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Re: DMT Without a Trip Sitter [Re: THEBats]
#511778 - 01/07/11 06:46 PM (14 years, 2 months ago) |
I saw the title of this thread and was excited to read the responses. What a let down. let's be constructive here. A trip sitter is never a bad idea - provided that they know what the fuck they are doing.
I have never tried dmt, but I know a good deal about the experience. Having that knowledge, I would think it would be difficult to want to move around on a breakthrough smoked dmt trip. And for me going into it my mindset would be relaxed and I would have no desire to get up and walk around until it's over. But like I said, it's never a bad idea to have a seasoned sitter around. Shit can happen in the blink of an eye that may require a 'connected' person to deal with while you are in another dimension.
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Re: DMT Without a Trip Sitter [Re: still beLIEve]
#511783 - 01/07/11 06:59 PM (14 years, 2 months ago) |
DungenessDank said: Xanax probably makes it hard to gain any real insight from hallucinogens.
still beLIEve said: But I'm under the impression benzos have rather long half-lifes and will still dull the effect for a few days after. Do what you want man I'm just keeping it 100
I agree. I've been off and on anti depressants of all kinds and anti-anxiety meds for awhile now... ___ And,..,>> =-_-=
And, I never have reached the desired effect unless I've been off of all anti-depressants for at least 6 months and off the benzos for at least a months or so(if using every day)...If not using the benzos every day then just a 7-10 day dry period will work, but if you aren't reaching full effect then why are you taking them?
I do it all the time unfortunately. I can't stop my benzo use long enough to be full on tripped out, but usually counteract it with a higher dose on top of lowering the amount of benzos I take prior to eating them.
I would imagine having a seizure while tripping can't be good for you. Maybe not though.
-------------------- Suck my balls America
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Re: DMT Without a Trip Sitter [Re: FurrowedBrow]
#511793 - 01/07/11 07:43 PM (14 years, 2 months ago) |
FurrowedBrow said: I saw the title of this thread and was excited to read the responses. What a let down. let's be constructive here. A trip sitter is never a bad idea - provided that they know what the fuck they are doing.
I have never tried dmt, but I know a good deal about the experience. Having that knowledge, I would think it would be difficult to want to move around on a breakthrough smoked dmt trip. And for me going into it my mindset would be relaxed and I would have no desire to get up and walk around until it's over. But like I said, it's never a bad idea to have a seasoned sitter around. Shit can happen in the blink of an eye that may require a 'connected' person to deal with while you are in another dimension.
Thanks, FB. You are great. I agree with you about the responses. I figure that I'll probably be safe doing it alone, if I do do it alone. There is just always the worry someone will knock at my door or I roll over and suffocate.

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Re: DMT Without a Trip Sitter [Re: FurrowedBrow]
#511794 - 01/07/11 07:48 PM (14 years, 2 months ago) |
FurrowedBrow said: I saw the title of this thread and was excited to read the responses. What a let down. let's be constructive here. A trip sitter is never a bad idea - provided that they know what the fuck they are doing.
I suppose you are right, a trip sitter in never a bad idea. it just never occurred to me that someone would even consider having a sitter while taking a drug with such a short duration
Rust Fuckin' Cohle

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Re: DMT Without a Trip Sitter [Re: CosmicFool]
#511796 - 01/07/11 07:52 PM (14 years, 2 months ago) |
CosmicFool said:
FurrowedBrow said: I saw the title of this thread and was excited to read the responses. What a let down. let's be constructive here. A trip sitter is never a bad idea - provided that they know what the fuck they are doing.
I suppose you are right, a trip sitter in never a bad idea. it just never occurred to me that someone would even consider having a sitter while taking a drug with such a short duration
It's not about doing something stupid, just about being out of your body.

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Re: DMT Without a Trip Sitter [Re: FurrowedBrow]
#511804 - 01/07/11 08:39 PM (14 years, 2 months ago) |
I have quite a large amount of experience with DMT. For your first time smoking it, I highly recommend you do it with a sitter. Preferably with someone who has smoked it before. The effects come on very fast, and very strong. Theres a good chance you will drop the pipe if you get a good enough hit. You will be incapacitated and there might be something burning. However if you got a good hit there is no chance of you walking around or jumping out of windows and the sort.
-------------------- "Cannabis is not a health problem. The problem is that it promotes social values and attitudes which are unwelcome in capitalist market based society. It's just that simple." - Terence McKenna
still beLIEve
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Re: DMT Without a Trip Sitter [Re: Krackatus]
#511805 - 01/07/11 08:39 PM (14 years, 2 months ago) |
just got to remember whats happening is normal. dont fight it. dont be scared. let go.
-------------------- niteowl said:
See, that term pedo gets thrown around a lot.
Is a 16 year old guy having sex w/a 16 year old girl a pedophile?
If not, then how is a 30 year old considered a pedophile for doing the same thing?
I think y'all need to look up the definition for pedophile.
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Re: DMT Without a Trip Sitter [Re: FRACTALife]
#857311 - 06/14/22 07:28 PM (2 years, 8 months ago) |