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Re: This Valentines Day, I'm Going to a Strip Club on Acid mixed with a little Bud...Any Tips? [Re: TrueHerbCrystal]
    #365080 - 02/16/10 07:22 AM (15 years, 21 days ago)

hahaha bro , the guy with the wheelchair is fake!!! i got the same email
he is in this park with in a wheelchair with his "tiny blonde wife"
its all scam man :awedrugs:


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Dead Dictator
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Re: This Valentines Day, I'm Going to a Strip Club on Acid mixed with a little Bud...Any Tips? [Re: Homosapian]
    #365082 - 02/16/10 07:33 AM (15 years, 21 days ago)


Homosapian said:
hahaha bro , the guy with the wheelchair is fake!!! i got the same email
he is in this park with in a wheelchair with his "tiny blonde wife"
its all scam man :awedrugs:

What do they try to scam you out of O.o

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InvisibleDr. SiekadellykM
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Re: This Valentines Day, I'm Going to a Strip Club on Acid mixed with a little Bud...Any Tips? [Re: Thebooedocksaint]
    #365092 - 02/16/10 08:21 AM (15 years, 21 days ago)

I didnt read the whole thing yet, but I will.

The Kratom Report...

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CNC Machinist/Greenthumb
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Re: This Valentines Day, I'm Going to a Strip Club on Acid mixed with a little Bud...Any Tips? [Re: Dr. Siekadellyk]
    #365109 - 02/16/10 09:40 AM (15 years, 21 days ago)

I did.

Jesus christ man, I Like reading your posts out of anyones but damn that was a little too detailed and slightly confusing sometimes.

That was your first time at the strip club?

The first time I went was rolling balls,  It was pretty epic, but haven't enjoyed one since.  they are dirty and only want your money

Edit- It was a great story nonetheless

Don't criticize what you can't understand

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Re: This Valentines Day, I'm Going to a Strip Club on Acid mixed with a little Bud...Any Tips? [Re: Inverted]
    #365162 - 02/16/10 12:08 PM (15 years, 21 days ago)

well if you keep responding to their emails they will eventually send you a link to make sure your 18+ ( requires your cc ) lol , and thats where u get anal raped.


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european son

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Re: This Valentines Day, I'm Going to a Strip Club on Acid mixed with a little Bud...Any Tips? [Re: TrueHerbCrystal]
    #365241 - 02/16/10 01:03 PM (15 years, 21 days ago)


TrueHerbCrystal said:
Ya think so?

It was a pretty low-dose trip, I mean half-a-hit of O.K. strenght Liquid, and I was only at the 30min mark when I got the lap dance from "Bunny". Wasn't really peaking....I was barely feeling anything *really* trippy, just some random occurances here and there.

But they take low-dose ones right? I'm sure they haven't seen too many strip club acid trip ones, maybe I will.

Thanks for reading my ridiculously long story ttotheh! If I do it again (I admit, its pretty addicting) I'm gunna take a larger dose, mix it with some bud (sadly, I didn't this time) and go into the club peaking (1.5 - 2 hours into the trip). That'll be a story!

Till then, this will do....
~ TrueHerbCystal ~

im sure theyd take a low dose experience ik my first time i wanted to only take half a dose first timers are gonna want to know the low dose effects

I live with thirteen dead cats ,
a purple dog that wears spats,
they all live out in the hall,
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Rust Fuckin' Cohle
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Re: This Valentines Day, I'm Going to a Strip Club on Acid But Never mixed with a little Bud...Any Tips? [Re: TrueHerbCrystal]
    #525708 - 02/10/11 11:04 AM (14 years, 27 days ago)

Will THC be out of jail in time to celebrate valentine's day?

The world may never know.


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Psycho Pete

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Re: This Valentines Day, I'm Going to a Strip Club on Acid But Never mixed with a little Bud...Any Tips? [Re: FRACTALife]
    #525717 - 02/10/11 11:55 AM (14 years, 27 days ago)


Poor dude.

Has anyone heard from him? Like, what was his sentencing?

Of course it's happening inside your head.
Why should that mean it isn't real?

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Rust Fuckin' Cohle
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Re: This Valentines Day, I'm Going to a Strip Club on Acid But Never mixed with a little Bud...Any Tips? [Re: RasJeph]
    #525718 - 02/10/11 12:04 PM (14 years, 27 days ago)

I think it was in the middle of the summer and he was charged for drug manufacturing... :feelsbadman:


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Psycho Pete

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Re: This Valentines Day, I'm Going to a Strip Club on Acid But Never mixed with a little Bud...Any Tips? [Re: FRACTALife]
    #525721 - 02/10/11 12:25 PM (14 years, 27 days ago)

:lol: I just read his story. It kinda makes me want to go to a strip club on acid this valentines day :lol:

Of course it's happening inside your head.
Why should that mean it isn't real?

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OfflineKing Koopa
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Re: This Valentines Day, I'm Going to a Strip Club on Acid But Never mixed with a little Bud...Any Tips? [Re: FRACTALife]
    #525738 - 02/10/11 01:02 PM (14 years, 27 days ago)

THC was an awesome poster. Its sad he fucked himself over with the law

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Re: This Valentines Day, I'm Going to a Strip Club on Acid But Never mixed with a little Bud...Any Tips? [Re: TrueHerbCrystal]
    #525746 - 02/10/11 01:10 PM (14 years, 27 days ago)


TrueHerbCrystal said:
So, its Valentines Day and again, and like every year, I have no one to love.....

To cope, the last 4 years have been making it a ritual to go out and buy a dozen roses, a couple "apple pie" scented candles, download my favorite lesbian porn and buy a big bottle of Jergins(r) brand lotion, and please myself, by myself, in the lonely cold night that is Valentines Day....

But this year, I'm going to try something different....:happyweed:

I just got some good acid about a week ago, and I thought, what a better holiday to do acid then Valentines Day? And what a better time to go to a strip club then Valentines Day....

I've got the perfect club in mind....Its called "The Candy Shop" and the entrance is 18 and up (even thou I'm 22). Not only is the entrance limitations 18 and up, but the models are too! And I love the young girls, but not too young, 18 years old is my limit. And the reviews said it was multi-racial! My favorite kind of women! (according to my internet research).

Here's the the Tips I've Learned thus far from my internet research (and that one time I went to a strip club in Portland on Halloween),
for having the best Strip Club Experience ever....
  • DO NOT Masturbate before you go to the club. Hold off for at least 2 days Minimum (Check! Last day was Friday night)
  • Wear thin-clothed sweat pants or wind-breaks and by all means Do Not Wear underwear
  • Bring only $1 bills and $20 bills, nothing else. And no change: Strippers don't like it when you throw quarters at them
  • Before you get a lapdance, ask the girl: "Are you a post-op women?" (You don't wanna be surprized later)
  • No cameras or video camcorders! (I really hate this tip, but its strip club rules....)
  • Do NOT bring your own bright flashlight. The blacklighting is dark for a reason, and the bouncers don't like you shining up the "pretty" girls.
  • When getting a lapdance, do NOT touch the girls: she can only touch YOU.* There is an expection: if you paid $100 for a 5 minute dance, you are allowed to touch her forearms and shoulders, but thats IT! No where else. (That sucks a big one.:sad:)
  • Don't piss off the bouncer (see above)
  • Like going to a restraunt, Come Hungery. Strip clubs usually have excellent all-you-can-eat buffets, so don't eat 2 days before the trip to the club (just like the masturbation rule)
  • Don't assume every girl in there is a dancer....some girls go with their boyfriends (:shrug:), and some even go with their girlfriends (the friends kind, not the sexy kind). Asking a girl for a 5 minute lapdance when they are not might piss them off, or compliment them, I'm not sure.
  • Don't fall victim to "stripper girlfriend". Stripper girlfriend is when you think the stripper is in love with you because of how she looks at you with her amazing space-crystal eyes and soul-melting smiling. Remember, its their job to be really friendly: thats what gets them cumming back...
  • Don't buy alcohol at the strip club: its very expensive! Drink alcohol on the way there, and enter the club drunk (but not too drunk, or you'll get kicked out) -> This doesn't apply to me, because I'll be on acid, and I don't need no stinkin' alcohol on acid.....
  • This rule is very important and must be followed!!! No matter how hot the girls are, do NOT masturbate inside the strip club! That will surely piss off the bouncer! Its best to masturbate inside your car, in the parking lot, after you're "done" inside.
  • Arrive at the club at night. That's when all the pretty models come on stage.
  • If you're on a budget, don't sit at the front row at the stage. Front row sitters have to give cash to the dancers as they are dancing. That will get expensive if you're not rolling in it.
  • Last rule: Have fun! Its all about watching hot girls get naked, getting a boner and hiding it from your felllow guy "friends", then spanking your salami when you get back in your car.

I think that's about it, is there anything I'm missing?

One thing I couldn't find is when is the best time to get to the strip club? 10pm? 11pm? Midnight? 1 in the morning?

And the Acid will come in handy in seeing in the dark, blacklight-lit stage, because my eyes will be as big as cats eyes hunting in the dark. Thanks for the side effect! Acid, You're my best friend! :hug: 

Thanks for any tips to you experienced strip club goers.

Its going to be one Amazing Valentines Day.....:awesome::thumbup:

For all those who are not lonely:
Enjoy that intimate V.D. sex!

~ TrueHerbCrystal ~ :leaf::heart::lsd:

i recognise this exact post from the shroomery some time ago:strokebeard:




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Midnight toker

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Re: This Valentines Day, I'm Going to a Strip Club on Acid But Never mixed with a little Bud...Any Tips? [Re: Shaggy420]
    #525773 - 02/10/11 02:21 PM (14 years, 26 days ago)

yeah sucks what happened to him, I really wanted to hear what his sentencing was and stuff but everytime I check his journal/thread there's no updates. :feelsbadman: Hope he didn't get fucked too hard by the long dick of the law.

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Rust Fuckin' Cohle
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Re: This Valentines Day, I'm Going to a Strip Club on Acid But Never mixed with a little Bud...Any Tips? [Re: jkell]
    #525796 - 02/10/11 02:54 PM (14 years, 26 days ago)

Are you allowed to use computers in jail?


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Re: This Valentines Day, I'm Going to a Strip Club on Acid But Never mixed with a little Bud...Any Tips? [Re: FRACTALife]
    #525798 - 02/10/11 02:56 PM (14 years, 26 days ago)

:facepalm: i didnt know this thread was nearly a year old. explains my confusion.




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Astral Beast

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Re: This Valentines Day, I'm Going to a Strip Club on Acid But Never mixed with a little Bud...Any Tips? [Re: FRACTALife]
    #525814 - 02/10/11 03:08 PM (14 years, 26 days ago)


FRACTALife said:
Are you allowed to use computers in jail?

only if its low security.


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Psycho Pete

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Re: This Valentines Day, I'm Going to a Strip Club on Acid But Never mixed with a little Bud...Any Tips? [Re: iStoner]
    #525855 - 02/10/11 05:13 PM (14 years, 26 days ago)

Even so, would checking the Growery really be the best option from a prison computer?

Of course it's happening inside your head.
Why should that mean it isn't real?

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Truthfully, I'm a bullshitter
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Re: This Valentines Day, I'm Going to a Strip Club on Acid But Never mixed with a little Bud...Any Tips? [Re: FRACTALife]
    #525856 - 02/10/11 05:19 PM (14 years, 26 days ago)


FRACTALife said:
Are you allowed to use computers in jail?

Yeah, everyone gets a laptop. :smile:


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Lord of the Flies

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Re: This Valentines Day, I'm Going to a Strip Club on Acid But Never mixed with a little Bud...Any Tips? [Re: FarBeyondDriven]
    #525861 - 02/10/11 05:35 PM (14 years, 26 days ago)

It's like being on the set of Oprah.

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Truthfully, I'm a bullshitter
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Re: This Valentines Day, I'm Going to a Strip Club on Acid But Never mixed with a little Bud...Any Tips? [Re: DungenessDank]
    #525863 - 02/10/11 05:38 PM (14 years, 26 days ago)



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