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OfflineCactus Chris
Registered: 09/25/10
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Moved: My grow plan (very detailed) lemme know what you think...
    #482809 - 09/27/10 01:18 PM (14 years, 5 months ago)

Not getting any hits in other forum, maybe I put it in wrong area? I'll try here... (I'm new to posting here)

What's up everybody? Long time lurker, first time poster. Below is an outline for a very small scale grow op in a one bedroom apartment. This will technically be my first grow, though I did try my hand at a few bagseeds last year, but was forced to abort because I had to move. So some of my decisions are based on what I tried before. The seedlings only got to be about a week old, but grew to be a few inches tall (about the half the height of a dollar bill-ish) and sprouted (when directly sown into soil) within 4 days-ish, wich I thought was pretty good.

I've done a bit of reading, and from what I have read, this is a general outline for what I think I'm going to do. (I'm also another one coming from the wonderful world of mushroom cultivation.) /br

I accept all constructive criticism, peaceful suggestions, and of course new information. (on anything but spelling errors, as I have given up  )

After hours and hours of debating with myself on what strain to go with, and careful consideration of growth paramaters, needs, and personal choice (advertised taste, indica/sativa, strength etc.), I have decided to go with 03 seeds, Autoflowering, feminized, Lowryder Easyryder AKA Lowryder #2 X AK47 from Attitude Seedbank (shipped to US.) http://www.cannabis-seeds-bank.co.uk/easy-ryder-aka-lowryder-2-x-ak47/prod_442.html
The size read in the reviews, and on some online reports, seemed ideal for apartment growth with limited space. I really enjoy diesel strains but was worried about the smell, along with other strains that reviews emphasized/were notorious for odor. The quick growth seemed ideal also for my first grow, hopeing to teach myself some patience. Lastly, the advertized higher yeild of this strained seemed appropriate, of course (compared to other autoflowering "Lowryders".)

This is the only thing that I am not open to for suggestions, as I have already purchased/commited to as I have ordered yesterday. Suggestions for future strains, however, I am open to, and also, I recieved a free seed with my purchase that I know nothing about (strain) so I would like any information you have to offer about it as well. It's UFO#1 Dinafem Seeds Sweet Deep Grapefruit. http://www.cannabis-seeds-bank.co.uk/ufo-1-dinafem-seeds-sweet-deep-grapefruit/prod_2752.html

Growing Medium

As for what to grow in/on (i.e. soil, aero,hydro), I have chosen soil for my first grow op. I went browsing today for soils, and based on some reading, and a few other factors, I think I may purchase "Jungle Growth: Garden and Vegetable Mix with Neem Cake." http://www.junglegrowthusa.com/products.html#organicneem

If you don't feel like clicking on the link, here's what's up with it, "55% composted pine bark, Canadian long fiber moss, vermiculite, perlite, horticulural grade ash, slow release organic fertilizer, neem cake, trace minerals. Total Nitrogen: 14%; Phosphate: .07% (P205); Soluble potash: .05%. I used this (if I remember correctly) on the aborted grow I mentioned earlier. But of course have no idea on what it will do in terms of finished product.

I was also considering Miracle Grow, but wanted to stay organic, and what they offered had less nutrients. However, the bag advertised "Slowly available Nitrogen (2 months)." I'd really not like to add much, if anything (in terms of fertilizers), to my growing medium, as this is my first grow, and I read it is very easy to burn Lowryders/Autoflowers. So I was planing to just put the seedlings in, and let 'em do thier thing, maybe put a few worms in there.  I was also going to germinate in either a papertowel, or some moss.


Here, we have alot of options as most of you know. I'm not going to lie, I don't understand fully alot of it, but from what I've read, here's some options, and I definatly look forward to your input.
I'm not overly worried about energy consumption on such a small scale (I plan on only growing one or two of the seeds at a time, and staggering them.) But I am on heat, and mildly concerned about how dank it is when it's all said and done, however, it's my first grow, so not expecting alot.

First option: Sylvania Spot-Gro @ 120 watts. I used it on the aborted seedlings, and was somewhat comfortable with heat when I used a 8.5 inch clamp light.  http://www.elightbulbs.com/Sylvania-14898-120BR-GRO-120V-Plant-Aquarium-Terrarium-Light-Bulb

Second option: I was thinking maybe I could add this one to the first option? (This is where my "noob-ness" really shows!) If you guys think it's useless, or just not worth it (heat, cost, efficiency, etc) then I'll scrap it, but some bulb from GE's "Reveal" line. I used to use these for my seasonal affective disorder (as recomended by doc) as they reportedly somewhat mimic the sun. Just an idea...

Third option: I was definitally considering this to mount vertically as subsidary lighting on the side of the grow area (more on that later.) It's a 24 inch, 75 watt (17 watt energy use it says on pkg?) grow light from wally-world. It just says "florescent grow light" and that it contains murcury so I dont know what kind it is.

Fourth option: I'm worried about heat on this...and cost (any aspect) but a 150 watt HPS.
/br As I mentioned above, don't know alot about lighting, just throwing some ideas out there. I'd really like to stick to these options, as I want to buy locally, and not online (as with everything in this write-up excluding seeds.)

Grow Area

I will be growing (more than likely) in a closet. Fully occupied with clothes and belongings. So with that in mind, I decided to research some stealth options. They are expensive, and I'd have to get it online, not locally, but I will make exception if below ideas seem like bad ones. I also considered making one, but after looking around various places like Lowes and Wal-mart, I narrowed it down to a few.

Didn't write name brand today while window shopping at Lowes, Oops! It may be Sterilite, but seemed like much more durable than the Sterilite products seen commonly at Wal-Mart. Storage cabinet with dimensions of: 92cm height X 68cm width X 38cm Depth. Not sure what the material is, it advertized "durable resin." I think with good ventilation, the heat would not be an issue, if closely monitered particularly on setup. I liked this one @ $65. Figured I could modify it (more on that later) to house componets. It also has a lock on it, wich is obviously awesome.

Option two: Sterilite Cabinet at wally world. Sterilite makes alot of those drawer sets and gigantic "tuperware" type containers than many people put in there shop and for long term storage, as seen with xmas decorations, clothes etc. Dimensions: 65cm width x 48cm depth x 176 cm height. Same plans for this one as with one mentioned above.

I liked these "prefabed" options for the durability (opposed to something I made), and the fact they don't look like a grow op! Put a lock on the first one, keep it tucked away in the closet and it'd be inconspicuous.
Without the use of diagrams, here's a general idea of what i would do with them. Firstly, cut a hole in the back of them, intake and exhaust vents. intake on bottom and exhaust on top? Visa versa? Then, drill a hole on top or side, wherever easier for power cords to the lights and fan. Then, coat the inside with "Reflectix" insulation. http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.brokenboltgarage.net/reflectix.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.brokenboltgarage.net/goinggreen.htm&usg=__dh8VJ56sVvVoF42pIifR6nDeSmc=&h=300&w=300&sz=11&hl=en&start=0&zoom=1&tbnid=bg3x-m7tt-FH-M:&tbnh=161&tbnw=163&prev=/images%3Fq%3DReflectix%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26biw%3D1276%26bih%3D627%26tbs%3Disch:1&um=1&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=613&vpy=74&dur=437&hovh=225&hovw=225&tx=104&ty=95&ei=6NeeTIfrLML78Abcv7mWDQ&oei=6NeeTIfrLML78Abcv7mWDQ&esq=1&page=1&ndsp=15&ved=1t:429,r:2,s:0 My question about the Reflectix is, will it withstand the heat? How important is the "R" rating in that respect? Third, I would fab something to make the light height adjustable. Lastly, put in an approx. 6 inch personal fan, like this one...http://store.math.com/Toys-165795011-B000QR6VXW-Lasko_Personal_Fan_6_Inches_White_2002W.html and situated it accordingly. Any special advice on the situation of the fan? Other than not directly torwards the plant

So that's pretty much the plan. Still reading? Trying to keep it uber simple for my first grow. Going to keep it on the 20/4 light cycle continuously, as prescribed on the product description. I've read something a while ago about adding food grade hydrogen peroxide to the water to help the roots oxygenate. Where does one get food grade hyd.perox? Can I just use the stuff in the first aid aisle? How much to add? Distilled or tap water? What about "smart" water (w/ electrolytes)? Also, I don't really understand "flushing" it just before harvest. Or, why one would keep it in the dark just prior to harvest. If the trichromes' purpose is to protect the plant from the sun, and they have the "good" stuff, wouldn't it make sense to oversaturate it with intest light just before? Of course, I'm a noob, and I'll prob be told I'm very mistaken on somethings. But if your kind, I'm open.

Cactus Chris

(edited after caffine,and more correctly remembering how big an inch is  )

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Dreams of Oceans

Registered: 08/15/10
Posts: 588
Re: Moved: My grow plan (very detailed) lemme know what you think... [Re: Cactus Chris]
    #482929 - 09/27/10 08:35 PM (14 years, 5 months ago)

If you don't want to start out having to use nutes then I would not use that soil.  It is geared for vegetative growth.  AF strains like to start with nutes already balanced for flowering. 

Are you growing all three at one time?  The rest of my comments are geared towards you doing three at once.

I think you are under powering your lighting.  My guess is that for three plants that are going to stay @ 2' and under you should be using at least 50w of combined fluorescent lighting.  Otherwise you might end up with seriously stretchy plants.  My suggestion is to use 3 lights that are 27w each.  That way none of the lights get too hot, but you get plenty of lumens.

I do not recall seeing any sterilite boxes that I would say have adequate ventilation and height for $65.  Keep in mind you probably want 10-12" of space for the pot, 18" (minimum) for the plant, and another 12" for the light (including base, bulb, and "heat zone").  That stacks up to at least 42" of internal height needed on a box.

Also, if you use a box like this your heat is going to build up fast.  You should plan on having at least one fan installed on the box.  That holds even if you only do one light in a box.  The heat builds up, even with fluorescent lights and LEDs.

*** Edit was to fix typo.

I am not a cannabis grower.  I find the cannabis growers to be the most open to experimenting and sharing out of all of the different botany groups I enjoy.  I frequently use the suggestions that I find to apply to own organic gardening and food production.

Edited by CrayolaHalls (09/28/10 02:38 PM)

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OfflineCactus Chris
Registered: 09/25/10
Posts: 30
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Re: Moved: My grow plan (very detailed) lemme know what you think... [Re: CrayolaHalls]
    #482940 - 09/27/10 09:15 PM (14 years, 5 months ago)

Thanks Crayola! As far as lighting, after seeing a friends product (white widow? i believe...) and seeing that he used 100 or 150 (of course i will get clarification before purchase) watt led's for a reasonable price, as the wife gave me permission and outlined what was "reasonable." :tongue2: I may, more than likely, provide supplemental light with a 75w floro grow light for $20 at wall mart. Run it vertically, as in paralel with the plant(s). what kind of heat would the led put off? he says it's not a problem, but he also hasn't been doing it for 20 years either.

I was only going to grow one plant at a time, and maybe stagger by a few weeks or so before starting another. But definatly no more than 2 at a time, especially my first grow. I want to learn from and appreciate that one or two plant's life cycle instead of having a ton of plants growing not giving each one the attention she deserves.

The grow area ventilation problem you mentioned, i had a remedy for that. I was just going to cut intake/exhaust port, and on the exhaust, make a pencil holder activated carbon scrubber with a fan pushing air out. add that odor gel stuff for those sensitive noses :tongue:

Does that reflectix stuff seem alright? or could i achieve similar results more economically by just painting the inside primer/flat white?

Damn, i was really proud of myself for thinking i picked the right soil!!:sad:  What would you suggest that i could find locally thats more bloom "geared". If you wouldn't mind, it would be helpful to post percent ratings of nutrients instead of/in conjunction with name brands, as not all name brands are available everywhere, and i can use those percentages to pick a similar brand.

Thanks alot again! If i can get all these lil bugs worked out, I promise ill put a sick grow log up for everybody!

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OfflineCactus Chris
Registered: 09/25/10
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Re: Moved: My grow plan (very detailed) lemme know what you think... [Re: Cactus Chris]
    #482944 - 09/27/10 09:19 PM (14 years, 5 months ago)

Oh, and also, one of the main reasons for me not wanting to add nutes was because i am so worried about burning these AF LR's. I hear it's really easy. If you guys have fert'd ur LR's before w/o burning them at all, i would prob give that a try. I've tried to find something to use before, but every grow log i've read, they've burned at some point at least one of thier girls. or it was a rediculously (for me) complicated and/or expensive mix. I'm just trying to keep it simple and natural. :stoned:

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Dreams of Oceans

Registered: 08/15/10
Posts: 588
Re: Moved: My grow plan (very detailed) lemme know what you think... [Re: Cactus Chris]
    #483123 - 09/28/10 03:02 PM (14 years, 5 months ago)

I do not know much about LED for growing.  I think they are still too expensive for most applications.  I have sold millions of dollars of them for commercial and institutional use, but for those purposes they are designed and rated differently.  What people need to realize though is that LEDs do generate heat.  Some LEDs generate a lot of heat.  99% of the time it is not directed the same direction as the light, rather the manufacturers are using heat sinks that pull the heat off the back and vent in other directions.  Heat = death to LEDs, so the heat dissipation is built in both to protect the diode and reduce impacts on ambient temperatures.

For 2 small AF plants I would still suggest a minimum of 50 combined watts of compact fluorescent... if you are going that way (would be equivalent to the lumens in about 200W of incandescent light).  The supplemental light on the side won't help that much.  If you want to add more wattage, do it at the top.  GLOSS white paint will reflect light well and be easy to clean.

I don't know about reflectix.

Look for a premix that is higher in the P, as in N-P-K.  Something where the P is at least 3-4 times higher than the N is my suggestion.  I don't know what you have available to you and I am not familiar with current products (I make all my own compost & organic soils for my veggies).  I rarely supplement directly.  Normally fresh compost gives me everything I need, but that is cause I have different needs than you.

If you want to buy liquid or granular organic nutes most of the products will give you advice for how to mix it in to the soil.  Granular is typically best mixed in before planting.  Liquids would be used once you have the soil in the pot.  Go with 1/2 ot 2/3 of the recommended amounts and you should be well on the side of caution.

You might want to spend the $4 to check your temps.  Get a digital temperature gauge with a max/min function.  Turn on everything and let it run for 3-4 hours, then check your results.  I would test at the bottom, middle, and top.

I am not a cannabis grower.  I find the cannabis growers to be the most open to experimenting and sharing out of all of the different botany groups I enjoy.  I frequently use the suggestions that I find to apply to own organic gardening and food production.

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OfflineCactus Chris
Registered: 09/25/10
Posts: 30
Last seen: 14 years, 2 months
Re: Moved: My grow plan (very detailed) lemme know what you think... [Re: CrayolaHalls]
    #483257 - 09/28/10 08:43 PM (14 years, 5 months ago)

The particular led's i'll be buying next week are 120w, with 3 internal thermostat controled fans to keep em cool.600nm red, 450 nm blue, and "warm white (full spectrum, color temp @ 7000k)". for 200 bucks even. I personally know someone with the same set up (minus the supplemental 75w floro grow light i mentioned) and his plants had excellent potency and above acceptable appearance. (color, noding etc) Though they were a different strain, and he messed up on a few things imo, like nute burning and 24/0 lighting.

The reason i was trying to vertically mount the floro was to make sure under leaves and such got their share of lighting. i was going to also rotate the plant every so often.

Thank you for the info on the nute content. What would you think about me starting with the original idea for soil i had, and then adding blooming nutes the second week in?

Thanks again for response and info! Looking forward to hearing more from you, and hopefully others.

Peace and Love!

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