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Rust Fuckin' Cohle
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Growery's Big Thread of Big Questions * 1
    #507859 - 12/22/10 12:32 AM (14 years, 2 months ago)

My hope is that each member of Growery will take time to answer each of these questions and share their honest opinions. I also hope that each of you will contribute your own questions for others to answer so this thread can grow.

Question 1- Cannbis.
How has cannabis affected your life? How do you feel cannabis will/have affect/affected man kind?

Question 2- Psychedelics.
  How have psychedelics affected your life? How do you feel these drugs will/have affected man kind?

Question 3- Spirituality.
What are your spiritual views or lack there of? What do you think about organized religion?

Question 4- God.
What is God?

Question 5- Sex.
Of course we all love it. Do you have any deeper feelings about this subject?

Question 6- Art.
Is art important to you? What is your favorite form of art?

Question 7- Death.
What do you think happens after death? How has death affected your life? Are you afraid of death?

Question 8- Mediation.
Do you meditate? What part do you feel meditation plays in your life? How do you feel it has affected and will affect mankind?

Question 9- Government.
Do you affiliate with any government party? Do you believe government should exist?

Question 10- Dying.
If you could choose how you die, how would you go?

Question 11- Life.
The best time of your life. What was it?

:whoa: Whew!

Excited to hear you answers! I will reply with mine in a moment or possibly in the morning as I am getting pretty groggy.


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Re: Growery's Big Thread of Big Questions [Re: FRACTALife] * 1
    #507861 - 12/22/10 12:34 AM (14 years, 2 months ago)

Cannabis is the easiest drug to get something out of... without negative side effects. And if you are one of those types that can't smoke then you got... cocaine (which nah) and opiates which... probably seriously nah...

so what else you got that is EASY and not dangerous... and AT LEAST enlightening along with some of the other more fucked drugs you can do.

Psychedelics are useful for different reasons. Mushrooms are great for many things... it's more personal. I would imagine anyone can GAIN SOMETHING from an experience or brush with psilocybin mushrooms. Acid is, I am going to mention, is a little bit more for pros. As Acid can be quite hard to manifest back outside the "trip" and to really go about things like people do on large doses of acid... Well... fuck it, try it for yourself, to whoever reads this... just get some experience first and don't be so quick to believe your solipsist viewpoints when you come down. THOSE don't help you. Unless you are trying to swindle your homeless or crack addicted or schizophrenic into cultivating mass stupidity.

God... God is undefinable... the closest comparison you can get to it, in my opinion, is love. And it's easy to draw that comparison, rather easily, because love is intrinsic in all things, and as it is tied to the "alpha and omega" it is a fine enough comparison, considering how big of a cornerstone both these things play in people's lives.

But now when it comes to describing it... hmmmph...

*does some hand gestures*

... Well, there is this sucking inverted void of death... that is part of you.

And then there is this interconnected "communication" or "information" system that connects all of the little deaths into columns of shit. This is what I call God.

The rest of my response to come.

Sex is redundant without sympathy.

um... yeah, what else? Art. Simple for me; I think art should be the forefront of people's altogether exchange of anything. Emotions and ideals... and compass wouldn't help at all.

Um... Death, that is a tricky one. I personal think when your brain ceases you lose your perception, eventually fading away with death, until you move on to another place or... your energy simple gets spread out for fertilizer and worm food. :shrug: I'd probably like to die after a big acid trip or something, listening to music.

Um... spiritually, I think, people have to stop (everyone) from chasing their tails and stop (no one) from trying not to surrender to the inner impulses of survival; you noticed how I tooled it up to mean something specific in context to how I am typing this up?

It's not needed anymore. We HAVE what we need, and we are only creating more need.

Um... the government! They suck. Not just because they are too far up ass and arrogant and in positions of massive ability for fuckage, without being smart enough or good enough, for that matter, to handle the job for the people. That's why people need to learn about what realy justice is... It is a raised fist in anger; but not anger for your fellow man, nope, anger for your unconscious minds setting you up for killing and your "knowing" minds setting you up for dying.

Meditation... I don't personally do enough honestly... but I find that my conceptual mind is strong, albeit a bit over fed and overactive, so I can contemplate and observe shapes, colors and expressions without getting distracted. But when I have alone time, I often don't do enough sitting and observing without the objects and freqencies. But that is because I am overactive. and LAST BUT NOT LEAST... LIFE


Edited by eNtranceAsexit (12/22/10 02:00 AM)

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Re: Growery's Big Thread of Big Questions [Re: FRACTALife] * 1
    #507870 - 12/22/10 12:49 AM (14 years, 2 months ago)

Question 1- Cannbis.
Weed gives me the ability to get past my cynical angry brain and enjoy things I would usually kill with fire.
Add on:
Thinking about it more, Cannabis plays a big role in my life, I tend to judge people on their stance on it, not so much who they are as a person but if I want to continue a friendship or not. I smoke damn near every day when I can afford it, and I'm super thankful that my (immediate) family has accepted that and allow me to smoke grow even while living at home. My friends and I don't drink much, and bud is the one thing that has always kept us glued together, I can go a month without seeing one of my good friends, but I know I can always call them up for a smoke and we'll have an awesome time just like if we hung out the day before.

Question 2- Psychedelics.
Psychedelics don't really play a huge part in my life but I enjoy them none the less :thumbup:

Question 3- Spirituality.
I think the only difference between religions and cults is that one suggests you donate and the other makes you. But I like to believe that if you greet somebody with an olive branch instead of a fist odds are they will do the same

Question 4- God.
Gods a cool guy; creates man, chills in the clouds and doesn't afraid of anything

Question 5- Sex.
Plowing bitches like a corn field is one of my only talents

Question 6- Art.
I like photography alot, I take photos sometimes but only when I see something I need to get a shot of, I don't really go looking for photos or anything. Brassai has some cool work if I had to name anyone I liked.

Question 7- Death.
Dunno what happens when I die, odds are not much. But I would like some sort of tree planted over my body, like an Oak or something, maybe even a fruit tree

Question 8- Mediation.
Don't really meditate but I listen to music while burning incense and kinda have a nap sometimes, its my kind of meditation.

Question 9- Government.

Question 10- Dying.
Old age with a bong in my hand and a girl on my dick

Question 11- Life.
Best time of my life, I dunno there have been too many to mention so far. I tend to live each week at a time and since I finished school I've just been seeing all my friends having fun doing whatever we want, I can't really put one memory in front of the other because they are all equally awesome times in different ways. A recent one that comes to mind is Inbreds birthday when there was a never ending bowl of weed, a huge bonfire, 2delicious cakes and a BBQ with good mates. Then Jimmy slept outside on the couch because he was too baked to get inside :lol:


Edited by T-Rex (12/22/10 07:21 AM)

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Re: Growery's Big Thread of Big Questions [Re: T-Rex]
    #507889 - 12/22/10 01:46 AM (14 years, 2 months ago)

I'll be the first to responed to ya, T-Rex.

Why do you have a rhetorical statement about spirituality in the "Religion" section of the question?

It doesn't exactly fit with the quesion cause the question is about spirituality... your spirituality... not religion. Which is a type of spirituality but defined by wisdom and crap, and other passed down stuff.

It's different, obviously.

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Re: Growery's Big Thread of Big Questions [Re: eNtranceAsexit]
    #507890 - 12/22/10 01:54 AM (14 years, 2 months ago)

I think you have it the wrong way around, there is a religious statement in the spirituality section. And I dunno why I wrote it, I just did. To some people they are in the same box, don't try to call me out on spirituality isn't religion thing because I really don't care lol


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Re: Growery's Big Thread of Big Questions [Re: T-Rex]
    #507891 - 12/22/10 02:04 AM (14 years, 2 months ago)

I am not calling you out. You see one inconsistency and I am all of a sudden calling you out?

I mean, you are changing the topic of spirituality into a topic of religion and that wasn't the question, directly, so I thought you maybe had something you wanted to concede to before that statement, considering it was about religion, not spirtuality.

It's not like I am judging you very harshly... I am just asking why you'd have such a rhetorical opinion on "religion" when the question isn't about religion. It's curious.

Isn't it? :evil:

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Re: Growery's Big Thread of Big Questions [Re: eNtranceAsexit]
    #507893 - 12/22/10 02:07 AM (14 years, 2 months ago)



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Re: Growery's Big Thread of Big Questions [Re: T-Rex]
    #507894 - 12/22/10 02:09 AM (14 years, 2 months ago)

Ahaha, sorry man... didn't mean to weed you out there. If that's you feel, maybe I'll reserve my questions for someone who can talk. :laugh: ...erm, more about their spiritual standpoint, friend.

btw, maybe you should try coming out of the box with your religious conduct, once and awhile...:sausage: oops, did I just call you out again?

oh and btw again... I didn't say religions aren't spiritual and spirituality isn't religious, I just said you were being rhetorical in answering a question about one thing with an answer about something else.

Edited by eNtranceAsexit (12/22/10 02:38 AM)

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Psycho Pete

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Re: Growery's Big Thread of Big Questions [Re: FRACTALife] * 1
    #507920 - 12/22/10 07:10 AM (14 years, 2 months ago)

Question 1- Cannbis.

Cannabis (growing, smoking, processing, etc) has really given me a hobby that I feel I am pretty good at. I know thats like saying "I'm good at getting drunk", but not so much...if someone is good at BREWING beer, they win awards and get their product sold in stores. Just because my hobby is illegal in most places, I unfortunately can't share it with the world just yet. I'm learning every day, and when it DOES become fully legal, I'll be way ahead of all the noobs! Haha. Really, I love cannabis, and its my favorite thing to do.

Question 2- Psychedelics.

I've had a lot of trips, but none of them very spiritual. I love the psychedelic culture...but, unfortunately, I've had a lot of negatives in my life. Day to day, I can ignore them and press on. I'm a happy person, don't get me wrong, but I have a lot of shit I'd rather not come face to face with...so, I tend to skip out on the psychedelics. I love the whole idea of them, but my brain is all full of fuck a lot of the time, and admittedly, its rather shit I'd ignore.

Question 3- Spirituality.

Eh, whatever makes people happy. As long as they aren't forcing it on anyone else, believe whatever you want. I don't care, just enjoy life.

Question 4- God.

IMO God is nothing more than Mother Nature or a karma system. I believe if you try to be a good person, you'll  ultimately be alright. If you're a bad person that redeems themselves, thats good too. If you're a bad person, bad things will happen to you. "Treat others as you would like to be treated". Simple.

Question 5- Sex.

I feel like sex should be with a person you love. I've had a few one night stands this year (was with my previous girlfriend for 5 years, lost my virginity to her) and I've hated myself every time. I mean, I know we have primal urges...but sex was so much better when I cared about the person I was with. When its just some bitch at a party, I might as well be fucking my hand because I don't care a thing about her.

Question 6- Art.

Art is great, because I feel like everything is art. Even a bookshelf or a home. Someone had to envision that and create it, so art is everything that isn't natural. Although a lot of times art is destructive to nature (and the nature would have been much better than the "art") both are beautiful in their own ways.

My favorite form is claymation.

Question 7- Death.

I think we rot in the ground. Maybe some kind of reincarnation. Certainly not a heaven scenario. Death is sad for the living, but relief for those departed. Life is suffering, there is no pain or sadness for the dead. And no, I'm not afraid of death.

Question 8- Mediation.

Nope. Tried before, I don't have the discipline required. I hate to say it...but I'm too busy for meditation :mad2:

Question 9- Government.

I still believe in anarchy. To avoid ridicule, I won't post any more.

Question 10- Dying.

I'll prolly go out in a hail of gunfire. But, I guess if I could choose, I'd want something painless. Like nodding off or just dying in my sleep.

Question 11- Life.

I'd like to say that I top the best time in my life every week. At least once I week I have some kind of gathering with my friends and we do something. Its usually something small (not like a big concert or anything,  but sometimes) and I always have fun and go to sleep that night feeling good.

I guess my absolute favorite time ever was my best friends grad party. His was first, and it was the first time I was "allowed" to be out all night partying. My girlfriend was gone visiting her uncle half a country away, so I was free to just go nuts with the boys for the first time since I had met her. We smoked and drank the entire night. I got the last beer from the last keg, and it feltgoodman. We jumped a fence to a cellphone tower and smoked up way on top of a hill right next to the tower. Rode our bikes down to the lake and just smoked there for a few hours. Then I woke up on the beach. Great night.

Fun thread! :]

Of course it's happening inside your head.
Why should that mean it isn't real?

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Re: Growery's Big Thread of Big Questions [Re: RasJeph]
    #507944 - 12/22/10 09:37 AM (14 years, 2 months ago)

Question 1- Cannbis.
How has cannabis affected your life? How do you feel cannabis will/have affect/affected man kind?

I think that there is a very intimate relationship between humans and cannabis.  I think that the two of us have evolved together over the years and our relationship is symbiotic.  I know that the plant benefits from our use of it and I know I personally benefit from it's use as well.  The future of cannabis will be interesting.  It's crazy to think that almost every state government in the world is seeking its extinction.  Cannabis has effected my life in innumerable ways.  I could write a book just talking about that.  but can't now.  I am kind of inclined to believe that the rise of cannabis in the last hhundred years or so has some kind of relationship to the increase in novelty.  Just like the psychedelics are more popular now than ever.  These are unprecedented times we live in.  These drugs are needed more now than ever before in their existence. 

Question 2- Psychedelics.
How have psychedelics affected your life? How do you feel these drugs will/have affected man kind?

I just found that a bit ago on my HD.  It's not really my story but im sure it is for a lot of people.  Oh man, this question i wish i had a dictaphone for.  How have they impacted my life?  Probably by opening up my mind and putting me in a vulnerable state im out of my comfort zone free to explore the depths of mind and the depths of others minds.  We also have a very symbiotic relationship with these plants and mushrooms.  The last part of this question is an interesting one.  I will just say this, I don't think it's a coincidence that LSD was discovered around the same time as the atomic bomb. 

Question 3- Spirituality.
What are your spiritual views or lack there of? What do you think about organized religion?

Organized religion is the manifestation of everything the devil stands for.  It's the root of evil in most cases.  I'm agnostic.  I don't know what the fuck to believe. 

Question 4- God.
What is God?

"Asking me what God is, is like asking a fish to describe the water in which it swims"
That was from the old crazy guy in What the Bleep?!

Question 5- Sex.
Of course we all love it. Do you have any deeper feelings about this subject?

Not at the moment.  I will say that i've never had casual sex.  All of my partners have been women i have really cared about.  Lots of friends turned into lovers.  Sex is a drug.  I like it and all but some people go way too far with it.  I don't really feel i need to spread my seed to a thousand different girls. 

Question 6- Art.
Is art important to you? What is your favorite form of art?

I love art!  I love performance art a lot, music, theater, dance, all that shit.  But I especially love music and live performance.  Math and music are the languages of the universe.  Or is math the language and music the speech? 

Question 7- Death.
What do you think happens after death? How has death affected your life? Are you afraid of death?

This is what kinda pisses me off.  EVERYONE seems to have an opinion.  WHY?  I don't mean to insult, but I doubt you have any information that makes you any better qualified to provide an explanation for the unknown.  I guess this is where religion meets science in our time.  I'm not afraid of death, right now.  Sometimes i get overwhelmed by feelings of my approaching demise, but they wear off after i get my mind right.  :lol:  When i was in HS my job was working at a funeral home.  For 5 or so years.  I went on a death call once.  It was pretty intense, cause the guy had been dead in his house for 10-14 days already.  that experience (which happened the weekend after Layne Stanley died) was one that showed me a different perspective about the fragility of life.  I think about how I want to die a lot.  I think that's a right everyone should have.  Death with dignity.  No one should be forced to die in a medical setting, which is sadly where most people die. 

Question 8- Mediation.
Do you meditate? What part do you feel meditation plays in your life? How do you feel it has affected and will affect mankind?

No, i don't.  Not yet anyway. 

Question 9- Government.
Do you affiliate with any government party? Do you believe government should exist?

Im a registered independent.  Yeah, i think some form of government is required.  We have a generation of kids that are dumber than their parents were at that age.  That's not a good thing for the prospect of revolution, which is what we should be demanding. 

Question 10- Dying.
If you could choose how you die, how would you go?

This is easy, at an old age, while sleeping after having lots of sex and smoking herb.  :lol:

Question 11- Life.
The best time of your life. What was it?

Probably the summer of 2001.  Just after graduating high school.  We had lots of bud all around and spent the whole summer swimming at the nearby rock query (in rural KS).  I remember one night in particular.  It was a new moon so it was real dark out.  We were at the query swimming by ourselves.  Lighted up the banks of this place and climbed up the wall (really a cliff) and one by one we jumped into the void of the water.  That shit was intense.  It was probably a 25 foot drop into the glassy black water.  It was a trip.  Anyway, the feelings i had after that Have never been felt since that time.  I was pure energy that night.  Then, less than a month later, I got my first possession charge.  Arrested by my dare officer, no less.


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Rust Fuckin' Cohle
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Re: Growery's Big Thread of Big Questions [Re: FRACTALife] * 1
    #507945 - 12/22/10 09:39 AM (14 years, 2 months ago)

Question 1- Cannabis.
Cannabis is a great drug in my opinion. This beautiful plant calms down my mind and stomach, makes me happy, and gives me more power to realize the beautiful truth. I believe it can help heal the world.

Question 2- Psychedelics.
Though I have only tripped three times, I love psychedelics! Mushrooms have brought me joy, wisdom, and understanding. Also they have made me more open minded and courageous They are very spiritual to me and I believe they have played a huge part in the evolution of man and thought. It really exposes the infinite nature of reality.

Question 3- Spirituality.
I believe religion is the collapse of good spiritual plastic into the cyclic existence. I believe we are all one spiritual, natural energy experiencing itself in the natural phenomena of life.

Question 4- God.
God is you, me, and everything.

Question 5- Sex.
It's a beautiful euphoric thing. A really trippy subject to think about sometimes. Is it the end of duality in the absolute perfection of life?

Question 6- Art.
Art is super important to me. I love writing, drawing, painting, music, and pretty much everything. It is really the only career I am absolutely happy with doing. It is the way to give back. Art is everything.

Question 7- Death.
I am less afraid of death now than I have been before, I think my trips may play a part in that. None the less, I find it a fascinating thing that can cause grief and relief.

Question 8- Mediation.
Mediation, like psychedelics and cannabis, bring me to a more spiritual state. They go great together.

Question 9- Government.
No government. Love and freedom. :hippie:

Question 10- Dying.
At Burning Man, having sex while on DMT, white getting struck by lighting in a rainstorm.

Question 11- Life.
Probably Burning Man, followed by my mushroom trips, especially my last one.


Edited by FRACTALife (12/22/10 09:51 AM)

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Rust Fuckin' Cohle
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Re: Growery's Big Thread of Big Questions [Re: FurrowedBrow]
    #507948 - 12/22/10 09:57 AM (14 years, 2 months ago)

Furrowed, I think I know what you're going at with acid and the atomic bomb, but I'm not quite sure. Can you explain? I know LSD had a huge part in changing the way we treat mental illness and depression. I feel LSD is a beautiful substance that has helped humanity and beautiful uncountable ways and will continue too. I am excited to hopefully try LSD and DMT shortly.
Quick off topic question to fire out concerning tolerance of psychedelics. How many days should one wait to smoke DMT after tripping on mushrooms, if any?


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Re: Growery's Big Thread of Big Questions [Re: FRACTALife]
    #507952 - 12/22/10 10:41 AM (14 years, 2 months ago)

:lol:  I don't think a mushroom tolerance carries over to DMT.  They are different substances.  You could trip everyday for a week on mushrooms and still have a breakthrough dmt experience.  I think that stands to reason.  About the relationship between psychedelics and novelty, we need that shit more than ever.  People need to be waken the fuck up now.  Psychedelics will do that.  I think there's a lot of information about the connection between LSD and the atomic bomb.  I'd love to talk about it but i have a SHIT TON of things to do around the house before i catch a plane later today.  Which means i start my tolerance break today and I will be absent from the growery for the next week or so.  Great thread, i will read the responses while im gone, but probably wont post.


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The Growery's Herb Museum (post #24)
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Re: Growery's Big Thread of Big Questions [Re: FurrowedBrow]
    #507953 - 12/22/10 10:44 AM (14 years, 2 months ago)

More are awakening than ever before. :sun:

King Koopa said:
The amount of pot that Gask smokes is equivalent to a guy shooting heroin on weekends

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Rust Fuckin' Cohle
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Re: Growery's Big Thread of Big Questions [Re: FurrowedBrow]
    #507954 - 12/22/10 10:45 AM (14 years, 2 months ago)


FurrowedBrow said:
:lol:  I don't think a mushroom tolerance carries over to DMT.  They are different substances.  You could trip everyday for a week on mushrooms and still have a breakthrough dmt experience.  I think that stands to reason.  About the relationship between psychedelics and novelty, we need that shit more than ever.  People need to be waken the fuck up now.  Psychedelics will do that.  I think there's a lot of information about the connection between LSD and the atomic bomb.  I'd love to talk about it but i have a SHIT TON of things to do around the house before i catch a plane later today.  Which means i start my tolerance break today and I will be absent from the growery for the next week or so.  Great thread, i will read the responses while im gone, but probably wont post.

Where are you going? Wherever, have a great trip! And thanks a lot! That's what I figured about DMT and mushrooms, but I wasn't 100% sure because they both do affect some of the same receptors. Anyway, excited to talk with you more.


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Re: Growery's Big Thread of Big Questions [Re: FurrowedBrow]
    #508029 - 12/22/10 03:26 PM (14 years, 2 months ago)

That nigga FurrowedBrow said dis yawl:
Question 5- Sex.
Of course we all love it. Do you have any deeper feelings about this subject?
Not at the moment.  I will say that i've never had casual sex.  All of my partners have been women i have really cared about.  Lots of friends turned into lovers.  Sex is a drug.  I like it and all but some people go way too far with it.  I don't really feel i need to spread my seed to a thousand different girls. 
Well fuckin said dude.  I have had casual sex, but really not my thing anymore to go try to fuck every chick I see.  Used to be when I was like 18 of course :lol:  I need to find a girl like what you're talkin about.:yesnod:


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* Growery, I need your help. FRACTALife 2,439 11 08/07/10 05:46 AM
by Hendershot
* The post when you smoke thread!
( 1 2 3 4 ... 923 924 )
Fisherman 2,070,438 18,468 12/21/24 02:13 PM
by Sham87
* How do you feel about religion??
( 1 2 all )
DeadHearts 11,223 39 08/14/10 03:42 AM
by niteowl
* Another thread about smoking and sinning...
( 1 2 3 all )
DataM 11,609 56 12/03/10 11:30 AM
by Laysthepipe
* The "I Like" thread.
( 1 2 3 all )
FRACTALife 10,577 47 06/28/10 07:26 PM

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