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Mini Grow - CFL - Nirvana Short Ryder not Feminized - AutoFlowering - ( COMPLETE / ENDED )
#354382 - 01/27/10 10:27 PM (15 years, 1 month ago) |
Day 1 Today:
Two beans of Nirvana Short Ryder dropped in distilled water tonight. This is an autoflowering plant. I liked the results from World of Seeds AF Afghan Kush Ryder. These Nirvana seeds are much cheeper but in retrospect I wish I had spent a little more and gotten better seeds. For now I'll go with what I have.
The plan: Once germinated these will be put in a cup with bottom half soil (most likely fertilome ultimate) top half course grade vermiculite.
Seeds will be buried to 1cm deep. They will be watered with a mister spray bottle.
I'll be growing them in my mini fridge grow box which worked out just fine for my last tiny little plant. Except the air filtration is pretty much useless. So I need to figure that out soon.
If they are male they die. I'm not going to attempt sexing my plants just yet. Though I would love to be able to perpetuate my little hobby without having to buy seeds. I just haven't read up on sexing yet and don't want to botch my grow box or all future grows by contaminating my grow area with pollen that I can never get rid of.
This is my second grow. I'm not going to try anything fancy. Just aiming for better air filtration this time and maybe I'll improve the arangement of the lights. I really need to build a suspension system with a reflector at some point. Also I want to be better about the feeding schedule. I could definitely stand to learn a bit more about the when, what, and how much of nutrients. There is a pretty good variety of organic nutrients at my local garden store. I'd like to invest in some of those and tinker with the food a bit. Also I think I should start keeping an eye on PH but not really trying to do any adjustments, just watch and learn.
Photos will be added as time allows. My goal is to photodocument this (my second) grow so I can come back to this post and reference it for comparisons during future grows.
Edited by chucklehead (03/08/10 07:13 PM)
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Re: Mini Grow - CFL - Nirvana Short Ryder not Feminized - AutoFlowering - Second Grow [Re: chucklehead]
#354619 - 01/28/10 05:25 PM (15 years, 1 month ago) |
Seeds Popped today. One has a root tip out about a mm. The other is just cracked open. I'm going to wait until tomorrow to plant them. I want the root tip out a little further before I get them in the vermiculite.
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Re: Mini Grow - CFL - Nirvana Short Ryder not Feminized - AutoFlowering - Second Grow [Re: chucklehead]
#357872 - 02/04/10 11:16 PM (15 years, 1 month ago) |
First sprout came up yesterday and the other one came up today.
The first one to come up was rather stretchy really fast. I'm going to replant him early go firm up that center stem. I'm concerned that one is a male as they tend to grow taller quicker (or so I've read). But I'll wait till flowering to see for sure. These little guys go under the stronger light tomorrow.
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Re: Mini Grow - CFL - Nirvana Short Ryder not Feminized - AutoFlowering - Second Grow [Re: chucklehead]
#358373 - 02/06/10 10:01 AM (15 years, 1 month ago) |
Fixed the lighting in the grow box. Pics later.
Edited by chucklehead (02/06/10 09:07 PM)
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Re: Mini Grow - CFL - Nirvana Short Ryder not Feminized - AutoFlowering - Second Grow [Re: chucklehead]
#361179 - 02/09/10 08:55 PM (15 years, 30 days ago) |
These things don't look right. The firs set of spike leaves curled up a lot. I'm thinking maybe the soil I put in the bottom is maybe too nutrient rich? Maybe I'm over watering them. I'm not sure.
I've added some more fans. I'm hoping this will firm up the stems on these plants and stimulate stronger rooting.
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Re: Mini Grow - CFL - Nirvana Short Ryder not Feminized - AutoFlowering - Second Grow [Re: chucklehead]
#363277 - 02/12/10 04:52 PM (15 years, 27 days ago) |
zWell one of them straightened out. I didn't do anything special to make other than adding some fans. The other one still has curled up purple leaves. I'm still holding out hope for the leggy curled up one. In my other grow my leggy AKR#3 turned out really nice in the end. So hopefully these two can both grow up to be healthy and productive females. I won't know for a while though. These are not from feminized seeds so we could have a boy or both boys for that matter. At any rate the one plant straightening itself out literaly and figuratively makes me feel better about these seeds. I was a little worried they might be worthless genetics.
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Re: Mini Grow - CFL - Nirvana Short Ryder not Feminized - AutoFlowering - Second Grow [Re: chucklehead]
#363365 - 02/12/10 06:50 PM (15 years, 27 days ago) |
Nice plants....but i'm a little confused...
Because you got another journal going, AutoFlowering Kush Rider CFL Mini Stealth Grow and you have the same photos.
Are these 2 different plants you are doing simulatously?
P.S. That's pretty stealthy! Is that in a mini-fridge by chance?
~ TrueHerbCrystaL ~
Edited by TrueHerbCrystal (02/12/10 06:51 PM)
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Re: Mini Grow - CFL - Nirvana Short Ryder not Feminized - AutoFlowering - Second Grow [Re: TrueHerbCrystal]
#363382 - 02/12/10 07:42 PM (15 years, 27 days ago) |
Yep it's a minifridge. I saw someone else do it first and I liked how ordinary the minifridge looks especially in the storage area of my basement. I will say taking off the cooling unit and cutting holes in a steal exterior was not as easy as I thought it would be. I used a cutting wheel on my drimmel to do it and I went through about 8 wheels.
It is two grows I have going on at the same time. Sorry I should have pointed that out to make it more clear. The larger plant on the right of this picture is (World of Seeds) Afghan Kush Ryder and the little guys on the left (Nirvana) Short Rider. I like including both in the pictures for perspective sake. Also I get more milage per photo since I'm not a sponsor on the site I have limits on my uploads. That's tricky because I take most of my pictures in 'macro' mode which make them good quality but the files are large and eat up my total alotment of storage space for pictures on this site.

Just a side thought. Some one should come up with a strain called Knight Ryder. *imagines KIT noise weeooweeoo weeooweeoo* The slogan could be "it gets you high faster than anything else on the street".
Super Villian

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Re: Mini Grow - CFL - Nirvana Short Ryder not Feminized - AutoFlowering - Second Grow [Re: chucklehead]
#363509 - 02/13/10 11:16 AM (15 years, 26 days ago) |
I added a filter to the intake today. Made a huge difference in the smell from my other grow. It also raised the temperature 10 degrees in the top half of the mini fridge to around 100F. The middle is running around 85 now and the bottom by the intake is still 75-80. So the plants at the bottom are still well within good temperature ranges.
I decided today to drop two more Nirvana Short Rider into some water. The idea with these two beans is two part. Part one is to try to grow them in the top half of my minifridge at the same time I grow others in the bottom half. Two is I want to use smaller more narrow pots to see if I can cram more plants in this thing at a time. Maybe in future grows I can run more total plants top and bottom by controlling Soil volume through the pot geometry. I'm not planning to add any addtional lights nor change the lights around in any way either. In the back of my mind I'm considering adding a white LED or two but that is just a vague notion not a serious plan. I guess we'll see what the internodal length is on these plants that grow on the top side of the fridge. If they look too stretchy I'll add white or blue LED lights.
If that works imagine what I might be able to do with a full size fridge. Think of the possibilities. If you have a top and bottom deal where the top part is a freezer you could have a mother up there all the time and run clones in the bottom. OR if you had one of those two sided double door deals you could run one side as the vege room and the other side as the flowering room. Building it would be a bear but what a killer stealth system that would be self contained. It would be really low cost too if you could maybe find a broken fridge on craigslist.org you might be able to pick it up for free. You would need a truck to pick it up. Imagine it though. If I built this thing and people lached onto the idea there could be double fridge grows going on in garages and basements all over the world. No longer would be beer fridge be king. The weed fridge would topple the frothy dictator and claim the thrown of ... ok I'm getting caried away. Still I'll tuck that idea away for the future.
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Re: Mini Grow - CFL - Nirvana Short Ryder not Feminized - AutoFlowering - Second Grow [Re: chucklehead]
#364009 - 02/14/10 01:33 PM (15 years, 25 days ago) |
I think I have two females here. I'll be more certain next week I think.
The long stemmed one I'm going to call NSR#1 and the shorter one with the broader spikes I'll call NSR#2.
NSR#1 is getting more sets of spikes with very short internodal lengths. The first set of spikes are still curled up but it doesn't seem to matter yet. I'll let this one go another couple weeks and I'll replant it.
NSR#2 coming along just fine.

Those two beans I put in the distilled water last night popped. I planted them today 2cm deep in some course grade vermiculite. I put them in 3.5in pots with Espoma Seed starter soil on the bottom and straigh vermiculite on top. That method seems to be working so far. So I'm sticking with it. You may have noticed in the pictures above if you were watching carefully that I added a very thin layer of soil on top of the verm layer for NSR#1 and NSR#2. The idea was to let the tiny bits of soil filter down in between the bits of vermiculite each time I water and add nutrients as well as help sturdy up the soil around the root ball. I'm hoping that will help hold the root ball and all the soil and verm together better during replanting. In the past few attempts I haven't had a problem yet but the area of vermiculite is loose and must be handled very gently.
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Re: Mini Grow - CFL - Nirvana Short Ryder not Feminized - AutoFlowering - Second Grow [Re: chucklehead]
#366917 - 02/17/10 08:56 PM (15 years, 22 days ago) |
Pics tomorrow.
Just a quick update.
NSR#2's leaves are still curling up in addtition more spike leaves are curling under. I'm not sure what's wrong.
One of the latest round of seeds broke the surface today. I put a baggie over it and stuck it in my grow box on the top shelf. I hope it doesn't cook with the extra heat up there plus the plastic bag over it. I'll check on it in the morning. I'll call it NSR#3.

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Re: Mini Grow - CFL - Nirvana Short Ryder not Feminized - AutoFlowering - Second Grow [Re: chucklehead]
#366969 - 02/17/10 09:41 PM (15 years, 22 days ago) |
How much water have you been adding to the seeds beacause I get curling leaves from over watering...however the leaves look dry. So it may be a heat problem.
But the plants all seem to be doing well
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Re: Mini Grow - CFL - Nirvana Short Ryder not Feminized - AutoFlowering - Second Grow [Re: MushrooMan420]
#367404 - 02/18/10 03:29 PM (15 years, 21 days ago) |
I soak them until about 5% drips out the bottom about every other day.

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Re: Mini Grow - CFL - Nirvana Short Ryder not Feminized - AutoFlowering - Second Grow [Re: chucklehead]
#367488 - 02/18/10 06:22 PM (15 years, 21 days ago) |
Is that once a day?
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Re: Mini Grow - CFL - Nirvana Short Ryder not Feminized - AutoFlowering - Second Grow [Re: MushrooMan420]
#367785 - 02/18/10 09:25 PM (15 years, 21 days ago) |
MushrooMan420 said: Is that once a day?
Nope every two days.
So far things are looking well for most of the Nirvana grow.
NSR#1 is still curly. I'm hoping it will straighten out once I repot it which I'm considering doing tomorrow. NSR#2 looks good to me. I'm hopeful it is a female and that it starts to flower soon. NSR#3 coming along just fine. A little lanky but not too bad. NSR#4 looks a little wimpy as it broke the soil today. Let's hope it survives.
 There is now room for four more plants I think. I'm going to go for it. I'm putting four more in water tomorrow night. I'm going to start them in dixie cups this time. I'm thinking I'll get some tall half gallons and transplant them in there or I can go get some super big gulp cups at 7/11. Anyhow I'm going to attempt to grow 8 plants in this minifridge and see what happens. I had six plants below the lights and room enough for two above if I'm cafeful about it.
Ok the first pick is the way it was before killing the last AKR plant. The second one is the after pic. I can easily get another wo in here but any more is going to be a stretch and a test of my ability to get the best geometry for this space with regard to plant footprint and leave spread.
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Re: Mini Grow - CFL - Nirvana Short Ryder not Feminized - AutoFlowering - Second Grow [Re: chucklehead]
#368360 - 02/19/10 08:33 PM (15 years, 20 days ago) |
NSR#1 and NSR#2 were looking a little droopy today. So I repotted them in cut off half gallon milk jugs. So the volume of the new pot is really only about a quart and a half. They have good looking root balls.
NSR#3 is coming along just fine. Not much change there. NSR#4 probably isn't going to make it. I think I took it out of the high humidity and exposed it to too much heat and light too soon. I was trying to keep it from stretching by getting it under good light sooner. Better it stretches a little than dies. Let's hope it was a male anyway. :P
I put four more beans in distilled water tonight. Only two more Nirvana beans left after that.  The rest are bag seeds. I'm not ready to mess with those yet but I thought maybe this spring I might start 100 or so seedlings to help out a hippie friend who does the outdoor thing.
Edited by chucklehead (02/19/10 10:05 PM)
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Re: Mini Grow - CFL - Nirvana Short Ryder not Feminized - AutoFlowering - Second Grow [Re: chucklehead]
#368984 - 02/20/10 08:22 PM (15 years, 19 days ago) |
All four seeds popped today. I'll plant them tomorrow.
AKR#4 looks like it may be recovering after all. I see tiny spike leaves starting.
AKR#1 and AKR#2 got there first dose of food today. I gave them Shultz plant food at 1/4 strength.
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Re: Mini Grow - CFL - Nirvana Short Ryder not Feminized - AutoFlowering - Second Grow [Re: chucklehead]
#371699 - 02/23/10 05:15 PM (15 years, 16 days ago) |
Ok here are pictures from two days ago.
NSR#4 is definitely going to make it. The other three look ok. They kind of look dry but I keep watering them. Maybe I am drowning them. I'm going to let them dry out a few days and see how they do.
Here are the seeds I just stated a few days ago. I thought I'd do a pictoral on how I start my seedlings.
First I fill the cups with Dirt and poke a hole in the center all the way to the bottom.

Next I fill the center hole with course grade vermiculite.
Next fill the pot the rest of the way with course vermiculite.
Now you need to really wet wet down the soil and the verm. I find a spray bottle works well. It's slow but thorough.
Now I poke a 2cm hole in the vermiculite and put in a seed.
Finally I push the moist vermiculite together over the seed. Then I just cover over the top of the pot with some plastic.

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Re: Mini Grow - CFL - Nirvana Short Ryder not Feminized - AutoFlowering - Second Grow [Re: chucklehead]
#372078 - 02/23/10 10:53 PM (15 years, 16 days ago) |
chucklehead said: Ok here are pictures from two days ago.
NSR#4 is definitely going to make it. The other three look ok. They kind of look dry but I keep watering them. Maybe I am drowning them. I'm going to let them dry out a few days and see how they do.
They look like they need food man. I would get them some nitrogen stat.
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Re: Mini Grow - CFL - Nirvana Short Ryder not Feminized - AutoFlowering - Second Grow [Re: Dephect]
#372217 - 02/24/10 05:14 AM (15 years, 15 days ago) |
Thanks!! Where did you get that picture?