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That Guy

Registered: 08/12/08
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Re: WEED IS NOT ADDICTIVE. [Re: SpaceMonkey]
    #558297 - 05/25/11 06:11 PM (13 years, 9 months ago)

I wanna contribute but im afraid eNtranceAsexit or someone else will freak out on me and call me names or something :eek: Hostile environments like this usually do not attract people who actually want to talk civilly about a topic. Just because someone misinterprets a post doesn't mean we have to crack mean jokes (which are usually seen as attacks due to the lack of dimension in text). Also just because someone else wants to make a mean remark does not mean that the other person should reply with a mean remark...if they are being mean then just try to take a deep breath and reply with civility, or if you really get fed up with it then just stop posting or contact a moderator to take care of the offender...most people on the growery follow said protocol and it usually results in a peaceful, chill environment where people can exchange ideas and better themselves in the process...when people do not follow these protocols, it leads to a hostile, negative environment that most intelligent people will begin to avoid. I for one came to this forum because of its chill environment and I feel like I am free to speak my mind, and when I feel that this is no longer the case I will pack my bags and move to another forum. Let's all try our best to get along, please? :2cents:


“The Universe is under no obligation to make sense to you” -NDT

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That Guy

Registered: 08/12/08
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Re: WEED IS NOT ADDICTIVE. [Re: eNtranceAsexit]
    #558307 - 05/25/11 06:28 PM (13 years, 9 months ago)

wtf ever dude...i tried...moving on to the next thread now :pipesmoke:

hope you find peace of mind one day, kind sir...

“The Universe is under no obligation to make sense to you” -NDT

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That Guy

Registered: 08/12/08
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Re: WEED IS NOT ADDICTIVE. [Re: eNtranceAsexit]
    #558318 - 05/25/11 06:52 PM (13 years, 9 months ago)

what is your problem man? Why all the negativity? Why can't you be professional and courteous, so what if someone talked some shit earlier on in the thread, why do you continue to flame everyone who posts here? Being mean to people who haven't done anything wrong is called being a bully, and you sir need to take a chill pill. I didn't say anything mean to you, or insult you, all I was doing was suggesting that everyone (not just you) should be a little more courteous when engaging in an intelligent conversation. Do you think the geniuses that came before us called one another shitsmears, cuntfaces, etc? When someone talks like that it makes them seem very juvenile and ignorant, and I can't speak for everyone but personally I find it hard to take your discussion seriously when you bite the head off of anyone that posts a differing opinion or offers constructive criticism...but whatevs dude you can do what you want, but you probably won't last long here with your viscous attitude. :goodmorning:


“The Universe is under no obligation to make sense to you” -NDT

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That Guy

Registered: 08/12/08
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    #558324 - 05/25/11 06:57 PM (13 years, 9 months ago)

i try...sometimes when I'm really stoned I forget :cool:

and of course if its a very short reply

“The Universe is under no obligation to make sense to you” -NDT

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That Guy

Registered: 08/12/08
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    #558408 - 05/25/11 10:07 PM (13 years, 9 months ago)

Well I agree that mental addiction has everything to do with the pleasure center of the brain, and I agree that every single substance that is considered a recreational drug messes with/alters said "pleasure center", and can thus result in addiction (both mentally and physically). However I also believe that when you try a certain substance such as meth or opiates (sorry to reference hard drugs again but really you do have to cover the entire spectrum in order to properly address this subject) then there exists a condition in which you try the substance, do not consciously enjoy the effects of the substance, but afterwards you feel the need for more even though you did not enjoy it. This has to do with the forceful change in brain chemistry due directly to the substance being used. I myself have experienced this when I fell a rather large distance and shattered my pelvis, cracked a few vertebrae, shattered a wrist and broke my jaw and nearly all of my teeth. For the first 3 weeks they had me on Fentanyl, and afterwards they had me on a rather high dose of liquid Oxycontin for nearly 3 months. I have to say I enjoy the effects of weed and psychedelics, but I fucking hated the effects of Oxycontin :homerdrool:. However, when it was time to stop, as much as I wanted to never ever again feel the effects of that shit, when I didn't take it, I would get nauseous and barf every now and again...felt shaky with no appetite, lost a little weight and didnt sleep very well for about a month. Now I may be a baby or something for getting such silly withdrawals from Oxycontin, I can't imagine trying to quit meth or heroine. My point is that even though things that are not physically addictive can be mentally addictive or habit-forming simply because we like doing it or our brains just get used to the act of using them, with substances that physically alter the inner workings of the brain and cause physical withdrawal symptoms are no longer a "habit" since you can start the addiction right after the first use...idk :2cents:

I am much more willing to contribute when there isn't a fire hazard in the thread :tongue:


“The Universe is under no obligation to make sense to you” -NDT

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That Guy

Registered: 08/12/08
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Re: WEED IS NOT ADDICTIVE. [Re: SpaceMonkey]
    #558766 - 05/26/11 10:59 PM (13 years, 9 months ago)

Ativan is fucking weird...when I was in the hospital I was stuck on my back for 3 weeks and they gave me that shit to help me sleep...but all it did was made me hallucinate like crazy :awecid:

“The Universe is under no obligation to make sense to you” -NDT

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That Guy

Registered: 08/12/08
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Re: WEED IS NOT ADDICTIVE. [Re: SpaceMonkey]
    #558769 - 05/26/11 11:18 PM (13 years, 9 months ago)

i do that with most of the stuff they give me via IV, and they usually say "this will help calm you down..." and then I'm usually tripping balls with my heartrate around 160 to 185 for the next hour or so staring at the wall in horror haha :dumblol:

I love weed, shrooms, acid, and I really wanna try DMT at some point...but all of the shit they try to give me in the hospital scares the hell out of me most of the time. That or I get addicted, or both :shrug:


“The Universe is under no obligation to make sense to you” -NDT

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That Guy

Registered: 08/12/08
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Re: WEED IS NOT ADDICTIVE. [Re: SpaceMonkey]
    #558809 - 05/27/11 08:19 AM (13 years, 9 months ago)

I actually have a decent amount of experience with this...

I smoked a specific brand of that legal "incense" stuff (JWH derivatives were the actives) for about 6 months when I decided to try and find a job. You quickly build a tolerance for this stuff, and the high is extreme but different, I personally found it impossible to sleep when I had just lit up about 3 or 4 big bong rips, and if I got too high, my stomach would start cramping but it always felt like the main artery running down my abdomen had split and was spraying blood all over my organs (quit scary the first time it happened :eek:). The next day I found it hard to get up, my muscles were slightly achy, and I just couldn't think straight. I was experiencing all of the side effects that my local christian propaganda fountain had told me marijuana would cause, but I had never experienced any of this while smoking MJ. My mental clarity and memory function when I was not high was severely impacted. On top of that my lungs began to deteriorate, and my run times for a specific loop were rising by about 10 seconds per week for a 3.5 mile loop. I also noticed a slight loss of appetite that was in effect 24/7, food just wasn't a thought that came to my head very often (which I assure you is very very strange for me  :donut: )

After my grades at school began to suffer, I decided it was time to quit that shit. Fortunately for me while I was smoking it, I had a fairly reasonable hookup for it and could get 9 grams or so for about 40 dollars, so when I decided to quit I had a hefty amount sitting in my apartment. I quit cold turkey from smoking about 3 grams or more a week, and have had no cravings, I don't miss it, and haven't smoke regular MJ since, except for one time at a party but that was a half puff off of some really crappy mids. I immediatly began to notice my mental clarity and memory function returning, soon after my run times began to improve, and my appetite returned.

I would say that for a person like me, who has a strong family history of addiction and addictive personalities, and who has been addicted to a few substances rather easily in the past, I found these chemicals to not be very addictive over the time period and with the intensity with which I smoked them. I did however notice that said smoke blends have a much more pronounced negative effect on the user's mental and physical well being than MJ. This is a conclusion that I make based purely on my personal experience though, and I'm sure there are other peeps on here that can contribute so we can get a more statistically significant account of how addictive these substances are, hopefully :shrug:.

On a side note, late at night after about 5 big bowl packs (I was exploring the upper limits of this shit) I thought I was a wizard for awhile and could see the aura that I was moving around the room with my thoughts...that shit is crazy :awecid: haha


“The Universe is under no obligation to make sense to you” -NDT

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That Guy

Registered: 08/12/08
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Re: WEED IS NOT ADDICTIVE. [Re: BlueBerry_Swisher]
    #558825 - 05/27/11 10:33 AM (13 years, 9 months ago)

I kinda agree with you on that...with stuff like weed, cigs, even alcohol and cocaine I have seen certain people do it occasionally with no problems...but I do think that certain hard drugs have a higher tendancy to snag you, regardless of your personality. Like say for instance if you compared my addictive personality to your not-so-addictive personality. Regardless of this, we would both probably be at a higher risk of addiction with harder drugs such as (dare I mention the classic) heroine than we both would with softer drugs like MJ, tobacco, alcohol, etc.

There always seems to be a point as you move up the spectrum of drugs at which it goes from requiring little to no effort to stay away from the substance, to requiring a decent to significant amount of effort to avoid the substance...its just with different people this point will be at a different spot on the spectrum...but then again I have little to no experience with hard drugs outside of the hospital due to my Oxycontin experience...it scared me away from all opiates and potentially addictive substances, which is in part due to my addictive personality. :shrug:


“The Universe is under no obligation to make sense to you” -NDT

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That Guy

Registered: 08/12/08
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Loc: Southwestern US Flag
    #558831 - 05/27/11 11:09 AM (13 years, 9 months ago)

Yea dude, I get mega addicted to shit all the time, thats why I stick to weed and some light social drinking, and the occasional psychedelic encounter :awecid:

I actually managed to quit my caffeine addiction cold turkey (we are talking 2 or 3 energy drinks a day with pretty much constant intake of soda in between, and when I am really hurting for money I will switch to caffeine pills...my work requires constant focus and the ability to crunch numbers and work with computers :grizzlybear: for 12 to 14 hours or more a day. When I quit I had a constant migraine for about a week, and my hands shook like I had Parkinson's for 3 or 4 days...then I just felt like shit for about 2 weeks total before I started feeling better. I have since started back on it (goddamn you non-linear controls) but whatever I really kicked my high tolerance so I stick mainly to about 3 sodas a day, that way my blood pressure isn't several thousand atmospheres all of the time, and I actually sleep about 6 hours a night :dumblol:


“The Universe is under no obligation to make sense to you” -NDT

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That Guy

Registered: 08/12/08
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Loc: Southwestern US Flag
Re: WEED IS NOT ADDICTIVE. [Re: Hendershot]
    #558864 - 05/27/11 03:01 PM (13 years, 9 months ago)


Hendershot said:
Did you really classify alcohol as a "softer" drug? Why, cuz it's legal? Did you know that alcohol is one of the very few drugs that can actually cause you to die from withdrawal? IMO alcohol is hands down the most dangerous drug there is, because of the nonchalance with which it is viewed...

yea i guess i did lump it in there bc of the whole legal status...but you are right, it is a fucking dangerous substance...watched my grandfather slowly kill himself with that and tobacco...that shit will mummify you after a while...he ended up going from a 6'2" beast of a man to a shriveled up gollum-like shell of a man...really sad actually. And you are absolutely right about the withdrawals...when he had his first heart attack, they actually let my grandmother bring him a limited number of beers a day just to keep him from dropping into a coma...shit was crazy intense and I feel kind of retarded for lumping that into the wrong category :shrug: oops


“The Universe is under no obligation to make sense to you” -NDT

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That Guy

Registered: 08/12/08
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Re: WEED IS NOT ADDICTIVE. [Re: mellowparty]
    #559605 - 05/30/11 09:16 AM (13 years, 9 months ago)


mellowparty said:
I'm addicted to weed. I kill kittens and break stuff if I dont get my hourly fix. Whenever I run out I get horrible cravings, cant eat, cant sleep, feel anxious and depressed, getting cold sweats and shiver.


“The Universe is under no obligation to make sense to you” -NDT

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