Rust Fuckin' Cohle

Registered: 03/19/10
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Growery 1
#574585 - 07/25/11 06:58 PM (13 years, 7 months ago) |
So, I've been a smoker for a while but up until recently I was never a big smoker. I used to smoke just every once in a while and not that much. But the past few months I've been smoking more weed, more often, and higher quality cannabis. I love it and I love weed, the more I smoke I realize that, and it's definitely the best medicine for me. 
But recently, I had quite a powerful experience smoking. I've relfected on it for a while now, and just felt like I should express my experience with you guys. 
It was late at night, probably around midnight or one. I went into the bathroom and turned the shower on, before I went in I smoked a bowl. As I was showering I felt the urge to smoke another bowl, and a big one. So I loaded my pipe, packed a good amount in there, and hit it pretty good. I held it in as long as I could and then I started coughing hard. I felt a bit overwhelmed. I set the pipe down and got back in the shower. I started feeling pretty stoned and it kept getting more intense as time went on.
I was having very intense CEVs and even some OEVs. It felt very similar to a strong psilocybin trip, with that black numbness feeling where your body feels liket it dissapeared or metled into something. But I didn't feel comfortable saying it was like psilocybin or LSD, because it had a unique distinct quality that only it possesed. It was also more dissocative than traditional psychedelics. But the unique quality is that of marijuana at it's most powerful effects- I realzied it's an old drug, one with many qualities. At lesser amounts it's a relaxing, subtle, and gently psychedelic experience. But when smoekd in larger amounts, larger than what we probably think as large, it's a very intense entheogen that stands on it's own.
The rest of the night was spent in that dissociatve, stoned, psychedelic state in which I felt my mind was being revealed to me. I also ate WAY TOO MUCH. Like a brain dead zombie that eat anything it could. I felt sick the next morning from eating so much. I didn't sleep great that night, I was kept awake but sparks of the cannabis energy flowing through my body.

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Heart Slowed

Registered: 12/19/10
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Re: Growery [Re: Picklez]
#574612 - 07/25/11 08:51 PM (13 years, 7 months ago) |
 You know that toothpaste that has the little strips of breathfresheners in them? what if they were lsd strips. I say lets go for it.
Let food be thy medicine
Astral Beast

Registered: 06/09/10
Posts: 7,176
whats your pipe look like man?
Rust Fuckin' Cohle

Registered: 03/19/10
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Re: Growery [Re: iStoner]
#574649 - 07/25/11 10:39 PM (13 years, 7 months ago) |
iStoner said:
whats your pipe look like man?
It's a shitty homemade pipe that I've been improving on.
Astral Beast

Registered: 06/09/10
Posts: 7,176
FRACTALife said:
iStoner said:
whats your pipe look like man?
It's a shitty homemade pipe that I've been improving on.
you should spend 20 or 30 bucks on a nice glass piece.
Rust Fuckin' Cohle

Registered: 03/19/10
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Re: Growery [Re: iStoner]
#574653 - 07/25/11 10:52 PM (13 years, 7 months ago) |
iStoner said:
FRACTALife said:
iStoner said:
whats your pipe look like man?
It's a shitty homemade pipe that I've been improving on.
you should spend 20 or 30 bucks on a nice glass piece.
I know I think I will soon.
Astral Beast

Registered: 06/09/10
Posts: 7,176
FRACTALife said:
iStoner said:
FRACTALife said:
iStoner said:
whats your pipe look like man?
It's a shitty homemade pipe that I've been improving on.
you should spend 20 or 30 bucks on a nice glass piece.
I know I think I will soon.
etsy is amazing, btw. if you are looking for a pipe.

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Re: Growery [Re: iStoner]
#574655 - 07/25/11 10:59 PM (13 years, 7 months ago) |
I had the same type of experience like 2 or 3 years ago, we were during a 2 hour break before class, so we went to my friend's apartment where he had a lot of weed cookies, we started eating like pigs, we realized we had eaten his entire batch, like 10 cookies each ... We started buzzing after like 45 minutes, it wasn't the typical weed buzz, it was more brutal, also really more psychedelic than it normally would be...
I experienced a lot of minors hallucinations, for example, I kept seeing some music notes passing in my peripheral vision while listening music, things like that. The buzz was quite nice, lasted like 2 hours, we didn't go to class because we were way too baked for this, it felt like shrooms and ecstasy to be honest, never happened to me another time, but one of the guy I was with experienced that more than once...
-------------------- Pour un instant, j'ai respiré très fort
Ça m'a permis de visiter mon corps
Des inconnus vivent en roi chez moi
Moi qui avait accepté leurs lois
J'ai perdu mon temps à gagner du temps
J'ai besoin de me trouver une histoire à me conter
Pour instant j'ai oublié mon nom
Harmonium - Pour un instant
Rust Fuckin' Cohle

Registered: 03/19/10
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Last seen: 8 years, 14 days
Re: Growery [Re: Manitou]
#574658 - 07/25/11 11:05 PM (13 years, 7 months ago) |
I remember having hallucinations of molecules made up of pokemon which represented family members.
Astral Beast

Registered: 06/09/10
Posts: 7,176
Something amazing about marijuana, is that it reacts to everyone differently. Like it forms to the person individually
Grease Wizard

Registered: 04/20/08
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You are on your way to suburbanite shamanism level 1!
I used to occasionally get shifting of my vision and swirls of sorts in terms of OEV. I think I was just spacing out and unfocusing/focusing my eyes differently if that makes sense.
Did you forget to take your anxiety meds?

Registered: 03/15/10
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You and Sir-smokesalot can move the the amazon and live purely off entheogens growing from mother earth!
Rust Fuckin' Cohle

Registered: 03/19/10
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I don't take xanax often anymore.
Lord of the Flies

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Re: Growery [Re: T-Rex]
#574680 - 07/26/11 06:29 AM (13 years, 7 months ago) |
T-Rex said: You and Sir-smokesalot can move the the amazon and live purely off entheogens growing from mother earth!

Tangerines said: You are on your way to suburbanite shamanism level 1!
I'm a level 7 white trash mystic.
I don't see what the big deal is, I experience what Fractal is talking about at least every other day. Gotta stay high.
Trusted Vaporizer

Registered: 12/22/08
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im familiar with that feeling. i was staring at my nose than i was falling into my visuals and thoughts. thoughts on krishna?!
sorry for the short response. my arm is in a sling.
-------------------- [quote]
“You see this glass bong?” asks Achaan Chaa, the Thai meditation master. “For me this glass is already broken. I enjoy it; I smoke out of it. It holds my water admirably, sometimes even reflecting the sun in beautiful patterns. If I should tap it, it has a lovely ring to it. But when I put this glass bong on the shelf and the wind knocks it over or my elbow brushes it off the table and it falls to the ground and shatters, I say, ‘Of course.’ When I understand that the glass is already broken, every moment with it is precious.”[/quote]
Rust Fuckin' Cohle

Registered: 03/19/10
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Loc: Carcosa
Last seen: 8 years, 14 days
Yeah it's happened to me before and after that experience, but that experience was the most intense.
Trusted Vaporizer

Registered: 12/22/08
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i think meditation has a lot to do with it as well.
Trusted Vaporizer

Registered: 12/22/08
Posts: 1,018
Last seen: 11 years, 11 months
Perception reflects being
-------------------- [quote]
“You see this glass bong?” asks Achaan Chaa, the Thai meditation master. “For me this glass is already broken. I enjoy it; I smoke out of it. It holds my water admirably, sometimes even reflecting the sun in beautiful patterns. If I should tap it, it has a lovely ring to it. But when I put this glass bong on the shelf and the wind knocks it over or my elbow brushes it off the table and it falls to the ground and shatters, I say, ‘Of course.’ When I understand that the glass is already broken, every moment with it is precious.”[/quote]