verbascum thapsus

When I get more money, I will also offer more tobacco species and strains, as well as any other seeds I can get a hold of! :smile:

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Re: Galt's Lab (www.galtslab.com) - Intro & Free Seeds to first 10+ people! (New Sponsor) [Re: Burbles]
    #607880 - 02/01/12 08:33 PM (13 years, 1 month ago)

Welcome and thanks for sponsoring our beloved home.
Nice list you got there.
I'm a tomato loving fool, and these caught my eye.

41.Tomato - Black Cherry
47.Tomato - Kellogg's Breakfast Heirloom
48.Tomato - Matt's Wild Cherry

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Re: Galt's Lab (www.galtslab.com) - Intro & Free Seeds to first 10+ people! (New Sponsor) [Re: Stoneth]
    #607882 - 02/01/12 08:37 PM (13 years, 1 month ago)

Cool, I can send you a few little seeds of each. Just send me your address, name, country, etc via PM or email (whichever you prefer) and be sure to think of me in the future for other orders. :smile:

I am also really excited to grow the Matts Wild Cherry and the Black Cherry come spring! I love cherry tomatoes.

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Re: Galt's Lab (www.galtslab.com) - Intro & Free Seeds to first 10+ people! (New Sponsor) [Re: Burbles]
    #607900 - 02/01/12 09:47 PM (13 years, 1 month ago)

:pm: sent!
Thanks in advance.

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Re: Galt's Lab (www.galtslab.com) - Intro & Free Seeds to first 10+ people! (New Sponsor) [Re: Stoneth]
    #608090 - 02/02/12 03:28 PM (13 years, 1 month ago)

Welcome!!  This is a great community, I'm sure becoming a sponsor will pay off for you.

Dude she isn't as young as she use to be.


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Re: Galt's Lab (www.galtslab.com) - Intro & Free Seeds to first 10+ people! (New Sponsor) [Re: Hawksresurrection]
    #608095 - 02/02/12 03:42 PM (13 years, 1 month ago)

Yep I sure hope so! :smile:
So far I haven't seen an increase in sales, but I figure I just need to get more involved with the community and stuff.

Its a bit tricky though with school, business, and that sort of stuff.

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Re: Galt's Lab (www.galtslab.com) - Intro & Free Seeds to first 10+ people! (New Sponsor) [Re: Burbles]
    #608099 - 02/02/12 04:04 PM (13 years, 1 month ago)

Yeah, it'll just take a little time to get your name to be more recognized.  Give it some time though and try to be a part of the community and I think it will pay in the long run.

Dude she isn't as young as she use to be.


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Re: Galt's Lab (www.galtslab.com) - Intro & Free Seeds to first 10+ people! (New Sponsor) [Re: Hawksresurrection]
    #608101 - 02/02/12 04:08 PM (13 years, 1 month ago)

Yeah exactly what I was thinking. :smile:

I figure advertising on forums instead of through something like Google ad-words will be much better in the long run since it will help me form friendships, and all that sort of stuff.
People will be more likely to let me know if my site is a bit buggy, and anything else like that too :smile:

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Re: Galt's Lab (www.galtslab.com) - Intro & Free Seeds to first 10+ people! (New Sponsor) [Re: Burbles]
    #609005 - 02/11/12 02:46 AM (13 years, 1 month ago)

If you are a user of the G+ community this will interest you.
Be sure to follow us on Google Plus as we will try to give out at least one free seed packet per Saturday for the next little while as a promotional campaign.

This week we are giving out 10 free seed packets to jump-start our community engagement on Google Plus! :laugh:



I am sending out 10 seed packets of the winners choice. https://www.galtslab.com/index.php/seeds-1.html?limit=30 has 35 different seeds available!

Tobacco, Heirloom Tomatoes, Datura, HBWR and others!

10 People will be randomly selected on Saturday night to receive a packet of seeds, for free, of their choosing.

All they have to do is the following:

1. Follow this page
2. +1 this page
3. Share this post

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Psycho Pete

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Re: Galt's Lab (www.galtslab.com) - Intro & Free Seeds to first 10+ people! (New Sponsor) [Re: Burbles]
    #609401 - 02/14/12 02:44 PM (13 years, 29 days ago)

PM sent. I'd love to try some tomatoes indoors :yesnod: Welcome to the Growery! :laugh:

Of course it's happening inside your head.
Why should that mean it isn't real?

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Re: Galt's Lab (www.galtslab.com) - Intro & Free Seeds to first 10+ people! (New Sponsor) [Re: RasJeph]
    #609408 - 02/14/12 04:49 PM (13 years, 29 days ago)

Thank you. Consider them sent. :smile:

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