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Nirvana Blackberry Indoor Hydro/DWC from seed
#447148 - 07/16/10 03:25 PM (14 years, 7 months ago) |
Hi all this is my first time postin to a forum since the fall of overgrow.com  But here goes. just got my nirvana blackberry today and am germinating them in paper towels now. this first grow will be 4 in soil and one in a hydro bucket, i will then take clones and do the rest of my grows in a diy dwc system that i am making. i have a few questions.
1. what is the best type of water 2 use in a hydro system (ie tap or should i buy some) 2.While changing res where do u put ur plant? 3.should i use superthrive on the seedlings or wait til i put in soil?

Now with Grow!

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Re: New Grow [Re: Mech8]
#447169 - 07/16/10 05:04 PM (14 years, 7 months ago) |
Welcome to the Weedery.
1. You will want to buy water or filter your water in a hydro system. You will need to be able to check the pH of the water. 2. I do not understand the second question. 3. I don't know. Probably not necessary to use it I would just play it safe and save it but i might be wrong.
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Re: New Grow [Re: SmOakland]
#447172 - 07/16/10 05:08 PM (14 years, 7 months ago) |
if ur buildin like a dwc where u dont have a res hooked up to the tank, and cant just drain it, then you just pull the net pot right out and if theres no roots hangin out the bottem, you just set it down but if you have roots hangin out the bottom u should just hang it up or hang it over a bucket of water.
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thanks for the response so i guess the next question is what water should i buy and where do i hang the plant?
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Re: New Grow [Re: Mech8]
#447201 - 07/16/10 06:17 PM (14 years, 7 months ago) |
Use spring water. If you're changing the water I recommend just holding the plant in one hand, if it's in a net pot.
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Re: New Grow [Re: aerie]
#447218 - 07/16/10 06:27 PM (14 years, 7 months ago) |
lol well if its a decent sized plant ur hands gonna get really tired really quick, plus its really nice to have both hands free. Ur gonna have to rig up some kind of rig to hang it from, could just be a few hangers with bent hooks at the end that you hook on to the pot on like 3 or 4 sides, get creative with it theres so many ways you could.
What i did is i took a piece of foam, just like the one in my DWC, and i cut the same size whole as what is in my DWC. When i change the res, i will put this piece of styrafoam over the top of a five gallon bucket, and simply place my net pot and plant into the whole. Well i have to so theres two wholes, but do you get what i'm saying?
Yo if you want to get cheap filtered water that is pH balanced (6.0pH), i would suggest going to a local fish store, they sell gallons of water for 25 cents a piece where i live. Or those little igloo stands where you just go and put a jug in and it fills it up. They're 25 cents per gallon to, just not sure if they're pH balanced like the ones from the fish store.
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In my big DWC I put a water pump in the access port and pump out water that way. I also drilled a hole in the front and installed a faucet that I could hook up to a hose if I wanted.

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Re: New Grow [Re: aerie]
#447336 - 07/17/10 12:40 AM (14 years, 7 months ago) |
yeah holding 6 plants in one hand and taking a 8-10 gallon rubbermaid tub into another room to dump and mix is kinda outta the question (not to mention all the cords and hoses that i will have to take with it) if the roots are hanging out does it have to be in water or can they be in the air while i change the res? as for the fish store i live in a small town and stuff for that or hydro is few and far between. so i am also workin with very limited supply. as for pumping it out i dont really have a place to pump it my house is really small and i dont really have a way to pump it to a drain even if i did do that it would be really noticable and i have a rental so i cant really drill holes or anything. plus im poor so im on limited budget hence the reason im makin my own and not buyin one and a couple grow tents. howeva my wal-mart does have a oasis water thing there where u fill ur own jugs with water would that work for my water?

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Re: New Grow [Re: Mech8]
#447464 - 07/17/10 10:11 AM (14 years, 7 months ago) |
I'm just constructing a hydroponic bucket using this thread I found on another cannabis related website. It's pretty good imo. http://www.420magazine.com/forums/do-yourself/65948-hydro-bucket-construction.html :edit: The OP of that thread has some other good threads you should check out: http://www.420magazine.com/forums/search.php?searchid=1506070
Edited by CharlieD123 (07/17/10 10:18 AM)
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yo for drainin ur water for probably the cheapest just buy a fish tank syphon, u can get a good one for under 10 bucks. u can get if from walmart or just order it off the internet. if u dont have a walmart than wtf where are u egypt lol, but if not, and you have any kind of hardware store you can probably make one yourself. I'll make up how to make one off the top of my head for u that would work great. take a pvc pipe or a clear pipe like 1-2 inches in diameter and cut to 6 or 7 inches the bigger the diameter it is the faster it will drain. then you get tubing that will fit inside the pipe, this should be cut to 2-3 feet. The thicker the diameter on this the faster the drainage again. If you get a tube thats not quite wide enough to fit in the pipe then you can seal the open area with silicone or alot of ducktape, however you want to seal it.
And its built. The whole key to this is gravity, and to use this syphon you will have to have your resevoir higher up then the bucket you are draining into. If your resevoir is at the same level as the bucket you are draining into it will not work.
To use you put the thicker plastic part into your resevoir, and you suck hard just for a second on the end of the thinner tubing but be careful when you see the water coming so you don't get a mouthful or nasty nute water. Then you just put the tubing into your bucket and let it flow. To stop the flow when your draining buckets full just plug take the plastic part out of the resevoir, or plug your finger over the end of the tube.
heres what one thats bought looks like so you have an idea.
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cicken200 said: To use you put the thicker plastic part into your resevoir, and you suck hard just for a second on the end of the thinner tubing but be careful when you see the water coming so you don't get a mouthful or nasty nute water. Then you just put the tubing into your bucket and let it flow.
Alternatively sink the entire hose so that its full of water, then hold both ends shut, place one end in the bucket and release the holes, the water will flow by itself.
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Re: New Grow [Re: T-Rex]
#448170 - 07/18/10 08:52 PM (14 years, 7 months ago) |
nice trex my buddy used to do that but i couldnt remember how, i hate gettin a mouthful of nasty water.
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Yea I learn't the hard way too, with a mouth full of fish shit flavored water hahahahaha
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Re: New Grow [Re: T-Rex]
#448438 - 07/19/10 04:33 PM (14 years, 7 months ago) |
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ok today 2 of the young seedlings went under light. one is in a 2 gallon small dwc non bubble bucket that i made for a grow in the past. and the other is in a 17 qt flower pot. they are for the moment on strictly tap water wit superthrive i will do this until i have some healthy nodes and then got to water from the culligen machine at wal-mart. btw all seeds did germinate but the others are not out of the ground yet wonder what would keep the others from sprouting at the same time is this normal? this is the first time i have done the paper towel method with more than one seed. so the journey begins! oh and the one in the 17 qt is in miracle-gro with micro max. i know this is not the ideal soil but it is all i can get around here and to get a 1 cu bag of fox farm soil is $35 plus shipping and i got this at wally world for $10 what can i say im poor.
Edited by Mech8 (07/22/10 09:57 AM)

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Re: New Grow [Re: Mech8]
#451256 - 07/25/10 05:21 PM (14 years, 7 months ago) |
ok i have a prob. i have pretty much had this prob since i have moved into the house and i think it is the house. i have alot of nats they seem to only want to be in my grow area i have used organic bug spay to kill them off but nothing seems to be happening. i think they get in somewhere around windows because a wasp or 2 is know to get in. my question is how do i kill off the nats cuz they are getting in my nute water on the hydro grow. the other 3 have not come outta the dirt yet and i am starting to get worried bout them. pictures will follow soon. ive had some computer probs and the one i have now doestn have a card reader but i will have some soon.
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Re: New Grow [Re: Mech8]
#451268 - 07/25/10 05:49 PM (14 years, 7 months ago) |
I try to avoid pesticides whenever possible. In my experience, fly paper/tape is an inexpensive and effective way of controlling flying pests: Victor Fly Catch Paper Ribbon
Beyond that, make sure your grow space and your hydro system is kept clean. Clean thoroughly between uses. Try to segregate your grow space from the rest of your living environment, especially from pets. If using soil, use fresh quality soil for each new grow cycle in order to avoid added pest problems.
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Re: New Grow [Re: geokills]
#451309 - 07/25/10 08:07 PM (14 years, 7 months ago) |
grow room is separated for everything else. as for the nats they are only in there it is like they didnt even appear until my first all soil grow. but they are only in my grow room.

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Re: New Grow [Re: Mech8]
#455880 - 08/06/10 03:26 PM (14 years, 7 months ago) |
is it normal for seeds that do germ not to come up?
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Re: New Grow [Re: Mech8]
#455959 - 08/06/10 08:05 PM (14 years, 7 months ago) |
My seeds that never came up ended up being over watered. It's a newby mistake I made on my first grow that I'm doing now.