King Koopa

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Re: wat yall watching [Re: King Koopa]
#515910 - 01/19/11 10:26 PM (14 years, 1 month ago) |
I'm going to download boardwalk empire once i have time to watch all in one day.
I always see shameless and think "louis c.k", then feel like a burnt out pothead because it happens everyday. If you say it's good, i'll check it out.
King Koopa said: About to watch 127 hrs
Cool so far.
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Re: wat yall watching [Re: Shaggy420]
#515926 - 01/19/11 10:42 PM (14 years, 1 month ago) |
I'm watching some International Ghost Hunters shit cause my girl wanted to. It kind of cracks me up sometimes because some of the shit they do reminds me of this.
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Re: wat yall watching [Re: Shaggy420]
#515931 - 01/19/11 10:48 PM (14 years, 1 month ago) |
TrippyStoner420 said: only like one the most awesome kids tv shows ever 
enjoy that shit. 

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Re: wat yall watching [Re: King Koopa]
#516194 - 01/20/11 01:45 PM (14 years, 1 month ago) |
King Koopa said: What do you think of ricky gervais?
i like him, hes a got a couple of awesome stand up routines, but all the movies hes been in are shit 
i seen on the news about his so say "shockingly offensive routine" on the awards show. i dont see what was so shocking about it
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Re: wat yall watching [Re: Shaggy420]
#516199 - 01/20/11 01:48 PM (14 years, 1 month ago) |
Was watching Louis CK "Hilarious", his comedy definitely isn't for everyone, but personally, he's probably my favorite comedian.
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Re: wat yall watching [Re: Cage]
#516203 - 01/20/11 01:51 PM (14 years, 1 month ago) |
Bout to watch Modern family on quicksilverscreen.
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Re: wat yall watching [Re: ganja girl]
#516267 - 01/20/11 03:16 PM (14 years, 1 month ago) |
ganja girl said: Bout to watch Modern family on quicksilverscreen.

That is one of the very few TV shows I will watch. I think it is hilarious. My wife likes it too. We watch it on Hulu.
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About to watch True Grit, heard a lot of good things about it.

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Re: wat yall watching [Re: Cage]
#516276 - 01/20/11 03:36 PM (14 years, 1 month ago) |
im finally going to watch avatar tomorrow, wanted to watch it in the cinema in 3D, but never got around to it 
so ill watch it on my new tv instead
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Re: wat yall watching [Re: Shaggy420]
#516283 - 01/20/11 04:17 PM (14 years, 1 month ago) |
I missed the original Avatar showing, I saw it when they released it for the second time. When I went to see it I called around, and for some reason all the IMAX theaters in the area weren't even showing it. I had to settle for a regular 3d theater 
Movie is insane though
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Re: wat yall watching [Re: kush420]
#516286 - 01/20/11 04:38 PM (14 years, 1 month ago) |
whats the difference between imax and normal theatre 3D
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Re: wat yall watching [Re: Shaggy420]
#516290 - 01/20/11 04:45 PM (14 years, 1 month ago) |
I'm watching the Watchmen movie for the first time really high..

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FarBeyondDriven said:
still beLIEve said: i love television shows
burn notice, weeds, sons of anarchy, brotherhood, sopranos, californication, breaking bad - all excellent shows
and i really want to see boardwalk empire
boardwalk empire is pretty good
there's a new show called shameless that seems decent. only been one episode though.
shameless? that show has been on over here for years, unless its a different show. but its pretty popular over here. ive only seen a couple episodes though.

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Re: wat yall watching [Re: Shaggy420]
#516293 - 01/20/11 04:51 PM (14 years, 1 month ago) |
its a US version, looks poor compared to the original. whats with all the american rip offs of good british tv shows.
the office and now shameless, theres bound to be loads more.
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Re: wat yall watching [Re: Shaggy420]
#516308 - 01/20/11 06:00 PM (14 years, 1 month ago) |
I just watched the double dvd of crossroads 2010. Like 5 hourss of awesome insane guitar playing. I am now going to download some robert randolph hes like the craziest slide guitar player evah.
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Re: wat yall watching [Re: Shaggy420]
#516419 - 01/20/11 08:49 PM (14 years, 1 month ago) |
TrippyStoner420 said: whats the difference between imax and normal theatre 3D 
You've never been to an IMAX? The IMAX screen is like 3 times the size of a normal theater screen. Its huge. Better seating, better audio.. When you sit back and see the picture on the full screen, and say theres a scene from inside the helicopter as it flies, you actually feel like you're flying. Its dope.
The IMAX doesn't use the cheap 3D glasses either. Once you see a movie on both screens, IMAX just blows it away.
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Re: wat yall watching [Re: kush420]
#516424 - 01/20/11 08:59 PM (14 years, 1 month ago) |
Come watch outsourced with meh!
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Re: wat yall watching [Re: ganja girl]
#516537 - 01/21/11 01:20 AM (14 years, 1 month ago) |
Hella watchin some South Park. I'm pretty sure I watch this show like, every single day. I've got every season on NetFlix. They need to hurry up and put season 13 on there.
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South park is a great show man. I love the older seasons more though