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navigating using marijuana
    #498848 - 11/17/10 02:04 PM (13 years, 10 months ago)

Recently Ive been doing research and such on brain waves and states of consciousness. Once under the influence of marijuana some swag in fact i smoked about a bowl maybe a gram and laied back in my bed and just started to relax, listening to the outside storm rolling over and feeling pretty safe in the comfort of my bed.

The setting was good the set was more than nice. no distractions, nothing going on, no clocks to tell how long Ive been high for.
I basically blasted off overseas and was having a long conversation of whom Ive known for along time and is into pagan phenomena. as i drifted off past this when we were done( like i said no time, time wasn't real or didnt matter to me at the "time" haha, and maybe that was the reason for all this) i went to this place as if i was dead or something i didnt "feel" anything nothing "really" mattered at this point i call this place infinity simply because there were like whitish rectangular boxes all around me up, down, behind me, and side to side and this place went on for ever no matter how far i looked. i started to think about if we were just in one of these boxes and if we could jump around in them, then i thought maybe they are all the possibilities we have in our lives. then i placed myself in the middle of one of the boxes and started to "imagine" the possibilities of certain things i choose, choosed in life and sometimes the lines ended sometimes the went on. after how ever long that took i woke up feeling very refresh if i had just been reborn, i didnt fall asleep till after the high ended.

Now following that back to a mushroom trip i had which at the time was a horrible time for me that lasted 4 hours!!! very long very hard 4 hours!!
the setting was great but the set was terrible, the very first thing that happened when i started to come up was a nasty panic attack that last most of the trip. i drove from my friends house to the gas station to get some smokes, after that i was on my way to the ER when i said to myself they will lock me up, so i turned around and just went to my house i laid in bed- debating on weather or not to just end all of it now with a .38 or to let the mushrooms eat away at my insides till i died... finally i turned some music on reassuring myself that i will come down that im just having a REALLY bad trip james blunt was on the cd player and i was just starting at the shelves in front of me feeling my insides just pound as if the were exploding on me... then after a few deep breaths and letting go of my mind by saying i did this to myself and now ill take it as it comes if im going im going, if not let it be. Then the what i believe was my spirit lifted up out of my body half way from the ceiling and half way from my bed, by then i was like fuck it im dying then i got caught up in the fact that i was already dead and im going to have to watch these people take my body and bury it and shit. i dont really believe in hell or heaven i look at it as an adventure into another realm or just another level of the game of life. that is where i stayed for the rest of the trip or experience, when my spirit lifted back to my body i was still looking at the shelves and the where doing the normal waves and breathing that i was use to in a mushroom trip.
  Now looking back two or three years later i see what an impacted that made on my life and how it changed me as now i see ever aspect of what im doing and how it affects people from this 3Dimensional thinking that it has given me. the thing that freaked me out about that trip especially is it was like less than a gram of dried/fresh shrooms. Ive taken 7 grams dried/fresh before and didnt have that HARD of a trip more visual then mental i guess you'd call it.

Now a days i hardly smoke pot, haven't taken shrooms for about a year or so, a few more times after that but maybe once or twice? i can obtain the same "high" or mental status that shrooms or marijuana gives you in a meditative state.

Basically what im cracking at here is not to long ago i was arrested and taken to a psych unit(those places blow ass never go to one on your own free will!!) While on holiday i experienced a multiple UFOs actually three each on consecutive nights one me and a mate blew off as an Iraq mission but for some reason their was just was to many "lights" in the sky all in a triangle formation i guess this was about 60,000 feet up. next day on my own i saw a triangular shaped UFO with a rainbow or colours on the bottom, i was like fuck that was cool it may be some sort of plane the government or somethings got going on, a few days later i saw what almost looked the the spaceship outta starwars, with rainbow colours on the back flying solo right over my head no noise or nothing.
Okay now get this i come back from holidays, fuck off for another 2 years or so, im having all of these thoughts or things racing threw my head, im blasting of mind and body at night cant sleep or anything.. then one night i was out at this nice little wooded area walking back to my car looking up at the stars in the woods a red dot is flying around, then when i got out of the woods i saw like a few rod dots yellow dots and white dots not very far off the ground maybe a couple hundred feet above me, all flying around like helicopters but no noise, then out of no where comes this same ship as i saw on holidays im like holy fuck this is insane the same spaceship that i saw over 5000 miles away is right here again i was going to get the hell outta that area it was all just to much to handle on my own at the time. but of coarse i lost my keys to the car, this is when it got real i started to HEAR this click noise all in the woods then in my car, i hopped out with a knife in my hand, and went over to this tree and sat under it so in case they land maybe we can work slowly at each other trying to understand one another. at that time my mind was at ease but i was visually overloaded. like how is this happening to me im not nuts!
now i know this sounds like its science fiction the whole lot but its the gods honest truth.

I believe that the mushrooms unlocked a part of my mind that ever one has, even with out the use of mushrooms or any other drug. that you can speak with these advanced beings, maybe there the ones that helped build monolithic tombs and the temples of ancient times im not to sure, but i know that they love. as i saw a car disappear in front of my own eyes and they told me that i have to watch them land and see everything with them, and to open this button im still confused but, for some reason i believe they will come again and ill be ready like a high dose mushroom trip and watch them land. go onto that ship and go with them. it would be insane! out of this world!!

this is what i understand them to say in a sign language form love love, that they love playing the game, or games. that they are like us in a way, they dont harm, they are very precise with precession. they are super advanced compared to our cultural. and their planet is not that far away, they breath clean fresh air, they have always been here and always will, they call us animals or there pets but well groomed and precise animals like themselves. they are other kinds but for some reason they choose me. and i choose them when i asked god for help at a time when i had nothing.

now what Ive been getting at is that this is like the lost city of Atlantis or this is the same intelligent beings the Mayans or Aztecs used those long landing strips for. they say they need a landing zone and it takes time to do it.

Now its not that hard to believe that there are other kinds of life forms out there in the universe, but it is even hard for me to believe that i can communicate through some sort of brain wave pattern that Ive developed along the way.
Try it one night sit there before you fall asleep and look up try to find this "star" go to sleep and meditate into this realm were they come to you and speak with you threw your mind. maybe you can find yours and go to the next level all i see in the future is nothing good to come, maybe this is hy the Mayans choose 2012 or whatever because its when they decide to come back.
They will take the people that believe and go with them but the rest can fight among themselves into a nuclear war.

Now im just throwing this out there the last part is some sort of logicail reason for this to be happening, most people dont say that UFO's stock them over the spwan of their life! they may see them once, or never, or may be abducted.


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Rust Fuckin' Cohle
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Re: navigating using marijuana [Re: theman420]
    #498862 - 11/17/10 02:57 PM (13 years, 10 months ago)



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Re: navigating using marijuana [Re: theman420]
    #498865 - 11/17/10 03:03 PM (13 years, 10 months ago)

I'm quite sure it is actually the bad trip that really opens up some doors in our mind. Of course every trip helps us to see things other people don't see even if they're just in front of those, but bad trip really has much more power. I've had the same kind of experience, though without the UFOs. Actually I think bad trip is bad because in that something too big is given us, something we are not yet ready to handle. I've had one and after that it took almost a year for me that I could even think about tripping again. But after that it has been much easier, actually I'm kind of tripping every time I'm tired enough. That's quite scary and that's why I nowadays go to sleep whenever feeling a bit tired, don't wanna face that situation...

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Re: navigating using marijuana [Re: theman420]
    #498866 - 11/17/10 03:03 PM (13 years, 10 months ago)


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Re: navigating using marijuana [Re: Akava]
    #498870 - 11/17/10 03:07 PM (13 years, 10 months ago)

It's ben about the same for me. I had a very bad trip a little over a year ago. Last 4th of July. I want to trip, but having gone through hell, death and back. I'm leary about tripping.

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Future Legend

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Re: navigating using marijuana [Re: DoctorDarkMatter]
    #498878 - 11/17/10 03:28 PM (13 years, 10 months ago)


DoctorDarkMatter said:
It's ben about the same for me. I had a very bad trip a little over a year ago. Last 4th of July. I want to trip, but having gone through hell, death and back. I'm leary about tripping.

Yeah, I feel you, just don't do it before you know you're ready. I'm lucky enough to have a friend who listened over and over again when I wanted to talk about that. I know he doesn't have any idea where I've been but still he listened and it helped when I talked about that.

Now I've tripped couple of times after that but with very low dose. And to be frank, it doesn't feel at all same any more. I guess I've found what I was looking for and at least this moment don't have anything more to learn, maybe some day I'll get to the next level and find more knowledge again, but now it's not the time for that. Actually after that nothing in this world seems as exciting or important as before, I'm just living my life through until I get to the end :shrug:.

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Re: navigating using marijuana [Re: Akava]
    #498986 - 11/18/10 12:15 AM (13 years, 10 months ago)


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Re: navigating using marijuana [Re: KERAN]
    #499012 - 11/18/10 06:46 AM (13 years, 10 months ago)

Well, there's 2 1/2 minutes of my life I'll never get back...


"You're cool, you're cool, fuck you, I'm out.."

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Re: navigating using marijuana [Re: Hendershot]
    #499035 - 11/18/10 09:01 AM (13 years, 10 months ago)

nothing does really seem as exciting as before, its like i already know what is to come before i even do anything.
its not that i can predict the future or read minds or hear others thoughts. one night as it was raining out the voice in my head, not a real auditory hallucination but a sub conscious thought told me to go out to show me how real it really was when i "spoke my mind" to this god it started to lighting and thunder and it was very loud, almost as though the lighting and thunder was speaking to me.

now if i look up i see the brightest star and see it move around once in awhile, you just need to know what star to look at.
i went back to the place where i saw all the UFO's after getting out of the psych ward, nothing happened until i came out of the woods i heard the loudest scream in my life almost like a bird and then it shot though the woods rippin it apart than stopped and screamed again. and it was like this thing just wanted me to walk in there but wouldn't come out, in my subconscious mind it told me it was giving me a chance to leave. if i could beat it at its own game i would be able to have tamed it and let it loose upon the world.

its like Ive classified three parts of my mind where what i call spirits enter and speak, this is though the memory part where you have your memeories, than the others UFOs per say can speak you sub conscious, direct your dreams.

last night i was mediating after watching the history channel about the biblical end of the world, basically it freaked me out because in a way it seemed as though some how bits and pieces of it are to. when all this happened a sign called HOT was written on my wall from who i believe was Jesus christ simply because i think he is the "devil" one because the way the t was made into a cross. ever once in awhile i see black shadows moving very fast, this is what i believe to be the beast in the woods. now other times i see a white shadow move even faster, these are the ones that want to help us on our journey. the black shadow just wants to kill, and for me to kill myself by either cutting my heart out or by cutting my arms at the elbow joints. its almost as though these entities take over my body at will. but then at the third part of the brain this is where like god takes over and ever thing slows down and he starts to tell mee what to do, before i knew who was who i still do in the way they speak what i call your mind.

i believe that we are in the middle of a spiritual battle, like when we die our spirit lifts off and the alien beings takes it and uses it like if there a body for us after death. now most of this is nonsense to ever one, shit its nonsense to me, but im trying to work on it and put the pieces together.

i feel like a nut saying all this but it seems that its a fairly safe place as our identities are keep safe here.
it seems that these beings are terrified in a serpent! this is what i believe is the brew ayauasca, this spirit has taken over the plant and comes to one when ingested, in the bible which Ive never read by the way so correct me if im wrong- there where two at the beginning in the garden of eden(on plant earth) there where to two trees(each others mind) one was the tree of life(the male because a man uses his sperm to make a new child) and the tree of knowledge(the women as to bring a new child in to learn more from what they already know) now there was a snake that told them to do something they weren't suppose to do( the serpent) now if this serpent was there then this has happened before and we restart ever thing again and a select few will remain. now if you think of it ever thing we do is temptation, but for some reason a natural instinct is calling making us do this which i believe is the serpent.

Ive been doing alot of research Ive seen new grange and stone henge and a few other monolithic tombs. now there is a spiral shape on this i believe this to be a game to be confused by thats why they put it at the entrance of there tombs, well stretch this out into a three dimensional pattern it resemble DNA. we sent DNA out into the cosmos, now the alien beings have found this, that control the milky way galaxy. there hasn't been very many advances in technology besides the ones already been made such as tvs are getting better computers are getting faster, phones are getting smarter. we are just using the same technology and putting them into things we've already discovered. i dont believe we have the resources or the human capability to venture into space and get the huge diamond and bring it back or mine it there, because once we got there it wouldn't really matter.
yes some say oh well bring it back its worth loads to some it may be but to others its just an object. diamond is used for many things.

I think that this world as one needs to come together and start pulling the resources and make this but when that happens they fall back on there military and weapons and fight. even if one nation can make a space ship they will use it for war, not for what it is intended to be used for. any thing put into space is use primarily for military purpose, gps, satellite. i believe we are pushing ourselves back in advancement, that we reached at high and now we are using it for the wrong things.

like i said im stilling piecing this together myself, as why these extraterrestrial beings are here. and following me around, i honestly dont mind as we get along just fine but i believe that i would now take the next step and go with them.


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Re: navigating using marijuana [Re: theman420]
    #499039 - 11/18/10 09:12 AM (13 years, 10 months ago)

holy fuck. 

You've got 99 problems but a bitch ain't one...

Don't criticize what you can't understand

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Re: navigating using marijuana [Re: Inverted]
    #499041 - 11/18/10 09:13 AM (13 years, 10 months ago)

Drugs are bad

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Re: navigating using marijuana [Re: DungenessDank]
    #499095 - 11/18/10 11:26 AM (13 years, 10 months ago)

basically its a mystical experience, or more so a psychedelic phenomena.
im just exploring the mind, ever thing is normal to a person simply because they live in a world away from a true reality were they disregard others around them as just another human. most people die at some point in life, if the mind doesn't know them then it doesn't apply to it, but if a loved one died then its the world to ones metal state, basically than it matters.
(and if it doesn't effect one, than its emotional process is not right and they dont feel emotions)

i dont believe i have any problems that others dont have or haven't found out about.in some cultures a shaman/medicine man is someone who sees and hears "things" that others dont. now the people of his tribe look up to him for answers and guidance. we look at people in a modern way as to say they are schizophrenic, or have problems. Now how can some one go into ones mind and say they know whats going on? than in the exact reverse if they can go into ones mind they are truly the insane one, correct? but they are completely fine as terms as if i can go into someones mind and tell them that this is wrong in their mind then im crazy, i dont understand this.

im just stating the obvious of religion, that if you believe in it you might be the ones that have problems... if a man died and came back from the dead where is he now? if he was already dead how do you kill him?

it doesn't make any sense so why follow something that isn't real anymore?
but if you put all religions side by side they all follow the same basic principles.

on another note, before an ancient times the people had a great understanding of the stars and solar system and what was to come. it predicted the harvest for feed, it predicted the seasons for hunts.
now we dont need a natural instinct, our natural instinct is to do the 'norm' which is go to school, and study than find a job in a field and go threw life in our own reality, get married and have kids and for them to go threw what we did. Now if one was to go against the norm they would be classified as a crazy or what have you. im not saying everone is like this the norm is in a modern day world.

its kinda like the legality of marijuana many want it but others say its not the norm not every one is going around smoking pot, and its there right, which is completely fine but if you dont want to then dont, but dont let some one that wants to too. Im not a pot head i smoke it from time to time, thats about the only mind altering chemical besides caffeine and other legal norms i take.
i lucid dream most nights as well, not saying i can control what or how i dream but im conscious while dreaming that i know that im dreaming and that i feel as though its real, such as mushrooms or other drugs.


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