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#377102 - 03/02/10 04:19 PM (15 years, 7 days ago) |
I just found the coolest site in the world! (besides the Growery of course!)
Its called SoundCloud, and it has TONS of music people uploaded! Best part: no copyright laws! I love it!
Best part you don't have to sign-up to play the music: anyone can! Love it!
I just found this killa psy-trance remix of Daft Punk's "Harder Faster" called: Work is Harder (Daft Punk + psy trance)
I have another remix that is more well-made and is better in some other ways, but its only 2 minutes long (its a free sample from a site), which is nothing in psy-trance music.
But this track is awesome...so emotional, but still trippy.
I'm going to be looking for more at that site. If you need help recording the track to your H.D., I'm here to help  
Lets DoThisAgain! ~ TrueHerbCrystal ~
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heres a killer night full-on track b55 vs zion linguist - insane asia
TrueHerbCrystal i posted links from sound cloud of dj sets i've uploaded earlier in this thread lol. its alright, but the only thing that sucks about it is they limit you to 80mins of material unless you pay for it.
this is my february Demo of good full-on from 144-147 bpm http://soundcloud.com/psychedeli-fi/psychedelity
This is basically a sneak-preview of my march mix im gonna make 1 or 2 song changes and mix it a little differently but this is basically it.
It has that song you really liked that you thought was called "timecode" but is actually called hardcore by d_maniac, i recommend blasting it on a big system with good bass reproduction.
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fgts just don't understand
keep the shit
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#377417 - 03/02/10 09:47 PM (15 years, 7 days ago) |
Doitagain said: TrueHerbCrystal: I posted links from sound cloud of dj sets i've uploaded earlier in this thread lol. Its alright, but the only thing that sucks about it is they limit you to 80mins of material unless you pay for it.
this is my february Demo of good full-on from 144-147 bpm http://soundcloud.com/psychedeli-fi/psychedelity
Oh, my bad Dood, I didn't even see that one, but now I do....it was way back when in the before days....
And what do you mean "80 minutes of material". Will I run out of playing time soon? Or are you refering to uploading files?
You Posted: yeah if you like psy then listen to my mix right here of twilight sound. http://soundcloud.com/psychedeli-fi/psychedelity
I didn't even see the link until I really looked. I just kinda skipped over the long mixes: I like singles better. Feels more like a journey to me. 
This is basically a sneak-preview of my march mix im gonna make 1 or 2 song changes and mix it a little differently but this is basically it.
So wait, do you make Psy-trance, or just mix it? How are you mixing it, turntables maybe? Or just a computer program?
It has that song you really liked that you thought was called "timecode" but is actually called hardcore by d_maniac, i recommend blasting it on a big system with good bass reproduction.
I wish I had such a system, I totally would. BTW, whats the quailty of that track at rghost.net, is it .wav? I hope it is, but its likely mp3.
As for the "Hardcore" track: Is it by itself or part of a long dj set mix (I prefer the former).
Well, sorry about getting all excited about something that was already there....I just REALLY love SoundCloud now, soo much free music over there, its CrAzY!!!! I even got a free account! Took like 2 minutes. Gotta love the internet....
Sorry again for ignoring your SC mix.... ~ TrueHerbCrystal ~
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#378060 - 03/03/10 08:17 PM (15 years, 6 days ago) |
I just found this Killer Psy-trance/Breaks hybrid track that just rocks me into another dimension! It even sounds like one of my favorite Shpongle tracks "Shpongolese Spoken Here" and other parts from their latest album "Ineffable Mysteries from Shpongleland".
Here's the Trackname and artist: "FD PsYbreaks" by Unconscious Mind
^Psy-trance breaks is so rare but so beautiful, I had to post it here for all of you to enjoy.....
DoItAgain, think of this as my "thank you card" for showing me "Hardcore".
I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.  ~ TrueHerbCrystal ~
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lol it is all good, but you should have clicked the link and you would have discovered it that much earlier. ;-)
singles vs mixes. If you think singles are a journey well thats kinda the purpose of a well-crafted mix, if im playing for a crowd i can't just play a bunch of songs one after another, i have to put them together smoothly so that the beat doesn't stop, the tracks kinda come together into one long story.
dj-sets are also nice because not all psy-trance released is good, a dj-set has the advantage of being only the choicest beats.
the hardcore track is in a mix a good 30 minutes in i believe, i actually got halfway through re-recording the final version and realized i had a mid-term to study for, so it'll probably be up tomorrow night.
its high quality mp3, wav would be like 700 megabytes lol.
that psybreaks ttrack was good if you like that genre you'll prob like this
-------------------- ltd said:
fgts just don't understand
keep the shit
Edited by Doitagain (03/04/10 01:55 AM)
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#382272 - 03/11/10 09:38 PM (14 years, 11 months ago) |
These tracks are really nice, musically they are quite good and the samples are awesome/hilarious.
oood-durka durka
artifakt-the idiot song
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Uncertified Oregrowian

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#385462 - 03/17/10 03:43 PM (14 years, 11 months ago) |
Pretty interesting tracks there DoItAgain. I got mixed feelings from them, so I made some timecode notes to show you what I liked and didn't like about the tracks.
Oood - "Durka Durka"
Intro - 0:58 = Pissed me off so much, I wanted to slap somebody! Its blasphemy of just great movies! How dare they make a stupid intro to an awesome song! Its just not right!
After that....way better!
1:00 - 1:30 = Awesome
1:30 - 2:00 = OK
2:00 to 3:36 = Awesome again
3:36 - 4:48 = Sounded kinda like Shpongle's "Shpongle Spore" track...major plus!
4:49 - 6:00 = Its getting intense! And I like it!
6:01 - 6:30 = A little weird, but not too bad.
6:31 - 7:30 = Back to Shpongle-esque ambient melody...nice!
7:30 to end = Pretty cool outro. I dig the bass. Classic Psy-trance.
Artifackt - "Idiot Song"
Intro to 1:50 = Just plain annoying. Again, I wanted to slap somebody...
1:50 - 2:00 = too weird
2:40 - 4:00 = Nice sound. Enjoyed it.
4:20 - 5:30 = Ouu Very nice dialog an cool-weird tones!
5:30 - to end = OK, not too fond of the weirdness.... = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = == = = = == = = == = = == = = == = = == = == = == = = == = = == = = = == = = = == = = == = = = =
>>> And since I've been addicted to SoundCloud, I've found some awesome Psy-Trance too. <<<<
Here's one of my favorites so far....
Lifestyle - 'This is Da House (GMS Remix)'
^I call it Ghetto booty Psy-Trance. Its mostly Psy-trance, but since its a house remix, its got a pinch of "ghetto booty shaking" in there, which is ! And its remixed by my favorite Psy-Trance Producer of all time: GMS! Yea-ahh!
Can you DoMe some Psy-Booty? ~ TrueHerbCrystaL ~
Edited by TrueHerbCrystal (03/17/10 03:45 PM)
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TrueHerbCrystal said: Pretty interesting tracks there DoItAgain. I got mixed feelings from them, so I made some timecode notes to show you what I liked and didn't like about the tracks.
Oood - "Durka Durka"
Intro - 0:58 = Pissed me off so much, I wanted to slap somebody! Its blasphemy of just great movies! How dare they make a stupid intro to an awesome song! Its just not right!
After that....way better!
1:00 - 1:30 = Awesome
1:30 - 2:00 = OK
2:00 to 3:36 = Awesome again
3:36 - 4:48 = Sounded kinda like Shpongle's "Shpongle Spore" track...major plus!
4:49 - 6:00 = Its getting intense! And I like it!
6:01 - 6:30 = A little weird, but not too bad.
6:31 - 7:30 = Back to Shpongle-esque ambient melody...nice!
7:30 to end = Pretty cool outro. I dig the bass. Classic Psy-trance.
Artifackt - "Idiot Song"
Intro to 1:50 = Just plain annoying. Again, I wanted to slap somebody...
1:50 - 2:00 = too weird
2:40 - 4:00 = Nice sound. Enjoyed it.
4:20 - 5:30 = Ouu Very nice dialog an cool-weird tones!
5:30 - to end = OK, not too fond of the weirdness.... = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = == = = = == = = == = = == = = == = = == = == = == = = == = = == = = = == = = = == = = == = = = =
>>> And since I've been addicted to SoundCloud, I've found some awesome Psy-Trance too. <<<<
Here's one of my favorites so far....
Lifestyle - 'This is Da House (GMS Remix)'
^I call it Ghetto booty Psy-Trance. Its mostly Psy-trance, but since its a house remix, its got a pinch of "ghetto booty shaking" in there, which is ! And its remixed by my favorite Psy-Trance Producer of all time: GMS! Yea-ahh!
Can you DoMe some Psy-Booty? ~ TrueHerbCrystaL ~
i've made some notes on you're notes, mainly the fact that the intro is not a blasphemy of great movies but a tribute to them. I happen to think it's really well-done, some people aren't gonna like it cause of the farting but that's just cause certain people are too immature to find farting funny. The purpose of the intro is to give a humorous and light-hearted touch to the dance floor.
Also i noticed some of the parts where you don't like tend to be the lulls where the song kind of takes a breather, let me just take this opportunity to remind you that full-on psy is dance-floor oriented music and if it was full-power throughout the entire song the dancer never gets a chance to re-orient himself/take a breather. When you approach a psy-song you have to look at it as dance floor music, the only true way to listen to a psytrance song is to dance to it.
And try to be open-minded about weirdness in psy, weirdness is just a moniker to describe that which is unfamiliar, the best psy is usually the weirdest stuff, psytrance is all about embracing your inner-freak, which is why i love the sample from these songs.
Especially the quote in the artifakt song where it goes "it is up to people like you and me, who are out of our tidy little minds, to try and help these people to overcome their sanity," that gets a big re-action from all the acid-heads tripping in the crowd.
The GMS song you posted has a nice sound, but doesn't really grab ahold of me like the songs i choose to play in my sets.
But hey personal tastes is personal tastes, and ppl will like that they like, I generally go with what I enjoy to dance to, and i usually test out my tracks by dancing to them before i even play them in front of a crowd.
But if you like different far be it from me to insult you for it.
-------------------- ltd said:
fgts just don't understand
keep the shit
Edited by Doitagain (03/17/10 04:44 PM)
Uncertified Oregrowian

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#385495 - 03/17/10 05:02 PM (14 years, 11 months ago) |
Yeah, I guess your right, weirdness is in the hands of the bearded magician (or however it goes).
And thanks for taking notes on my notes. My opinions feel more valued than every before! 
I just didn't like the intro because it just didn't sound pleasant, and the fact it was using just sound effects as a "melody". But as you said, to each their own. I've noticed thru this thread that you like the experimental hard-hitting, total weirdnes, no-letting-up stuff and I like more "traditional", should I say "simplier" psy-trance like GMS and Space Tribe. I guess there's diversity in every person, even in the broad but somewhat focused genre of Psy-Trance...
But I have to say, I'm REALLY glad you didn't post any dark Psy. I Hate Dark Psy, especially Minimal Dark Psy! Likely the worst, most depressing music I've ever heard. So you get big for not playing that sub-sub genre. Your picks maybe a little weird to me at times (except "Hardcore", that one rules!), but at least you didn't visit the Dark Side...
And I totally agree with the "grab a hold of me" idea....I think I know what you mean. For me, that "Grab a hold of me" feeling came from that track 'Astrix - Solaris (GMS Remix)'. Every time I hear that song, especially the peak with the women speaking, I get a surreal sense of wonder, amazement, and "Awe" I only get from Psy-Trance songs...So if that's what you're talking about, then I know what you mean.
Of course I got that same "surreal" feeling from "Hardcore", especially at the vocal cut part, that feeling that I discovered something special, meaningful, unique, even spiritual that I've never heard before. Only Psy-Trance does that for me. And Shpongle of course, but that's a different genre...
And you have no way insulted me for saying I'm weird for not liking those tracks in their entirety. I find it humbling really, makes me appreciate other peoples perspectives and feelings toward music, that my taste in music is no way a reflection of everyone else's. It has taught me to respect differences in taste, even if I don't enjoy it myself.
I've learned a valuable lesson about Respecting Differences in Music Tastes ~ TrueHerbCrystal ~
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lol i like good darkpsy, but very much of it released is crap and its very inaccessible to new psy fans beacause they have no way of finding good shit.
This is psykovsky a true genius of the genre
THC-- you prob won't like these tracks but im putting them in here for anyone who would like to hear some good darkpsy.
Too me darkpsy is pure dance floor music, and it only sounds good on a good system, if you're just using normal computer speakers without a sub-woofer dont even bother playing darkpsy as you won't be able to hear it properly. it will just sound like noise.
However as a dj, there are already a wealth of darkpsy djs in so-cal and my favorite style to play is the more melodic night full-on, which is almost in between full-on psy and dark.
That D_maniac track you enjoyed so much is pure night full-on, incorporating both elements of full-on and dark. Sometimes regular full-on trance just feels to soft for me.
I like an agressive dance floor sound.
obviously you know that feeling i am talking about, that has only really come to me listening to psy, or otherworldly bands like tool and pink floyd, even shpongle (still psy) just downtempo and more ambient compared to full-on
-------------------- ltd said:
fgts just don't understand
keep the shit
Edited by Doitagain (03/17/10 05:41 PM)
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#385512 - 03/17/10 05:45 PM (14 years, 11 months ago) |
oh yeah and i just got that new time code compilation, the last one was where the d-maniac track hardcore that you liked a lot was released, so needless to say ive been anticipating the follow-up, ill post the best trax from it here after i upload them to jewtube.
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#385604 - 03/17/10 08:22 PM (14 years, 11 months ago) |
Cool, Timecode mix...sweet.
By follow-up, you mean your own follow-up or Timecodes one?
"Jewtube".... I love that. You're Jewish right? I heard Israeli has some of the best Psy-Trance producers, besides Goa, India of course. Is that true?
Jewtube: "La-High-Em!" ~ TrueHerbCrystal ~
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lol goa trance originated from goa and it the first goa came from there, but psy-trance proper really began in Israel, and from there spread throughout the world. Its now produced all over the world and Israel has always had a great multitude of world class psy-producers. Other countries that have good psy scenes are brazil, south africa, all of south america, australia, germany a lot more.
i gotta run though but read up on isratrance.com if you wanna know some history
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#390150 - 03/25/10 10:50 PM (14 years, 11 months ago) |
Phonic Request feat. Principles of Flight - Skulls & Bones
Dapanjii - Brain Damage
Rubix Qube - Breaks of note
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#395965 - 04/04/10 04:14 PM (14 years, 10 months ago) |
A-Team - Shahid Share
Double R.E.L - Essential feeling (with samples from the movie dewey cox walk hard)
Infernal Droid - Deceptor Unit
Artifakt ft. phyx the ladder - The Ladder
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#397251 - 04/06/10 07:50 PM (14 years, 10 months ago) |
Here's one i bet you will like, Trueherbcrystal
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keep the shit
Uncertified Oregrowian

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#397345 - 04/06/10 10:20 PM (14 years, 10 months ago) |
I had some mixed feelings about this one, but overall, I enjoyed it more than some of the other ones you posted (except "Hardcore", that's a different class altogether).
Overall, I'll give it   out of 5.
"Frogology" by Oood (personal short review)
0:00 - 2:00 Very cool intro with the ambient frog sounds. Reminds me of Shpongle and Space Tribe. That's psytrance intros done right!   
2:00 - 2:55 Too simple. 
2:57 - 3:59 I really like the little organic psy-tones and weird sound effects. 
4:00 - 4:29 Sweet drum beat. 
4:30 - 5:10 - Melody A little too minimal for me. I like more dynamic. 
5:11 - 5:23 But then it picks up into that complex goodness! 
5:24 - 5:50 And then back to minimal... 
5:50 - 7:14 Sweet beat! And sweet build-up! Nice! 
7:15 - 7:39 - Cool psy-tones! 
7:40 - 8:24 Best part! But its so late in the track! Why!.....
8:25 - 9:01 Interesting outro. Almost sounds like a bullfrog....
I think its about time I updated my thread....its been awhile....
Frogs are trippy!   ~ TrueHerbCrystal ~
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on that oood song, you asked why the climax comes so late in the song, keep in mind that the song was designed to be mixed into a dj set, Either at the beginning as an intro somewhere already in progress, you cannot play an entire 8 minute song in your set, you have to mix-in-mix out and keep the flow of the party moving.
If you want the climax you'd mix your song a few minutes in, and if you wanted to use it as in intro you'd mix out before the climax hit because you don't want to hit your climax that early ina set.
-------------------- ltd said:
fgts just don't understand
keep the shit
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#397627 - 04/07/10 12:34 PM (14 years, 10 months ago) |
from the other recent tracks I have posted I think you will probably enjoy: A-team, Double R.E.L, and Maybe also dapanjii and infernal droid..
Infernal droid is the best but may not be as much your style as the others.
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fgts just don't understand
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#400400 - 04/12/10 10:12 PM (14 years, 10 months ago) |
you guys should definitely check Raz's new album he released for free