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Nah man I dig his quotes
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FarBeyondDriven said: Can you PLEASE stop signing your name? Like why? Seriously dude. I know you get tired of typing it every time. 
No, you're right, I should stop doing that....but its so damn addicting! Its like high-quality weed, I just don't wanna stop, but I should anyway....
But you're right, it is pretty conceded and self-absorbed. But can I still do it when you aren't looking? Would that be OK?
Last One, I Promise. ~ TooHandsConstantly ~
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You dont need to stop doing high quality weed. If you can come up with a different phrase that fits the THC accronym you can keep it. Gotta be a different one each post and they have to make sense. IDk if toohandsconstantly makes sense. Two hands would make more sense i guess. im also all for cannabis use.

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Re: I'm all for cannabis use. [Re: Triptonic]
#429395 - 06/06/10 03:44 PM (14 years, 8 months ago) |
Triptonic said:
FurrowedBrow said: The anti pot people seem to think that smoking is the only way to ingest cannabis. Of course inhaling a combusted material is bad. that's common sense. Eat it or vaporize it if ya can't smoke it. I'd like to see some studies on long term effects of vaporization of cannabis on daily users. The people that want to debate cannabis being a medicine are just ignorant. It's probably the most useful plant known to man, was one of the first cultivated plants, and WAS a medicine before it was a recreational drug!
LOL cocaine was a medicine before it was a drug and so was heroin.
medicine = legal drug.
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Re: I'm all for cannabis use. [Re: Homosapian]
#429402 - 06/06/10 04:40 PM (14 years, 8 months ago) |
Homosapian said:
Triptonic said:
FurrowedBrow said: The anti pot people seem to think that smoking is the only way to ingest cannabis. Of course inhaling a combusted material is bad. that's common sense. Eat it or vaporize it if ya can't smoke it. I'd like to see some studies on long term effects of vaporization of cannabis on daily users. The people that want to debate cannabis being a medicine are just ignorant. It's probably the most useful plant known to man, was one of the first cultivated plants, and WAS a medicine before it was a recreational drug!
LOL cocaine was a medicine before it was a drug and so was heroin.
medicine = legal drug.
-------------------- "Je pense, donc je suis (I am thinking, therefore I am)." -Rene Descartes
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On that note, heroin is in fact still in use as a "medicine", but its processed into pills (abused as a drug as well).
Drugs like Oxycodn and Valium, essential pain killers, are synthetic heroin diveritives. So yeah, they are still in use today, just in a different form.
Recently for my speech persuasion class I made a realization: alcohol, a legal drug, has no current medical use. BUT, Marijuana, a nearly illegal drug, does currently have medical benefits.
Seems strange that the one with medical benefits is illegal for recreational use, while Alcohol, that kills many people per year from overdose, is legal.
Its Unfair, but there's always the Future. ~ TrueHopeChange ~
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Its Unfair, but there's always the Future.
that's just what they want you to believe.
A guy, nothing more.

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Re: I'm all for cannabis use. [Re: FurrowedBrow]
#429553 - 06/07/10 04:24 AM (14 years, 8 months ago) |
(please read ALL of this shit. And this is fact and opinion, more fact though)
Wait up, I know that there are many MANY purposes for smoking weed, if it's for pain, mental problems, some do it for social problems. And I know that there is NOTHING in THC itself that is harmful to the body in any way. But smoking marijuana is different, there are mildly harmful 'side effects' if you will that are present because of it being in it's natural form. It's not 'harmful' because of anything in the plant, it's because people are inhaling heated plant matter. People are being 'harmed' because of that, not because of anything harmful in the plant.
Example, tobacco: it isn't THAT harmful (Still very harmful) in it's natural form. Meaning no radioactive chemicals being used as pesticides or anything like that. If it were JUST tobacco, I'm completely sure a LOTTTTTTTT less people would be dying each year.
But quite frankly anyone that has any problems relating to tobacco use COMPLETELY deserves it, more people die because of ciggs than EVERY drug OD combined, meaning coke, heroine, meth, crystal, superscription pills. And so on.
Edited by Apollo2k (06/07/10 04:26 AM)
Rust Fuckin' Cohle

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cannabis is fine your lungs, brain and sperm... it is actually good for you! It gets you high- that's the side effect.
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Re: I'm all for cannabis use. [Re: FRACTALife]
#430001 - 06/08/10 06:25 PM (14 years, 8 months ago) |
try telling that to a doctor.
I'm Back Baby

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Re: I'm all for cannabis use. [Re: FurrowedBrow]
#430012 - 06/08/10 07:11 PM (14 years, 8 months ago) |
weed is the devils drug
its been 3 days since ive done meth and 5 days since i did crack+H but i can easily stop doing all of those but i cant stop smoking weed
yesterday when i woke up i unplugged my volcano and moved all my weed away from me and i couldnt last an hour before I was submitting to its comfort
weed is just to easy to do too easy to grow and so tasty its everything good in one and therefore its the most evil drug.
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Re: I'm all for cannabis use. [Re: Coaster]
#430032 - 06/08/10 08:39 PM (14 years, 8 months ago) |
Wow, didn't see that coming.
So you hate weed now Coaster? That does seem very Coaster of you....
But I've been there, weed addiction....long time ago, like 2 years (OK not that long). I would have to smoke just to enjoy normal things. It sucked. Not smoked just made everything seem dull and boring. Pretty depressing.
And since weed got me in some serious trouble, its no longer than perfect drug I loved before. Someday, I will forgive her. Until then, it will be just a memory, sadly. They took my girl! F*$&K, I still pissed about that! Time heals all things thou....just gotta give it time.
Sad to see hate to MJ, especially from Coaster ~ T.H.c. ~
Rust Fuckin' Cohle

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Did you end up going to jail? What is happeneing with you buddy?
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Re: I'm all for cannabis use. [Re: FRACTALife]
#430045 - 06/08/10 09:19 PM (14 years, 8 months ago) |
Not yet, my next court date is in July sometime. I guess I forgot to mention that in my other thread.
So, if you don't see me in July thru ?, you'll know I will be in prison or jail for my plant. Right now, I'm just enjoying the slowness of the court system, and enjoying my invaluable freedom.
I'm gunna miss ya guys, but right now, it seems all good.
Did I mentioned I stopped all drugs? It feels good. No weed, shrooms, LSD....I feel back to my normal self. I miss all the good stuff, but oh well, gotta stay straight until my real court date.
Not looking forward to July  ~ TrHeCr ~
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sorry man.
FurrowedBrow said:
They should teach african engineering at the college level. mcgyver 101
Harry_Ba11sach said:
Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
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Re: I'm all for cannabis use. [Re: MFDoom666]
#430646 - 06/10/10 03:23 AM (14 years, 8 months ago) |
Thanks man.
Yeah, it sucks so bad thinking I could be going to jail for my FIRST GROW! I mean, only losers get caught on their very first grow. I'm such a failure.... I will never take MJ growing lightly ever again: its definitely a serious business that should not be done without considering the consequences of being caught are....
Hopefully I won't get the book thrown at me. Its my first real offence (besides parking tickets) so I'm hopeful that it won't be so bad. I hope.
Anywho, wish me the best. Stay out of trouble MFDoom420. I'm serious. Don't incriminate yourself: its not worth it.
It never is.... ~ T.h.c. ~
I'm Back Baby

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wait wut happened wheres the story howd u get busted?!?!?!?!?!?!?
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Re: I'm all for cannabis use. [Re: Coaster]
#430648 - 06/10/10 03:37 AM (14 years, 8 months ago) |
I guess I forgot to tell you Coast...
Well, here's my original post I made in my Journal.
I also made a seperate one in the Smoker Longue so others would see and "learn" from my mistakes: it was called " My Plant was SEIZED by the Cops, and I'm Going to Jail Soon....
Basically, what happen was that one Saturday night, I was driving to an outdoor rave, and I packed some fresh weed clippings with me, hidden well in some bags. Well, it was midnight, and right outside the rave entrance, there were some cops camping out in a traffic trap, but my guess it was a "drug trap" for ravers going to the close-to-the-road outdoor rave. Th cop had their lights off, totally dark on the other side of the highway. They saw I had no lighting on my license plate, pulled me over.
Shortly after they pulled me over, they said "Can you step out of your car?", then they searched my car, found my fresh weed clippings, found my camera with photos of my plant, then took me over to my place, and raided it. They took my plant, the lighting I had on it, my mushroom set-up, all my mycelium jars.
I went to jail that night, then had a arraignment about a week ago, and my court date is sometime in July.
Thats pretty much it.
Worst experience of my life ~ T.H.c. ~
Edited by TrueHerbCrystal (06/10/10 03:39 AM)
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Re: I'm all for cannabis use. [Re: Coaster]
#430650 - 06/10/10 03:51 AM (14 years, 8 months ago) |
Wait, you already knew I got busted Coaster...
Remember this post you made from my other thread:
Coaster said: they left it cuz they arldy had enuf evidence to pwn u but im glad u got high 
If ya forgot, its cool man. I know when I used to toke, I would forget so much sh*t. It got out of hand. Its nice to be sober again: I can remember stuff! How's your memory these days Coaster?
I thought you knew (I miss that weed high) ~ T.H.c. ~
I'm Back Baby

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fuck dude my memory is totally shot thanks for reminding me i feel bad for forgetting