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What are you guys reading at the moment?
#605177 - 01/14/12 01:38 AM (13 years, 1 month ago) |
Well school just started for me here, so along the great number of anthropology texts I'll have to read during semester, I like reading some books for myself...
I just finished Charles Baudelaire's "Les paradis artifitiels" (Artificial Paradises) a book on opium, hashish (dawamesk) & wine, written in the 1800's, really an incredible book, that guy was writing in a really beautiful, poetic, imaginary way. I seriously recommend it to everyone.

Also read the life of Bob Marley in comics (like a comic book?), took me 2 days to read it, that book is full of details quite unkown about Bob, it also explain the political/economical/etc. situation of Jamaica during his lifetime... How his manager robbed them for years (and got his face beaten by Mr. Marley & his friends), all his other girlfriends he had along with his wife(or girlfriend, I don't remember if he ever married her). etc. etc. etc. If you ever manage to find the book, BUY it, quite worth it. There is like 2-3 pages of text, then 3-4 pages comic about the text, each comics are made/drew by a different person, so there are a lot of styles, some are really talented, great drawings!

I just started "Junky" by William S. Burroughs, seems really interesting at the moment!

What about you guys?
-------------------- Pour un instant, j'ai respiré très fort
Ça m'a permis de visiter mon corps
Des inconnus vivent en roi chez moi
Moi qui avait accepté leurs lois
J'ai perdu mon temps à gagner du temps
J'ai besoin de me trouver une histoire à me conter
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Harmonium - Pour un instant
Edited by Manitou (01/14/12 02:07 AM)
Born to be banned....

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Re: What are you guys reading at the moment? [Re: Manitou]
#605178 - 01/14/12 02:02 AM (13 years, 1 month ago) |
-------------------- You never see a motorcycle parked outside a psychiatrist office
Texas is humongus compared to France
Our Gair, who art in Texas,
Paw Paw be thy Name..
Born to be banned....

Registered: 04/20/08
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Re: What are you guys reading at the moment? [Re: Manitou]
#605179 - 01/14/12 02:02 AM (13 years, 1 month ago) |
-------------------- You never see a motorcycle parked outside a psychiatrist office
Texas is humongus compared to France
Our Gair, who art in Texas,
Paw Paw be thy Name..
Lord of the Flies

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Re: What are you guys reading at the moment? [Re: Manitou]
#605180 - 01/14/12 04:30 AM (13 years, 1 month ago) |
Utopia - Thomas Moore
On Liberty - John Stuart Mill
The Road to Serfdom - F.A. Hayek

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Re: What are you guys reading at the moment? [Re: DungenessDank] 1
#605249 - 01/14/12 09:26 PM (13 years, 1 month ago) |
Blood Meridian
-------------------- [quote]FarBeyondDriven said:
Anybody ever tell you you're the result of a broken prophylactic in the back seat of a 74 Mercury?[/quote]

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Re: What are you guys reading at the moment? [Re: MR.HEADY]
#605253 - 01/14/12 10:22 PM (13 years, 1 month ago) |
I just finished Junky by William S. Burroughs, was really a great book, although I find that the writer lacks of emotions in a way, seems almost like a psychopath... In the book, he has a wife, but only mention her like twice, in the whole book, just saying she helped get an advocate. He write about some horrible things related to opiates, seems to think its no big a deal... For example, he wrote about injecting in a vein of the dick, or in the eye, quite fucked up shit! Anyway, I liked it a lot, learned a lot from that book.
Now starting The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka
-------------------- Pour un instant, j'ai respiré très fort
Ça m'a permis de visiter mon corps
Des inconnus vivent en roi chez moi
Moi qui avait accepté leurs lois
J'ai perdu mon temps à gagner du temps
J'ai besoin de me trouver une histoire à me conter
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Harmonium - Pour un instant
ninja cat 09
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Re: What are you guys reading at the moment? [Re: Manitou]
#605259 - 01/14/12 11:37 PM (13 years, 1 month ago) |
About to finish this:
 I'm loving the story, easy to get carried away.
This is next:

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Re: What are you guys reading at the moment? [Re: ninja cat 09]
#605261 - 01/14/12 11:47 PM (13 years, 1 month ago) |
I'll have to try to find a version of Food of the Gods in french, if it even exists!
Seems really interesting, I wonder if it is similar to the Psychedelics Encylopedia (online)
-------------------- Pour un instant, j'ai respiré très fort
Ça m'a permis de visiter mon corps
Des inconnus vivent en roi chez moi
Moi qui avait accepté leurs lois
J'ai perdu mon temps à gagner du temps
J'ai besoin de me trouver une histoire à me conter
Pour instant j'ai oublié mon nom
Harmonium - Pour un instant
ninja cat 09
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Re: What are you guys reading at the moment? [Re: Manitou]
#605263 - 01/15/12 12:10 AM (13 years, 1 month ago) |
It exists, but according to amazon it's out of print and the book stores that turn up on google don't seem to have it either, here's more details on the translators, isb, title, etc.
Just found a site claiming there's a copy of the book in a library in Quebec, check it out here.

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Re: What are you guys reading at the moment? [Re: ninja cat 09]
#605265 - 01/15/12 12:34 AM (13 years, 1 month ago) |
Really nice man, thanks you very much! I'll try to order it at a bookstore not far from my home.
If I cannot find it, I'll order it online I guess Thanks you for looking it for me, much appreciated! 
Edit: It actually happen to be at the library of my University
Lord of the Flies

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Re: What are you guys reading at the moment? [Re: Manitou]
#605274 - 01/15/12 06:04 AM (13 years, 1 month ago) |
Despite McKenna's crazy, I liked Food of the Gods.
Democracy? We Deliver!

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Re: What are you guys reading at the moment? [Re: Alounacara]
#605275 - 01/15/12 07:08 AM (13 years, 1 month ago) |
Gair what are u doin in here?
-------------------- There's a conflict in every human heart
between the rational and the irrational,
between good and evil.
The good does not always triumph.
Sometimes the dark side overcomes
what Lincoln called the better
angels of our nature.
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Re: What are you guys reading at the moment? [Re: DungenessDank]
#605374 - 01/16/12 10:46 AM (13 years, 1 month ago) |
Yeah, I really enjoyed it.
Right now I am reading quite a few things.
Shroom by Andy Letcher
 this is really great book. A really good "psychedelic" read based on logic without all the new agey stuff.
The Bhagadava Gita
 This book is really incredible. Came into my life at the perfect time.  
and quite a few other books, Nietzsche- Beyond Good & Evil as well as Human All Too Human.

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Re: What are you guys reading at the moment? [Re: FRACTALife] 1
#605987 - 01/20/12 07:01 PM (13 years, 1 month ago) |
I just finished The Metamorphosis by Frank Kafka, it was really incredible, it is about a guy who wake up a morning transformed into a huge insect, he lives with his family so it kinda fuck thangs up!
Now I am wondering if I should start reading The Doors of Perception or Alice in Wonderland....

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Moi qui avait accepté leurs lois
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Harmonium - Pour un instant

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Re: What are you guys reading at the moment? [Re: Manitou]
#605997 - 01/20/12 10:31 PM (13 years, 1 month ago) |
Flipping between 'World War Z' and Stephen Fry's general book of ignorance
Rust Fuckin' Cohle

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Re: What are you guys reading at the moment? [Re: Manitou]
#605999 - 01/20/12 10:41 PM (13 years, 1 month ago) |
Doors of Perception is the shit
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Re: What are you guys reading at the moment? [Re: FRACTALife]
#606067 - 01/21/12 05:38 PM (13 years, 1 month ago) |
Choke, then Anil's Ghost, and then which ever ones I can find at Barnes & Noble from this list.

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Re: What are you guys reading at the moment? [Re: budnectar]
#606103 - 01/21/12 10:15 PM (13 years, 1 month ago) |
I am reading the Hunger Games book.
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Re: What are you guys reading at the moment? [Re: FRACTALife]
#606329 - 01/23/12 05:15 PM (13 years, 1 month ago) |
FRACTALife said:
The Bhagadava Gita
 This book is really incredible. Came into my life at the perfect time.  
that'll be my next one. I just finished a book about the funeral industry in america and 'green' alternatives to the traditional funeral. it was dope. It's called Grave Matters by mark harris. Im reading a book on the hospice industry in america now. I forget the name and author atm though.

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Re: What are you guys reading at the moment? [Re: FurrowedBrow]
#606364 - 01/23/12 11:00 PM (13 years, 1 month ago) |
 G. I. Gurdjieff was quite the human being.
 I got to meet and dance/talk/eat/meditate/drum/exist with the author of this one. This guy is like a prism for the light of truth, refracting it into a spectrum visible to those willing to look.
the spirit of Nanook
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